Hospitalization rate, take it down. Good news. Net change, down. Thats good news. Integration is down, thats good news. hospitalizations, new ones per day covid hops hospitalizations, flat, up to take, not good news. What we are watching right now is how fast it climbs and how low it goes. It in theike to see low hundreds, ideally, of new cases every day. Death rate, terrible news. 330. You can see the decline has been slow at best. And still disgustingly high. Progress forking sure, but we are not out of the proceedingnd we are with caution. There are signs of caution out there that we should Pay Attention to. Singapore is talking about a second wave, with 900 new cases. This is after they control the beast. They were on the decline. They are now looking at new cases. Germany is a situation we should also watch and learn from. They relaxed and started to reopen and they are now seeing an increase. These are interesting. The rate of infection, which is what we watch, was at. 7. 7 . Erson, infecting obviously less than one person. Rate is one person infecting one person. They were at. 7. They started to reopen. One0 days they went up to a on the infection rate. Thats, thats troubling. It shows you how fast the infection rate can increase. If you dont do it right on the reopen. So, proceed with caution. Our reopening is different. We dont have a conceptual plan or an abstract land. There is no conceptual plan or abstract plan. You have to have a plan based on facts, based on specifics. This is not about politics, this is not about spin, this is not about emotions. There are no conspiracy theories at work here. We have a 12 step plan that is factual and based on numbers, based on data. And then it has a numerical Circuit Breaker that is not subject to personal emotion or desire, but just checks and monitors that infection rates, ise we just saw in germany, watching for those increases. If there is an increase, Circuit Breaker stops the reopening at that point. Some of the specifics that we are looking at . You must have 30 of your hospital that is available. We cannot go back to where we were where we overwhelmed to the hospital system. We have to have a 30 buffer. We have to have 30 of icu beds, we have to have that buffer before we start bumping up against total capacity. And we have to watch the hospitalization rate and diagnostic testing rate, how many are positive, how many are negative, taking on a continuous basis. We see the number start going up. Worry. But its all based on the data and the numbers. Im sorry, and the rate of transmission, the already rate the rate ofion, transmission has to be 1. 1 or less. Textbook outbreak. Watch the numbers and watch the transition rate. How do you do that . You do that with testing, right . That is why everybody is talking about testing. Testing allows you to continually test samples, how many people are positive, how many are negative. You see the positive start to increase through your daytoday testing, thats applause sign. About 20,000 tests. We said we wanted to double that. We are now on average about 30,000 tests per day. Is a dramatic increase. Not where we need to be, but a dramatic increase. Where we are now, you should know, new york state is doing more than most countries are doing. So, we have been very aggressive in testing and have made great progress. New yorkers should feel good about that, but we have more to do. On a elective surgeries, we had canceled all elective surgeries to have increased capacity in the hospitals. When you cancel elective surgeries, hospitals feel a financial pinch because that is where they make their money, on elective surgeries. So, for the areas that dont have a fear of a covid surge, we are going to allow elective surgeries to begin. Thats primarily in counties upstate. Again, counties where we are still worried about a surge, we are not going to open it up to elective surgery until we know that we are out of the woods on the covid virus. A list of counties eligible now for elective surgeries. Im doing an executive order on that today. We have been worried about frontline workers, they are the heroes out there every day so that everyone else can stay home. Somebody asked me yesterday on a radio interview well, you are out there every day, are you taking care of yourself . Im out there every day. Forget me. Tell you who is out there every day, nurses and doctors in the emergency room. The Police Officer going into homes and apartments because there is a domestic disturbance. The fire departments, the delivery workers who go to 50 doors per day and get paids. Gets paid. Those people are out there every day. The air the ones they are the ones really doing the work. Compared to them, what i do is the minimus. They are doing it not because they get paid a lot of money, not because people say thank you, god bless you, they are doing it because it is their value and their honor and their pride and their dignity. They show up. Even when its hard, they show up. My hats off to them. I want to make sure that we do what we need to do to protect them, that they have the equipment, the tpe, respect and gratitude. I also want to make sure that we are testing so that we get them the results of their tests so that they can take care of themselves. I also want to see if we have a ofnificant problem in any those frontline workforces. So, we are doing testing. We started with the new York City Fire department and new York City Police department. What we have found so far, higher department, which also has the emts, tested 17 positive. Nypd, 10 positive. Number much higher in the fdny emts. We believe thats because the emt number is driving it up. But we will have to do more numbers and research to determine that. The emts, they are the frontline, the ones where there, assisting the person in the closest contact in many ways. Fdny, also. But we want to find out exactly whats going on. Compared to a downstate average of the general population of about 18 . Again, we will do further research to look at it by race and gender, also. We will also do the same thing with the transit workers. The people who drive the buses, the subways, who clean the buses and the subways. Without the buses and the subways, the essential workers couldnt get to work. Just closed down subways and buses . You close down the subways and the buses in new york city . Dont expect the nurses and the doctors to be able to get to the hospital. Dont expect the delivery worker to be able to deliver food when you bring on your telephone. We need that Public Transportation to transport the essential workers. But those frontline workers are at risk. So were going through additional testing for the transport workers. I also commented yesterday, the daily news had pictures of things going on in the new york city subway system, for the cars were filthy and disgusting. Homeless people were there with all of their belongings. And it was not just a daily news picture. It reflected what has been the press and what people have been saying, which is the deterioration of the conditions in the subways. Crime, some crimes are up in the subways, even though ridership is down 90 . I dont even know mathematically how that is possible. Filled withre Homeless People. You are not doing the homeless any favors. Worked with the homeless all my life. To let Homeless People stay on the trains in the middle of a Global Health pandemic with no masks, no protective equipment, youre not helping the homeless. Letting them in danger their own life and endanger the lives of others is not helping anyone. , in twohe mta yesterday days, which means tomorrow, i want a full plan. Disinfect everything . Any essential worker who shows up and gets on a train should know that the train was disinfected a night the night before. We want them to show up . We dont want them to stay home. We want them to know that the train and the bus that they ride has been disinfected and is clean. Also, state and local funding from washington is essential. This is now turning into a political brawl about state and local funding. More and more some of the elected officials in washington are saying they are against it. They are led by senator mitch mcconnell, who leads the senate, who makes it blatantly political. No blue state bailout. No blue state l out. What is he trying to say . That states that have coronavirus are democratic states. Hes a republican, so he doesnt want to help the democratic states. ,e went so far as to say well he would be in favor of the. Tates going bankrupt first, states have never gone bankrupt, states cant go bankrupt. There are serious constitutional questions about whether or not the state can declare bankruptcy. And you would need a federal law that would allow the states to declare bankruptcy. If you got around the constitutional question on bankrupt. If you believe that, if it rhetoricst political and personal betrayal eventually all of the tree vitriol, i would dare him to do that and get that bill signed by the president. But to make it partisan is what is most disturbing. You can see that they are now. Allying the partisan troops senator scott from florida says that we are supposed to ail them out. We versus them. We are supposed avail them out. Its we and it is them. Thats not right. Who is we and who is them . Who is we . Who is them . Them. The people who had coronavirus. They are the ones who had the coronavirus. We, without the virus, are supposed avail out those people who have the virus. What an ugly sentiment. All, on the facts its not even close to write. Why they would even want to go down this road, when the fact day am everything that they are saying . And they are still facts. I know it is hard to communicate facts in this environment, but i know that a lot of the filters dont communicate facts. They communicate spin now. Everybody has their own spin. There are still facts that are not political theater, right . New york state bails them out every year. They are not bailing us out. We bailed them out every year. Pays 29 billion into that federal pot, 29 billion more every year. That we never get back. Into the contribution federal pot, the United States every year we, put in 29 billion more than we take out. They take outand, every year 37 billion more than they pay to the federal government. , you areitch mcconnell bailing out new york . When every year you take out more from the kitty, the federal pot, 37 billion more than you put in . . Ho is bailing out whom senator scott, florida . You are going to bail us out . You take out 30 billion more every year then you pay in. They. Re how dare they when those are the facts. How long are you going to play the American People and assume they are stupid. They are not. And they can add. And they know facts. What the newsre media tries to do to distort these fact. They are numbers and they are fact. They cannot be distorted. This is every year. Look, what this was really about , its the washington doublespeak. Look at the bills and who they want to help, funding the hotels, the restaurants, the airlines, the operations. That is who they want to fund. Who do state and local Government Fund . Police, firefighters, nurses, school teachers, food banks. That is who i want to fund. Fund a what it means to state and local government. And that is the choice that they are making. Everybody applauds the health care workers. Jets fly over interview to the have health care workers, thats all nice, thing saying thank you is nice. How about actually rewarding them and making their life or . How about getting them hazard pay or helping with childcare, helping families that cannot feed their kids right now . Andabout helping the police the firefighters and all the people who are out there right now killing themselves to make life easier for us. Is reallyt this about. They want to Fund Corporate america. That is who puts money in their pockets. And i say lets fund working americans. Thats the choice. Bailout, us, them. Its just theater. Its just smoke and mirrors to avoid the American People seeing the reality, which is whose inket they want to put money verses whose pocket state and local governments want to fund. The reason it is so disturbing to me i am not surprised by anything and politics. I have seen the good, the bad, and the ugly for many, many years. I was in washington for eight years. I know what its like. But if there was ever a time that one could reasonably believe that you could put aside partisan politics, if there was ever going to be a moment where we could say you know what . Moment,op, just for one the partisanship, the ugliness, the anger, the deception just stop for one moment. If there was going to be one ,oment to hit the pause button the moment would be now. You have human suffering. You have people dying. Ou cant stop the politics even in this moment . In this moment, when people are dying all across the country . You still want to play your politics . Hat is what this is about and that is why it is so disturbing on a mental level. Politics . Im getting up and reading a death toll number. Im speaking to the widows, the brothers and the sisters and the children of people who died. And then we are going to play politics with funding thats necessary to save the lives of people . I mean, when does it stop . And of the disconnect is between the Political Leadership in the people. ,ecause the American People its not them. They are principled, they are kind, they are better than what they are getting. The american instinct is to help each other. The american instinct is to be good neighbors. The american instinct was the farmer who sent me the one mask to help a new yorker who only had five masks and a wife with one lung and underlying illness. He sends one of his five masks to new york. Think about the generosity, the charity. The spirit. Thats america. Why . Because we are good neighbors, because we care about one another. Said we needhen i help in our Emergency Rooms and hospitals and 95,000 nurses and doctors from across the nation said we will come to new york to help. Will come into the emergency room. We will come into the hospital. I understand it is covid. I will leave family and i will come to help yours. Thats america. Thats who we are. Thats who we have shown ourselves to be in the middle of this crisis. The crisis brings out the best and the worst . Yes. And the best of america. The best of america is beautiful. That is what we have seen. Yes, we are tough. Yes, we are disciplined and united. Yes, were loving. We are americans. That is who we are and how we are as americans. Hope the Political Leadership of this nation understands how good we are as a people. Textbook says politicians lead, elected officials lead. No, sometimes the people lead and the politicians follow. That is where we are today. Follow the American People. Look at what they are doing and how they are reacting. Politicians, try to be people. You a to show byfportrait that was done American People. This is a self portrait of america, ok . That is a selfportrait of america. Do you know what it spells . It spells love. That is what it spells. You have to look carefully, but that is what the American People are saying. Received thousands of masks ,rom all across america unsolicited, in the mail, homemade, creative, personal, with beautiful notes, from all across the country, literally. You,saying, thinking about we care, we love you, we want to help. Peoples way of saying we care, and we want to help. This is what this country is about, and this is what americans are about. This, and a more of little bit less of the partisanship and the ugliness, and this country would be a better place. Thank you, guys. Questions . How will this be done [inaudible] peopleomo i said when get into the drain in the morning, they had to know the train was disinfected the night before. What are the impacts . Gov. Cuomo i dont know. I told the mta to give me a plan as how you will clean and disinfect every train, every night, so that i can say to the essential workers, who are killing themselves for our state , we are keeping the subways open for you, and when you get on the subway in the morning, or in the afternoon, know that that car was disinfected the night before. Is there money for that . How realistic . Gov. Cuomo how realistic is a . What is the alternative . Essential workers go to work. By the way, you may get infected with the coronavirus on the train on the way to work. That is not realistic. I am not going to do that. [inaudible] is a tremendous undertaking never been done before. Getyoure going to have to Homeless People into shelters where they can get housing and the services they need, so that is a second operation. And the mta has been going back and forth with the nypd about this for weeks, and weeks, and weeks. The mta hired private Security Guards to help. But all the private but all he private security garland but all he private Security Guard can do is call 311. So the mta story is they are at their wits end. But what i said is, look, i dont care. I dont care who was to blame. I dont want to point fingers. I dont care. I am at a place where i am dealing with people losing their lives every day. Ok . I just want to get it done. And i will get it done. Just tell me what i need to do to get it done. Lets start telling the truth. Filters andith this everyone covering their own rearend, and people spewing facts to cover their own rear end. Lets start telling the truth. The blunt truth. And if it makes some people unhappy, that is the way it is going to be. But it has to stop. The trains have to be cleaned. The homeless need the services that they need. And we have to be able to do it as a society. We have to. Tell me what it takes to clean the trains and disinfect the know that i can say to the essential workers, it is safe to go on those trains. Should bethink it cleaned on a 24 hour basis . Gov. Cuomo i am not going to do a cleaning schedule. I dont do that. I told him, give me a plan i told him, give me a plan i sod them, give me a plan that when the train comes in in the morning, it is clean. It is their job to figure out a schedule, but however it has to be done, i will do whatever i have to do to make that happen. You cant be in a position where you say, we are going to send a plane tribute to the nurses and we are