Please knew your microphone. Mute your microphone. [indiscernible] we have previously provided guidance as to how this would [indiscernible] [indiscernible] cspan. Org [indiscernible] [indiscernible] thank you. I want to welcome mr. Menendez and his wife. I appreciate you taking on this post. Tonk you for taking the time talk to me last week and take the best thank you for taking the time this morning. This is the first hearing the committee has held since march the 10th. Since then, millions of americans have filed for unemployment. Nearly one point 5 million have contracted covid19 and nearly 90,000 have perished from the disease. Is work in the u. S. Senate that much more critical and we respond as we respond to this pandemic and return to the economy. Second the highestranking office and the department of energy and the department has been playing a role in helping the nation fight coronavirus. The department of energy is a scientific powerhouse. Its National Laboratories are some of the nations and their Scientific Research centers. The labs are using what they use learn from smallpox, ebola, and polio to determine how the coronavirus behaves and labs supercomputers are helping us to screen compounds to expedite vaccine development. Can play a his labs vital role in supporting the Scientific Resource research and Development Needed to rebuild the economy. This job will be critically important in this effort. Secretary shall act for and exercise the functions of the secretary when the secretary is absent. The job is much bigger than that. The deputy secretary is the chief operating officer. Is responsible for the mission and the budget of over 35 billion. Ive already mentioned the importance of the National Laboratories and the Department Scientific mission. Is responsible for maintaining the Nations Nuclear weapons stop file, making the fuel that propels the nuclear navy, and guarding against nuclear proliferation. It manages one of the largest and advance environmental cleanup programs. For Power Marketing administrations that supply electricity, produce and federal dams. The department is responsible for ensuring our Energy Security and protecting the Energy Sector from Cyber Attacks. The deputy secretary job is an extremely important one. Years, he just5 served as the under secretary of energy. Withs a long History Energy issues going back over 30 years. He has worked for an oil services company, an electric utility, a Commerce Committee as an Energy Lawyer for a major law firm, head of the federal relations for Berkshire Hathaway energy and for the past two years, as the principal advisor on Energy Policy. You certainly have the experience for this job. I want to thank you for your willingness to take it on. And for being here with us today and for having her lovely wife with the also. I turn it over to senator cassidy. Thank you. It is a privilege to introduce a nextiana native to be our deputy secretary at the department of energy. His congressional and private secretary experience makes him imminently qualified. As colleagues recall, the Senate Confirmed him to his current role by voice vote in november, 2017. He oversees many programs important to Energy Innovation energyng nuclear energy, efficiency, and renewable energy. He also created the Department Cybersecurity office. He is a fellow lsu tiger where he learned earned bachelor and law degrees. Secretaryon of debbie carries responsibility deputy secretary carries responsibility including promoting policies to rebuild our economy and giving help to americans who whose lives have been impacted by the epidemic. He served at Berkshire Hathaway energy developing extensive experience in direct with federal agencies and congress. A partner at hudson and williams, managing the regulated market and energy and structure practice group. Elaborately with federal agencies to achieve important outcomes. He served as chief counsel in Environmental Issues to the u. S. House Representative Committee on energy and commerce. He secured passage of the energy and policy act of 2005 as a negotiator and architect for the house majority. He served as staff counsel for the committee on commerce, science and transportation focusing on maritime issues. Position carries greater responsibility. What i have not mentioned is the breadth of experience. He worked as a roustabout on an offshore oil rig in the gulf of mexico. It is those folks who ultimately will depend upon the decisions we make and that you make. It is those folks who are most vulnerable to the coronavirus downturn. The fact that you can fully empathize and relate to the guy on a helicopter coming back from two weeks to go back two weeks more and how he feeds his family and how everything depends on that, i think is your greatest qualification of all. Confidence of the secretary. Who has already given you additional responsibilities while the deputy position has been vacant. Having a full view of the departments capabilities will serve you and everyone else well as we seek to recover from the covid19 pandemic. Thank you for your willingness to serve. Preparedu deliver your remarks, i must swear you when an ascii standard questions. Ask youwear you in and questions. Please rise and raise her right hand. Do you solemnly swear that the testimony you are about to give to the Senate Committee on energy and National Natural resources shall be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth . Before you begin your statement, i will ask you three questions addressed to each nominee before this committee. It will you be available to appear before this committee and other congressional committees to represent departmental positions and respond to issues of concern to congress . I will. Are you aware of any personal holdings or interests that would constitute a conflict should you be confirmed and assume the office . I do not. Do you hold any assets in blind trust . Mr. Menezes i do not. You may perceive. Proceed. Chairman, Ranking Member, Ranking Members of the committee and staff. Thank you for this hearing, particularly during this challenging time and for the flexibility of your demanding schedules to be here in person and virtually this afternoon. I would like to thank President Trump for nominating me for the deputy secretary of Energy Position and i am humbled to appear before you today. Thank you to those who have spoken to me prior to this hearing to present your concerns, ideas, recommendations for improving the department and our working relationship. I have been fortunate to serve as the under secretary of energy for the past 2. 5 years with secretary perry. Working together with his committee, to address the challenges our country faces. I thanked them for their leadership, guidance and friendship. Thank you, senator cassidy, for a judicially went to the committee. We share a unique perspective on ourrole our energy lays on economy, security, and workforce. Joining me today, is my wife. She is herself a committed public servant. As the division chief of the interpreting services of the state department. Watching from home and unable to be here are our children and their families. [naming children, grandchildren, and mother] and many family and friends across the country who have been supporting over the years. If confirmed, i will endeavor to advance the hallmarks of this administration, advocate for u. S. Energy of all kinds around the world while increasing accessibility and availability of energy here at home. Broadening our supercomputing capabilities and innovation at our National Labs, providing for a Strong National defense through a modern and Dynamic Security administration. Honoring the commitment to the cleanup of our nations Manhattan Project and cold war legacy sites. I am proud that the department of energy has been in the fight to combat the devastating impact of covid19. Under the leadership of President Trump and secretary bruyette, we have marshaled the capabilities of our nations scientists,s researchers, facilities, and highperformance Computing Resources to advance the pace of scientific discovery and the fight to stop the virus. The departments 17 National Labs each play a role in advancing americas leadership and science richard research and development and nuclear security. Our National Labs are part of a unique publicprivate consortium spearheaded by the White House Office of science and Technology Policy to include government, industry, and academic leaders to unleash the power of americas superComputing Resources to combat covid19. Recognizing advancements in accessibility and the need for strong deterrent, the Department Took the extraordinary steps of bolstering cybersecurity and Emergency Response as well as Artificial Intelligence by establishing two new offices focused on these emerging priorities. We have committed to Building Three new computing systems and following congresses leadership, enabled an act, we are evolving our science capabilities. Breaking down silos and enhancing our efforts across the department is a hallmark of this administration. Over the past three years, the committed professionals have come together across Program Areas to leverage High Priority Research and expertise to maximize the impact of federal research capabilities, expenditures, and partnerships. The department has pursued a number of these initiatives such as the Critical Materials initiative, the Energy Storage rights challenge, the plastics innovation challenge, and the Grid Modernization Initiative which brings together all five applied energetics is. The department has advanced under the Trump Administrations commitment to clean water, clean air, and clean energy. America is now the worlds secondlargest producer of wind and soldier solar energy. Cutting Edge Research and development at our National Labs will ensure america continues this progress for years to come through technology to advance all forms of energy. Recognizing interdependencies of our energy and water systems, the Trump Administration launched the water security grant challenge. Advancese. Effort Transformational Technology to meet the global need for safe, secure, and affordable water. I commit to each of you today that, if i am fortunate enough to be confirmed, i will work earnestly with you to address the challenges and opportunities of today and tomorrow. Members of the committee, i wish to thank you again for allowing me to be here today. Honor to comen before this committee and i ask for your favorable consideration of the president s nomination. I look forward to your questions. Thank you. [indiscernible] [indiscernible] can you get mad at they on the department of energys efforts can you give me an update on the department of rgys efforts [indiscernible] thank you for that question and the opportunity to update you on our efforts on establishing the Arctic Energy office. As i mentioned to you on the phone, in recognition of your efforts to get directing language in the appropriations bill, we are expanding the Arctic Energy office and within the next few weeks, we will be able to designate the initial transition staff. As i mentioned, we are on pace to have this Office Opened by the end of the fiscal year. It pleases me to report that we have been able, even during this time of covid19 and the difficulties of getting folks employed, we have been able to have a number of people whom we will dedicate to serving this office. It includes an interim director at the university of alaska, fairbanks as well as a supervisor at los alamos and an advisor in our International Affairs office. We have requested in the secretarys budget, a request for Additional Resources so we can have a coordinating position at headquarters. All of which will be dedicated to the arctic office. For your colleagues to appreciate the importance of this, we are and arctic nation. Our presence in the arctic is a National Security priority for the vital and a strategic resources. , alldition to oil and gas of the Critical Minerals that are there, as well as the Technical Support to serve the alaska native groups. Additional research and atmospheric conditions of their. All of these help us develop innovative interactive Grid Solutions that can apply in remote locations for National Security and to serve these remote populations. I am pleased to report that we have good news on that front. That is good news. Thank you for the effort that was made between the national that is good news on that front. [indiscernible] [indiscernible] [indiscernible] [indiscernible] mr. Menezes thank you, John Markowski of the question. For the question. It was difficult to hear everything the you were asking but i believe it is the lng export facility. Indeed, we have been able to facilities around the gulf of mexico on our east coast to help export the u. S. Lng to the world. They want our natural gas, because they would like to have choices from other countries. They are also replacing other types of fuel. Whether it is japan looking for replacement for nuclear and other countries looking to replace their current indigenous fuels, the u. S. Lng is a terrific opportunity for that. We have limited export lng export facilities. Being able to have one in alaska speaks for itself. Currently, Asian Countries have to go from the gulf of mexico over to asia and clearly, to have a strategic lng export facility on the west coast will help our asian friends and for partners. Thank you. With a doctorpoke agencyNational Energy about the impact of covid19 on the Energy Sector and what we need to do to get it back on track. He urged consideration of eight packages to invest in Energy Technologies that would help our cheaper,stem become cleaner, safer while creating new jobs. Renewables, storage, Energy Efficiency, advanced nuclear and Carbon Capture. An act which our committee spent the last year and a half putting together, would invest billions of dollars in the sectors. Innovation has historically been a catalyst for Economic Growth and job recreation and i believe our bill steers the course to investments in a globally competitive economy. The doe is in the business of innovation. Do you agree with the doctor that Energy Innovation should be a critical part of any stimulus plans . Mr. Menezes mr. Menezes thank you, Ranking Member, for that question. Senator manchin have you had a chance to look at the energy bill that we passed . Your feelings on that bill . Do you feel it hits the mark in a balanced way . Mr. Menezes thank you for that question. We are continuing to look at that legislation. We stand ready to work with you adviceer some technical if necessary on that. However, a reading of that legislation clearly points that the committee understands whats for aary to set the stage very dynamic Energy Policy of the future, and it includes the new industries, for example, it includes training for the workforce, which is very important. We are moving on now from things which used to be ordinary computer science, and now its Artificial Intelligence. Industries,the key such as the cybersecurity, Critical Minerals, smart manufacturing. It is a looking forward to bill. We are continuing to review it. We will work with your staff as we go forward. Man