Transcripts For CSPAN Washington Journal 03102020 20240713 :

Transcripts For CSPAN Washington Journal 03102020 20240713

Coronavirus outbreak with california representative nanette berrigan, a member of the Homeland Security committee. At 9 a. M. , reid wilson previews todays primary contests in six states. The primary contest in 6 states. Host good morning. It is tuesday, march 10. Senior Administration Officials will head to capitol hill to discuss the package of emergency economic measures aimed at blunting a slowdown over fears of the coronavirus and plunging oil prices. Major stock markets tumbled more than 7 with the dow jones shedding 2000 points in the largest oneday point drop in history. We are opening our phone lines to ask if you believe fiscal stimulus is needed to respond to the coronavirus. Phone lines split up regionally. Eastern and central time zones, it is 2027488001. In amount or pacific time zones, 2027488001. You can send us a text. That number, 2027488003. If you do, include your name and where you are from. Otherwise, catch up with us on social media. N twitter it is cspanwj on facebook it is facebook. Com cspan. You can start calling in as we show you headlines from Major National newspapers americans are waking up to from the front page of the wall street journal. Today,nt page of usa virus and oil fears shatter markets. The Washington Post amid outbreaks, stocks dive and recession fears. The dow jones gains from 2019. President trump plans for an economic emergency proposals include payroll tax cut amid spiraling stocks and an oil war. [video clip] we will be meeting with House Republicans , mitch mcconnell, everybody discussing a possible or substantial relief. That is a big number. We are also going to be talking about hourly wage earners cash looking with companies, Small Companies, large companies, so they do not get penalized for something that is not their fault or our countrys fault. We have been handling it very well. Host that was President Trump yesterday from the White House Briefing room. It is expected to be larry kudlow, Steven Mnuchin speaking to republicans at their weekly senate lunch. Here is a little bit more detail from the reporting. The president s stimulus plan foruding a cut a really hourly wage earners. Aboutesident talked hospitality where that is the plan that is the plan white house officials are expected to outline today on capitol hill. Democrats have proposed their own clan, economic response to the coronavirus. Here is Chuck Schumer speaking about the democrat plan on the floor of the senate yesterday. [video clip] Speaker Pelosi and i suggested several policies the administration should pursue to help American Workers and families. Paid sick leave for workers impacted by quarantine orders are responsible for or responsible for caring for children impacted by school closures. Enhanced Unemployment Insurance for workers who may lose their job from the epidemic from the impact. Food securities to ensure vulnerable populations do not lose access to food during this epidemic. Clear protections for frontline workers Like Health Care professionals and workers who are responsible for cleaning public facilities. Coronaead and free testing as well as Affordable Treatment for any noncovered coronavirus related costs. Protections against price gouging and increased capacity of our medical system. The Administration Must move quickly and seriously to address the expanding threat to the health of the American People and the severe impacts of the coronavirus on the Financial Security of american families. The best way to deal with the problem here, health and economic is to address the problem headon. Ont senator Chuck Schumer the floor of the senate yesterday. We are asking if you think a fiscal stimulus is needed. Phone lines split up regionally this morning. 2027488000 in the central or eastern time zones. 2027488001 if you are in the mountain or pacific time zones. Start calling now as we delve the the debate more with congressional reporter for Bloomberg Joining us on the phone. Good morning to you. We are at the point where there is about a half dozen members of Congress Self quarantining right now out of concern about whether they may have come in contact with someone who has been infected by the coronavirus. What is the sense on capitol hill, the mood when it comes to the virus and whether congress will be in session long enough to pass measures the president and democrats on capitol hill are proposing . There is anxiety about the spread of the virus and some members are self quarantining, newuding mark meadows, the chief of staff. Last pelosi had a Meeting Night and made clear there is no reason to suspend congress or shut down, there is not any advice to do so and they are planning to move ahead with some sort of secondary package of virus relief. Congress is slated to go out on thursday for a 10 day recess. It looks like that will take place. Pelosi said they might introduce a bill this week and you played Chuck Schumers floor speech. You notice there is no mention of a payroll tax cut. Democrats are skeptical of that idea. Host if they are at issue with that with that at are the chances of getting something done before that thursday deadline . Are we looking for an introduction this week and a vote sometime 12 to 14 days from now . Andt i asked steny hoyer he suggested a series of packages, not just one and for him, the high priority is access to testing. People are worried a copay of 40, 50 deterring them from ng tested could deter a larger package especially dealing with the issue of makesing paid sickleave it harder to craft. As for the payroll tax cut, i asked pelosi and she said they are open to negotiations. She was perhaps saying they would need to show they had been effected rather than a widespread payroll tax relief. The former white house Economic Advisor reappeared on twitter to say he is skeptical as well because many people are not spending money because they are afraid to go to stores and get on an airplane. If you give them a couple thousand dollars more, they would put it in the bank rather than go out and spend it because virus fear is there. The underlying fear seems to be the priority for many in congress. Host the president talked about relief for hourly wage earners impacted by the virus. Democrats talking about paid sickleave. Are those the same thing or no . Guest it is unclear how they are going to craft this bill. At the end of the day, the devil will be in the details. With trump coming up with concrete proposals for the hill, we will have a much better sense of what a final package will look like. Host he will not be here himself, right . The reporting was larry kudlow and Steven Mnuchin. Are we expecting to see the president . Guest we might see the president come to the senate lunch. It has not been confirmed. He talked about relief to the travel and hospitality industry. Apparently it will not talk about industry bailouts and we have concern already today saying they would not support that idea right now. That is being left off the table where as there is more focus on the payroll tax cut issue and chuck grassley, who was skeptical of the idea, the chief tax writer, he said it is too early to talk about broad stimulus measures. Clearly they are at least saying to the white house they are willing to consider what trump comes up with. Host you have been on capitol hill a long time. Talk about the mood of the press corps and what sort of briefing or advice you are getting working in a building that gets visitors from all across the country and whose members come from all across the country. Its nature iss by where people congregate, they come together from all over the country and it does have the feeling where if this is where the virus is coming alcoholbased lotion available through the capital, but there are no restrictions right now as far as tourists. Congressman Louie Gohmert is quarantining. Lf there is kind of a mixed feeling between depending on what a members personal outlook is to disease. Host eric wasson, you can see his work at bloombergs website. Follow them on twitter. Thank you so much for your time. Always appreciate it. Guest thank you so much. Wasson mentioning Louie Gohmert, the congressman putting out his statement yesterday about why he is not self quarantining. This was the statement from twitter. Its saturday night i got a call from the house physician advising i had possibly been exposed february 27 and a top cdc official would call me to discuss. After physicians called me and we discussed the specific circumstances of which he was aware along with my circumstances including that i symptomatic, he was cleared to return to washington. He said he would return if he carefuland i should be and observe hygiene protocols. I returned to work. No one is panicking and we are observing the recommended cautions. Congressman Louie Gohmert of texas. Stimulusu if a fiscal is needed in response to the coronavirus. Phone lines are open, you can call like norman did from washington. Caller good morning, cspan. I am calling because right now, in 2008, i was supposed to get a costofliving raise because the stock market crashed september 15, 2008. I lost my costofliving raise. I am scheduled to get another costofliving raise this year. It is in the house of are nowtatives and we in danger, i think, because all of our investment for costofliving comes from the stock market. The states are getting really ripped off by what is going on virus. Is in washingtonty where the high school has been closed for almost three weeks. The kids are not attending school. Everybody is shut in. I am a retired teacher. I taught for 30 years and i cannot believe this stuff. Every time we have gone through a crisis financially, it happens with republicans. What is wrong with those people . Are you to the reports we have seen of the virus in Washington State and some of the areas outside seattle where specifically many of the deaths have happened . Died two milese from me. I cannot believe this stuff. I went to a movie yesterday with my wife and her friend and there is nobody in there. We were the only ones there. Nobody is moving. Host do you think you will keep going to movies . Caller i am supposed to go today, i will get out of it. I cannot believe what is happening to the area around seattle. I do exercises. I belong to l. A. Fitness and i go there i was going five or six times a week. I havent been in two weeks. I was afraid. Host this time yesterday, we were talking just over 500 total confirmed coronavirus cases in the United States according to the Johns Hopkins coronavirus dashboard, which has been trying to stay on top of the numbers. 755 confirmed cases as of this morning. The total death toll, 26. 22 of those in Washington State, 2 in california and 2 in florida. Taking your phone calls as we talk about this fiscal stimulus. Everett in winter springs, california. Caller hello . See stimulus. O i am going to call my financial how lowomorrow to see the market should go. I have a friend and she is selling her house and it would be very kind of the president to stimulate the economy so she can sell her house on lower Interest Rates because she wants to sell her house and move to ohio. I dont know why she wants to leave california for ohio. Host there are beautiful parts of ohio. The fed lowered Interest Rates by half a point last week and there is talks of perhaps another half point, do you think the fed should take that step . Caller i think they better drop it a whole point. Host thanks for the call. Randy from michigan, you are next, good morning. Like to start by thanking you and all the other great men and women it takes to bring us this program. Host i know you do that every time you call. We appreciate it, randy. Caller thank you, john. I appreciate that. On the stimulus package, i am all for whatever the government has to do to keep the economy running. If you are telling everybody to stay home, i dont see where freer money is going to make anybody go out. We just refinance the house for 3 . When i was started when i was 18, i had 16. 5 was what i paid. It is down to 3 now. If you are not going out to go to crowds, it doesnt matter how easy you can get a hold of money, you are not spending it. Maybe it is even better not to. These mixed messages are going to hurt people. You cannot play with older folks health. That is irresponsible. I dont care how many people you talk to. If you are in that room, you should be human enough to say i will self quarantine and not endanger my constituents. Host is michigan michigan is one of those states set to vote today in what is often recurred to read aresday 2 you planning to vote in michigan . Caller yes, sir. I wont miss that. This is a hard call this time. Dont hearmple, you anybody saying anything, i think this could be a bernie win. Nobody is saying they are going to vote for bernie and he will win like 4 years ago when around here you could not find anybody that was going to vote for President Trump and yet he won. That is one of the deals i am seeing out here again. I would never vote for that guy until they get into the voting booth. Host we are going to talk a lot more about michigan today and we will be joined in 45 minutes by reid wilson,d then Political Editor at the hill newspaper, National Political reporter will be joining us in our last hour to talk about primary day 2. I did want to point out this story from usa today looking around the country at the different states voting and coronaviruss impacts. Officials are telling people working in voting locations to votinginfectant wipes on booths as well as pencils, pens, doorknobs. The election day hygiene guidance tells election workers to ask voters to spread out in line if they are worried about the virus. We will take a look at today and tomorrow, the impacts of coronavirus on the voting populations in those 6 states. Mississippi, missouri, north dakota, washington voting today. Marty in wisconsin, good morning. Caller there with me on this one. Rump is a billionaire he thinks everything is about money. Money will not drive this disease away. I canceled my trip personally because i did not want to go through that. Host this idea of a fiscal stimulus payroll tax cut, you dont think it will do anything . People planning trips already have money saved. He is just throwing money out there. Host to your point and the previous caller as well, this is eric boehm from reason magazine, his piece from last friday talking about the economic thects of coronavirus and difference in what it means for the economy this time around. The economic effects of the virus are different from the 2008 recession. Most of the longterm effects were demandside problems, not enough people buying houses or the slackening and demand that comes when millions of people lose their jobs. There were too many sellers, not enough buyers. If Global Supply chains are seriously disrupted, there will not be enough goods to sell and too many people wanting to buy. That is why you cannot find Hand Sanitizer on amazon. It assumes there are goods and Services Available for them to buy. We talk a lot more throughout this segment about the idea of a fiscal stimulus, what we want you to answer as well calling in from around the country on phone regionally. Frank out of georgia, good morning. Am 62 years old. I have high Blood Pressure and i will go on living my life like this is not even happening. We have been in a trade war with china. You can call it an economic war. This whole thing is being fanned by the media to instill fear in americans. Thousands of people die every year from the flu. I cannot understand and hiv is still here and we did not panic that much when it was here. I think we need to censure sensor the media. You are your responsible, a tool socialists. Ean host what do you think of the plan for a payroll tax cut, targeted really for specific industries, Small Businesses . Caller unfortunately, i guess we need a stimulus plan because the media is the enemy of the state. You guys these people believe everything they see on the news wagged by theng dog or whatever you want to call it. Host how much news do you watch these days . Caller i watch too much. When china did the thing cleaning the crosswalks and the ppe i said this is totally fake, they are putting all this false stuff out for our media to pick up on and frighten the American People. Host this is kurt in new jersey, good morning. Cspan. Thank you, good forsaying this is the green new plan, keeping everybody off the roads. China is getting some clean air out of this. My wife is in the hospital right now and we have been chasing brain cancer for three years and all the benefits in the world cannot fix it. We need to find some peace. I dont trust anything i hear on the news. Host what are you will about this as you are there . With your wife in the hospital, what are they telling you about coronavirus and precautions in the hospital . Caller you dont want to stir up too much fear because you are supposed to come here and get well. They are cleaning. The workers have to be scared. They are following protocol. You have to wear an apron every time you come in. It is something that will take its toll. When i was young, we ate dirt. Host good luck to you and your family. In new york, you are next. Good morning. Needr th

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