Transcripts For CSPAN Campaign 2020 New Hampshire Primary Re

Transcripts For CSPAN Campaign 2020 New Hampshire Primary Results Candidate Speeches 20200212

thank you. [cheers and applause] [chanting "amy"] president trump: thank you. -- sen. klobuchar: thank you. thank you, new hampshire. thank you, new hampshire. we love you new hampshire. [cheers and applause] hello, america. i am amy klobuchar and i will beat donald trump. [cheers and applause] sen. klobuchar: my heart is full tonight. my heart is full tonight. there are still ballots left to count. we have beaten the odds every step of the way. [cheers and applause] sen. klobuchar: we have done it on the merit, we have done it with ideas, and we have done it with hard work. resilient and strong as the people of this great nation. [applause] sen. klobuchar: thank you to our incredible staff and our unstoppable volunteers. my wonderful husband john, our daughter. [cheers and applause] and the people of new hampshire. because of you we are taking this campaign to nevada. [cheers and applause] sen. klobuchar: we are going to south carolina. [cheers and applause] and we arehar: taking this message of unity to the country. we know and our hearts, that in a democracy, it is not about the loudest voice or the biggest bank account. it is about the best idea, and about the person who can turn those ideas into action. we know that we cannot win big by trying to out divide the divider in chief. know that we win by bringing people with us instead of shutting them out. nightmaremp's worst is that the people in the middle, the people who have had enough of the name-calling and the mudslinging have someone to vote for in november. [chanting] sen. klobuchar: i cannot wait to bring our green bus around the country. i cannot wait to win the nomination. wait to build a movement and win with a movement of fired up democrats, of independents and moderate republicans. that's even a selection as we do. we see it as an economic check on this president. ,e see it as a patriotism check and we see it as a decency check. we know that what unites us is so much bigger than what divides us. we know that we believe. many of us believe that the heart of america is bigger than the heart of this guy in the white house. [cheers and applause] tonight is about grit. and my story, like so many of yours, is one of resilience. i announced my candidacy in the middle of a minnesota blizzard. and there were a lot of people that predicted i would not even get through that speech. but not the people of my state, and not the people of new hampshire. except, then they predicted that we would not make it through the summer. we did. then they predicted we would not make it to the debate. man, were we at the debate in new hampshire. we have been steady, strong and we have never quit. i think that sounds pretty good for a president. but across the months and months and miles of this race, we redefine the word grit. you see it with our happy, .crappy campaign he sought an hour 10 county 30 hour tour in the middle of a nor'easter. you saw in our early-morning diner stops in our late night rallies, and you saw it in that debate stage -- on that debate stage. out like so many of you there, i know a little bit about resilience. my grandpa worked 1500 feet underground in the minds of inthern minnesota -- mines northern minnesota. he never graduated from high school because his parents were sick. he had nine brothers and sisters and had to help raise them. every day he would go down in carrying to the mine, a lunch bucket my grandmother would pack. his youngest sister was only eight years old when they put her in an orphanage. two years later he borrowed a car and he brought her home. grandma saved money and a coffee can in their basement to send my dad to a two-year community college. my dad then became a newspaper man. , she was born in milwaukee, the site of our next convention. [cheers and applause] and she came to minnesota and taught second-grade until she was 70 years old. sayi still me people that she was their favorite teacher. today asd before you the granddaughter of an iron or minor. andhe daughter of a teacher as a first woman elected to the u.s. senate from the state of minnesota, and a candidate for president of the united states. [chanting "amy"] sen. klobuchar: that is because we live in a country of shared dreams. that no matter where you come from, no matter who you know, no matter the color of your skin, a matter where you were ship, no matter who you love, you can make it in the united states of america. i did not have a perfect life. my dad struggled without the holism his whole life. by the time john and i got married he got his third dwi. then the judge said you have to decide jail or treatment. he was pursued bike race. i believe everyone in this country should have the opportunity to be pursued. when abigail was born we thought it would be this perfect thing, but she was really sick. she could not swallow and was in intensive care. back then the insurance companies had a rule and they kicked me out of the hospital even though she was in intensive care for 24 hours. a few months later, i went to the legislator, worked with a number of legislators, and we passed one of the first laws in the country guaranteeing new moms and their babies a 48-hour hospital stay. [cheers and applause] sen. klobuchar: that is how i do my work. elizabeth noted earlier tonight, people told me, just like they told her, that they did not think a woman could be elected. in my case, a was elected to the u.s. senate. no woman had ever done it before. but i came back, i defied expectations, and i won. [cheers and applause] sen. klobuchar: and i have done it over and over again in the redesist of red districts and te bluest of blue districts. in the gridlock of washington, d.c., i have passed over 100 bills as the lead democrat. and tonight in new hampshire, as everyone has counted us out, even a week ago, thank you pundits -- [laughter] sen. klobuchar: i came back and we delivered. [cheers and applause] we have been on quite a journey together. and you have learned this about me. i never give up. my story is nothing compared to the resilience that i have seen all over this country. who lostin california her child to gun violence. even through her grief and heartbreak, she has joined the fight to keep our children safe. the immigrant who works two jobs and still struggles to put food on the table, but is determined to raise her kids in america so that they have a better future. the farmer who is facing bankruptcy because of bad trump policies, but persists in working the land, just like his parents and his grandparents before him. america deserves a president who -- give up orup give him just because a decision is hard. america deserves a president who is as resilient as her people. [cheers and applause] america deserves a president who will take on the challenges of our time. climate change and affordable education and college, immigration reform, justice and democracy. and yes, bringing down the cost of health care. our country cannot take another four years of donald trump. the rule of cannot withstand another four years of a president who thinks that he is above it. sense of decency cannot handle another four years of a president who does not care about it. tolerateracy cannot another four years of a president who wants to bulldoze right through it. and our american dream cannot tolerate a president that thinks he can choose who lives it. the president might as well have a sign on his desk that says, "the buck stops anywhere but here." blames he blames barack obama. he blames the city of baltimore. he blames the head of the federal reserve that he appointed. he blames the energy secretary that he nominated. he blames the city of baltimore. he blames the entire kingdom of denmark. who does that? one, heavorite recent blames the prime minister of canada for cutting him out of the canadian version of h "home alone 2." that is donald trump. i think we can do better. the people of this country, when things go wrong they don't have anyone to blame. they just have to pick themselves up. i can promise you this. when i am behind that desk, i will take responsibility instead of passing it on. i will reach across the aisle and work with americans in good faith instead of picking a fight. i will bring this country together instead of tearing it apart. [cheers and applause] sen. klobuchar: some of you have heard the story about franklin delano roosevelt. he was beloved. when he died they put his body in a train and it went through the countryside to washington, d.c. people would spontaneously stand next to those rail tracks to show their respects. the story goes that one guy was standing there sobbing. a regular guy had his hat across his chest. sir,reporter says to him, did you know president roosevelt? , i did not says, no know president roosevelt, but he knew me. he knew me. that is what is lacking right now in the white house. ability of a president to put himself or herself in the shoes -- [cheers and applause] sen. klobuchar: what is lacking is that sacred trust between the people of this nation and the president of the united states. my friends, i will restore that trust. [cheers and applause] if you arehar: having trouble deciding between filling a prescription or filling your refrigerator with food, i know you and i will fight for you. if you cannot decide how you are going to stretch that paycheck to pay for your rent or pay your mortgage, i know you and i will fight for you. and if you are having trouble deciding how you are going to pay for the childcare for your kids and the long-term kid -- care for your parents, i know you and i will fight for you. [cheers and applause] want aobuchar: if you democratic nominee who can make our tent bigger, who can make our coalition wider and our coattails longer, i know you and i will fight for you. [cheers and applause] and, if you feel stuck in the extremes of our , and you are tired of the noise and the nonsense, you have a home with me. if you want to nominate who can on that to donald trump debate stage, which you will know i can do, i need your vote, yes. fori will need your votes the people in nevada. i will need the votes in south carolina and beyond. but most of all i need your hearts. i don't have that big bank account. i will have that big name of some of the other people that are in this race. i am not a newcomer with no political record. but what i do is get things done. what i have is your back. so i ask you to join us at amy [cheers and applause] sen. klobuchar: join our campaign. "amy"]ng sen. klobuchar: thank you. thank you, new hampshire. because the nevada best is yet to come. [cheers and applause] i want to thank a few people before we start the music and everything, who have been here with me in new hampshire from the very beginning. to have theirud help and support. it has meant the world. first of all, my great state director, scott merritt. right over here. [cheers and applause] and my campaign manager in our teen justin bowen. our team up her and all the incredible staff in new hampshire that beat the odds when everyone counted us out, you never did. and that i want to think the incredible group of endorsers, so many legislators and former legislators and mayors and local officials that i cannot name all of them. but i will name a few. deborah. thank you. she is so well respected and introduced me up today. jo foster, the former attorney general general of new hampshire right over there. jake and jean. thank you to both of you. former brigadier general, kevin ryan, as well as ambassador jim smith. state house thank you wherever you are. lucy weber and doug. mayors i wanted to mention because i saw them the last few days. and andrew,hester where are you andrew, of laconia . right over there. thank you. also, people who have been there and had given me so much guidance and advice. rich siegel, thank you so much. michael atkins. jim callahan. tom sylvia. and karen cornelius. i want to thank all of you. we are so excited. we are going to take this show on the road with all of this great new hampshire goodwill. the best is yet to come. let's get to work, everyone. thank you. "amy"]ng ♪ [cheers and applause] amy klobuchar with supporters in concord, new hampshire. successful night for her moving from fifth place in iowa to third place in new hampshire. c-span's coverage. let's take a look at the numbers. bernie sanders has the lead at 26.4%. 23.7%, a 4000. vote difference. 57% of the state is reporting. amy klobuchar at their place with just under 20%. 28,875 voters. elizabeth warren, a difficult night for the neighboring state .enator, 13,000 voters about 9.5% of those who have cast ballots. former vice president joe biden at a .4%. 12,000 -- 8.4%. 12,000 voters. tulsi gabbard's 3.2%. tomsteyer and andrew -- steyer at 3.5%. andrew yang has dropped out. michael bennet has ended his campaign along with andrew yang. they are the first to admiralty's of this primary. we are waiting for two important speakers. senator sanders and mayor pete to come out and set the stage for the next part of their campaign. speaking of setting the stage for the campaign, it here is a tweet about amy klobuchar from trent at politico who said after what appears to be a solid finish in new hampshire, they are planning to expand their staff in nevada and south carolina as super tuesday states. we are going to take your calls to get reactions to what has been happening so far in new hampshire. we have a special line for new hampshire voters at 202-748-8920. and a line for democrats and republicans. we will here for us from david in phoenix, a democrat. what do you think about what's happening in new hampshire? caller: i am very proud of amy klobuchar and her performances at these debates. tonight is so exciting and so invigorating. in phoenix fore five months, holding a sign in going to different busy intersections with just a very large sign that says klobuchar, 2020 for president. i am so proud of her. she was aand surrogate for barack obama in 2007. i worked with her for about four days in salem, oregon. she is such a vibrant, thoughtful person. i was so moved when she came out in the snow and everything else. i said, that is the tough grit. i had worked with her and saw the honesty in her every move. to when iarken back and the politicians literally had to serve the center of politics. the 60% to 70% of us in the center. not distinguishing the 20% on each of the wings. needs tohat america heal the wounds of division that we have had over these last 4-5 presidents. david wasserman is tweeting, it is looking like sanders margin over pete buttigieg will end up being smaller than pete buttigieg margin over klobuchar for second. next telephone call is for zachary in iowa, a democrat. you are on c-span. sorry. amy klobuchar speech. before, i was on her side until now. --m very excited to see will to see where she will go. sorry, i am watching myself right now. zachary, can you hit the mute button on the tv, because it's causing feedback? spoke, ite way she was very similar to pete would a judge. her, bernie and pete are very close. i cannot decide between the three of them. as has become very exciting to see. i was a supporter of warren in the beginning, but now she is falling back i cannot see myself supporting her anymore. host: what do you do? was working for a elizabeth warren in the iowa caucuses last week. student. i am a host: what are you studying? studying am currently -- i am a high school so i am not studying much of anything. host: thank you. great to see you involved in politics at this young age. president trump has been active on twitter tonight. there is one of his latest tweets. elizabeth warren, sometimes referred to as pocahontas, is having a bad night. i think she is sending signals she wants out. calling for unity is her way of going home and having a nice cold beer with her husband. from tylerhone call in claremont, new hampshire. who did you vote for today? caller: i voted for amy klobuchar. host: what do you think about her turnout tonight? caller: it is amazing. resonating ande why is she picking up this momentum in your state? her experience in the inate and her experience different counties. host: where do you see her going from here? caller: to be the democratic nominee. host: let's take a look at those results. now it's 60% of the state reporting. bernie sanders, 40,000 people 26%.g for him at p pete buttigieg at 3.9%. 1% --obuchar at 20% with 20.1%. elizabeth warren in fourth place, 9.5%. moving on to joe biden's 8.4% with 13,000. tom steyer with 3.5%. tulsi gabbard, 3.2% at 5000. and andrew yang at 2.8%. that is the current statistics with 60% of the votes counted in new hampshire. next up is brian, who is in manchester. who did you vote for today? caller: i voted for bernie sanders. host: why is he your candidate? caller: i am watching some really interesting coverage on twitch tv. it's really cool. it gives you a good rundown of what is going on in new hampshire. i decided to vote for burning today based on character more than policy. there are other people i agree with more on policy than bernie sanders, but what we need now is someone with integrity, someone that has been fighting for the rights of others for his whole career in politics and i think that's why i went for bernie sanders today. campaignnie sanders headquarter is in the southern new hampshire field house in manchester. you are looking at a live picture from the headquarters. we are awaiting the candidates remarks for his supporters. next up is david in milwaukee, a republican. what do you think of what's happening in new hampshire? has been a very interesting primary here in new hampshire. , would say that amy klobuchar as far as democrat candidates, she is my third favorite behind tulsi gabbard in first and andrew yang in second. that being said, at this point i am a pretty solid from supporter, but i do want to congratulate her for being the only went to raise her hand and say that she does not stand with socialism. she is willing to stand up and say that that is a bad policy for america. furthermore, i think -- i do thegree that trump is divider in chief. different media sources on both sides of the political spectrum, except for c-span. whether you are talking about cnn or fox news, they are the ones who are more responsible for dividing the nation. i think trump is trying to fight against that that sort of dishonesty. he is a little bit crass about -- i am quite the whosite of the last caller picked character over policy. i choose policies over character. what is most important is who can best lead this country. who has been best serve to serve the people as president. even if he gets a little bit out of line on twitter. i think that what he is doing for the economy and our first and second amendment rights is far more important. host: let me jump in. thank you for your call, from milwaukee. let's take a call from denise watching us in berlin. a democrat. i have to say hats off to the new hampshire people that got out and voted, and for the big turnout that they had. and i respect all the people that are running, because it is a hard job to try to be president for all people. that trump issee for all people. he is only for the rich. i want to try to emphasize on the latinos and the colored people to go out and vote, and the women, especially if amy gets to be the delegate for the democrats. please go out and support the women in the world, which he has degraded, and fondled and made a , putting his hands were he is not supposed to. another thing i noticed in trump's last night in new hampshire is, promises made, promises kept. well, have you asked his three wives that? yesterday ands on said he was going to vote for a republican because the democrats lie. googled and seen how many tr

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