Robinson, people, coming home, how black republicans will reelect trump. Why the book . Like i working on a super pac to get 20 of the vote for the president in eight states. I thought you be interesting to see how did like americans become democrats from overwhelmingly supporting the gop for 71 years or so . Bruce is your coauthor. The president as a candidate received a percent of the africanamerican vote. How does that compare to previous president s and how do you get to 20 . Than it is higher goldwater, a couple other folks, it is lower than several president s. It is interesting to take a look , the gop occupy the moral high ground for 71 incredibly, Herbert Hoover through thataway. He decided he wanted a really white Publican Party in the south, he resegregated the , John Franklin cites him as the pivotal guy who started the exodus from the rePublican Party for black americans. However, he had helped. At the same time, my parents and 6 million other individuals left votersth and they were in the north, midwest, and west. Said, theses individuals from the south know the Democratic Party, the south is the party of slavery, jim crow laws, the clan. A Public Relations campaign. Fdr and his wife were doing the same things republicans used to do. Meeting with black leaders, making sure it was in the prominent black papers of the time. Eleanor was hosting the wives of prominent black men or prominent black women in their own right. He got 30 something, we are not sure exactly. He got 76 of the black vote in 1936. Black individuals did not self identify as a majority democrat until 1940 did with truman. Essentially, the short version , republicanss dropped the ball, the conservative movement dropped the ball, not enforcing the Civil Rights Act the 15th amendment. And not supporting the Civil Rights Act. In other words, bill buckley was more concerned about Shipyard Workers voting and free elections that he was my mother and grandmother voting in free elections in louisiana. Host you write the following. If donald trump was 20 or 30 of the black vote, he would have taken a major step towards reestablishing the nearly Unbreakable Alliance black americans had with the republican for more than 70 years after the assassination of abraham lincoln. To do so, he must and the division that existed between republicans and black americans since 1964. My question, how do you get there . Admit republicans the to that having once had the moral high ground, they lost it. As a precursor to talking about beginning the moral high ground on a range of issues including School Choice, jobs, wages going up, performance on the economy, securing the border, defending the second amendment, and criminal Justice Reform. The second thing that has to happen, the super pacs will do their job, there are at least three that will broadcast those messages to black voters using radio. Become committed Trump Campaign committed to doing so, i will talk to them. Finally, the big question, what will the rePublican Party do . They created a vacuum where democrats can say anything about vote democratic because republicans want to kill your mom and daughter. Has destroyed the brand which is why we say the president canton fdrs strategy on its head. Can turn president fdrs president asked strategy on its head. Host one of the moment of the 2016 campaign, he told africanamerican voters, what have you got to lose . He was criticized by Campaign Staffers but felt it was the right thing to do. The president told reporters that was one of the most significant moments in the 2016 campaign. What agree . Guest i thicket was significant in american history, or this part of american history, because the gop has not asked like voters for their support. The president was actively campaigning for black support with that statement. With the digital hattie was spending 10 million during the super bowl, touching his record with criminal Justice Reform, i believe there is now one of the women he pardoned is in johnfor Congress Lewis seat. Host this is from january. Of the headlight, like americans deeply pessimistic about the country under trump. Let me show you what the post is reporting. President trump made an appeal to black americans during 2016 but he asked, what have you got to lose . Three years later, black americans rendered their verdict on his presidency with a pessimistic assessment with their place under a leader see by an overwhelming majority as racist. The findings come from a Washington Post poll of africanamericans nationwide, which reveals fears about whether their children will have a fair shot to succeed and believe what americans dont appreciate the discrimination that black people experience, while optimistic about their own lives, like americans offer a bleaker view about their community as a whole. They expressed determination to limit the president to a single term. There are so many things i am supply the Washington Post has not run a headline, coronavirus runs wild, minorities and women most affected. There are polls that show that the president is in striking range of that 20 necessary to win in swing states. Lawyer, i was always questioning whether School Choice and Educational Opportunity would ever translate into support in polls. Expandings were. Olitical capital that was answered in florida. Of africanamerican women, race forvoted not by the black candidate or not my party by the democrat candidate, but voted for Governor Desantis and elected him on the School Choice issue. ,here was a poll six weeks ago it said, black voters overwhelmingly support the democrat, donald trump with only 15 . 50 , you win the entire south. Maybe even virginia. Poll number in that again, most polls dont have a big enough sample size, the margin of error is larger than the entire population said that 31 of black men would support the president against a generic democrat. A number of other polls talk about job approval or something other than voter intention and the significance of the poll is they asked the question. There are a number of other polls that have 49 of africanamericans approving of the president s economic job performance. There are polls that have a majority of africanamericans saying they believe they will be better off at the and of the Trump Administration than they were at the end of the Obama Administration. Across the board, on any metric forwant to talk about, instance, at this point in the Obama Administration come up like all employment black unemployment was three times higher than today. I believe at least 20 of black votes will not buy into this ridiculous narrative where folks say, trump is a racist. Was vetted byhe the civil rights establishment, naacp, jackson, giving them awards. In one case, the same award for courage as rosa parks and muhammad ali on the same day. You can either believe that he magically became a racist when he was 70 he just appointed a black fourstar to be the chief of staff, Top Air Force officer in the air force for the first time four you can believe ran against Hillary Clinton and peter, which is why everyone is saying he is a racist. Host we welcome our listeners on cspan radio. Our conversation with vernon robertson. His book, how black americans will reelect trump. He is a graduate of the u. S. Air force academy. Now a conservative activist. Lets get to your calls. Tyrone and new york city, democrats line. Caller good morning. Thanks for taking my call. Thank you mr. Robinson for your service. I thank you for your dedication to what you believe in. My problem with the rePublican Party is a worthy party of abolitionists and party of freedom in the invites of black , they gavee you said us up. We did not give them up. Where did we have the turn as black people . Always have to choose the lesser of two evils. When we seek a party that is actively working to destroy our rights, like closing polling sites, like this crosscheck situation, i to keep us from core involved in the major of this american system in , we put our back against the wall they put our back against the wall, then they tell that whole becoming looked at as human beings in this country. We have to continue to fight against his whole idea of white superiority where they continue to maintain their power over us as black people. Guest thanks for the call. Host i think the color for his call. There are a number of . Plus the gop can make over its failure in the 1930s, 1940s, 1960s to effectively support enforcement of the Voting Rights act in the 15th amendment. It would have been nice if there were some conservatives or republicans who did the freedom rights as opposed to bill blackley dividing them. Whatever you want to say about john lewis, and his young day he was fearless and the freedom writers wrote out their wheels before they got on a bus and went south because they expected to be killed. It would have been nice to have republicans taking those risks. One of the outcomes of that was a long discussion about why goldwater did not support of Civil Rights Act. What the conservative movement did is it for the political and spiritual leadership of the black community into the arms of the far, including my mother, who was registering voters in the south, but there was gnosis there was no Republican Group registering voters in the south in the 1940s and my mother was born out of her own town because of threats by klansmen. There is a problem there. Suppressions voter is trotted out every two years by the democrats because they have to choose black turnout. When black voters hear the credit Party Democratic party is responsible for the deaths of 20 million black children and selling the body parts, when they hear it is the Democratic Party standing in the schoolhouse door of Educational Opportunity, stopping School Choice and supporting the union and not the parents, cannot create a privatesector job to save their lives, i asked the , are your relatives working . I believe their wages are going up. They are going to vote over their own situation as opposed to the talking points of the Democratic Party. Texas, don is waiting. Thank you for waiting. Caller thank you for the guest and cspan. Is thetion to the guest issue of unemployment for black men in particular. There is a report that says that in major cities where blacks are the majority, on employment for black men is five or seven times four liket is man than white men. And in what geordie black cities. Than white menn in majority black cities. Cities, such as new york at atlanta, houston, these are city nations. Employment, new jersey, detroit, michigan, 18 , flint,ichigan, like 80 black atlanta, houston, you look at the top 25 cities that are majority black, the Unemployment Rate for black men is preposterous. Host we will get a response. I would ask the caller to look at those numbers again. Particularly in atlanta. It is thriving. You cannot get to a 5. 9 or 6 on appointment rate with black men at 18 . There is a problem in some of the northern and midwestern cities that had been run by democrats for 70 years. That is they have destroyed the infrastructure, the schools are , they have caused problems with minority employment opportunities. One of the things in addition to supporting School Choice and not killing 20 million black babies, the Current Administration has pursued criminal Justice Reform that is involved with other steps for nonviolent, nonsexual enders to smooth their way which is also a local issue. You need to find a way to house. In many places, they cannot get housing. You need to find a way to address drivers license issues because many times their drivers licenses are no good and they will be back in court driving without a license. Is, theom line expansion, the economy, raising wages helps all boats and it helped black americans close the gap faster than anybody else. Host in the book, you write the following. Ther a stream or a waiver more river, black americans are leading the party to join the party of donald trump. You mentioned the party of trump, not the rePublican Party. Why . Guest i am pleased to be able to announce that the party of , and johny, bob dole mccain is dead. The president killed it and it is not coming back. Host bob dole endorsed donald trump. Guest thats good, but there was a rePublican Party and it was a party that was not able to take a punch and not able to pull a punch. That party is gone. Anybody who will be resurrected. That is why we talked about the party of donald trump because among other things, this president is asking black voters for their votes, something that has not happened for 70 years. Host what is your reaction when the president is in is critical of john mccain not only life, but in death, does that go too far . Does that become too toxic . I was disappointed in john mccain. I cannot special it what i would have or not done in the president s shoes. In death . Even after he passed away . I believe john mccain did great damage to this country and the rePublican Party. Because of him, in part, it toled to keep its promise substantially reduce the impact of obamacare. Perhaps taking a shot at somebody who is dead is beyond the pale, but john mccain did byat damage to this country stopping republicans from reducing some of the most agree just aspects of the portable care act. Because they care failed to do anything about it. Host our guest is vernon robinson. Greg is next from harbor heights, texas. Caller thank you. I have a few things some comments. Be patient. Back in the day, black folks out here protested for everybodys civil rights. Every time black folks got up on , and do something good for the United States and building communities, our communities always got corrupted and taken down by fear. That is not true. Then we build this country and let other people come over here , likeck people, democrats the koreans, like the mexicans, like the africans, they come over here in america, these people say american blacks are lazy, dont want to do nothing. That is not true. We have young people, we can give them an opportunity and they will get it. America was to keep people down on this level. You are talking about the rePublican Party . These people come in this country and they dont have to obey the rules the blacks have to go through and whites have to go through and doing other stuff they have to do. They let people come in this country and do what they want to do. They bought up everything. I dont know why america is matt. You sold it to the highest bidder. Peopleample, when black listen to rap music started, white people got nervous. Host we believe it there. Thank you for the call. Guest i think the caller for the question. I would ask, if this country is so bad, what country would you prefer to be in . That is a nobrainer. Verybody wants to be here everybody will be here if the democrats feed into their open border policy. Now, it is the place where you dont have to do what your father did. You can go beyond that and you can achieve. Thatld like to point out it was the democrats primarily who were restricting black Economic Activity for most of the history of this country. Secondly, it was the swap in the chamber the swamp in both parties who are trying to open borders to bring in cheap labor. In the new rePublican Party, we are not committed to open borders, we are committed to securing the borders and deporting people who are not supposed to be here. We are experiencing unparalleled opportunity. I was in baltimore and i was excited seeing the republican primary for mayor. I encouraged the folks to talk about three things. The first is, School Choice. To get more kids out of disastrous Public Schools that cannot afford to send a bus, to heat work with the classrooms. The second item is testing, adopt a test like the measure of academic progress, northwest , soational associates teachers are given tools help children. Total overhaul of postsecondary expenses. We need to have trades. I talked to an old girlfriend and she is 67 now and has an Electrical Contracting firm and can find nobody to hire to do Electrical Work in atlanta. The average age of electricians is like 58. The same with plumbers and skilled trades. Earn here you can welding. Huge amounts of money with no college debt as opposed to this incessant drumbeat of sending folks to liberal arts College Programs where they get a degree that is useless and move into their parents basement. Win somelks will offices in baltimore. Host if you can go back 56 years ago to the campaign of 1964. From your standpoint, trying to get the africanamerican vote, what was the biggest mistake Barry Goldwater made beyond