Transcripts For CSPAN Washington Journal 03122020 20240713 :

CSPAN Washington Journal August 20, 0313

Congressman Mike Gallagher of wisconsin cochairsor to Cyberspace Commission discuss the recommendations to defend against cyberattacks. [video clip] in the critical time fight against the virus, we made a lifesaving move with early action on china. Now we must take the same action with europe. Host that was President Trump last night in an Oval Office Address announcing his plan to block travelers from Continental Europe from entering the United States. It came hours after the World Health Organization declared the coronavirus a pandemic. Negotiateontinues to and aid package. Here are phones are open to hear your reaction for all of this. Emocrats, 2027488000 2027488001 republicans, it is 2027488001. Independents, 2027488002. You can send us a text. That number, 2027488003. Please include your name and where you are from. Otherwise, catch up with us on social media. On twitter it is . It is cspanwj. You can start calling in now as from theou more of Oval Office Last night. President trump i have decided to take necessary actions to protect the health and there will be exemptions for americans who have undergone screening send these prohibitions will not only applied to the tremendous amount of trade and cargo, but other things as we get approval. Anything coming from europe to the United States is what we are discussing. These restrictions will also not apply to the united kingdom. At the same time, we are monitoring the situation in china and south korea and as their situation improves, we will reevaluate restrictions and warnings that are currently in place for a possible early opening. Host that was President Trump last night. The white house putting out a fact sheet about travel restrictions announced by the president. It applies to foreign nationals from or who have recently been to 26 countries in Continental Europe over the last 14 days. It only applies to the movement of people, not goods or cargo. President trump clarified that in a tweet after his address. American citizens coming home will be directed to certain airports for screening for coronavirus. The acting secretary of Homeland Security with his own statement after the president s address. He says the actions the president is taking to deny entry to foreign nationals will keep americans safe and save lives. These are not easy decisions, but they are required. Also vowednt emergency aid to workers and Small Businesses impacted by the coronavirus. Here is more from the president. [video clip] to ensure working americans can stay home without fear of financial hardship, i will take emergence and Emergency Action to provide financial relief. This will be targeted for workers who are ill, quarantine, or caring for others due to coronavirus. I will be asking congress to take legislative action to extend this relief. Because of the economic policies we have put into place over the last three years, we have the greatest economy anywhere in the world by far. Our banks and Financial Institutions are fully capitalized and incredibly strong. Unemployment is at a historic low. This vast Economic Prosperity gives us flexibility, reserves, and resources to handle any threat that comes our way. This is not a fan at financial crisis, this is a temporary moment of time we will overcome together as a nation and a world. Host the president last night from the oval office. We are getting your reaction on the washington journal. Democrats, 2027488000. Republicans, 2027488001. Independents, 2027488002. The president talking about the he isncy aid package looking for. Negotiations continuing as far as the details. Here is the story from the New York Times, leaders reaching to read racing to reach a deal. Members of congress scheduled to leave at the end of this week. Chedules could change the New York Times noting by nighttime there was still no deal. House democrats were pushing ahead with their own emergency beenf package they have calling the Families First Coronavirus Response act. Some of the details released from Nancy Pelosis office on the act. It would involve coronavirus testing, paid emergency leave, enhanced unemployment insurance, strengthen Food Security initiatives, protections for frontline workers. Increased federal funding for medicaid included in the package democrats are proposing. We will see what happens today with what sort of day might come together. Etting a reaction to all of it there is the headline from the wall street journal. Marion massachusetts, good morning. Caller hello, how are you doing . Host i am doing well. What did you think of the president s address last night . Caller i found it really sort of odd because he had his in 1918. Ndfather die for him not to have a relationship with what a pandemic is, i find that amazing. If we are going to help with the they shoulds, maybe become floating hospitals, not peoplewith the pandemic, who are sick, but not necessarily invasive with a tagious saying that would through the air ducts and stuff. They could become floating hospitals. Caller subsidizing the airlines because they will not be flying as much. The cruise ships, they might as well use them as floating hospitals. Host janice out of brooklyn, good morning. Caller good morning. Laughable iresponse spending place blame on here up. And in t fingers and people who call in and say this is fake news, whatever, we do fire drills and in buildings and after, they tell you what they should have done. We heard announcements on tv this is only a drill and if this was a real emergency, this is what we need to do. He did not do that yesterday. He did not specify what the medical needs to do. He did not specify what he was going to do to help the states. To him, this is all about if he 50 billion, everyone will say we are saved. He was supposed to stand up and be a leader. He did not say this is what we need to do to move forward. Host to your point about the countries this travel restriction applies to, 26 countries in Continental Europe known as the schengen area. That term from the schengen agreement which abolished checks within the unions internal borders. Those countries that applies to, the u. K. And ireland, the schengen agreement does not apply to. Those 26 countries listed by secretary chad wolf in his. Tatement he released yesterday austria, belgium, czech republic, estonia, finland, germany, france, greece, hungary, italy, with a weighty, liechtenstein, netherlands, norway, poland, slovakia, spain, sweden, and switzerland. Homelandg secretary of security noting restrictions do not apply to legal permanent residents of the United States and immediate family members of u. S. Citizens and family members identified specifically in the proclamation. The acting sec. Promising guidance within the next 48 hours on how the restrictions will go into place. Jeffrey out of new york, good morning. Caller good morning. Host go ahead, jeffrey. I approved caller i approve of what the leadership is doing and i look forward to voting straight republican on election day. The you are calling on line for democrats. Do you still consider yourself a democrat . Caller i am registered democrat. All the crazy things that have been going on have changed my opinion of democrats and i am voting straight republican come election november and election day. Host june in wyoming, you are next, go ahead. Evidently in wyoming we have our first case. Ims senior. I am very upset because south 20,000 peopleng on our and we have sat hands, blundered the whole testing idea in the United States. A mistake was made at one of the labs. I understand completely why we are doing this. It is political. These companies and labs are owned by private concerns. We need to contact congresspeople in each and every state and get this thing under , get these testing things they are using in korea or the United States. We are not the best country in this world for this virus, korea is. I am a native of wyoming, but violent intimes more death than any other flu. Korea has a hand on it, lets get korea in here now. We dont need 300 some people sitting out in the ocean waiting base put into an air force that is not even active. Host we have been coming back to the Johns Hopkins University Coronavirus dashboard trying to stay on top of the numbers around the world and around the country. The numbers around the world, cases. 6,000 confirmed expect those numbers to change by the hour. The total deaths around the world, 4641. The vast majority in china, over 3000. That green number we have been tracking, that is the good fromr, the total recovered coronavirus, now over 68,000 around the world. If you want the numbers in the United States, 1321 confirmed so far. D 38 deaths 30 of them in washington, four in california, two in florida, one in new jersey, and one in south dakota. In north carolina, independent, go ahead. Caller thank you for taking my call. I hope the president announcing last night about the travel ban does not become a fall machine for Something Else he said, suspending the payroll tax. Social security and medicare paid for the payroll tax. I am hoping this is not a backdoor approach to privatizing Social Security and medicare. I hope you cover that in the mornings to come. Tennessee is cecil in. Good morning. Five he cannot tooting his own horn. He cannot keep from tooting his own horn. When he starts bragging on what he has already done. He is putting politics in there. So terrified of losing the presidency that he cannot stop the political party. Host the one thing the president talked about he has done is on january 31 in his first public response to the the u. S. Announced it would bar citizens, do you think the president should not be talking about that . Caller that was great. How at these other things he is trying to downplay the virus until last night. Host you dont think he is downplaying it anymore . Caller i havent heard that. Losing therrified of presidency and pray god he will. Host what did you think of the president s remarks last night . Caller yeah, i watched it. I also watched february 28 at a rally and said this is a democratic hoax, all fake news. I also watched on sean hannity and he said people should go back to work, this is nothing, just like the flu, only 15 people got it and they should go back to work. He is a double standard president. A fox news president. February 28, he stood in front people. Hose host richard, your thoughts on the president s remarks last night from the oval office. Caller i think these democrats should stop whining they lost the election. Schumer and pollution and schiff nadler. This is a crisis. It is time to get behind the president. This is disgraceful to the democrats. I will never, ever vote democrat about. Host less than 15 minutes left in this segment, we will be congressman Mike Gallagher will be here for discussion. A new report out on u. S. Defense against cybersecurity attacks. The house is in at 9 00 a. M. Eastern and we will take you there for life gaveltogavel coverage. It is a two hour show, but we comments from the secretarygeneral of the World Health Organization making the announcement yesterday. [video clip] in the days and weeks ahead, we expect to see the number of cases, the number of deaths, and the number of affected countries. Limb even higher assessing then outbreak around the world and we are deeply concerned both by the alarming levels of spread and severity and by the alarming action covid19 can be characterized as a pandemic. Pandemic is not a word to use lightly. If misused, it can cause unreasonable fear or unjustified acceptance that the fight is over, leading to unnecessary. Uffering and death describing the situation as a pandemic does not change posed by theat violence. It doesnt change what w. H. O. Is doing and it doesnt change what countries should do. We have never seen a pandemic sparked by a coronavirus. This is the first pandemic wesed by coronavirus and have never before seen a pandemic that can be controlled at the same time. W. H. O. Has been in full response mode since we were notified of the first cases and we have called every day for countries to take urgent and aggressive action. Host the director general of the World Health Organization yesterday. If you want to watch his full remarks or the president s full remarks or any of the other hearings we have been covering, all available at our website for you to see unfiltered. It is cspan. Org. Ray in new mexico, independent, you are next. Caller i enjoy your show very much although it gets my Blood Pressure up a little bit. I am independent and i will be voting republican. The thing i was worried about is on the cruise ship industry, those Companies Register those ships in other countries so they do not have to meet all the more stringent safety regulations. They are americanbased companies. They dont employ a lot of americans on the ships. I hope they pay us back with interest. That is all i have to say this morning. Host does your Blood Pressure go down when you have a chance to call in and tell us what you think . Caller yeah, it does. I try not to lose a train of thought. It is nice to hear all the different views of different people from political parties. Host it is a 30 day rule between calls. We want to hear from viewers around the country and we hope to hear from you every 30 days. Thelma in reston, virginia. Caller i think the president s speech fell short of addressing the main concern that everyday citizens have. He should be focused on the business aspect. By restricting travel and excluding great britain, it still allows those other back and to travel forth, so what is the restriction . The u. K. Ed specifically because he has businesses in those country. I think he is focused on his selfinterest. Host what was put out by the white house is that these other countries that are part of Continental Europes schengen agreement that have abolished checks within their internal borders. The explanation is these countries were more of a concern and that is why they were put on this list specifically. Caller but they can travel freely back between britain and the other countries. Host your country your question is what is the point of a restriction if you can get around it . Caller yeah, they can go to britain and enter the United States. Host we will see what comes from the guidance and what is put out by the department of Homeland Security. The restriction specifically says if you have been to one of those countries in the last 14 days even if you are coming from another country, you would be restricted. The white house saying it whoies to foreign nationals have been to or are from those countries. Caller i still think he had his golf courses in mind when he excluded britain. That is my comment. Thank you. Host in new york city, republican, good morning. Caller good morning. In to comment. The address our president stated last night. I agree we need to unify as a country to handle this crisis. It is not something that is republican or democrat, but we are americans in need to handle it. My second comment is more of a question of how we can be more reactive. The situation exists, but we need to act more positively towards it and thrive in it. It is a challenges, but when challenges present to us as a nation, we need to rise and take action and show the rest of the world what we are made of. We need to take care of each other. I would suggest having a mass testing of everyone whether they showed symptoms or no symptoms to prevent the spread. It is stated you could be infected for numerous days and not show any symptoms. Within those days, you come in contact with many people and you are spreading it. That is my only comment to unify and take more preventive measures. People may not be showing symptoms at the time being. That is my only comment. Host kathy in new york, you are next. Caller thank you. Put lady had it very well that we should come together. I have two concerns. , i like toendent background check. I have friends that get on the computer with the freedom of information act. From what i understand, this is the offset and offset of the h1 virus. Why wasnt something done years ago to start a vaccine . There is a big thing saying he does not go far enough with information of this or that yet the other day on a program i watched 45 minutes of trump speaking with the cdc control people and afterwards with pence. I went down all the channels and nobody covered the entirety of what he was saying. The information is getting out. Host i believe we aired that in its entirety. Caller yes, you did. There was a couple channels that did not should have been covering it that i like to watch and i kept going down to it and said why arent they covering it . Little id go with ncerpts and then they would have Governor Cuomo speaking. Most people watch certain channels or i like to go on them all and try to get information canthen compare it all so i form my own opinion. There are times it is out there, but the other ones are not covering it, so people get misled to think it is not. Host we are running out of time and there is a lot of other callers, did you want to finish your statement . Caller i agree with the lady that we should start coming together, stop pointing fingers and i think he did try to do something, but he needed funding and it did not come right away. Host we will be talking more about that and what

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