Once again this morning, for medical professionals we will use 202 7488002. If you would like to text us, that is 202 7488003. Just make sure that you include your name and where you are texting from. On twitter we are at cspan wj. You can also post your comments on facebook. You may have seen a moment ago the tracker that we are following, the johns Hop University tractor, cases at 609,000. Confirmed deaths, 26,059. Worldwide cases are just about 2 million now. The number that you see here, 7905 deaths in new york city, Scott Gottlieb tweeting this morning about that with a chart saying that the positivity rates of new daily tests in new york are showing signs of a gradual decline, but still very high. This is one data point to watch to gauge the direction of the new york epidemic. A different with story, the New York Times, reporting that a review among passedk city deaths has 10,000, new york city, already a world epicenter of the coronavirus out rake, sharply increasing its death toll on tuesday after officials said that they were including people that never tested positive for the virus but were presumed to have died of it. Host the new york governor, andrew cuomo, yesterday, back to the issue of when states will open, spoke about his desire to work with President Trump on reopening the state. [video clip] sometimes it takes more strength, frankly, to walk away from a fight that engage with it. The president will have no fight with me. I will not engage in it. I have sat here every day for 44 years asking new yorkers to remember that this is not about. E, its about we i understand you are personally inconvenienced. I understand you are frustrated, stressed, and anxious. Think about we. Get past yourself and think about society. Think about your family. Think about interconnection. Actress on sulli for everyone else. This is no time for politics, its no time to fight. Totalmy hand out in partnership and cooperation with the president. If he wants a fight, hes not going to get it from me. The trunk news out of briefing yesterday, the move to cut World Health Organization funding prompts world criticism as coronavirus toll mounts. He halted funding to the World Health Organization over the handling of the coronavirus endemic, prompting criticism from other countries opening question this morning, your personal experience with covid19. If you had it personally, the line. 202 7488000 if you know a Family Member, friend, work colleague, that line is 202 7488001. Lets your from been in state college, pennsylvania. Good morning. Caller good morning. Before i make my comment, i dont want to minimalize the severity of the pandemic, i understand people have lost their lives and been made very sick. From my experience in western pennsylvania i have had three coworkers test positive and their symptoms have been mild. I know thats just three out of millions, but that being said i remember the president saying the queue or cannot be worse than the disease. We have all been laid off and are waiting on unemployment and from my personal perspective from this point it has materialized. What is your sense of when you may personally get back to work, get back to life as it was in the past. Normal, as it was in the past. Caller i dont know, but my boss said to go ahead and file through midjuly, so i will be waiting. Right, tim, flat rock, michigan. Go ahead. Caller i have lost two people because of this. My friends mother died at 72, 2 weeks ago. My counselor, he died at 60 years old week ago. He was admitted not even 48 hours and within 20 four of those 48 hours he was placed on a ventilator and by the end of it, he passed away. But i also wanted to touch on the protests in michigan, today. Host whats that all about . Whats excuse me . Host the protest all about . Caller its hosted by the Michigan Conservative Coalition and michigan freedom fund, a devos family linked conservative group. More than 3000 facebook users have pledged to attend. Organizers want traffic jams, honking horns, and flashing signs. We all know that when there are protests, people want to get out and really have voices heard. We definitely dont need protests right now at this time. We need michiganders to get together, you know, for our of ors, and not think oh, i cant buy a thing of paint. You can easily order it online. You can buy seeds online. But some people just dont understand that. I think that because it is in the store they can have access to it. Thats their right. But in times like this, when the governor is putting in these andct measures for a reason people want to half and puff because they cannot buy a packet of seeds to grow some vegetables, but they can easily go online. Theres a lot of misinformation. Like the governor got backlash about a mom wanting to buy a car seat for her child and the walmart employee took the car seat because it wasnt an essential item. It took the governor to clarify that car seats for in for infants are a safety essential item. Yeah, there are things he could have done better with this new rollout, clarifying better. But you know, with this 3000 vehicle parade, i guess you want to call it, its not really a protest. We dont need that right now. Its going to make us look dumb. You tellingreciate us, we will keep our eye on that story. Janice, florida, on the line for friends, colleagues, Family Members who have had it. And if you have had it personally, the line is 202 7488000. Janice, jacksonville, go ahead. Do us a favor, mute your volume there and go ahead with your comment. Caller ok. My aunt, my mothers sisterinlaw, 101 and a half, she is 101 and a half, she was born, she always tell me she was and her mother almost died of the spanish flow but then almost 100. I just woke up and i thought this was worthy of telling and knowing about. Shes remarkable. She lives totally alone. She has never had the flu. Any kind ofr had flu. She doesnt get colds. She is just unbelievable. Her strength and her ingenuity, canterything, i just tell you. It didnt make the impact. Issue living on her own, retirement home, assisted living facility . Caller totally on her own. She lives a pretty good distance from me. It still consider jacksonville, but on the edge. I dont get to go there. She is trying to be very careful, even with her two sons. Her immediate family. They revolve around her. She was going to the Grocery Store with her oldest son. You would think im making it up. Unbelievable, shes stronger than any of us. Host this is your mom . Caller no, this is my mothers sisterinlaw, my aunt. Host got you. Inler i lost my mother 2014. They were the same age. This is my aunt, who i think, type a private person thing, but i just feel like host has she been diagnosed or is she ok . Shes not, shes been extremely careful, very intelligent, following all the guidelines and everything. Her two sons, she doesnt have a daughter, her two sons make sure that she has whatever she needs, very carefully. She bakes cakes. I have asked her to send me the picture of the cake she has baked and a picture of her garden outside their. She said its not really a garden, but she, i cant believe it. The fact now that i know that during spanish flu, saw it on a documentary on pbs, was just blown away. And that her mother almost died from it. Kind of mentioned that. Shes not one to boast or say youve got to listen to me. Shes not like that. Host thank you for that. I hope your aunt stays strong there in jacksonville. Janice is next in greenwich will, connecticut. Caller good morning. Let me thank you for your program. I used to never watch and now im addicted to it. I watch it every day, thank you for that. I work for a Major Airline as a flight crew member and i personally know three people, who i know right now are recovering, thank gosh. From the from the testing positive of covid19 and i think that some people are lucky enough to be able to have, even though their situations were pretty serious, they are on the road to recovery. Others are very, very at risk. Thats me. I happen to take medication that makes me immunosuppressed. I cant go to work. Host what are they doing to help keep people safe . What sort of our adjustments or work processes are they doing differently from before . Well obviously now that loads are much lower on the aircraft unless you are coming from an area where people are trying to get away, for whatever reason. That it fills up. Most of the planes right now remarkably empty, its your he. The thing about it is it is an enclosed cabin with recirculated air. It is a thing that is potentially an incubation test tube. The concerns certainly, me. I know that all of the executive and the people in the Health Divisions of our company are tried to come up with mediation plans. Much a concern. Its like being on a bus, a train, any other environment. You know said that three coworkers, have you been in touch with any of them . Caller directly. Host how are they doing . Recovering. Some are worse than others. It takes, the loss of taste and smell has been consistent for all three. The desire not to eat, you put that in there. We are encouraging them to eat. Recovering in different ways. The body aches for one, the fevers were very high. Two of them live alone. Thats a concern. Host none of them hospitalized . No, they are in their early 50s. They are younger. Know, youngeryou than 80. Host appreciate that, i hope they get well. Political news, yesterday, the former president barack obama endorsing his former Vice President joe biden, and a video released. Heres some of that. [video clip] if there is one thing that we have learned in this country in moments of great crisis, the spirit of looking out for each other cannot be restricted to our homes are neighborhoods homes, neighborhoods, and houses of worship, it has to be reflected in the national government. The kind of leadership guided by knowledge and experience. Honesty and humility. Empathy and grace. That kind of leadership doesnt just belong in the state capitals and mayors offices. It belongs in the white house. Am so proud to endorse joe biden for president of the United States. Choosing joe to be my Vice President was one of the best decisions i ever made and he became a close friend and i believe he has all the qualities that we need in a president right now. He is someone whose own life has taught him how to persevere. To bounce back when you have been knocked down. He talks with parents who have lost their jobs. We hear the son of a man who once knew the pain of having to had his children that he lost his. When joe talks about opportunity for our kids, we hear the young father who took the train home each night so that he could tuck his children into bed. And we hear the influence of jill, the lifelong teacher. When joe talks to families who have lost a hero, we hear another parent of an american veteran, a kindred spirit. Someone whose faith has into are the hardest loss there is. Thats joe. Through all his trials, he has never once forgotten the values or the moral fiber that his parents passed on to him and that made him who he is. Faith in steals his god, america, and in all of us. Coronavirus relief payments are set to come to households this week. Some have already arrived. The front page story in the Washington Post , our topic this hour, your experience with covid19. If you have personally had the illness, 202 7488000. If you know a friend or a Family Member or a friend who has had covid19, 202 7488001. Medical professionals, 202 7488002. And send us a text, 202 7488003. A couple of those here. The first one from kennesaw, georgia. A text from sheila. Thing, back to the relief checks. This is aps from the money and life section of usa today. This is a piece from the money and life section of usa today. Shirley and, henderson, nevada. My apologies. Go ahead. Caller yes, good morning. I have several Family Members in michigan and South Carolina who contracted covid19. My daughter, her husband, my granddaughter, 15, asthmatic. Her husband has cancer, diabetes, high Blood Pressure, overweight. I received a call from her and she was terrified of taking them to the hospital in detroit because they were overcrowded and people were literally dying in the waiting rooms of the hallway. The problem is that when people are tested, they are not getting treated. I have a cousin with copd, 77. She was tested on the 16th, sick in South Carolina. Her husband was sick. No treatment whatsoever. I called her and told her to start treating herself, use a nebulizer if you cant breathe. You need antivirals because your immune system is compromised. So, after treating people over the phone, we got into a rhythm the firstu need on pass. Then there is a low and you feel a little bit better and suddenly the breathing distress problems hit. As soon as that happens, we started hitting people with an inhaler and then a nebulizer. We just got into the rhythm of treating folks. Got sick. Rs father hes in the hospital now on oxygen. Any sense of the commonality . Was there an event that everyone went to . Family members or close to each my soninlaw works at an auto plant. Multiple members of that particular plant tested positive for covid19. Two of his coworkers are now on respirators. Four of them died in like five days. He worked with those people for 20 years. Do you feel comfortable telling us, do you know where it is . Itsr yeah, its just, right on the outskirts of detroit. I dont want to say specifically because they got into a big fight with the union. Host thats fine. Caller the big bosses wanted people to continue to work, even though they knew they were sick. Still work. Them to with my soninlaw having cancer, he was exposed. It was horrible. Folks, hope they get better. Appreciate you calling in today. Al, miami, says you have personal experience with covid19 . Caller i think i contracted it from a mixture of my daughters there was months ago a mixture of not going to work where you feel the pressure of making it for your family, you go to work, i thought it might be a fleeting cold. My daughters happened to be around me and i thought they had colds from school. They come home with nasties from school all the time. Are one of the bigger transmitters of the virus. Homeschooling for a good while should be the norm. Use a lot of for cautions as they head back to school. Have them wear masks and be alert of symptoms. It comes in waves. The first wave, it attacks your upper respiratory system. You get massive headaches. You start getting the fevers. Then you feel the pressure in your chest with the bronchitis and pneumonia. The most is relentless. Its painful. You lose tons of weight. If you feel that you are getting body aches and a fever, you more than likely have it. Host sounds like you spent time in the hospital, right . No, i self medicated. I traveled across the country and people were saying i have this thing, i dont know what it is, its the worst dealing i ever had. Its like a cold, but more horrible. I have a little bit of medical research in my background. Im like yes, it takes over yourselves. It feels like something is taking over you and doesnt want to let you go. Article and ian dont have it in front of me, probably talk about it later, that says one of the side effects has been it affects the brain. People who had it report seeing hallucinations. Things like that. Or a loss of memory, things like that. Have you had any emotional or mental issues with that . Caller absolutely. Mental fog. Lowlevel anxiety. You get depressed. Diethink you are going to at all moments. I basically just started using a bunch of home remedies. Especially afrin. If you can find that, take that to avoid congested your upper respiratory system. A lot of the feeling of the x vaporub and water that has been steamed, covering the head. Its very beneficial. Take a large amount with honey and horseradish. A little bit of what sabe wasabi paste. Host you are obviously on the upswing. What time frame are we talking . When did you first notice symptoms . Caller before i answer that somethingthere is called sessa lacks in that my mother gave me. Laxin that my mother gave me edit ramp things up. I got sick on thanksgiving day last year and i didnt recover until february the third. Of this year. Have been tested positive of covid19 . Caller they havent been able to test me because the lines are so long. Every time i go to test its two hours of weight minimum. Every time that i go and i see that massive amount, more than 400 and i have to park in the , ie like seven miles away just cease and desist. But all the symptoms and how i felt and a whole bunch of people got sick, when i describe it they have never had this before, more than likely i had it. Appreciate you calling in this morning. John in bloomfield, michigan with a personal experience. Tell us about that, john. Yes, good morning. I thought it would be helpful to share my experience. I had mild symptoms for four days solid, just under 100 degrees. That i experienced chest pressure for a good week. Didnt have any, i just had this lethargic feeling. A not aof took me into depression state, but a very a low function state. I tried to get myself tested at the local hospital. They said they wouldnt test me unless my fever exceeded 100 degrees. Which i thought was interesting. The building business, a client of mine was a nurse at this main hospital, called beaumont. Very large hospital. They wouldnt test her and she said she had to come to work as long as her fever did not exceed 100 degrees, which i thought was interesting as well. Host so you havent been tested, but you showed all the sign. Like i asked her the other guy, where did this start and where are you now . Caller it was really about a month ago. I lost all taste and smell. That is one of the key indicators. Do you feel now, john . Caller totally fine. I mean i did have the mental fog for weeks. That was notable. I had to have had it. Seems like all the indicators are there. Any kind ofget knowledge. It would be helpful to know that so that i could return to normality. Absolutely, keep Getting Better there, john. Coronavirus outbreak at virginia nursing home spirals out of control, 45 died. Thats from the New York Times co. Kathleen, good morning. Caller good morning. I have a cousin that is in the icu. Ok. Lieve shes doing i got three sentences. She does not live in a privileged Community Like i do. The