Transcripts For CSPAN New Mexico Gov. Lujan Grisham Holds Co

CSPAN New Mexico Gov. Lujan Grisham Holds Coronavirus Briefing July 13, 2024

Governor grisham we are working on a system that respects the instructions to stay at home. Its very clear about social distancing but we want to provide direct updates and today is an opportunity to do things a little bit differently. It will take a little longer. I really believe that the benefits of this kind of conversation with everyone in new mexico who has the opportunity to do now or later will be incredibly beneficial because in fact, we are all in this together. We will do a format that starts about where we are so you will get a case update from me. I want to talk about what we have done, kind of an accomplishment so you get a sense that things are happening all the time. And are still doing what to expect, what is the next several weeks or months and what to they look like and how do we know that . And then we are going to talk about any of the questions, we will have a dialogue and move got folks who provided questions in advance. I think there is an opportunity to ask questions as we do this. With me today are some of the folks i think you have met in this process in addressing the pandemic. Health, is toof my right, the secretary of Human Services who is to my right and general nava who is the commander of the new Mexico National guard. First, lets do the case update. Today, we have announced 35 new covid19 cases in the state. Cases. Ngs a total of 315 we have two new hospitalizations. So we have 24 individuals in hospitals. Unfortunately today, we have an additional death related due to covid19. It is a male in his 40s and that brings our total death tont to new mexico souls five. As we have talked about, frankly, thats too many. Unfortunately, as we talked about what we have done and what we will do and what to expect, the reality is that we will see more deaths. The only way that we prevent that and hospitalizations is by doing more together. First, i will talk a little bit and move over a little bit, about what we have done. I have tried to provide the information either through our state website which we will put up on the screen for you or any number of other issues. I want to make sure its really clear that we are working on a number of fronts simultaneously. Number one, we have to make sure that social distancing is done by making sure we have cleared an effective public order and the instruction to stay home is meaningful. To that end, i know everyone is already aware we have closed schools until the end of the school year. New mexicans should expect we will have additional orders extending our current orders about what constitutes an essential business, which businesses are closed, and what we consider appropriate social distancing which means we dont want folks in groups more than five. We will continue to do that because in fact, that saves lives. We will show you dated today that will give you a sense of how well we are doing with social distancing and we will talk a little about what we can do better about social distancing. Included some incredible measures to deal with the fact that social distancing and closing businesses to make sure social distancing occurs, has created undue, burdensome, really tragic issues for so many workers and new mexico families. To make sure that childcare is available, we are lifting the caps on childcare services. We will continue to ask for waivers to make sure no one is denied childcare services. We talked about making sure new mexico is covering covid19 issues and related health care for entire families. If we have a childcare, because this is a group thats largely underinsured or uninsured, we will make sure they are taking care of. We are asking the federal government to allow us to use medicaid and many more meaningful ways that means more people will be eligible for medicaid. We dont want new mexicans to be in a situation because they cannot go to work, that they are now under or uninsured. We will continue to work on that and i know we have had incredible discussions and there is information on our website talking about our Continuous Learning plans and the waivers we are getting from the federal government to make sure we are not ignoring students Educational Needs but in fact, we will address them. I will tell new mexicans and a shout out to new mexico educators and superintendents and schools that many other states are looking at new mexicos plan for Continuous Learning efforts and are following suit, making sure we do everything in our power to address Continuous Learning through the end of the school year. We have extended, we were early in extending uninsurance benefits. We know there are so many folks and we got to make sure they are in a position to keep food on the table and support their families. We have protected folks to the degree we can so we dont have evictions, we dont want individuals going into foreclosure or losing their houses. Anything that we can do as a state, we are doing it. Anything we can leverage from the federal government, we will leverage it. There are several other specific issues related to making sure food is being delivered to schools, more people are eligible for Food Assistance through a program called snap. We want to make sure that we are to everyut the impacts single new mexico and as we Work Together to address this pandemic. The second thing i really want to focus on in terms of what we have done new mexico has been incredibly aggressive and is one of the first states thanks to the department of health to do driveby covid19 testing. The way that works in this system is the federal government give you permission for Laboratory Equipment that run samples. Without that, you cannot use a ton of equipment that most states have as available to run these tests. Interestingly enough, new mexico has more of capita of these kinds instruments that can run these covid19 tests. Our National Laboratories have decent instruments. Our large labs have these instruments and the department of health through their state laboratory has these instruments and the university of new mexico has these instruments. We aggressively went after test kits for every single one of our instruments and its one of the reasons why new mexico is leading in the number of tests performed per capita in the country. You will hear more about that from the secretary of health in a minute but its because we started doing this work in january to get the accreditation, get the certification, get the approvals from the federal government and to make sure we were in a position to do much better job testing. The more we know about the virus, the more we know that individuals who are infected, then the more we can do about isolating those individuals and keeping them safe in their own what can managing occur in longterm care facilities and in our Health Care Providers and hospital settings. I feel very good about that effort and we continue to get support from the federal government related to our testing opportunities. Lastly, i want folks to know about what we are doing. We are working diligently to make sure the federal government is paying attention to rural and frontier states and the states in the west. The epicenter unfold like places in new york, florida, louisiana and washington and california, we want to make sure we dont create the same kind of dynamic in new mexico. The federal government arbitrarily came up with a couple of different designations. Call tier one, states that have access to all of the personal protective equipment and related supplies and testing kits. And other states that are tier two. What that really means is we will let you know when you are eligible for that equipment, material and supplies. We have been fighting against that designation and specifically requested the president and Vice President to remove that label for new mexico. I will continue to fight that fight and heres where it is really it has really paid off. The president agreed earlier in the week to grant new mexico a Field Hospital. I know you have seen those on the news in different states including new york. We will have a Field Hospital. We will locate that Field Hospital which will have icu beds in areas where we think we will have the kind of surges with leveraging of capacity and that will make the most sense. We also have the army corps of engineers already on the ground looking at creating additional hospital bed capacity. We have secured the old loveless hospital in albuquerque and that will give us a nearly 200, maybe a little more, hospital beds right in the Albuquerque Bernalillo county area and they are looking in gallup, farmington, roswell, las cruces and santa fe for additional locations where we build out Surge Capacity. You will hear from the doctor about what the numbers really look like based on the data we have. And thats the last thing i want to tell you before i turn it over to secretary kunkel. We have been pulling the private and Public Sector together so we can build ventilators or do 3d printing of materials and supplies that help us provide the kind of patient care, leveraging a researchers at the labs and in the private sector. We have been working across all of these interests to make sure the best people in the country, which are located right here in new mexico, are doing modeling so we can tell you what the worstCase Scenarios look like, when we think the search will happen, and whether folks and whether social distancing is making the impact we expect. You will see some of that work and it will be led today by dr. David scrace. In a position to lead the country and protocols that allow us to reuse masks and gowns and hoods, the kind of protective personal equipment to keep our First Responders and Health Care Workers safe and also protect patients. Ofause of this tiering states and using fema, and asking governors, including this governor, to go out there and secure these items on our own, it has created a draconian, unnecessarily competitive, very difficult environment to acquire any of those goods or supplies. We have been doing this since january and we are building our own supply and our own stockpile. You will hear that it is not enough to meet any surge. You will see a plan come together about how we can address that together. I want to thank you again for joining us today and i will ask secretary kunkel to talk a little bit more about our Testing Capacity and their shift in policy. Good afternoon, im happy to say that the state of new mexico has been successful in their labmpts to increase capacity in the state of new mexico. Both the state scientific laboratories and their partner try core have been successful in obtaining the resources and instruments that we need to increase our ability to process specimens. Because we have that new ability and it continues to increase, and the National Labs are coming on board, we hope in the next week or two to further increase that capacity, because we can now process more specimens, as of today, we are expanding the criteria for testing. For covid19 although we have been urging the public to only get tested if you are symptomatic, we are changing that today for two reasons. Increasedse we have capacity to process those tests and also because there is evidence that Early Detection of asymptomatic people can help us to contain the spread of Community Transmission of covid19. As of today, the criteria for testing will include asymptomatic individuals who are close contacts or household members of positive covid19 individuals. We are also recommending asymptomatic individuals in Nursing Homes be considered for testing. Asymptomatic individuals in congregate settings should be considered for testing. As always, symptomatic individuals who have coughs, fever or shortness of breath should absolutely be tested. There are many testing sites available in the state of new mexico today. Ande are over 60 sites today, 45 of those sites in 24 counties are open. We thank our partners in the Hospital Community for helping us stand up many of these sites and you can see whats open inham day on the cv. House. Org website. , in thelso removing department offices, any requirement for a referral. Some of the private hospitals may still require a referral but the department of health will not. Simply call your Public Health office and request an appointment. That testing for every resident of new mexico is still free and thank you. Thank you, secretary. Comment about the amazing performance in testing and how rapidly we got that up and thank our public and private partners who work to expand capacity. And talkow some slides about them briefly. The first is new mexico covid19 doubling rate. I want to explain doubling rate. You may have heard that. The doubling rate is how many days does it take for the number of cases to double. From 100 toe going 200 and so on. We started out in new mexico on the graph with a doubling rate very similar to that of new york 2 so the case numbers doubled every day. New york is continuing at that pace since then. We believe the social distancing interventions that have been made through the cooperation of the people of new mexico, that doubling time has gone to 3 and that makes a substantial number a substantial difference in the number of cases we will end up seeing in new mexico. The more we can separate ourselves, the less opportunities every new mexican has to get the virus from someone else than the longer that doubling time will get. That doubling time continuously allows us to go over the peak and back down and not have new cases. I will talk about modeling a little bit. Most people watching this today on probably seeing articles sunday and earlier last week on the washington model. And itt together a model was based on some old data. The model is mainly driven and its predictions by the number of people who have died and at that time, there had been no deaths in new mexico. They set about 2. 5 of people in new mexico would be affected, 55,000 cases, 529 deaths. That,cate you more about for every 1 of the population 1 will die. Id19, every 1 of people who get an infection, about 210 deaths here in new mexico. Predicted 2. 5 and they said we would peak on may 2. And at that point, we would only need 1600 General Hospital betts, 243 icu beds and 195 [inaudible] a lot of people called me over the weekend and asked if it would be this bad and i said this is the best possible Case Scenario. We do not anticipate we will have that infection rate or that low of a number of deaths. Let me talk about the modeling we are doing in new mexico. People this4 of year so far have contracted influenza, we think a 1 infection rate for covid19 is way too low. It will be substantially higher than that. Frome looking at anywhere 250,002 1. 20 5 million people. People and the peak is important. The problem with the peak whenever it occurs as it is likely to overwhelm our Delivery System. So the social distancing flattens that allows more people to be safe and taken care of in the hospital without overwhelming the Delivery System. Anywhere between now week and 68 weeks from because any model we pick and any peak we pick is an average of all the different regions of the state. For example, right now, we predict a peak in Northwestern New Mexico late this week or early next week. Maybe not the peak but the search and we are getting calls and they are concerned that they may be overwhelmed. Our data and modeling which is more of a serious Case Scenario is we need a plan for the most and if newes mexicans cooperate and keep the social distancing and is better than that, we will be in good shape. Rather than 1600 hospital beds, we are looking at 3498. About 2400 right now General Hospital beds, icu 2175 which isct obviously more than 243. Bed capacity five and ventilators in the model predicts 630 and we currently have 471 in new mexico so weve got work to do. We have pulled together a group and i will talk more about that and let you know what we are doing. The next slide is covid cases by u. S. States in highland, new york. Its highlighting the doubling time by two days. There are more cases, a lot more cases and if you squint, you can see new mexico but on the next slide, that is highlighted and you can see the doubling time is moving away from the from three days and more toward for. Four. From a medical point of view, that is great progress on that social distancing continues to work and having a bigger effect. , somes some good news concerning news. On the next slide is the social distancing scoreboard. Data of all the cell phones in the United States and they provide we dont know which cell phone is which its about how much people are moving around. This is our scorecard from a few days ago and you can see weve in some Great Success certain areas. And bs. S areas about march 12 when we announced our first case, its been pretty high motion. Right after that first announcement, we had a drop in people apparently became more complex and and it went back up in a big drop, our version of the shelterinplace urging people to stay at home. It bumped back up and now its coming down again. On thisoing for an a report card which will lower the number of cases, hospitalizations, icus and that the new mexico. Whatast one to close with, we are doing in the state hospitals and State Government have been planning for this january. Tainly its the nature of the hospital to have a disaster plan and have a plan how they will handle an epidemic so those were brought out. Are not licensed unless they have a great disaster plan and people have been working on them. Up t

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