Transcripts For CSPAN Washington Journal 12292019 20240713 :

CSPAN Washington Journal August 19, 1230

Zones call in at 202 7488001. You can also send as a text at 202 7488003. Please include your name and where you are wrong. Cspanwjal media we are on twitter. , evangelicalorning voters can start calling in as we show you the stories from earlier this weekend in the Washington Times about the evangelicals for trump event on friday at the King Jesus International ministry in miami. To as manyministers as 15,000 congregants per week. Officials had said last month they were planning to launch the coalition but the date was not set until a magazine christianity called for President Trump to be removed from office. That magazine called christianity today, founded by ally graham. This is what was written. And our founding documents billy graham explains that christianity today will help evangelical christians interpret the news in a manner that likes their faith. The impeachment of donald trump is a significant event and it requires comment. Unambiguous, the president of the u. S. Attempted to use his political power to coor save foreign leader to harass and discredit one of the president s political opponents. That is not only a violation of the constitution it is profoundly immoral. That he should be removed is not a matter of partisan loyalty but loyalty to the creator of the 10 commandments. He goes on to say for the many evangelicals who wetinue to support mr. Trump might say this, remember who you are and who you serve. Consider how your justification of mr. Trump influences your witness to your lord and savior brush off his amoral words and behavior in the cost of political expediency. If we do not reverse course now will anyone take anything we say about justice or righteousness with any seriousness for decades to come . Decades to come . We are talking about it and evangelicals for trump, the Campaign Event happening later this week and we want to hear your comments. We are talking to evangelical voters only. You are in theif eastern or central time zone. 202 7488001 if you are an evangelical in the mountain or pacific time zone. In onent trump did weigh december the 22nd on the christianity today editorial. These are the tweets he put out. Starting with this. The farleft magazine was very progressive has been doing poorly and not involved with the billy graham family for many years. Christianitys today knows nothing about reading a perfect transcript or a routine phone haveand they would rather a radical left nonbeliever who wants to take your religion and your guns and donald trump as your president. No president has done more for the evangelical community. You will not get anything from the democrats, i will not be reading christianity today. Ie more tweet in response guess the magazine is looking for a Elizabeth Warren or those of the communist bed to guard their religion. How about sleepy joe . No president has done what i have done for evangelicals. The president is having that rally in florida this week. We want to hear from evangelical voters. Mary is up first out of louisiana. Go ahead. Caller are you asking for mary . This is john . Host yes maam. Caller john, let me explain something to you. I read and study the bible every day. When we voted for trump and elected trump we did not vote for him to be our pastor or our sunday school teacher. Us did not help a lot of people did not believe that god existed all the people that are hating and say that they are christians, they are not. The bible tells us all have sinned trump is [indiscernible] to church and calls themselves christian. Host this is sue out of hickory corners, michigan. Caller hello. Am i have been totally against trump. I remember when he was immoral on tv with various people in the past. Everything that he does is contrary to christianity and it has prevented me from going to the evangelical churches any longer. I cannot relate to them. I think they have mistaken money for god. They put money before god. Sore were 10 commandments many that this president has broken. Every time i listen to him i can list them in my mind. He is divisive. Host you went to evangelical churches before trump was president . 50 years ago when i was 17 i became a bornagain christian. We recall the jesus people when it wasnt recognized evangelical movement. Host what does it mean to be an evangelical . Caller it means you spread the gospel. You do not spread trumps message, it is divisive. He has torn our country apart. He is a devil in sheeps clothing and i have wanted him impeached. Oxnard, california this is ann. Evangelical and i do not support donald trump. If he is working at being a good christian god has a lot of work because his behavior, his speech, the way he treats people , it is all not in a christian manner. That is how i feel about donald trump. He needs to be impeached, he is an embarrassment to the country. I hope god does do a lot of work on him because he has a long way to go. You think the christianity today editorial has made a difference in the past 10 days . Caller whoever wrote that hit the nail on the head. Upe christians need to speak on who donald trump really is. Ost it was the outgoing editor at christianity today, mark who wrote that. Mark was on face the nation. This is what he had to say when he was asked about the editorial and the president s response. Mark what i am most concerned with is the unwillingness of my brothers and sisters in christ. Animus against them but it strikes me as strange for a people who take the teachings of jesus christ seriously, the teaching of the 10 commandments seriously that we cannot say publicly and out loud, in front of god and everybody, that this mans character is deeply concerning to us and in my judgment has crossed a line and i think he is no longer fit to lead the United States of america. I dont say this politically. Our job as christians is to love our neighbor. States, left,ited right, black, white, every sexuality, we want them to prosper. Public moral character of our president that is not going to happen, it is likely to degenerate very rapidly, it has already degenerated and it is time for us to say no more. Host that was mark on face the nation. Franklin graham, the son of billy graham, put out his response to the editorial by mark. This is what he said the day after the editorial appeared. Franklin graham on facebook saying my father founded christianity today but he would not agree with their opinion piece, he would be very disappointed. The list of accomplishments is long but for me as a christian the fact that the president is the most prolife president in modern history is extremely important, christianity today wants to ignore that. The president has been a staunch defender of religious freedom at home and around the world and Christian Today wants to ignore that. The president has appointed conservative judges in record numbers, christianity today believes he should be removed from office because of false accusations the president. Nd badly denies christianity today says its time to call a spade a spade. Christianity today has become a tool of the lefts agenda. On President Trump as evangelical voters. This is rick. Caller i am a former evangelical. We all change and adapt. After 15 yearsat involved in the church i was in i began to realize the hypocrisy, it was very divisive. I see that a lot in the evangelical movement, especially with those who support trump. Host give me an example. Caller they are supportive of him no matter what. It doesnt make any sense to me. Go down the 10 commandments and he has broken at least nine of them. [laughter] i cant support someone ethically, morally, spiritually who acts and is accept not responsibility to the point where he admits false or mistakes and i think that is one of the things that we are obligated to do as human beings, as christians. Of why we the basis believe is to realize that we and weners and we have a are absolved so long as we admit our faults. Leavingu talked about the church, do you still have your faith, do you still believe . Caller yes i do but not same way that i once did. There is a book that came out in toward theled one. The seven major religions and examined what all of them had in common. All of them say dont steal and dont cheat on your wives. Philosophyok of where it is how to treat your fellow man and how to reveal your revere your god and live your life. Says this is what i have in common with my muslim or hindu neighbor. That is the context in which i believe now. Do we look to our leaders whether it is donald trump or another president too much for moral leadership . To be reflections of something we believe in our faith . Is that something we should be doing . Caller some people do, i do not. That is not his job. He is not a spiritual leader. He does have a responsibility to have a certain moral compass that we can all appreciate and get behind. Host thank you for the call. From clarion, pennsylvania good morning. Caller good morning. Is that wed to say do not elect saints for president s. There has never been a saint that was a president. Donald trump has as much morals as anyone else does. Sainty are looking for a in the democrats they are going to be disappointed. Ast when you say he has much morals as anyone else, other colors he is lacking morals. What do you point to . Caller we are all sinners. Even if he is not perfect tea is no different than anyone else. From pennsylvania, we are talking to evangelical voters. , iny on this sunday morning response to that christianity. Oday editorial there is an event in friday on miami to launch his evangelicals for trump coalition. If past voting practices are any indication the president should do very well with evangelicals in 2020, especially white evangelicals. Here is the exit polling from previous elections. Going back to 2016, President Trump winning with white evangelical voters. Comparing to the 2012 election where mitt romney led evangelical voters, 78 to 21 for president. Winning John Mccain White evangelical voters 74 . From 2004 president bush winning white evangelical voters 78 to 21 for john kerry. We want to hear about how you as evangelical voters, we were just talking about white evangelical voters in that category, but we want to hear from all evangelical voters this morning. We want to hear about your thoughts on President Trump and that editorial rum christianity today. Caller thanks for taking my call. I think democrats are deceived. They are misled. There was a guy called king david, he had a soldier murdered and took the mans wife. Guess where he said . Best sat sat. At the right hand of god. Donald trump is not king david he is doing good things for christianity. They would rather see homosexual murdering, go ahead and vote for a democrat. That is what you people are voting for when you vote democrat. Host what are the good things President Trump is doing for christianity . Caller for one he moved to the embassy. For number two he is allowing look atch to speak and all the people that is praying for him. He may not be where he needs to be right now with god but i judge nobody. The bible says just not that ye might be judged yourself, thats what this program is doing, is judging donald trump. God has his hands on him. Like jesus told pilate, you have no power if it wasnt given to you. Host we are not judging anyone, we are opening the phone lines to hear from evangelical voters. This is about your support for President Trump. Conversation this in the wake of that christianity today editorial. Here is more from that editorial. Reserved judgment for years and done our best to get evangelical trump voters there prudential nadir of so Many Political decisions they have made regarding mr. Trump. It is time to call a spade a spade, no matter how many hands we win, this political poker game we are playing with a stacked deck of immorality and ethical incompetence. The we push our chips to center of the table the game will come crashing down on the reputation of evangelical religion and the understanding of the gospel. , theresponse from fox news Freedom Coalition chairman was on fox news after that editorial came out offering his thoughts on what was in it. They may want to change the name of the magazine to christianity yesterday, you cannot imagine a publication more out of that with the Faith Community that it once represented. Received 81 of the votes of evangelicals four years ago, the highest ever recorded. His job approval according to a recent told by my organization among u. S. Evangelicals stands and 99 a historic high of conservative evangelicals according to the Public Religion Research institute oppose impeachment. This editor has one foot out the door, he is leaving on january 3 so this is a parting shot by him , i dont know what impeachment hearings he has been watching. The one fact witness, the only fact witness, ambassador gordon oneland admitted that no told them that the aid was being withheld in exchange for investigations. He mentioned some of the polling when it came to evangelicals. Polls,e a few of the onm an npr pbs newshour poll white evangelicals. 75 of white evangelical christians approve of President Trump, 62 believe that House Democrats did not run impeachment proceedings fairly, that was from a fox news poll from before the editorial came out. We want to hear from you this morning, evangelical voters only. This is lynn from silver spring. Caller good morning, thank you so much. I am so proud of mark for his editorial. I am a christian, i am a bible believing christian and i do not hate donald trump but i am not a donald trump supporter. I would not be a friend of donald trump. Do i pray for the president . Of course. I do not care for michael pence either. I want to share a book you had , a few weeks ago. I want to say, especially for other christians and anybody, to warn people there are thousands of christian prayer calls that are protrump that are saying absolute untruths about donald trump and how wonderful he is. They just are not true. The National Strategic prayer caller, 78 days before the 2016 the council has a call on our prayer every day at 11 30 in the morning. There was a Great Program you did with the author of the book Shadow Network the council for national policy. These are the people who are behind donald trump, mike pence and mitch mcconnell. I and not against anybody, i am for these people. I care about our congress but i believe donald trump should be him preach. Those were impeachable offenses. You have william barr walking out and saying nothing to see here folks. Let me ask you, you said you are a bible believing christian. Would you describe yourself as evangelical . I would bealler embarrassed to say evangelical. Host why . Caller as christians we share the good news with others. Truth is what matters. The gospel of jesus christ is what matters. Not that we do not judge people. We do not judge hypocritically. We do not say what we do is ok but when you do it it is wrong. It is the Three Fingers pointing back with donald trump. That is how you can know what he is doing. Host this is eric out of compton, california. Good morning, america, thanks for giving me this opportunity to speak. Gotchristian i believe is the judge here. Gods judgment is a blessing for the believer and is impeachment for the unbeliever. Gods blessing is good, and it is good all the time. There is no angle here. What people are doing to keep ple divided, donald trump a house divided will not stand. As long as he has us divided and preaches division that is how he wins. Christians, gods plan sings and judgment is a blessing to the believers and impeachment to the unbelievers. Host you say you are an evangelical. How often does donald trump come up at the pulpit at your church . Caller in our conversation he is number 45. We address him as number 45. Preaching unity, when i started my event alyssum i started crying jubilee and then the pope said we were in the jubilee economy. Who is making the economy good . God. Donald trump is administering division. God is good all the time. We are united in the churches and crying jubilee. Stay united in jesus christ. Is how you pray. Pray to a living god, a living spirit. Host this is steve in charleston, South Carolina. Steve, how often does donald trump, but your church . Caller come up at your church . Caller never. I dont think it should be discussed in any church. This is a complex issue. I dont see why people keep trying to make a connection between church and state. , i was ateason sunday school this morning, we never discussed politics. It fractures the congregation. The point of the church is to worship and to win souls to christ. He kind of got me off track. We do not discuss politics in church. Host what do you make of christianity today calling for the president s removal from office . Is that something that i magazine that said it aims to be the voice of yearend should be doing . The voice of evangelicals should be doing . It shoulddont think be discussed in evangelical publications at all. I cant cite the verse but he institutes every government in his sovereignty and plan for this earth, i dont know why. If you think i or most other evangelicals put trump on this and think he is a picture of humanity, we know he is a frail human and a sinner. If we dont sin we make out jesus to be a liar. There are key issues that are discussed in the Church Without getting into politics. Samesex marriage, abortion. Let me tell you something,. I know your religious affiliation but several months ago a baby was killed in california that was eight ounces. Is not a case against abortion i dont know what is. I am a trump 2016 ier now but in voted for darrell castle. I voted for the Constitution Party before that, i mean to support america and support the right to life. We are trapped in a twoparty system. Democrats, media, and money controlling the politics in this country. Fightingse has a chance, they cannot get on the national stage. For the guy that is against killing unborn babies , life begins at conception host we got your point there, a lots of other colors this morning. Charles is waiting in dallas, texas. Charles, go ahead. Well, it took me a christian, believer, evangelical to realize the blessing of the trump election. Now i am starting to get it.

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