Gov. Murphy good afternoon, everybody. Just to remind folks what our plan is for the next couple of days, obviously, we are together right now and i, as i mentioned, unless there is a very meaningful material development, in which case we will change plans, tomorrow will be an email, paper release in terms of the overnight numbers and any other news we have to report, because of the white house vtc on monday, we will do a press conference at 2 00 instead of the usual 1 00 timeframe here. So, i am honored to be joined today, as i am every day, by the woman to my right who needs no introduction. The commissioner of the department of health. Persichilli. To her right, another name well known to most, the state epidemiologist. To my far left, the state police superintendent. And to my immediate left represent the department of workforce development, the commissioner. I mentioned as yesterday that i asked rob to give us an update on the department of labor efforts to ensure every new n in need of Unemployment Insurance relief can file a claim and receive benefits. Folks are dealing with an unprecedented crush of people trying to reach them. We understand it can get frustrating. When the website gets bogged down, or if you are stuck on hold on your telephone. But also know that these people are working harder than ever while also worrying about your own families. Thats rob. Thank you for helping us understand a little better his teams efforts and where we go from here. So thank you. And so, as weve been doing, lets get to the numbers early in our discussion. Particularly sobering today. Since yesterday, weve been notified another 4331 residents have tested positive for coronavirus. That brings our statewide total to 34,124. 4331 overnight positive tests, for a total of 34,124. As usual, judy will give you more color. In addition, with the heaviest of hearts, we are today reporting another 200 residents have passed due to covid19 complications. Our state total now sits at 846 precious lives lost. Let me put this in a proper yet very sobering context. We have now lost nearly 100 more of our fellow New Jerseyans to covid19 then we did in the september 11 attacks. Please let that sink in for a moment. This pandemic is writing one of the greatest tragedies in our states history. And just as we have committed to never forgetting those lost on 9 11, we must commit to never forgetting those we are losing to this pandemic. We wont do this every day and we certainly wont do it often, even though those numbers will continue to climb, but im going to pause right now for a moment of silence. Allow me to mention some of those, a very few sadly of the many we have lost, the precious lives we lost. Retired colonel of eatontown, in my home county. And theres samuel on one of our recent memorial days with me, admiring one of the wreaths we of our fallenr veterans. He has now fallen himself. He served for more than 37 years. He was awarded a bronze medal for his service in iraq in 2006 and 2007, and he also received the new Jersey Distinguished Service meet all with medal with oak leaf cluster. He led the monmouth chapter of the association of the United States army. Our state lost him yesterday. We thank him for his life of service, as we do every single one of our proud veterans. His memory and his family are in our prayers. I want to thank my friend for making sure that i knew sadly that we had lost him. Another one, jesus was a patient transport worker at Holy Name Medical Center in teaneck, where he had worked for 27 years. His coworkers remember the time he won the 5050 raffle, and instead of keeping it for himself, he shared it with his colleagues. He was 75 years old. We join his family and everyone he touched in mourning his passing. Teaneck, which has been particularly hardhit, lost another great member of its community, perry rosenstein. Perry was the uncle of cwas new jersey director, who so many of us in trenton know so well. Perry founded the Puffin Foundation in teaneck to support the arts, and the Abraham Lincoln brigade archives to chronicle the american fighters who stood against spanish fascism during the franco regime, among so much more. All of us send our condolences to the entire rosenstein family and friends and teaneckers who perry touched. I learned last night a dear friend in morris county, my dear friend scott carlsen, lost his dad, gerald, who was going to turn 88 in two weeks. We was a lifelong new jerseyan, was a lifelong design draftsman who worked on both the shuttle columbia and challenger. Were keeping scott and his family and his dads memory in our prayers. He was the proud grandfather of haley and evan. To each and every one of them and the many more we are not mentioning by name today, god rest their souls. Today, as i mentioned yesterday, our flags are flying at half staff in their memories and the memory of all who have been lost and for all the families who have been impacted by covid19. We have to remind everyone, who are not able to fully gather properly for a funeral, or a memorial. The flags will continue to fly at half staff throughout the duration of this pandemic. No family, whether in new jersey or anywhere, will be forgotten. I know that staying apart is really hard, whether for a funeral or a religious rite we long to attend. But right now, we have no choice. It is what we need to do and what we must do. I spoke yesterday by telephone with a great leader in our state, cardinal joe tobin. The cardinal made it clear Everyone Needs to stay home, including, and i say this and he says this with profound gravity, including not taking communion, whether it is tomorrow for palm sunday or any day. I know it is not easy for him or for catholics around the state, as this especially is the beginning of holy week. To all our Christian Brothers and sisters, we acknowledge the beginning of the week tomorrow but plead with you to stay home and stay away from each other. Cardinal tobin spoke, as he volunteered to do, with each archbishop in this state. That was the conversation i had. I know he speaks, he spoke with them, and a particular shadow to my bishop from the archdiocese of trenton, bishop oconnell. Cardinal tobin spoke, as he volunteered to do, with each archbishop in this state. That was the conversation i had. I know he speaks, he spoke with them, and a particular shadow to my bishop from the archdiocese of trenton, bishop oconnell. I think not just the catholic leadership, but leaders across all of our faith communities who are coming together to help meet the spiritual needs of their congregations while also ensuring the social distancing that is so critical to flattening the curve and getting us through this emergency, especially in this season, when you have holy week leading up to easter, you have passover starting on wednesday and not far behind ramadan, the three big religious holidays among so many other celebrations and festivals that are fast approaching. Our desire clearly is to come together. Thats only natural. We are humans. But our need and our mandate is to find a way to observe and celebrate separately. I know it is a challenge, but it is a challenge we are more than up to meeting. Keep practicing your social distancing. As we note in this map, and ill come to it in a second, consider it as father jim would say social solidarity. By being a part, we are working together. This graphic from the New York Times shows the impact and how vital social distancing is to slow the spread. Lets stay with this for a second. This is colorcoded for all 21 counties. By the way, theres no amount of football spiking we should attach to this graph, but it gives you some sense, and is has changed meaningfully over the past several days, the darker colors are where the amount of folks who are infected is doubling at a faster rate. And so while the cases in salem and Cape May County in the south are quite low, i think the total positives in cape may are 50, and in salem county 25, so between them only 25 positive cases that have been tested, by the way, just folks who have been tested. So it is a low number, but the curve is steep, so the folks there need to get ahead of this as fast as they can. The orange color is where cases are doubling at a much slower rate. The yellow area, which happens to include my hometown, where they are doubling at an even slower rate. There is another color thats better than yellow, meaning essentially you have broken the back. I dont know what that color is, but i look forward to seeing it sooner than later. We can show you a national map, which we remind you we showed yesterday. The deeper the red, the more traveling there is going on and the grayer the gray, the more social distancing and less travel going on. We showed this yesterday. I dont think this has changed meaningfully since yesterday, but the good news is that you see new jersey among the cohort of very gray states, which means, folks, thank you. What you are doing is making a difference. That ultimately will give us the best weapon we have to deal with this and break the back of that curve and flattened it. We still have a ways to go, by the way. I wish this would be an overnight, next week, two weeks from now phenomenon. It isnt. But you also can see why we are concerned about other places that are still traveling who have gotten to the stay at home status much more slowly than we have in new jersey and neighboring states. We will have to be very, very careful when we slowly, whenever it is, begin to responsibly reopen our economy and our state and our society. We have to be very careful, particularly judy and your team will remind me of contact facing and being aggressive and quarantining and isolating anybody down the road. As ive said many times, were going through hell together and ill be darned if we do that more than once. We have to be sure. This will be longer than any of us wants, but we have to not only cracked the back of the reality here, but as we begin to open things up again we do not inadvertently put gasoline back on the fire. Again, back to our communities of faith, regardless of your faith, we need you to remember we are all in this together, and that we must find ways to stay at home. We mandate stay at home, and exercise your faith, practice your faith, social distance, even from your fellow family members, at home. I thank you for that. There are a number of different other points which i will make as quickly as i can before i turn things to judy. We had a number of conversations at the most senior levels of the administration. This morning, i had a good conversation with Vice President mike pence about a range of critical asks on our behalf. You will not be surprised that ventilators was at the top of that conversation, as is almost as it is in almost every conversation. We have a remaining outstanding ask of 1650 from the feds. We spoke also with jared kushner, with the admiral. We spoke about fema activities in the state. We spoke about ppe, i mentioned ventilators. I reexpressed to the Vice President how extraordinarily important it is that the Treasury Department be as flexible as they can be when they take the money from the cares act signed last week and apply it to states. We are in a world of hurt. Not only are our expenses exploding, our revenues have fallen off the table, and thats in addition to what you are going through as individuals, whether it is filing for unemployment or small businesses, nonprofits, the arts community. We are all in a world of hurt and wanted to make sure the Vice President hurt again that the more flexibly we apply to that, the better we will be. Themes repeated with jared, as it relates to ventilators, ppe in particular. We also went back and forth to make sure we had flex ability we ibility welex needed for the field medical stations, field hospitals as i call them, that are beginning to populate themselves. Judy can update on secaucus. A whole range of conversations. Longterm care facilities, something judy will hit and that has been a topic of other conversations that i know we have been having as a team. We spoke with the president last night and again this morning on concerns that he had. We just got off the phone with john dolan, who heads the association. John remind me that we talked about 375 longterm care facilities and theres another about 230 assisted living properties, so really over 600 in the broader community. I reiterated not only our thanks for their help, but also a couple of things judy is going to go over. The fact we need the workers at all these facilities who may be inadvertently bringing the virus to be fully masked, as judy articulated already. That is theres any positive testing in any facility, it is the obligation, mandated obligation of the facility to that next of kin know that has happened. I know you stressed that. That will give you some sense of the conversations. I was talking about supply chain, getting advice, brainstorming ways we may be old to get at shortages we continue to have. We continue to be short ventilators, ppe, beds, healthcare workers, which i know that judy will talk about, our heroes at the front lines. We are trying to do everything we can to stay ahead of all the above, but i dont have to say this, when you lose 200 people, not necessarily overnight, i say that, but this is another day where the 200 includes a lot of folks who did pass yesterday and this morning but also folks who cumulatively have passed recently. God rest their souls. Were doing every thing we can to keep the amount of folks, of lives we lose as low as possible, and separately to keep the number of folks who get this virus as low as possible. As cases continue to surge as we expect them to, were adding Hospital Capacity as quickly as we can. Under judy and pats leadership and alongside the u. S. Army corps of engineers, were working with all our hospitals to rapidly and significantly increase bed capacity. We are building out new wings and bringing vacated buildings back online, and building field medical stations as i mentioned a minute ago. We expect to have our second location in edison ready i believe early next week. The 14th. Ok. Were also working to expand capacity by utilizing hotels and dormitories, particularly those located in hotspot areas or in close proximity to hospitals which are nearing capacity. This is an enormous effort to bring thousands of new beds online, which also requires us to plan for medical and administrative staffing, providing wraparound services, and meeting as i mentioned our equipment and supply needs. At every level, this is a datadriven, moneyball process. We know where we expect numbers to go in the coming weeks and have to do the difficult things to prepare for that. I previewed this already the past couple of days. We will speak to this in more detail on monday. Switching gears again. Earlier this week, federal authorities broke up a significant ppe hoarding situation in brooklyn, and seized hundreds of thousands of pieces of ppe, precisely the equipment that is in short supply. Yesterday, we learned from the fbi, the u. S. Attorneys office, that new jersey will be one of the beneficiaries of the distribution of those hoarded supplies. We will be receiving more than 70,000 n95 masks, and 5000 gloves among other ppe from this seizure. Id like to thank especially the u. S. Attorney and newark fbi special agent in charge for their efforts in seeing our frontline workers get this gear. That gives me an opportunity to give a shout out to jared maples, who is with us, the the director of homeland security. Today, director callahan will be signing an order giving municipalities and counties ability to prohibit all rentals to transient guests or seasonal tenants for the duration of the emergency, including hotels and motels. Weve heard too many stories especially from shore communities of people trying to relocate for the time being into their towns from impacted areas. This is not how social distancing works. No one should be leaving their primary residences, especially for the shore communities that do not have the infrastructure, especially health and First Responder infrastructure in place, particularly offseason, to accommodate an influx of residents. Meanwhile, we are still seeing individuals and members of our Business Community stepping up to help our entire family get through this. Yesterday, by example, we were contacted by uber eats, the food delivery service, which is donating 14,000 meals totaling 350,000 to frontline workers at four Hospital Systems across the state. We are incredible grateful to them, and of course are incredibly grateful to the heroic workers who will be receiving these meals. Of course, we are still looking for many more people to join the thousands of retired or student healthcare workers and others with previous medical experience you already signed up to volunteer to help us on the front lines. Please visit covid19. Nj. Gov volunteer to add your name and have your experience matched with our emergent needs. Judy will likely address this, but it is fair to say that with all the challenges we have on ventilators, where we are short ppe, short beds, short in some cases, the gating factor is healthcare workers. With folks who are unsurprisingly out sick, social distancing, selfquarantining, we need all the help we can get, so please keep raising your hand and add your name to the many thousands who have come forward to say they are willing to help. If i may switch gears again, on the topic of testing. Tomorrow, april 5, the Bergen CommunityCollege Testing site will be operating again in partnership with fema, open from 8 00 a. M. , and that will remain it reaches its 500test capacity. To be tested, you must be a new jersey resident and you must be showing symptoms of a respiratory illness. Please, asymptomatic folks, i dont blame you for being worried, we understand, but you have to step aside and let the symptomatice step forward and be tested. The Pnc Bank Arts Center site, which is only serving healthcare workers and First Responders, will be closed to the general public tomorrow. Remember, these are only two sites being operated directly from the department of health. There are many, many other countyrun and testing sites across the state. You can find one near you by visiting covid19. Nj. Gov testing. Covid19. Nj. Gov testing. By last count, we had at least 45 separate testing sit