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This is the federal that passes 24 trillion federal debt passes 24 trillion. Can find us on twitter and facebook. For being with us. We want to begin with the numbers from johns hot and university, which has been covid19sck of january. More than will and. The death five countries has surpassed 203,000. That this morning from Johns Hopkins university. The comments this past week from the Senate Republican leader on the states declaring bankruptcy, getting a lot of attention across the country. Here is what he told the radio talkshow last week. [video clip] i would be in favor of allowing states to use the bankruptcy route. Theres no good reason for it to not be available. Is that it would be for federal government to send it down to future generations. Host that from the Senate Republican leader, Mitch Mcconnell. Lets get right to your phone calls. Marvin is joining us from philadelphia. Good morning. I thinknk it caller they should get the states money. At this point right now they are throwing money at the wall. They should be making it available in the right places and they should have more oversight over this money. But if the states go under, does that mean the services go under . Even coming out of the pandemic, how is the state going to be support the public with medical facilities, Services Like buses, police and things like that. If they cut the money from the states. Host thank you for the call. Lets go to kenny, next. So much fork you cspan. My concern is that after mr. Statement, we his we, wens are not need to take care of america. States like here in South Carolina, tennessee, etc. , they are all receiving money every year from the government every year being mailed out. To the states being hit hard. This from brad vox. Com has this headline, state budget shortfalls could exceed 500 billion, easily revenue thatlost the states experienced in the aftermath of the Great Recession 2008. New york state alone host lets go to bernie, next in pennsylvania. This whole fiasco of shutting down the economy is going to have repercussions way beyond what people can imagine. Repercussions is the hyperinflation that is coming. The state, local, and county governments are going to get crushed. Nobody is working. There are no businesses to finance the governments. If the federal government really wants to step up to the plate, they have to support governments. Not billionaires, not big corporations. Taking 95 of the bailout. Its not going to the public and if they are going to do anything right, they have to support local, county, and State Governments. Otherwise we are to have another problem with the tax base and there will be hyperinflation of more government seeds impacted and its going to be a nightmare. Thank you for the call. If you go to a wallet hub. Com, the look of the most federally dependent states, the list might surprise you. Mississippi, montana, and coming in fifth is kentucky. A lot of attention on new york state, which by the way is in the middle. Also on the list, New Hampshire is number 29. The final top five professor chooses, illinois, new jersey, delaware, utah, and kansas. Mark is joining us from northwood, New Hampshire. Good morning. My opinion about this is that fiscal year responsible states and cities who have run their budgets into the ground prior to this virus should not be rewarded with a bailout. Its pretty simple. Host thank you. This is from michael host reacting to this, republican governor larry hogan of the last week. Yesterdaycconnell suggested the federal government should allow states to enter into bankruptcy proceedings. Wonder what you think of that, and the organization that you are the head of, things like that, i cant imagine its something that governors and states are supportive of. Yeah, look, im not sure, Mitch Mcconnell probably regrets saying it. Doesnt. If he doesnt regret that yet, i think you will and i think he will change his mind about that. The last thing that we need in the middle of an economic crisis is to have states filing bankruptcy across america without even being able to provide services to those that desperately need them, further exacerbating the problems of the economic crisis we have. I have talked to Mitch Mcconnell. I talked to the leaders in the senate and the house, on both sides of the aisle. The governors have been pushing for a 500 billion package to assist the governors and states to deal with this crisis. We have been on the tough lines in taking the tough actions required. Actions the federal government asked us to. Now we have to continue providing those services. My small state, for example, until july 1 we will have a billion dollars shortfall. We have a billion dollar Rainy Day Fund stashed away and we are one of the few states with a aaa bit bond rating but we could be in a terrible situation. I heard that this was a bailout for blue states or Something Like that. There are just as many republicans and democrats that strongly support this, these are wellrun states. The president has committed this support. There is a bipartisan bill in the senate, with republicans and democrats already signed on board. Im hopeful that between the administration and the 55 governors in america, we will be able to convince senator mcconnell that maybe he should let all the states go bankrupt. From her coverlet and governor larry hogan of maryland. The hill. Com has this, mcconnell remarks raising constitutional westerns questions. Heres this host from michael decker, the Senior Vice President for the senior policy of bond dealers of america, he told the hill. Com that bankruptcy is not just a unviable solution not a solution. This is a text message from jim. You can send us yours at 202 7488002 at 202 7488003. Here in new york Governor Cuomo expects the federal government to bail him out for the entire current deficit. Helpal government should with virus related expenses only. Its not a responsibility to bailout reckless spending. The next caller is from new york , william. Go ahead. Good morning. Im opposing the bankruptcy. What new york state gives back . Its crazy. Fall, new this budget york has one of the best health plans for those that work in live in poverty. Thats not right. Host judy is next, las vegas. I think the states should get more money. The peopleis that that havent gotten the stimulus money, it hasnt been those on food stamps or the elderly with diabetes, copd, these elderly people are desperately in need have beenist, they wiped out of these billions of dollars. I dont understand why. If anybody could tell me that, i would appreciate it. Thank you. This is from another viewer. Jim joins us from new berlin, illinois, good morning. Caller im on the air . Host you sure are, go ahead. Caller ok. Calling from illinois, here. I think pretty much Everybody Knows about the state of illinois and its condition. We have been in the hole for a long time. Probably 100 and 50 billion in pension shortfalls. Gets hiser, when he hands on this money, 20 go straight into the pensions and his pocket, thats for sure. Are you there . Host were listening. When i called back a couple of months to you i made a very clear point. I never got an answer on it. Very clear point. Everybody there, including you, pedro, greta, and especially john, youre all democrats. Republicans,lay you do play democrats, id give you that. But your program the last four years has been so shifted to the knowin your coverage, you steve, this media thing worked. It did work. If trump loses the reelection in november, its not be not going to be because of the virus, its going to be as of the 24hour negative coverage of President Trump. You know the trouble with trump . His place in line behind obama. If trump came in two presidencies before obama, or one after, he might have gotten different coverage. But the fact that he caught followed obama, he got slaughtered by the media. The samereceive criticism when president obama was in the white house and democrats, when president is was in the white house from republicans. Tell me where there is a bias in the coverage. We are the only network that covers the White House Daily briefing in its entirety all the time and rears it every evening at 9 00 and then to the west coast. Wheres the bias . Caller every day you get calls from people like me. You treat the New York Times ,nd the Washington Post countrywide their circulation numbers are less than a million. Host you are wrong about that, New York Times has 4 million paid subscribers. Caller you hold it like its a bible. Host and we quote the new republic, and the washington examiner. Caller you bring them up every now and then but you strength strictly go to the post and the times constantly weigh more the rest. You know, i tell you what. Democrat, republican, i couldnt care less. I really dont, i really dont care less. All i care about is america being prosperous, which we will we were until this stinking virus. Host sure. What other network would give you a chance to speak like . Caller heres the problem, probably none, but 93 negative coverage of the president . Best economy in the world, securing the border, lowering his . Who the heck are these people that call in every day . Where do they go when they go to work in the morning . They go to earn medical benefits. They get pensions. These people are so ignorant, its beyond belief. My fellow americans, who is in the cars going to work . Corporations building cars and computers. Host thank you for the call, we appreciate your point of view. Thank you. Lets go to harold, next. North carolina, good morning, harold. Caller briefly, to touch face with your recent caller, its so thisl that they can take and spend it in a political way for political gain. Trump, the president , everything that has happened to him right now is because of his own making, his negative view and all the things he has done. The people now, he wants america to wake up and wake up . Lets be honest. Ok . I have never until this time and this day, doing this, tragic, with the virus, that a republican have never before and so eager to spend money wont reference balancing the budget. All, this virus is not an egg plant. His son something that happened is a coincidence. This was supposed to happen. America has been divided for so long. This was unification of not just america, but the world. You for the call from north carolina. The Charlotte Observer has this with nikki haley saying states should not be asked to be bailed out from the covid19 crisis by the federal government. Instead they should tighten up, make some cuts, and manage. The Observer Says that is rich from the senator from kentucky host lets get back your phone calls. Steve is next from us we go, illinois. Good morning. Caller first of all, i oppose money going to the states to fix the deficits. You know . An unfortunate statement. Yes, his state takes in a lot of federal dollars, but the bottom line is this, we dont need any bankruptcy laws. We have got the street to show the state of arkansas effectively went bankrupt in the 1930s and it took them a long time to get out of it. You know, the states are responsible for themselves, that is why they have got the 10th amendment. On the one guy that was calling you folks i asked . An, if youllinois will. Hes bogus, i have no complaints, i have been watching you from the 80s and im on the conservative side. Thank you. Thank you. And this is from park storm host all of our coverage is available on the web and every morning we spent three hours talking to you, so you have a chance to weigh in. We welcome every point of view. This is from bloomberg news, quoting Mitch Mcconnell on fox news. Host that is quoting mitch fox news,om courtesy of bloomberg news. Good morning, dirty. Caller i agree, you are not biased. You are all just reporting what is being said. Something,ident says you didnt make him say it, just forget that guy. What i wanted to say about this money, you know we all pay federal taxes. All of us. And you know california paid the most federal taxes. Any time that our government can take federal dollars and decide they want to bail out corporations and i want to tell people about corporations. They dont need a penny. They dont run the state. No corporation, thats why they give them the money this time, no operation can make it about having customers. If you dont have a working force to make some money to buy some things . They will go broke. They have got to have somebody to buy it. Thats the first point. That federal money that goes in there is our money. It dont belong to the republicans are the democrats, dont belong to trump or any other. It belongs to the people whos paying it. Yes, you know what they could do if they wanted to be fair and balanced, like some of my republican citizens that i love . They can send us all back with we pay in. Back what they paid last year, whatever, all the federal money back. There wont be any tennessee or north carolina. Just give them back their own federal dollars they put in their so that they can survive. We all need to survive. Most americans dont get up and argue whether another state needs to be bailed out over floods and things like that. Disasters happen. We are glad to help. Seems like the republicans are the opposite. And its our money. This is a tweet from lisa. Host republican senator rob portman weighing in on this as well, saying the following. Is on the phone from provincetown, massachusetts. Good morning. David, go ahead. To have to move on to andrew in white plains, new york. Good morning. Caller how are you . Host fine, how are you. Caller good, knock on wood. You cant overlook the positive impacts from states to the economy. And as far as large corporations that go to work serving large communities, it generates Economic Activity for those communities. With respect to senator , if you want the results of a state bankruptcy on the world market, go ahead. Let the states go bankrupt, it would be the biggest mistake you ever made. Thank you for taking my call. Thank you. Republican congressman, pete king, with the following host on facebook, from angela, she says that under no normal circumstances she would oppose but this is an unusual circumstance and that during the situation, she supports it. This past week, Governor Andrew Cuomo weighing in. [video clip] state,ou dont fund the the state cant fund the services. Makes the sense to me. The entire nation is dependent on what the governors due to reopen. We have established that. But then you wont found the State Government . You think im going to do it alone . How do you think this is going to work . And then we are concerned about the economy. States should defend bankruptcy . Thats i you bring it back, states declaring bankruptcy . You want to see the market falling through the seller . Let new york state declare bankruptcy. Let michigan declare bankruptcy. Let california declare bankruptcy. You will see a collapse of the national economy. Dumb. T is when senator mcconnell said that this is a blue state bailout. He said that when you look at the states with coronavirus problems, they tend to be democratic states. New york, california, michigan, illinois. They are democratic states. So, if you fund states that are suffering from coronavirus, they are democratic states. Dont help new york state because it is a democratic state. Thought. A saying. Nk of what hes people died. 15,000 people died in new york. But they were predominantly democrats. So, why should we help them . For crying out loud, if there was ever a time the you were going to put aside your pettiness and your partisanship through this political lens that , where the world through we help republicans but not democrats, thats not who we are as a people. I mean if there was ever a time for humanity and decency, now is the time. That from Governor Andrew Cuomo, one of the been one of a number of briefings even bringing in since the best since the pandemic began. This is from tony, who sent us the following tweet host front page of the Washington Post, heres the reopening from the team there. America opening back up here from calls. Howard, fort lauderdale, good morning. Caller good morning, steve. Pieces. A box of puzzle in the box is everything going on in the country. Four years ago donald trump was elected. When he was elected, our country was going downhill. , hee he has been in office has done more good for this country than any other president ever, ok . What we have now is all of the , and i am including china, russia, north korea, all thats beenies taking advantage of the United States for decades, they are shut down and these people are still fighting him today. These states that have the coronavirus that is really bad, the new york, the california, the washington state, all of these democratically controlled states, are you aware of how many illegals are in each one of these states . How many Daca Recipients are in each one of these states . How many are in the medical field taking care of the coronavirus right now . The only thing these democratically controlled states care about is protecting them and the reason for this is because the Supreme Court is fixing to rule on daca. Host howard, fort lauderdale. Think you for the call. Donna has this host in other news, from the new york post, kim jongun rumored to be dead, brain dead, or just fine fine for her coat depending on the asian media that you want to believe. Fine. Depending on the asian media that you want to believe. Host thats the story this morning, depending what you want to believe. David is next up in st. Petersburg, florida. Good morning. Caller how are you . Host pretty good, how are you . Caller i have been listening to these comments and it is perplexing to me how divided we are as a country. Its an easy fix as far as money being allocated to the states. I think that with each state that gets a certain amount of lump sum of money, there should themperson that goes with and, you know, earmarks the money, you know . Call for it, whatever they are calling for. Either a democrat or republican state, even a republican state should have someone who is responsible to take care of that money. Like how Mitch Mcconnell was trying to emphasize, these democratic states that are bankrupt, why would we give them money to help them patch up, you know, put a bandaid on what they have already broken . You know, the divided country is msnbc, mediae cnn, outlets that are, they are biased and, you know, its a control thing with the democrats. I understand that Mitch Mcconnell maybe should have said it a different way. But just like with government iney the way that it is now, did a job. I built a building for a state that would costs around 400,000. The money that was allocated from the state for that job was to million dollars. So you know, where did the other money go to . Whole problem. You just give somebody a bunch of money, it disappears and never goes to where it is supposed to go to. Host thank you for the call. Michael has this tweet host speaking of new york, this is the headline from the daily news. A spike in new yorkers ingesting household cleaners amid the president s advice. Host next up hall joins us from fort lauderdale, florida. To the people that dont want businesses to get bailout im not sure thats the right name for it, you dont have to bailout those businesses. But if you dont, they will solve it on their own. They will layoff half the people that work for them. In the case of airlines, not only will they layoff people that work for them, but they will probably sell off half of their airplanes. What happens when the economy comes back . Is that what you want . Lets think, people. Lets think. All right . To the people that want to bailout the states, why not ask how they got there in the first place instead of criticizing . Some interesting questions to ask the state, how many retirees are making more money today than they made when they were active. Number two, what percentage of the total budget of the state is being used for them retirement system . Why havent you done something about reforming the retirement that the money doesnt keep going up, up, up . Thank you for the call. This from twitter host nancy pelosi, talking about even more stimulus from capitol hill. [video clip] it,he sooner we can pass the better. Our teachers, our firefighters, they need the resources they can be brought. How much do you see as necessary for the next package . Probably a number equivalent to their valuation for a need, the absorptive capacity, what can you spend and the rest. That they areoney getting has already been spent on the coronavirus with loss of revenue. We should be able to identify it. I have an idea about what the governors want, assigning a number from the state municipalities. They had a number but that was a couple of weeks ago and it may have changed. We will do what we need. That from nancy, meeting with reporters late last week. This from text messages, from the Washington Post, republicans divided as the National Debt soars. Look at this figure, 24. 7 trillion dollars, expected to quickly reach 25 trillion, the biggest oneyear debt in the history of the country, in large part because of this pandemic. Tim is joining us from michigan. Good morning. Caller good morning. Are we on yet . Host you are, good morning. Morning to you, steve. You are not doing doubleshifts, are you . Host in the morning . Yeah. host no, no. Caller those will take a toll on your. Because of what that, brother. Wait, before i get to that, i had one request. For margaret in texas, the delightful warbling songbird wise old howell, shes like 92. Let her call in like twice . Are the days is a lot longer to a92yearold then it is to 58yearold. The same goes for david in new jersey, the world war ii that. Host hes 97. Makes 100 soe you that we can see him on the news, id like to see what he looks like. [laughter] host , that will get him on mazuma or skype when he turns 100. Be great. At would i almost used a boston term. [laughter] oh yeah, also, i would like to say hello to my friends phoenix and carmen in montana, casey, madison, mary and traverse eddie. I love you all, keep calling. Getting back to this tim geithner. I love republicans. He should set up another line,. 800boohoo they always complain about you being biased to democrats. Im an independent. I think youre slightly kind of conservative, but you are secondbestand away to free speech tv, of course. Anyway. Know, he andou this other guy, james from denver, and there was one other fellow, i think it was bob in michigan. I got it written down here somewhere. They complain about the way you have the lines. I love the way you have it. Now the republicans cant claim to call on the independent and democrat line and say i used to be this and i used to, now im a republican. Then call on the appropriate line and quit jumping the line with the 30 day rule. Aboutway, it me up every time we get republicans in control, we go into recession. Cities and states need bailing out and they say no, we cant do that. When they are the ones that create the problem, it has to be a democrat that comes in and cleans up the mess. They are masters of deception. F goes, imrump surprised no one has talked about what a selfmade millionaire he is. And about him being born in a little log cabin that he built himself. Jimonly difference between jones cult followers and trump drumpf followers is that cyanide koolaid isnt contagious. Host we will leave it there. Afghanistans next war is the cover story of the New York Times magazine. Frank joins us. Caller good morning, good morning, how you doing . Good, sir. Do me a favor, turned on your volume on your tv and he will hear you so much better. Callingok, ok, im because i think every state should get some help. They did not ask for this virus, it came down on everybody. In the states should get help. Host lets go on to donald in hawaii. Good morning. Caller as far as the people not , with federal income tax the state folding and going back to normal . Things are not normal now and they wont be for years. I believe. Yeah, dorothy had some great points. Thank you for being there and thank you for taking my call. Thank you, donald. Ray is next. I have a few things i want to bring up. First, when trump bought 29 million or whatever they called it, i want to know how much that was. Could get researchers that money back. Even at one dollar per pill. Knowing trump, he probably paid 10 per pill. As faress from cspan, as breaking the lines down like you used to, im a longtime listener and i hear all the independence and 99 of the time they are trumpers they claim to be independent. They get more of the airspace than democrats or independents on your program. Third thing, trump and Small Businesses. I dont know if anyone ever noticed this or not, but one time when he was given his briefing, someone asked him about Small Businesses with relation to restaurants and said that all of these restaurants are going to fail. What are you going to do about it . He said that there will be others to take their place. He didnt care about whether those restaurants lived or died. The ones that lose it will be out in the streets. Look that up, see if you can find that quote from him. Thirdly, i can hear the war drums beating. I have been saying this for years, the only way republicans can win second term in this much trouble is to start a real war, a shooting war. Over the last week or so, what have we been hearing . Iran and blowing them out of the water, sending out spy satellites, this, that, and the other thing. Im just saying that there could be a false flag in our future. He wants a war that he can possibly win. Thats something that i think of. As far as Nursing Homes, we knew this from the beginning, from the very beginning of this washington. I remember hearing news reports about how bad it would be for. Ursing homes now all of a sudden in the past couple of weeks we hear about Nursing Homes . They should have jumped on this from the beginning and i dont understand why that didnt happen. But thats something, thats something that i just, it befuddles me. Nursing homes were the first thing that got hit and nobody did anything about them all over the country for the whole time of this infection until a couple of days ago. Now all of a sudden everybodys jumping on Nursing Homes . They should have been doing this from the beginning. Thank you very much for the call. The british prime minister, boris johnson, back on the job tomorrow. He had been out with covid19 and hadnt been seen for the wednesdays prime ministers questions, which we carry live every wednesday morning, but we will again see him again this week, including wednesday. In the New York Times some people see trump sinking and taking the senate with him. A team of reporters writing that his erratic handling of the outbreak, the worst in the economy, a cascade of ominous probit public and private polling have republicans increasingly nervous that they are at risk of losing the senate and the presidency of mr. Trump doesnt put the nation on a radically improved course. The scale of the gop challenge has crystallized in the last week, with 2600 americans having filed for unemployment benefits, the president looking increasingly wobbly, news surveys showing him trailing significantly in battleground states and even in states like florida. This morning from the new york campaignhe trump taking aim at jill biden and his connections to china. This is no time for President Trumps hysterical xenophobia. Joe biden inc. To deal with china. Are not bad folks, folks. The communist party has been mobilizing overseas organizations. It is in our selfinterest that china continue to prosper. What a beautiful history that we wrote together. The president is right, a travel restriction on china,very Public Health official xenophobia. I complimented him on dealing with china. That from the trump campaign, one of the latest ads. Experts worry that quarantine fatigue is starting and that americans are continuing another week at home. Stephen joins us from new york city. You oppose more federal dollars to your state. Why . Say, to echot to the guy from chicago. I have been watching you all for 30 years. Seems like you are almost like cnn. I dont know if i can keep on watching because i dont know what you all going to be saying. I just want to talk about new york, really. I dont know if you know about the lazio and california. Louisiana, connecticut. All of those are sanctuary ofies that are giving all this money to illegal aliens. I wish you would do a segment on california, where that government is getting ready to give 75 million to eat real aliens. I thought americans was hurt. They want to give money to illegal aliens . I think the president is doing a great, great job. You dont appreciate him. I bet my boss that hes going to win, 50. He couldnt believe it. Host we will leave it there. Thank you for the call. Testing remains scarce. David, vero beach, good morning. Host when Something Like this caller when selling like this happens, im not a doctor and a nurse, but instead of running out and falling filing for unemployment. Lawyers, doctors, before they in their profession that they work at, they all did something, right . Im going back to what i used to do and am working, you know . Im not collecting unemployment. Everybody should be selfreliant , thats what i think. We should not rely in the government for everything. Thats what i got to say. Thanks. Host thanks for waiting there in georgia. Caller interesting show. Tie, that color, pink, it alleviates violence, thats a nice color you have on this morning. Im for the money going to the states because we are the United States of america, not the divided states of america. We have seen this play out before and its called the soviet union. They all broke up now. Thats what a lot of people are talking. The unitedall it states, call it divided states of america. We need to get away from that. We have scenically it play out before. You dont think it can happen here . People need to think about that. You know, when we talking about not wanting to do this or that for each other. It up now, can break and its going to be broken if we keep playing this game. Thank you. Host thank you for the call. From the birth book world section of the Washington Post front row of the trump show. Andas featured on book tv is available on our website. The Biden Campaign out with a new ad taking aim at the president. Heres the new video that was released yesterday. Our campaign kicked off in philadelphia. I spoke about the first words of the u. S. Constitution. We the people. Not you, not me, not we the democrats or we the republicans. We the people. Its a statement of common purpose. , one nation, one america. I dont think even those who wrote the words could have predicted their power over the next 200 years. They created the strongest and most resilient nation in the history of the world, overcoming the great depression, two world wars, 9 11. An unseen enemy unlike any we have experienced in our lifetime. It is threatening our economy and our way of life. Every day millions of courageous people across this nation have heeded the call. One by one they brought us closer to reopening our society and our economy. Once again we are seeing the power of the simple notion of we the people. I announced, today, i was running for president of the United States of america. At the time i said we were in the battle for the soul of the nation. One year later we are seeing the soul of the nation. There is no quitting america. There never has been and there never will be. Hard as it is to believe, maybe something good can come out of this crisis. Maybe it will help us see how much the broken politics have costless and maybe it will help us to see the power of what we can get them together. We can and we will rebuild our nation. We will protect it from future pandemics. We can and we will emerge a stronger, better, and fairer nation. I have always believed that we are at our best when we act as one nation. To be the United States of america. We just need to remember that there is nothing we cant do if we do it together. That from the Biden Campaign. Back to your phone calls, thomas in spring hill. Good morning, should more federal dollars go to the states . Absolutely not, if you remember your history from the 70s, when new york city went the time when was democrats were flanked with unions, especially Police Departments and all. Since democratic policies are , like inaw enforcement pennsylvania and areas where there are cold and they want to put coal out of business, seems the Democratic Party has more illegals inlgbt and the country, getting that funding more than their own. It boggles my mind that people that cuomo is crawling on his hands and knees to trump to get more federal itding where he cant get from the unions, especially in new york. It just boggles my mind, want to bring that up. Im sure you are member headline from the 1970s, gerald ford to new york city, dropdead. From the new york daily news. Are you still with us . He hung up, but that is the headline from 1975. Robin, coleman alabama. I think the federal government should back up the states. I also believe it is time for us to consider changing our Financial Center from new york to another city. New york hasnt played with problems. No way of bailing them out, they just going to create more problems. I think we should move our Financial System to some other state, some other city. I also have a question for you, steve. Are you a proud american . Host of course. Caller thats all i have to say. I appreciate guys. You guys have a great, a great, i dont know what to say. Host how about a great day . Caller you guys are great. I like to listen to you. I dont know if you are biased. Doesnt matter. You put on a good program. Enjoy getting to come on once a month, once every three months, however long it takes me to get on, i try. Like i say, im proud to be american and i hope that you guys are, too. God bless america. Host dont be a stranger. President trump did not have a briefing yesterday and last night he asked what the purpose was when the lame stream media asks him nothing but hostile westons. Coming up in just a moment we will continue our conversation with the senior policy director from for Global Development and former director for foreign assistance and later, former House Speaker newt watching and listening to cspans washington journal for this sunday morning. We are back in a moment. The president , from Public Affairs. Available now on paperback and ebook. Presents biographies of every president , organized by the ranking, by noted historians from best to worst. It features perspectives into the lives of our nations chief executives and leadership styles. Visit our website, cspan. Org the president s to learn more about each president and historian feature. Order your copy today. Wherever books and ebooks are sold. Monday night on the communicators, mark randolph, cofounder of netflix and author of the book that will never work shares his experiences starting the online streaming service. 1998, we were, live. It did not take long when we got that first dating and we cheered and began opening bottles of champagne. Two or three minutes later, ding, ding, ding. Three more orders. We were so excited. We have two more orders. In all of the excitement, we lost track of things until someone noticed it has been a while since the bell has rung. Is there a problem . It turned out that in the first 15 minutes of being online, recrashed we crashed our servers. At eight 00lph p. M. Eastern on the communicators on cspan2. Primetime. On journal a special evening edition of the washington journal on the federal response to the coronavirus pandemic. Weiner,ts are dr. David director of the vaccine and Immunotherapy Center in philadelphia. He talks about ongoing efforts to develop a vaccine that protects against the coronavirus. And greg. The president and ceo of the National Grocers association on how the nations Food Retailers surgeping with the huge in demands and increasingly restrictive social distancing restrictions. Join estate 00 a. M. Monday on cspan join us at 8 00 a. M. , monday on cspan. Host joining us is jeremy. For globale center development. He served as the director for the u. S. Agency for development. He served on the Advisory Board for the World Health Organization. Thank you for being with us. Guest my pleasure. Host i want to begin with the who and the funding that has been blocked by the Trump Administration. What impact from your standing is that having on the organization and his efforts to combat the pandemic . Guest i think it is important that what the u. S. Once the who to do is not something that can be easily substituted to other organizations. They are providing Technical Advice to and ministries throughout the world. They are sending strategy and partnerships with those ministries. Who developing world, the plays a role in advising and ministry of health on what to do in crises like this one. They will not turn to an ngo for that. When the World Health Organization is not getting the money it needs from the United States government, it will have an effect on every developing country in the world that will be dealing with a weaker who office and will be less equipped to fight the outbreak. Host the criticism is the who was slow to react to this pandemic and even slower to hold china accountable. Are those fair charges . Guest they are not. Let me tell you why. The whos behavior in a situation like this is governed by an illegal document. That is an agreement between all of the who Member States, including the u. S. Framework that the who uses in a situation like this. What that framework says, basically, is that countries art response will to report to the who. The who has no power to compel them to do so. If they do not do so or if they derive information that is incomplete or misleading, the who is not empowered to enforce the regulations in any way and does not have any way to sanction the country if it provides an incomplete report. It was set up but the Member States set up by the Member States that way because they dont want and International Body that has power over them. If we were to send a report on our health data to the who and the who were to say we dont believe you, we will not publish this, the u. S. Would be upset about that. Every other country feels the same way. As aho was set up mechanism to share the information that it receives from Member States. Up an authority to secondguess the information. When secretary pompeo talks about the who failing to enforce the ihr, he is attacking the dub you ho for failing to use an authority it does not have. Use anfor failing to authority it does not have. Ultimately, think, the usa will continue to flow . It has been frozen but will it return . Guest i hope so. The things the who does are not just related to the coronavirus. On defeatinging the Ebola Outbreak in the eastern congo. The u. S. Has invested in the who over the years because it is important to have an International Organization that can do those things so that the u. S. Does not always have to. Experience working closely with the who was in 2014, when i was with usaid, running their disaster operation. Became involved with the Ebola Outbreak in west africa, which everyone remembers. Did a poor job on that. The fact that they had initially done a poor job and the u. S. Had to come in in a massive way and usaid tomilitary from stop the outbreak, we then invested in a major operation to build a brandnew Emergency Response capacity there. 2018, when ebola popped up in the eastern congo, the u. S. Did not have to do that. The who was able to deploy hundreds of their own personnel into an active war zone to file fight the Ebola Outbreak, successfully that meant less burden on the u. S. Government. We have a real interest in continuing to support and invest in these organizations. They do important work that, otherwise, would fall on the plate of the u. S. Government. The secretary appeared on Laura Ingrahams channel, defending the president s decision. Here is what he said. [video clip] there is an ongoing pandemic. We do not have the transparency we need in china. It is the World Health Organizations responsibility to achieve that transparency. They are not doing it. They need to be held accountable. The other countries around the world are beginning to recognize their failures as well. This is an opportunity for the United States to take a leadership role, given the closeness that the who has with china, which spends a fraction of the money we have been sending to the who. Given all of this, given everything that has happened, he be called on to resign . Look at theo take a who. This is in the first time we have had to deal with the shortcomings of this organization that sits inside of the united nations. We need a fix, a structural fix. If we are talking about accountability, the guy who is leading the organization, i dont see how he can be part of the solution. You are not ruling out that he might be one of the requirements. I think that is right. Even more than that. It may be the case that the United States can never return. We may need to have even bolder change than that. Host from fox news and the secretary of state, mike pompeo. Jeremy, your reaction . Guest i think the overwhelming impression is that he fundamentally misunderstands what the who is and what it is supposed to do. When he talks about the who enforcing or holding a member state accountable, the dub you ho is not authorized to do that. It is the who is not authorized to do that. It is ironic because any administration, particularly the republican administration, generally does not want to see a u. S. Member organization be more powerful than it is authorized to be. N. Generally want the u. Organization to stay firmly within the guidelines and protocols the Member States have laid out for them. In this case, that is the International Health regulations. He is basically saying that the who should have gone well beyond what Member States have given it permission to do. Really what i expect to see a republican secretary of state complained that it is far too double week and not powerful enough. Usually, their complaint is the opposite. Who fore is bashing the not exercising authority that it does not have. It simply does not have it. It is explicit in the ihr that the who has to consult with the Member States and take the information from the Member States to share that information. Is supposed to rapidly seek to support the Member States and conduct joint analysis with the Member States. The substance of the complaint the administration has made relates to the first couple of weeks of january. They said preliminary investigations by china had not confirmed evidence of human to human transmission. That is very different from saying there is no human to human transmission of this virus. We know that, with the benefit of hindsight, china knew more than that at the time. They were not sharing that with the who. For the guidance from the Member States to the who, that is what the who could share. A teamre working to get deployed to the city of wuhan, so they could take a firsthand look at the outbreak themselves. They did that on the toy first of january. On the 22nd of january, they confirmed there was human to human transmission. You have an eight day span between the 14th and the toy second when the who and firms human to human transmission. Confirmedhen the who human to human transmission. The ministration did not begin taking this seriously as a threat until march. Host harold is joining us from east alton, illinois. Good morning. Caller good morning, cspan. I hope you can afford me a little bit of time. I have a question that i hope that jeremy can help me out with. Or maybe one of your listeners. I have a couple of comments about how we have responded to this. My question is how do we understand the data when we dont have any good data to put in. How is misses burks coming up birx coming up with this when we dont have we dont know if you can get it again. And iot a statistician dont know how that works. How can you, with good facts if you dont have good facts going in . Response, i hope that nobody forgets at the beginning of this, they sold out their stocks and i would like that investigated. The guy that works with the stock exchange, i would like to have him investigated. Trumps responses at these briefings that he gives, that is so irresponsible, what he is doing. Can the people, the republican, are the people in his administration that started off to do the 25th amendment in the first place, cant they see the difference between pence and trump . You can get the same thing out of pence you can get out of trump. We need to get this crazy guy out of there. Host thank you for your call. You brought up a point about the models and the stats. Allie will be joining us on monday. We featured him in our prime time addition edition of the washington journal. From theet a response other callers points. Guest i understand the confusion. I totally understand the confusion. That is not unusual when we are talking about a virus that is brandnew. The world has never seen this virus before. It is full of surprises. We learn more as we see more cases. As we learn more about how the virus behaves, that is more of a chance to study it. There is a lot of uncertainty in the initial weeks of a new outbreak, the initial months of a new outbreak. That is what we are seeing here. As we get more chances to study the cases, we are understanding better how this virus operates and what needs to be done to address it. Question, i am more of a consumer of models than a producer of those models. Government, what is important to remember is no model is perfect and no model is 100 percent 100 predictive. Sometimes the models make more sense. Me ihme model the caller is referencing, the intent was to project the level of Hospital Capacity that would be needed at different phases of the outbreak, based on realtime data. That is different than trying to project the outbreak or the total number of deaths. One of the problems the outbreak has had is that they have been using that model for the wrong purpose in their own analysis. It is always important that you are not just relying heavily on one model and you are looking at a diverse set of models. Taking a collective picture of what they give you, because no one model will portray reality very well. Our guest is jeremy. I mentioned that because today of the firstrsary day of testing for the polio vaccine. One year later, it was shared around the country after it was proven safe. I am curious from your level of expertise, what you think we will see from the u. S. And around the world in the battle to get the vaccine sooner rather than later. Clearly think this will be the most aggressive and concerted push for a vaccine in human history. And the typical expectation is or eating a new vaccine expectation for creating a new 15cine or disease is a 10 to year period. There are some viruses for which we have never been able to create a bike scene a vaccine. I am confident we will create a vaccine. We can suppress the timeline substantially. There are groups like the epidemics which has been researching coronavirus vaccines for several years, using other corunna viruses that we have seen before like corona viruses that we have seen before like sars. A number of candidates that are moving their way into human trial. Those human trials take time. It is hard to compress a human trial. As dr. Fauci has laid out several times, when you start human trials, you have about a three month period from phase one to another safety trial. It is to make sure it does not hurt anyone. It does not tell you necessarily anything about whether it works. Once you know does not hurt anyone, you have a sixmonth month period of two trials. Those are trials to see if it actually works. You put all that together. Assuming we come out on the other end of that trial period ble vaccine, we are looking at a february to march period. Drop not like they will from the sky. It needs to be produced. That manufacturing capacity will have to be created. Once there are a significant number of doses, they need to be distributed around the world and administered. That not know how long production timeline will take. We do not know how long it will take to administer and distribute all of the doses. You start that clock in january, when we first began to learn about the virus, it will probably be a two to three year widespreadre we have availability of the vaccine around the world. We need to be calibrating our strategy on the expectation that if we succeed in the current physical distancing and shelter at home measures that we are undergoing, if we succeed in that, we have a lot of people left who can still get the disease and will not be safe until late get the vaccine until they get the vaccine. We will have some disruption to our society. Hopefully far less dramatic than what we are undergoing now. We will continue to live in a different world for two to three years. The Government Agencies that would take a role in this is the department of health. Politico is reporting that alex azar may be on his way out. The white house is weighing a plan to replace him. One name they have mentioned is dr. Deborah birx. Clyde is joining us from new mexico. Good morning. Caller good morning, cspan. A couple of questions about the World Health Organization. So much money, they have taken every year. I dont speak for the World Health Organization. I am on an independent oversight board. Their budget every year is about 2. 5 billion. Considerably less than the u. S. Cdc. U. S. Contribution is approximately how much . Caller i believe it is about 400 million dollars. Caller good morning, gentlemen. I would like the guest to comment on a point or two that i would like to make. To me, the globalists want two bites. Thinke health aside and about Climate Change. East africa, china is heavily invested in oil coming from that region. A lot of people dont know this. There is a 1000 mile pipeline coming out of sudan. This was built by the chinese, i believe. This oil goes to china. There are more plants plans for pipelines. One will go across ethiopia. Be exported, presumably to china. There is also natural gas coming out of ethiopia. We talk about Climate Change and what we need to do. Nobody addresses this issue. I can understand why the secretary of state, secretary pompeo would want an ethiopian general director to step down. Has an interest in this oil with his own country. I understand. This is natural. I see a conflict of interest. I would support secretary pompeos suggestion for the general director to step down. Host thanks for the call. Comment . To i guess not too the question there is has dr. Ros had bias . Is deferential. This is the way the member want thed u. S. U. S. To behave. They do not want a global Health Organization that can call them out on his on its own and is not responsive to their concerns. They want an organization that will be deferential to and support all of them. The who is that way toward every member state. People who are criticizing the who for not being more vocal or pushing back on china should has recognize that the who been muted of their characterization of what is going on in the u. S. We are managing the response more poorly than anyone else in the world. Has the who criticized or called us out on that . Of course they havent. The, had problems during the congo had problems with the Ebola Outbreak. The president of the democratic used that toongo cancel elections. They did not publicly attacked the government over that. That is not what they are set up to do. They are set up to work with Member States behind and not bash them in public. Certainly not to sanction them or anything like that. If Member States want to give them those powers, they can try to do so. Powers will use whatever they are given. To attack the organization for not using an authority that Member States explicitly have not chosen to give it is a little like, you know, it is like someone attacking you for attacking the cdc agriculture or Something Like that. It is not what the organization is set up to do. Host i want to give you a headline from bloomberg news. Sweden has said its controversial strategy has been proven effective. They have had lax rules compared to neighboring countries like denmark or the rest of europe in terms of restrictions. What is your view on that . Did sweden do the right or wrong thing . Dont think you can fully answer that question yet about any country. What we do know about sweden is that the they have had a higher death rate than any of their neighbors. Theiruggests that strategy has not been entirely successful. They are also seeing an increased death rate among their atrisk population. Swedens strategy was to try, among their younger population, to allow the disease to move forward and not put to double many restrictive measures in place and protect the older population and the more at risk population from getting it in the process. That does not appear to be working very well. Ability to shield the most at risk population. So, i think we will see how this continues to play out for sweden. The assumptions that they have built in from the front end are out entirely. E host catherine joining us from north conway, New Hampshire. Caller good morning. I think the u. S. And the global coronavirus Pandemic Response has been good, considering that we are dealing with the unknown. I have a common. Three times i have tried to finish the plague by cam move camut and have not been able to. Virus and itthis is horrible, the deaf, sickness, job losses, there is one good. That we live in 2020 and not in 1918 or some past year from long ago. Guest i think we have a lot of advantages we did not have, even 10 or 20 years ago. To sequence the genome of this virus has been big in developing the diagnostics. The diagnostic is the ability to confirm whether someone is infected and it has moved quickly than at any time in the past. That ability means we can track the movement of the virus in innovative ways. There is work that is being done the Hutchins Institute in washington state, where they can trace the movement of the virus through the country and where it has come from and how it has moved. We know that in the west coast, most of those cases trade back trace back to travel from china. York wet in new know that in new york, it was able to travel from europe. Theworst of the outbreak on east coast is from european travel and not chinese travel. It is useful to be able to understand that. We did not have that capability. Guest is a graduate of calvin college. He is joining us from his home. He is now a senior policy fellow at the center for Global Development. Mark is next. Good morning. Caller good morning. Thank you. Trump said that we could not see this thing coming. This came out of nowhere. That was from the onset. Looking fort another scapegoat. All they want to do is bully and they dont want to take any responsibility for his administration. Didnt the chinese give the genetic code on Something Like january 22 or late january . One more thing. Understandably, the chinese probably were being they were not revealing as much who is to say the u. S. Has a real knowledge of how people died in the Nursing Homes and Everything Else . It is appalling to me and so many other americans that we have fivemile backups for food banks and you have farmers that are killing their crops because there is no way to get these crops to the people who need them. It is atrocious. Thank you very much. Host thank you. Guest on the World Health Organization, it certainly doesnt look like the itstration has certainly does look like the administration has used the who as a scapegoat. Most of the things the administration is attacking the our complaints with china. Complaints with the information china shared with the who. Go straight att china for that, they are going china who for going after for that. If the administration is us as upset as they seem to be, they should tell that to themselves back in january, when they were praising china for their openness. The president was praising the chinese leader. It was also the secretary of state. They were all very positive of china and the work china was doing. That did not change until march. They are criticizing the who for or failed to take at a time when the u. S. Administration, at least publicly, was expressing praise for china. And the work that china was doing. Earlyhared the genome in january. It was january 12. It was in early january. That enabled the move to develop graphic testing. Did not sharehina everything that they knew. China had reason to believe there was human to human transmission by early january. They did not confirm that until several weeks later. They had reason to believe that this was a transmissible virus. They did not confirm that until several weeks later. I think that china has quite a bit to answer for in their transparency during the first few weeks after they announced the outbreak on the 30th of december. But, that really does not explain the lack of preparedness of the United States. Moree 23rd of january, than three months ago now, the World Health Organization, with updated information from china, virus had a reproduction number of up to 2. 5. That means the number of infected people infected by each person is 2. 5. That is considerably higher than the seasonal flu which is also transmissible. About a mortality rate of 4 . That is a scary virus. That is a very scary virus. The numbers have fluctuated a bit as we have learned more. Characterizing a virus that the world has known of for just over three weeks, that is a picture that holds up pretty well. At that point, there were very few cases outside of china. There was plenty of time that we could have been preparing. We did not start to see the spike in the number of cases until 1. 5 months after that. They should have set off alarm bells. E had 1. 5 months host randy is next in greenville, indiana. Caller good morning. Thank you for my opportunity. Host certainly. Caller i have been listening to everyone on the tv. And i just this is unbelievable. If a person think straight on , what has happened in china is a catastrophe that people are not talking about. Three ways this virus could have gotten to the human population. Animals and humans, accidents in a lab or intentionally. Those three questions have to be answered. China, when they locked down the sick people in wuhan, they did not care about all those planes taking sick people all over the world. Host thanks for the point. We will get a response. ,uest on the origins of this it is possible that we will never know with total certainty how that initial jump from animals to humans occurred. The nature ofe in hasvirus itself is that it its origins in bats. It is not clear if it jumped straight from bats to humans or if there is a mediate animal. There is a similar existence of sars. It could be that it jumps from bats to penguins before it makes its way to people. You do not know that for sure until you know the virus in nature and understand what the host for it is. Reason toot a lot of believe it originated in a lab. You cannot rule it out. The science does not have a definitive way to say it did or did not occur in a lab. There are reasons to think it did not. In question in wuhan was generally not working on live viruses. You have to be culturing live. Iruses that was not the main thing they were doing there. There was no indication this particular virus was in that lab because we had never seen it before. The u. S. Scientists who have worked with that lab, and there , they have allw said that they think it is relatively unlikely that that happen. You cannot rule it out but it is not the likely course. What seems much more likely is that this virus emerged just like every other novel virus emergence we have ever seen. Hiv. Zika, sars, it moves from the animal population to the human population in one of the many, many different ways that humans and animals interact. That couldve been an animal trader who was trafficking in penguins and was interacting with a bat population. It could have happened in the market of wuhan. It could have happened by someone going to the market in wuhan. What we know is it is pretty common that viruses jump from animals to humans. It happens all the time. That happens a lot. Is an x placing here an explanation here is where the bulk of the information is coming from. Host richard. Caller yes, good morning. When the guest shows his hand immediately by ignoring the helped prepare this virus internationally. It was first discovered as your previous caller said. The chinese closed off their entire country. They allowed over 200,000 people to take flights and spread it throughout the world. T to say this is not a form of biowarfare tells me he does not know what he is talking about. We have not seen the initial strains of this virus. Why . The chinese destroyed the samples. They arrested eight doctors who tried to tell the world about it. To laud the who and make a comment the government reacted poorly shows you have another politically biased guest on your program. It is absolutely frustrating to see you all take that. Scientists have said, epidemiologists have said had our scientists been there when the source broker, we could have contained 95 of it to wuhan. Host we will get a response. Thank you for the call. Guest i think on the travel point, there has been some criticism from the u. S. Government of the who for not endorsing travel bans. Of the Public Health literature, all of the research over the years, a virus like be contained by travel ban. You can flow its spread but it is such a transmissible virus. It can be spread by someone who is not yet symptomatic who does not know that they have it. That makes it exceptionally difficult. Question on the travel from it is possible this,f china had shared and i think they should have, they have a lot to answer. If they had shared this, we would have seen a slower arrival around the world. Of the matter is there were very few cases outside of china. That was by the end of january. At the end of january, fewer than 100 detected cases were outside of china. There were probably more than that in reality. A manageable enough issue at that point. Countries that acted quickly at that stage, at the end of january, like south korea and singapore, they have had much greater success in controlling the virus. They have not had to completely shut down their economies the way that we have. They have had far fewer cases. The idea that, somehow, if u. S. Personnel had been there in china, this would have been 95 less severe, i dont buy it. I think it is important to remember that the u. S. Had a robust cdc presence in china. We had a u. S. Funded collaboration between the u. S. Labs and the labs in wuhan. All of that was scaled back by the Trump Administration. In funding for that expired 2019. The cdc presence in china was scaled down. Mored the ability to have of a presence there. Made ahat have difference, i think it could have made a difference. I think it couldve made a difference in helping us get a better understanding, earlier of what the virus did. Earlier, up at the virus did. By the end of january, we knew enough. We knew enough that we should have acted swiftly. The government spent the entire month of february focused on a travel ban that was not effective. With a virus like this, travel bans are not an effective tool. The best thing you can do is slow the arrival of the virus and you cant prevent it. The travel ban, you can debate whether they were a good idea. Inuspect that the lockdown china and restrictions of movement within china have played a significant role. We didger problem was not take advantage of the opening. The idea with the travel ban is you buy yourself time to get ready. What we saw from the u. S. Government was they bought time and then did not bother to get ready. Host let me get your reaction to another policy put in place by the Trump Administration, banning those with green cards from entering the u. S. For the next two months. What is the reasoning behind that . Public health. I can tell you that much. I think that is a political move. There is not a reason to say that people with green cards are any more or less likely to be carriers of the virus. , you could easily circumvent that by saying if you come into the country, you are under a mandatory 14 day quarantine. They are not doing this for a Public Health action for they are doing this for a political action. Host lets go to california. Good morning. Caller good morning. That lab in wuhan, i believe too many people in the world have been killed by the virus. If the chinese do not destroy their own lab, somebody will. If they try to build another one, they will do that too. 10 years ago, with sars and now it is coronavirus, that lab cannot stand any longer. One last point. This does not deal with that. All of the schoolchildren, the second semester in the u. S. , there is talk now of trying to make up,r school to partially, their second semester. There may not be a lot of virus during the summertime. This whole thing could come back again next christmas time. That is all. Host thank you. Let me follow up on the callers point. Caller point. s point. Senator tom cotton propose something that would allow the families who have lost loved ones to sue the Chinese Government. Could that happen . Guest we need to learn more about the origins of the virus. Toward ite is tilted not being a lab emergence. It has been anticipated for years. It is not a surprise for you we have always known that in countries of the world where there is significant interaction between animals and humans, particularly as human habitat pushes into animal habitat, these kinds of events can occur. If we set a precedent that anytime a natural spillover , again, we dont is 90 likelyt it it is natural. T is absurd to blame a country would we accept that if something somewhere happened in influenza ine an Poultry Farms spilled over to u. S. Farmers . It does not just apply to china. It applies to us. I think we need to tread with caution. Protection against spillovers is perfect. Onant to touch quickly education before we move on. I am a parent of two young children. We do not know a lot yet about how this virus behaves in children. We know that children have been have not been as heavily affected by it. There are a negligible number of severe cases in children. What we dont know is how transmissible it is and whether for the a major channel transmission of the virus. With the influenza, we know they are. Outbreak in the influenza, one of the recommendations is to close down schools. We have done that here, out of caution. That is something we need to test to begin to understand what we need to do. Host mark in washington, d. C. , you are on the air with jeremy, who is joining us from his home in maryland. Good morning. Caller thank. You. T wanted to thank i just wanted to, with regard to the who, one of the major questions i think people had on socials the focus distancing. It seems extreme. It is purely experimental to attempt to contain an airborne flu. Ithas never been done before did not happen this time. Host mark, you are breaking up. We got the part about physical or social distancing. We will get a response. Guest there is Science Behind it. It has not been tried on this scale before. Measured of distancing has been used in past outbreaks. Andof the definitive 1918anding lessons of the a of influenza was that canceling large gatherings had a Significant Impact of the trajectory of the outbreak. Example is between philadelphia and st. Louis, where philadelphia kept on a major parade and st. Louis, around the same time, began imposing social distancing measures. Philadelphia had a much more severe outbreak because they did not listen to Public Health officials and kept Public Health gatherings going. A more aggressive measure level than that. Because we have stayathome orders. That is because we have seen this in other countries. We are not doing this in a speculative way. That has been necessary in other countries that have had severe outbreaks before we did. Starting with china, but also italy and spain. Countries that have done this have been able to see a market downtrend in the transmission of the virus when these orders come into place. We can say we are working from evidence and not just speculation. The challenging thing is going beginjudging when to lifting them and how to safely do so. Host from florida, maria, good morning. Caller good morning. My question is we are sharing a lot about the monday morning quarterback things we should have done in the past. My question for him is what do we do in the future . I am a nurse. In one h1nh h1 1. Our hospital had to buy ppe for that. That was small compared to the coronavirus. What are we going to do in the future if the who currently wants our funding . How do we prepare . How do we hold the cdc accountable for following them . Host thank you. We will get a response. Guest i think the question of what do we do in the future is a really important one. One clear lesson from this outbreak is that both here in the u. S. And at the global level, we are under invested in Health Security and Public Health. We should never the u. S. E wasnal stockpile of pp not sufficient to the volume we needed here. Never thought the virus would get as much of a running start as it did in this country. Even with that aside, we knew congress had not traditionally provided enough funding to maintain it at a robust enough level. I think we need to treat this 9 11, aske we treated an awakening of the need to greatly strengthen our counterterrorism abilities and our ability to prevent terrorism. We need to view this as a moment of investment in the u. S. , and globally, in preventing disease outbreaks and preventing future pandemics. Even if Something Like this happens only every 25 years, the fact that this has been able to take trillions of dollars off of our economy, trillions of dollars from the stock market and trillions more in economics to keep the basics of the , and even with other colorsthe said we are seeing miles long. Ine food banks i think we need to begin investing in disease readiness and Health Security, just as seriously and just as robustly as we do unemployment secured. Host kathleen, good morning. Caller thank you for taking my call. I guess i want to get back to that china issue about trust. Of ourve stolen much intellectual property. That is history. How can we trust anything that china says or does with their history . I just dont understand that. I want to main point make. Thank you. Host thank you. We appreciate your call. Guest it is a really important point. We should not have taken at face value the reassurances we were getting from china. At least from what has been reported. It anymoreivy to prayed what has been reported u. S. Wasis that the taking the reports at face value. They determined that it probably was human to human transmission. Ngoing there have been reports about community, that it was far worse. Governments. Determines our posture on something, we are not just following orders. We are following guidance from an International Organization. We are taking chinas reassurances at face value. We should be making our own decisions and using the available information. This is why some of the recent attacks on the who ring hollow. Certainly in my time in government, we never looked at what the who said as the definitive word or the only thing we paid potential attention to. It was important. We looked at it as an important data point in a field of data points. We look at them all and make a decision. There is a reason we have our own cdc. There is a reason why we have our own Intelligence Committee and we do not take it value face value what other countries say to us. That now the administration was acting as if they had no other way of knowing that chinas data was incomplete. Host jeremy served as the foreign Disaster Assistance director during the obama white house. He is at the center for Global Development. He serves on a board for the World Health Organization. We thank you very much for being with us. Host my pleasure. Thank you very much. My pleasure for a thank you ray much. Newt gingrich. , on first, Governor Cuomo when to gradually reopen the state. Areesting is what we compulsively, obsessively focused on now. Diagnostic testing, the antibody testing. 20,000 tests per day. We had a great meeting with the federal government this week. Came up with i spoke with it on a governors Conference Call with the Vice President on a governors Conference Call. I hope the federal government and the other governors follow that template. It is a template that makes sense. We always said this was a federalstate partnership. The president said that he understood the federal government had a role. We came up with a division of responsibility. The state takes responsibility for the labs in their state and getting those labs functioning. We regulate those labs and the federal government would take the responsibility of making sure the National Manufacturers thethe tests, the swabs and equipment the National Manufacturer needs to be able to send to our labs so our labs can actually function. Our labs have these machines that they bought from National Manufacturers. But, the machine requires the ,est kit and the reagents specifically for that machine. It is like you buy a printer from a company for your computer. But, the printer requires cartridges from that company. You can have a fancy printer. But, if you cannot get replacement cartridges, that printer is a paperweight. So, we need the National Manufacturers to have the reagents, the test kits. That is what the federal government is doing. But, it is working in new york. We are seeing the number of tests increase. We want to get it stabilized. State is doing more tests than anyone. We did get into this first prayed we were aggressive. We were pushing the line. We are doing more tests per capita than any country around the world, let alone any state in the United States. The as we are getting morebs are equipment, more supplies. Now, we need more collection mechanisms. More places to collect the test data so they can send it to the labs. Then, send those samples to the labs. Get the results to the people. We have boosted the lab capacity to the extent where we need more Collection Sites. Where do you get Collection Sites . We are going to authorize all the independent pharmacists in be Collection Sites. Thatucated guess is pharmaceuticals will take us up on that. Some of the larger chains. Local drugstore could become a collection site there were 5000 in new york. There will be Collection Sites that could quickly ramp up collection capacity. Announcer monday night, mark randolph, cofounder of netflix and author of the book that will never work shares his experiences. April 14, 1988. Not take long before we got the first dating. We began opening bottles of champagne. Two years later, three more orders. We were so excited. In all of the excitement, we lost track of things before someone noticed it had been a while since the bells ring thats wrong. Bells wrong. It turns out in 15 minutes, we had crashed our servers. Host in a moment we will be joined by Newt Gingrich. This headline got a lot of attention from Mitch Mcconnell, bankruptcy remarks he made a comment as lawmakers begin to come begin to prepare to come back to washington. Here is what senator mcconnell told she was she would. I would be in favor i would be in favor of bankruptcy. Good reason for it not to be available. Guess is the federal government could borrow money for future generations. That is not something i am in favor of. Host thats from Mitch Mcconnell. The whole. Com pointing out vanessa both finance experts say it may be unconstitutional for congress to allow states in bankruptcy. Even if it was constitutional, it would be a bad idea. Lets get to your phone calls. Richard from missouri. Caller good morning. Earlier, somebody called and said the senator from arkansas thought we have to sue china for this virus. Host i brought up the point he is putting a bill that would allow the u. S. To sue china. Know, if he had , these terms change like we changed from monkeys. That would be like suing god for what happened. That is all i have to say. Host we go to pennsylvania. Good morning. Caller good morning. I forget what his name was. Jeremy king nine date one of theeard on news stations that the guy that who, he was groomed by china. China, from what i am hearing, practically owns ethiopia. Who hasthat runs the been groomed by china, that is why they did not warn everyone like they should have. I believe he should be investigated. If he is involved, he should be absolutely thrown out because we do not need people like that. Host bob from illinois. Good morning. Caller i was hoping to talk to the speaker. I thought i called in when a new twist going to be in. Caller as long as the Trump Administration could convene a cspanmaybe televised on , the truth about Climate Change, i have 14 grandchildren. All of these millennials are worried about the climate and i try telling them no matter how much money we throw added it is not going to change nature. They do not have the facts. 97 of scientists are in favor of this. Wheres the other 3 . I would like to tell the Trump Administration to organize the truth and have pros and cons. The truth about how much money is spent to stop Climate Change. , the hamptons, if they want to invest and raise their houses on stilts, let them do it. Host thanks for the call. Caller joint host joining us from romes Newt Gingrich. Thank you for being with us. Caller it is great to be back. It makes me feel like i am back at home. Host let me begin, you are in italy. Life serving as the ambassador to the holy seed, are there lessons from italy we can apply to the u. S. As we begin the process of reopening our economy . Guest the italian experience was unusual in that there were about 100,000 chinese in italy. Unlike President Trump, the Italian Government was politically correct and get open its and kept open flights from china for weeks. Ringing in a substantial number of people carrying the disease. Basically, italy was in worse shape than new york city. All of this was in northern italy. They felt the only way they could stop it was to stop the entire country. Weeks, st seven have been basically staying at home. Situation is very different. Are beginning to gain ground. They have not turned a corner. For 22 consecutive days, there has been a slight drop everyday. Next twosome hope the or three weeks, we could actually see italy open up. They are going through a cycle where the only thing you could do were go to the Grocery Store or pharmacy. If you were on the street without permission, they could find you they could fine you. I think they are close to turning the corner. One thing americans have to think about, a lot of people believe there will be a second round of the virus coming sometime in the fall. A secondgo through round of shutting everything down. To have a have got much more aggressive approach that looks at containment, whether it is mitigation that , identifyinging and tracing contact. Here, i think the president did the right thing in turning over authority to the governors. Friday, pointing out the montana zoo just opened in billings, a town of 900,000 you would not want to open the central park zoo. You have to recognize how different, how diverse america is. In italy, most of the virus has been in the north. Go, theher south you less virus there has been. Tot made things are going open up region at a time where the virus is no longer a threat. Host wasnt the first interview we did with you with brian lamb, was that the atlanta zoo . That was one ofr] my favorite alltime interviews. We were in front of the tiger cage at the atlanta zoo. Reflected where i am, i love animals. I go to the zoo here when it is open. I love fossils and dinosaurs. I have always treasured ryans sensitivity, however he going to show off the new speaker of the house in a unique way . That proclivity which is available on cspan if you want to see it. Let me go back to where we are at with covid19. ,ou represented georgia Governor Kemp is getting heat from the president saying he is reopening too soon. Caller i think were going to find out. Kemp wased governor the number of very small barbershops and beauties shops whereuty shops, etc. People are at the edge of their row. Number of people saying i could not hold out for six or nine weeks. It becomes a question of can you follow procedure . We had a little bit of that here. I had a dental emergency and had to go to an italian dentist. They had taken preparations. Gown, she hasg a something on her head. Dentists are some of the most endangered people because they get in peoples mouths. They were very professional. The question is going to be, how do you run a barbershop with minimal risk . How do you run a beauty salon with minimal risk . We are working that out in a variety of voice. Some are nonsensical, and that i think about one fourth of them do not have a virus spread why would of newly the strictness york city to rule county to a rule county host your book is shakedown. Caller i think somewhere around 40. It depends on whether you keep [indiscernible] we signed an agreement because we were new to the business. Shakedown. Shakedown are for people trying to fight the virus. It is an adventure story in which the russians and iranians set off aer to try to nuclear weapon. The project, which the government tried in world war ii to develop with japan. The soviets tried to use that in the cold war. Is e two american here we have two american heroes. Their job is to try to stop this from happening. The iranian general is based on solemani who we killed a couple of months ago in iraq. Parallelsa lot of between this iranians general this iranian general. Differentt something and want something to entertain you and stretch your awareness of what is possible, i think shakedown is a good book. I am delighted to work with peter, we are proud of it. Host are you worried about the president s instructions to take gunboatsiranian harassing vessels . Is this escalating the situation . Caller i dont think we are escalating. If we say to the iranians, you , they a safety zone iranians have a simple choice. Just dont do it. Do is run the risk, as we had happen with the coler coal in yemen in yemen, one of those blowing up. There are ground rules for how ships invade each other. What we are saying to the iranians this, if we think you are putting an american worship and harms way, we are going to eliminate you. Uranium navy has virtually given the iranian navy has no chance, i think that is a good response to a dictatorship that has been targeting american spirit that has been targeting americans. We talk too little over the past 20 years about how steadily iranians want to kill americans. You walk the streets of rome, what do you see . Caller guest i do not walk the streets because i would be fine. The state department has instructed us that the fines would come out of our own pockets. My wife goes to the embassy. [indiscernible] i dont know if you remember three weeks ago, the pope walking up an empty street. It gave you the sense of how vacant the city has become. It has become much cleaner, but this is a city that has relied on tour is impaired last year, they had 23,000 people every day. This year, zero. Imagine the economic damage they to defeatred in order this particular virus. Host are you able to get fresh air . Guest we can you outside. We have a yard. That is helpful. One of the great things about rome is spring is lovely. It was about 70 degrees today. It is sunny. Ways, rome is everything you saw in the movies. If you have to be locked down, there are worse places to be locked down down room. To be locked down than room. Host what is your view . Guest it is a terrible idea. Becauseit is terrible legislating bodies learn from each other. We have 400 house members, 100 senators that come from different states, the process of interacting, they are collectively smarter. If we start isolating folks and all they do is vote, we will increase the occurrence of the legislative process by an enormous amount. , i think itian would be destructive. Be speaker of the house. We are replaceable. The idea we are too precious to ask medical we doctors to take risk. We ask people at the Grocery Store to take a risk, but somehow these elected officials are too precious . No. That theer this idea andaristocracy, the princes princesses of the american system is baloney. Wear masks if you need to. Socially space if you need to. Back to your tail washington and do your job. You aboutnt to ask the comments the president made, saying he was sarcastic. , a spike in poison control calls after the it adents comments, was mistake to publicly muse about the idea of using disinfectant to wipe out the virus . Amuse it was a mistake to to suggest you should ingest it. If you apply it to a tabletop, it will kill the virus. Is learningsident something i learned as speaker. If you have precedents with a hostile press and this is what they did. The people did not even cover the their weight and they find one sentence. And take that one sentence give it the worst possible interpretation. My advice is, shorter events, no questions. Tell the American People what they need to hear from the commanderinchief. Do not let your enemies have a shot at you. These are not your friends. They are partisan leftwingers who hate you. Every chance they get, they will distort what you say. Why didnt he just say it was a mistake . Caller guest beats me. I am not inside his head. Host indianapolis with Newt Gingrich. Guest caller it is a pleasure to be on your show. Speaker gingrich, i have a question about your sighting of an example of italy as an example of what did not happen correct. Wouldnt that put you in a position of fighting the u. S. Administration for its inability to get this right . That this has caused more deaths than there should have happened had we taken control earlier . Questiond pose a quick , if President Trump is spouting information that is cant underon i any circumstance understand why you, or any other republican would be an apologist for what he has done. I agree that you just said it was wrong, but the fact of the matter is that he did it. Now, people are being made ill by it. Does that not represent the idea that we need to get him off of anything and let the doctors tell us what is going on . Guest let me work backwards. Think, when you are dealing with the economy, national security, the virus, all of the different things, i dont think you can just leave it up to doctors. Doctors have a specialty in one thing. They dont have a specialty in economics. They dont have a specialty in keeping america safe. Aat is why we elect president , the job of any president whether it is barack obama or donald trump is to represent the entire nation and to integrate a lot of concerns. Our opening the economy is a judgment question. ,he swedes followed one pattern the italians followed a , there wasattern enormous damage done to their economy and i think the president is going to weigh the balance of which of those two where are we on that track . Stages, if the early do a weekly podcast. February, i had dr. Fauci he came on and did a podcast, which is available, you can , in february,t is dr. Fauci was not particularly terrified why . The chinese light. Lied. Chinese the president reacted earlier than most people would have, he cut off flights to china. Joe biden said it was racist. You look back now and you realize that it probably saved a lot of lives. If the italians had done that, there would have been less disease. President may have been too slow was cutting off flights from europe. The chinese virus was coming through europe. The earlynobody in days who would have supported the idea of cutting off flights from europe. The university of southhampton did a study, they estimated that if the chinese had told the truth, 95 percent of the people worldwide who died would be alive. This effort by people on the left to cite this as Donald Trumps fault is it most of history. Is a misreading of history. Dr. Fauci, i have respect for him but in february, the best medicine from the chinese and the who said this would be like sars. It would not become a pandemic. We were all wrong and we were wrong because of the chinese. Host did they withhold the information, or did they not know . Guest they lied. Period. There was a line done by the , i called forte making the chinese pay for reparations. Midnovemberes in they started getting cases in wuhan and doctors said this is serious, they were locked up. The Chinese Government issued instructions that the only positive reports nobody should be fear mongering. Wereoctors who reported charged with a misdemeanor, had to apologize for having said inappropriate things. Two weeks later, died from the virus. The chinese lied about it. They lied to the who who , as late asm january they said there was no evidence of human to human transmission, even though they knew that was a falsehood. They were agree already dealing with an accurate guest they were allowing flights from wuhan to the rest the world after they knew it was a pandemic. Caller good morning. Begin,t sure where to but i would like a few minutes. Historianher he is an , speaker of the house, and may be shill of the republican party. Talks about restricting travel the president restricted travel, however it is document it that 40,000 people from china still entered the United States as tourists or business people. Then, he talks about the 100,000 chinese working in italy, which is true. , he doesnt talk about its obvious that europe has the disease. He said italy locks down its country and did the right thing and fines violators for walking the streets. Then, he says potus did the right thing. That will prolong the destruction of our economy. Says the right thing to do is containment, not mitigation. Through all of this, if we do not have testing, contact tracing, and containment, which means people who were either positive or were close to people who are positive must quarantine voluntarily. T thinkers the question thank you for the question. Guest i am not sure where she was going. [laughter]the italians went into lockdown because they had lost control. I have not suggested that new york overreacted. When you have a city that , i think newed york had to go to lockdown. Take aference is, if you map overlay, the United States is the size of your is the size of europe. Suggest that montana or south dakota should follow the same rules as new york i think is a misunderstanding. My argument is, the president was right to say we have 50 governors, and the governors should try to work their own way out. Some people are going to make mistakes. Other people are going to do smart things. Why dont we do the smart things and not the dumb things . This is a practical approach to life but i do not think there is a theoretical solution, and i do not think we need 12 phds developing symmetric proposal. Developing some magic proposal. With theo move forward economy and containing the disease. Host the speakers newest book is entitled shakedown available on amazon. How do you launch a book in the middle of a pandemic . Guest [laughter] it is difficult. Course, you cant go to bookstores. Mostly, i have done it by radio and television. As i am talking with you on zoom , i ended up doing overview. Doing overview for my dining room. Guest this backdrop is my dining room which is also my workshop. It is a challenge because i think initially, we were told that shakedown came out at the very moment people were so but we arehe virus, watching it build momentum as wordofmouth we have not had a chance to have you on since the last state of the union two months ago, you sat behind bill clinton for four state of the Union Addresses next to bill clinton, when you saw Speaker Pelosi rip ,p President Trumps speech what was your reaction . I just realized, i want to reassure everybody i have not had my haircut in several weeks. I do not know when it is going to get cut. You will know things are Getting Better in rome when i get a haircut. I was astonished on a couple of levels. The state of the union is a constitutional event a report to converse a report to congress is called for in the constitution. Me, remarkable she would be that hostile in that setting. Two, i think it is the opposite of what she would want. Have seen the same thing from Speaker Pelosi again and again. I think people are frightened. I think they want a joint effort to get america back on track. When she holds up bills for two weeks and prevents Small Businesses from getting help, it is the kind of partisanship which i suspect is not to her advantage. Thought it was weird i could not imagine doing that. Even though we fought, as you know over impeachment, clinton and i always had a relationship that was very practical. Guest i notice the president always gives the speaker and the Vice President , he always gives each of them a copy of the speech. And hands mered in this envelope. Fromn it, and it says, president William Jefferson clinton, you are right, i resigned. He said im sorry, i gave you the wrong thing. And i wereore laughing. This is a human business. It is amazing how much more you can get done, and to have somebody tear your speech up during a National Event makes it harder to sit down together and get something done. Next in ellicott city, maryland. Caller it is interesting. So many president s come through, i have never seen a president like this be so divisive. Newt gingrich would know. Donald trump, we thought he was a businessman, he could bring people together, he has been the opposite in so many ways. In the way he talks about people, the country, how divisive he is. It is not about his policies. I think the way he handles himself, the way she talks i have never seen more friends not friends anymore because of this man. Point, new get Newt Gingrich and the conservatives attacked the media so much, it concerns me longterm that way we need the media taken to when we need to media to communicate, they undermine one of the foundations of this country which is having a good media. Every network has good ones and bad ones we can go through and figure out. Is thea that the media evil person, the enemy of the country, which newt played into, i think it is dangerous. I think folks who are as smart as newt should stop this and say, do your research, do your homework, but dont attack every media source as if they are the enemy of the state. Host thank you. I wont say they are evil but i will say 93 of the media is on the antitrump team. They wake up the New York Times, they know trump is going to Say Something terrible, they just dont know what it is yet. I think the first article suggesting trump be impeached was in april of 2016, during the campaign. The Washington Post has an article on the plan moving forward for impeachment. Ie level of hostility, which nobody on the left really thought he could win. At about 8 00 on election night, they were breaking out the champagne. Leftwing going to be judges, liberals on the bureaucracies, two hours later, the unthinkable happened. I think the never recovered. That includes most reporters. I think that is objective. Is an a good friend who historian on the civil war who called me and said he had not hostilityunending since the slave newspapers in South Carolina responded to lincoln. He said the level of vitriol, nastiness about trump was astounding. You still see it. We are in the middle of a real crisis. This is a real crisis. Go back and rerun these various white house briefings, you will see reporters engaged in the petty asked kind of gotcha. I think it is a disservice to the country. They are so wrapped up in trying to get donald trump and not trying to understand history has come to america. These are big events that are going to shape all of our lives. They may not be as decisive as world war ii, and we are not getting that kind of News Coverage worthy of that event. Host shannon, thanks for waiting. Palm city, florida. Caller good morning. Thank you for taking my call. I appreciate being able to reach out to somebody like Newt Gingrich, that i have seen in the public spotlight my entire life. Ofas wondering what kind insights he has from clintons impeachment to today, now that we know he was cheating on his wife. Also, i want to reiterate that, im sorry. I want to reiterate the fact that you dont actually have a current position in office, correct . Guest caller you do not hold office . Guest i am a citizen. Guest my wife is an ambassador representing to the pope. She has an official job. I dont. I am a private citizen. Courses,ooks, i teach i try to bring to bear whatever high have learned over the years. I try to figure out, where do we go from here . I think we have enormous challenges as a country and it is important to find solutions. As you noted, i was speaker of the house. Federalalance the budget for four years. Fda. D reform the withng in a bipartisan way bill clinton, i am willing to look at how we get the country back on the right track and how do we get problems solved. I appreciate your call. I dont think you need to be nervous, youre just talking to her youre talking to other fellow citizen. Host the website is gingrich360. Com. That includes his podcast and his latest book entitled shakedown. Helped uswt, russia win the election. That is why he is not a legitimate president. You dont even know russia helped this guy . They just had another investigation that said this guy is not the judgment. Why wont you stick up for america . You are a liar. Donald trump new three month in advance and did nothing. He let American People die. [indiscernible] caller wake up. You are making a fool out of america. Guest what you said about the president is not true. The chinese lied about the virus. They lie to the who. They lie to everybody else. If you would like to, look at the hudson institutes timeline. It goes stay by dan shows exactly how it happened. To suggest anything else i understand you have a chip on your shoulder, but the fact is the fact is this virus first appeared in november. The chinese did not report it. When it began to spread, the chinese lied. They locked up the doctors who were trying to warn about it. They convinced the World Health Organization to issue a report saying it was not a threat, there was no sign of any human to human transmission, which was a total falsehood. If you want to talk about facts as opposed to having a chip on your shoulder, i recommend you look at the hudson institutes timeline and you will be impressed. Host you have a view of what Mitch Mcconnell said, that states should continue should consider the possibility of continuing with bankruptcy erica continue with bankruptcy . Have a bias because jeb bush and i wrote an oped suggesting bankruptcy was an alternative. Let me draw a distinction between helping get through the immediate crisis, which i am for , and a bailout, which i am opposed to. We are helping Small Businesses and airlines is legitimate to help state and local governments in a bridge back to a better time. For those politicians who think this is a chance to come into the federal government and get hundreds of billions of dollars to pay off really bad pension deals that they cut with employee unions illinois is a total disaster because its politicians consistently sold out their future. Rest of theike the country 2 what jeb bush and i wrote is still true. That is, there are good grants to say again, money to bridge the problem, yes. Bailing you out . No. If you are in such bad shape you need a bailout, corrupt bailouts go to bankruptcy. Ask the other 49 states to cover up your bad decisions. Host from warren, pennsylvania. Good morning, francis. Caller i am a registered democrat. I am a grandmother, i have never missed an election. I think we can do something that is a first this time. I am going to stay home and not vote. Host what would you tell francis, mr. Gingrich . Guest i would say, 90, andlations on being having a lifetime of being an active odor. Even if you do not write in the name of your favorite political leader, men and women risking their lives all over the world fighting for your right to vote. If you think everybody is thats terrible, right in somebody you like. Dont avoid being a citizen. Just avoid being active because you dont like biden or trump. Think about your congressman and senators, county commissioners, state legislators, a lot of things are at stake than just the presidency. I would hope that with your long life and experiences, you would think about what america has meant to you and would decide it is worth voting. Host should that include voting by mail . Guest if you look at states that have controlled voting by mail where you know the person themselves voted, we have been able to do a good amount. Ist we have to be wary of the vote harvesting model where anyone can collect signatures and show up, there is no check in to see if they are registered , i think that corrupts the system. I would draw that distinction. Several states have only voting by mail and they seem to have had good expenses. Host lets go to albert in new jersey. Caller good morning. Curious, i wish everybody was as intelligent as mr. Gingrich. Just to the facts, it seems like everyone is saying this and that, the president could have done better, i think he did the best he could when you get the information. Like mr. Gingrich said if you go on google and do the research, i have been reading about the virus, they knew about it in december. It was a battered woman or something. I forgot, it was chinese. People have criticized the president. Everybody should get on board and do the best they can. Guest thank you. To reinforce her point, a lot of people currently criticizing the president , including joe biden, are people who criticized him when he did cut off travel. You cant have it both ways. If you look at the coverage right after he cut off travel, you see the people criticizing him, saying it was racism or xenophobia, those people are now saying he did not act sooner. But is nice in retrospect, [indiscernible] host our next collar is a regular viewer from ithaca, new york. It is always good to hear from you. Caller good morning steve. Good morning mr. Gingrich. Before i begin, i would like to thank everyone behind the scenes who put all of us on every day, every program from cspan. Host you are always kind to say that. Go ahead with your question. Caller i have a personal one for mr. Gingrich, the husband of , i ambassador, proud of that was in rome last year for palm sunday and was on the vatican square. Me vatican security welcomed and my service dog. We were attacked at st. Johns when i would to celebrate my 30th year of ministry. Vincent,astor michael ,inistry pro bono for 30 years the embassy helped us after the enbridge an ambridge for me trying to go to thursday mass. I would like to appeal to you, maybe after this summit if the embassy could get back to me, i am a daily reviver. Asked me to bring over documents on being raped in the new york seminary, fired by a priest to the Washington Post said was having relationships with a teen, i was told to mailin. I am homeless. In africa. In ithaca. Generalad two attorneys said the social Services Staff should be arrested. I was unable to see you when you spoke last year at cornell. My alma mater. I had been invited to do a phd in sustainable energy. Michael bloomberg was order to house me and didnt. Rent strikeonths against joseph greenblatt. Between 1982 area and 1992. , worked with everyone including the sultan. We extend our prayers. Host i have got to jump in, do you have a point . I think he hung up. For somebody who wants assistance from the embassy, or anybody, what is the best procedure . Guest i think if they are in rome and have a problem, at the vatican, they can call the embassy. If it is in the rest of rome, they would call the American Embassy to rome. We have what is called a that is both the ambassador to italy and the ambassador to the vatican. Advice would be to anybody, if you end up with a problem in rome, check with the American Embassy if you have a problem at the vatican, you should check with the vatican embassy. I want to pick up on his first, comment on his first amazed, on cspan, i am at the job you do. Themyself following show you put out on the white house briefings. The amount of material you will have in your archives, as an historian is historic. I want to think everyone at cspan. Everyone who goes out of their way to involve every citizen in the process of selfgovernance. Amazing public invention. As always, brian, you are great social entrepreneur. Host hopefully he heard her come in. Lets go to virginia. Caller good morning. I think the time difference in rome is a little different. Is, over the weeks over the last weeks i have been watching one american news. In 2005 and 2006, the governor of california was compiling and buying ventilators and ppe because he was afraid sinceina he was afraid katrina some disaster would happen in california. When Governor Brown came in, he said none of that was needed to prepare california for any types of earthquakes, fires or medical emergencies. He stopped all of that. Meantime, california had a great amount of money built up in the Rainy Day Fund. Newsoms019, gavin administration had 20 billion in a state fund, yet he still begs for money from the federal government. Everybody needs help, i dont disagree, but the difference between what a republican governor was doing, compared to the same thing with the gas tax in california. Host thank you for your comment. There are a number of states that should have done a better job. Frankly, the federal government should have done a better job. Bush aftereorge source had come back and said after sars said we need to buy more ventilators. That was never executed under obama. We are playing catchup across the board. There are places where people had stockpiles, and they threw them out because they wanted the space. I think you have got to look city by city, state by state. What is impressing to me watching the briefings is the number of private Sector Companies that have piled on and started producing things, the sheer volume of production. Ventilators guest they announced a program to help lee. I dashed to help italy. U. S. Can do an awful lot to save lives all over, not just in our own country. That was a great question. I think a number of these states i do not want to see us turn of the judgment bridge of money into a bailout to a bunch of states whose politicians routinely payoff to get reelected. Servicesn church resume for catholics, christians, synagogues for those of the jewish faith, what will it look like . Today i should say, later we will be watching, streaming from the basilica in washington, we have also watched the pope from st. Peters. You can look at these great churches that hold thousands of people and have maybe 15 people in them. There are 900 churches in rome. I think the initial phase will be social spacing. Limited attendance. 3000u can socially space or 4000 people, you could 1000inly social space people in the basilica. It is important. I thought it was outrageous in minnesota when the governor declared churches were not essential, but abortion mills and planned parenthood were. Something strange about where his values are. Host his new book is shakedown guest it is about a russian plot to destroy washington and baltimore by setting off a nuclear weapon. Two americans stop them. Host Newt Gingrich from rome. We thank you for being with us. Please come back. Guest thank you. I look forward to it, maybe in the studio. Host thank you for being with us. Last night, a very different snl, but brad pitt portraying anthony fauci, this is how the program began. [video clip] when he said everybody could get a test, what he meant was almost no one. , ayou could call it a germ flu, a virus, im not sure anyone knows what it is. We know what it is. Disinfectant knock it out in a minute, one minute. Is there way we could do Something Like that . By injection . Body withwe hit the the tremendous whether this ultraviolet or powerful light. I know i shouldnt be touching my face, but. There is a room of the president is going to fire him. I think he is a wonderful guy. I am getting fired. Going to bei am putting out the fact for whoever is listening. When i hear the virus could be cured if everyone takes the tide pods challenge, i will say dont. To the real dr. Fauci, thank you for your calm and clarity. Thank you to the medical workers, first responders, and their families for being on the frontline. Host that, courtesy of nbc. Saturday night live has been doing it from home. We are back tomorrow morning with another washington journal. Our primetime addition tomorrow evening will include the head of the Grocers Association and from the university of pennsylvania. We are also streamed on the web on cspan. Org. Stay healthy, keep safe, enjoy your weekend. [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2019] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] television has changed since cspan began 41 years ago but our Mission Continues to provide an unfiltered view of government. Already this year, we brought you primary election coverage, the president ial impeachment loss and the federal response to the coronavirus. You can watch all the Public Affairs programming on television, online or listen on our free radio app and be a part of the National Conversation through cspans daily Washington Journal Program or through our social media feeds. Cspan, created by private industry. Americas Cable Television company. As public service, and brought to you today by your television provider. Coming up this morning on cspan, next, Fox News Sunday Chris Wallace discusses the role of journalism during the coronavirus pandemic at a forum hosted by Georgetown University institute of politics and public service. Then, Maryland Governor larry hogan speaks with politico about his states response to the coronavirus pandemic and

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