Transcripts For CSPAN Washington Journal 03212020 20240713 :

CSPAN Washington Journal August 20, 0322

Our question for you this morning, what do you think about the Coronavirus Response . We are going to open up a special regional lines. That means if you live in the eastern or central time zone what to hear from you at 202 7488000. If you are in the mountain or pacific time zone want to hear from you at 202 7488001. And we are going to open up a special line for our hardworking medical professionals. We want to hear what you are seeing. Your numbers going to be 202 7488002. Keep in mind, you can always text us your opinions at 202 7488003 and we are always reading on social media. Once again, the coronavirus story seems to be changing hourly and we are going to keep bringing you some of the most Important Information we find. First, we want to turn to donald trump from his press conference yesterday talking about a potential National Lockdown in response to the coronavirus. Think so. Nt essentially you have done that in california. You have done that in new york. Those are two hotbeds. I dont think so, because you brought to the midwest, who are two other locations and they are watching it on television that they dont have the same problems. Miami. K, california, the governor is doing an excellent job. Governor desantis in florida. We have some hotspots in florida too. The state of washington, of course, but that was largely one nursing home that had problems like you would not believe. We are working with the governors and i dont think we will ever find that necessary. Host lets look at the information about what President Trump is talking about. This here is the Washington Post story from this morning that talks about some of these details. More than 70 Million People have been told to stay at home in california, illinois, and new york. Extraordinary moves that aim to limit people from interacting. With more than 17,000 confirmed cases and 231 virus related deaths nationwide, authorities believe the impact could skyrocket. The orders closed three of the nations largest cities. Dr. Fauci said friday that americans will need to stay at home as much as possible and maintain social distance from other people for at least several weeks. Cuomork governor andrew said that all new yorkers are prohibited going into their offices unless they perform essential services such as those who work at a hospital, Grocery Store, or who provide internet or water. Allo also has banned nonessential gatherings. Lets see what dr. Fauci had to say at the white house yesterday when he was asked about his views on whether the u. S. Border travel restrictions and new stayathome orders were what we needed. Here is what dr. Fauci had to say. Said the a week ago i two elements of our capability to contain the infection and the surge of infections in this country rely on two things. Keeping infections from coming from without italy. We have been successful in doing that. Now we have the northern and southern border issues. There is a Public Health reason for doing that. We cannot be preventing people from coming in from one area when they can go into the other. Understand that. There is a Public Health reason for doing that. The second thing that i think is important is, what happened in new york today. Governor cuomo mentioned some rather strong issues have been addressed with his recommendations. Essentially, orders. Have a group of recommendations and guidelines applicable to the entire country. We have been over them. There are regions, states, cities in this country that are being stressed more than the country as a whole. Clearly one of them is washington. Another one was california. Governor newsom made some very difficult decisions. Today, Governor Cuomo did the same thing. I strongly support what he is doing. , fornew yorker myself those of you who havent figured out for my accent, as a new yorker i know what new yorkers can do. I was in new york city on september 11. Can do. Hat new yorkers cooperate with you governor, cooperate with your mayor. Host lets look at some tweets from our governors and see if people are following along. There is a tweet from Washington Governor Jay Inslee who says, tonight i am asking every washingtonian to call their parents and grandparents and tell them they should not go out unless absolutely necessary. No one is more convincing than you. Says,s another one that the data shows we are making a difference. But this is not the beginning of the end. This is the end of the beginning. Stay home, stay healthy. You also have some people who apparently are not paying attention, who are not looking. At ais the scene right now beach in seattle. You can see that some people are not paying attention to these social distancing that is being required in some states and ask for in others. I want to know what you are thinking. Lets go to our phone lines and lets talk to marvin who was calling from philadelphia. Caller i think the social distancing is good. I think that we need some type of relief plan. I am running out of money. I dont know how im going to get my next meal. Are talking about this governors, talking about social distancing. They can afford to stay at home. I got laid off today. I cant afford to stay at home. Marvin, what is going to be your next step . Caller i dont know. Everything is closing down italy in philly. Taly you cant get in touch with the unemployment office. The phones is jammed. I dont know what im going to do. Its happening a different way. They say churches, none of that is happening. I really dont know what im going to do. The food banks are closing down. You cant get food stamps. Richard whotalk to is calling from california. Good morning. Caller how are you doing . Thanks for cspan. I am twofold. I am also a Health Care Worker and i am also over 65. So, i ended up staying home was mores, but it because i have someone in the house who is the same age who. Ad symptoms in other words, had cough, congestion. He could not get a test. I dont know why his doctor did not order him one. Even his doctor was confused about where to send him. I was trying to figure out how to help him with getting a test and i called the Public Health department and they said they are very limited test. I am in the San Francisco bay area. Depending on what health plan you are in, there is restrictions on where you can get a test. The whole idea that there is test available and you can get proposition. N easy it turns out, he is doing better. I havent got any symptoms. It would have been better if he could get tested so that i would know what is going on. Especially in our age group. And him having preexisting conditions. Host richard, is he still showing any type of symptoms . And do you think he will be able to get tested . You know, i was trying to arrange that kind of thing. His doctor seems to think that he is ok and doesnt need to be. It is kind of like, it should be ruled out totally. That is what a test would do. The other thing is, even if you get a test, i was hearing it was four to five days to get results. Of events. A chain if one person has symptoms and they cant get a test, Anyone Around him or them does not know. So what are you supposed to do . Host lets talk to theo who was calling from orlando. You are in the medical profession. What you do . Caller i am a cardiologist. We put a sign in the window of our office to tell people coughing and sneezing do not come in. People come into the spaces, medical spaces, they can certainly spread it because it is transmitted through the air. Can help ourhe patients with cardia logic problems. People are coming in sick with the respiratory disease, the covid19, they should not be in the Office Putting other patients at risk. Trumpal tragedy is that delayed this process for more than a month. Tellingas repeated his the lie that he inherited a terrible system. That is a lie. Trump lies incessantly and he lies like hitlers did in 1929. Host theo, are you keeping your office open . Caller our office is open to take cardia logic patients, yes. We are open on monday. Seeing patients with cardiology problems. Host we are hearing that a lot of hospitals are suggesting that nonlifesaving surgeries the be delayed. Have you had to tell any of your patients that they are going to have to wait for any type of surgery . Caller not for surgery. Were not a surgical office. We have certainly put aside peoples routine appointments. It is important to note that the lie that trump inherited a defective system is a lie. Trump is doing what hitlers did in 1929. He uses the term fake news. We should all be aware of that. Host lets talk to stanley who was calling from south deerfield, massachusetts. Caller good morning. You should take and put out the facts. Ask places to put out things that the common person might not know. Anybody that goes in the hospital has surgery. Coming out, they worry about the person getting pneumonia. So they give them a spectrometer. It is simple. A test a person can do without being tested. Take a breath and as deep as you can. Hold it for 10 to 15 seconds, then breathe out. If you start coughing, then you know that your lungs are being compromised. Because the tissue will not allow it to come out fast. It will be an automatic spasm. That means youve got the virus started into you. Before you get a fever or anything. How come that isnt being host lets look at what congress is doing to try to get an eight package out. Here is a story from the hill. Senators left on friday night without a deal. Ensuring the miss edmund light deadline a midnight deadline. Mitch mcconnell established friday as a deadline for the broad contours of the package. Senators and Administration Officials emerged from closeddoor meetings on friday night saying that there were too many unresolved issues and that the talks would carry over into saturday. Senator Chuck Presley said that their worst bill free or for outstanding issues. The white house director of legislative affairs indicated talks will continue on saturday. We believe there is a broad consensus, but there is no deal yet. Senate Majority Leader Mitch Mcconnell discussed the main provisions in the next stimulus bill im a known as the cares act. Mcconnell it would deliver help as quickly as possible to the American People. Senate republicans want to put cash in americans hands. For americans who lost work, this would be the first possible wave of government assistance to supplement Unemployment Insurance. Nation as seniors for our nation seniors, this would provide help to those who are at heightened risks. For Americans Still working, this infusion of money would provide a little more certainty in this very uncertain moment. Invest inunity to local economies where possible. Second. Our proposal would provide the quickest possible access to desperately needed the quiddity for Small Businesses all across our country. Channelsuse existing to provide hundreds of billions of dollars in emergency capital. Asignificant cash infusion fast as possible. So that more Small Businesses can hold onto their workers, wea ther this disruption, and come out on the others instead of having to resort to layoffs or shutdowns right away. Receives, noaq delaying this urgent aid while we try to redesign complex programs. To thee most direct path cash. That Small Businesses need to keep making payroll while, in many cases, the government itself is chasing away their customers for the sake of Public Health. Host Senate Democrats are plan. Izing the senate gop here is what Chuck Schumer had to say about that plan that the Senate Republicans are trying to push through. Schumer we are all eager to work in a bipartisan way to get another bill to the president s desk. But at the moment, the mcconnell bill is inadequate. Later mcconnells proposal does not do enough to address the Public Health crisis. In terms of hospitals, medical nurses, beds, doctors, measures to ensure americans can access and afford coronavirus treatment. The bottom line is very simple. If we do not deal with the health crisis, nothing we do or make the economy any better. So, it is number one. It is not anywhere, help for our hospitals . Many small ones are going to crows to close. Big ones will have real trouble. Do something and yet there is nothing in leader mcconnells bill to help hospitals. Now we are told we may do it in a supplemental later. Later is no good. We need a Marshall Plan for hospitals right now. And we need local governments that are also on the front lines to get dollars in their pockets. Many of them will go broke. Later mcconnells proposal is also skewed in favor of corporations rather than the workers and families who much more urgently feel the pain of reduced hours and unemployment. And leader mcconnells proposal includes a few ideas that should not be included at all, such as tax cuts for multinational corporations and restrictions on paid sick leave that Congress Just expanded. Host i want to remind you that to keep up on the latest on congressional briefings, press conferences, and other news that you need to follow we want you to follow us on our cspan coronavirus page which you can find that cspan. Org coronavirus. That is where you can find out all of the information about what is going on in the house and Senate Floors and briefings given by your government officials about coronavirus. Lets look at what some of our social media followers have to say about the Coronavirus Response. Here is one tweet that says, i am impressed with our state governments response. I am unimpressed with trumps response. Here is a text that says, in a time of crisis rules and regulations should be thrown out the window. My suggestion to the state of new york is that all of your nurses and doctors who were scheduled to graduate in june, graduate them now and deploy them. They will have a better outcome and worry about the logistical side of it later. Right now, use your common sense. Text. S another the president has lied and now here we are. He has no leadership skills and will be a future case study on how to not act in a crisis. Says, trumpsthat response has been so incompetent that the American People are looking to their individual governors rather than him for leadership. Says, i amek that more worried about the social breakdown than the pandemic. Crazy was on full display at the Grocery Store yesterday. We are all in this together, separately. Once again, we want to know what you think about the u. S. Response to the coronavirus. We are opening up regional lines. If you are in the eastern or central time zones you are at 202 7488000. The mountain and pacific time zones, you are at 202 7488001. Medical professionals, we really want to hear from you. What you think we should be doing. Your numbers going to be 202 7488002. Lets go back to our phone lines and talk to mark, who was calling from winter, florida. Caller good morning. Let me start by saying that i intend to follow the instructions given by the government to stop the spread. But i personally believe that it is just an opinion. We deal with these flus and things like this every year. They have this so hopped up, they have people so worked up 22,000 people have died from the regular flu this year. Most of those people that have died from covert would likely succumb to the regular flu. Here we are, we have everybody in a panic. The media is not helping. They are blowing this thing completely out of proportion and theyre going to blow up more out of proportion when they start doing the testing now that they have widely started doing. Now the numbers are going to jump. That is going to invoke more fear. That is exactly what they have planned. Host you dont think this is serious enough that the media and the politicians should be talking about . Caller according to studies so far chloroquine has been effective outside of the u. S. Host you are saying that is outside of the u. S. . That is not helping the people in the u. S. Is it . Caller excuse me . Host that then you were talking about is effective outside of the u. S. It is not helping people in the u. S. Right now is it . Caller no, they havent gotten to gotten it to its us yet. Are they slow walking it . If there is already three studies done by international, other countries, and they have slowed the spread of this virus using that drug and you have people want to be saying, weve got to try this, youve got to experiment that. Chloroquine has been around for over 50 years. It has been proven to knock down the virus already in junction vpacks. Packs why do we have our country jacked up over this thing . I find it convenient that your first segment of your show this morning is a trump bashing fast. You can blame the sullen trump if you want to, but he did take the steps to try to calm us down. In the middle of this he is being impeached and being called racist and xenophobic. Im going to do with the government tells me to do, but as far as i see it, this is just another flu bug. Host lets talk to kayla. Caller good morning. Can you hear me ok . Host we can hear you, caleb. Caller i just have a few things to say. One. The checks. Now, i have heard on the news and on youtube that i will be honest, i am unemployed and i am on ssi. I am paying rent now that is still way above my budget. If, gonna,ondering like, im just wondering if they are going to cut checks for everybody, you know . I did see on youtube this , early this morning from or, evens ago that this morning, i think that checks are going to be cut to everybody . Lets look at what the stennett the senates proposal actually has as far as what they plan to do if they can get it passed. Gop stage iii proposal has Cash Payments<

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