So he is here. I think youre in for a pleasure, and hear some really neat things about what is happening in his career. And at the university of tennessee. Dr. Dean is an inventor and a computer engineer. He is local. He was raised in Jefferson City. He went to that Marvelous University of tennessee. How Many University of tennessee fans in here . Show of hands. All right, way to go. So he got his first degree from the university of tennessee. And got his masters and doctorategot his masters and doctorate in electrical engineering. He lost his way from tennessee and ended up at stanford for his phd. Pretty good school. And we have some people here who know about that university. He is an ibm fellow. Is anyone in here familiar with the ibm pc . [laughter] can you tell what year you became familiar with the ibm pc . 1975 . I dont remember that long ago. Harold this young man is with on the team that developed it and he has patents to prove it. He was instrumental in developing that information technology. Im not sure what we would do today if we do not have the pc and everything that goes along with that. And he continued his career with ibm and became a fellow, which is the highest level of distinction in that organization. He is a member of the National Inventors hall of fame. He has several patents himself, connected with the pc and other endeavors. It is indeed a pleasure. He has been the interim dean of the university of Tennessee School of engineering, Tickle College of engineering so it is a pleasure to introduce dr. Mark dean. [applause] dr. Dean ok. Good afternoon everyone. Thank you, harold, for the introduction. Im not used to speaking in a microphone because even in this size room i usually can throw my voice. Im also not used to speaking behind a podium. So i may step out a little bit. Just to see better. Im glad you able to come, the number of people here. Im going to spend a little time telling you about myself, technology. A few things we need to think about going forward, or at least i would like to have a conversation around them, and then emerging technologies. Then we can explore whatever space you would like to explore. I do not have too many constraints. Some of you who know me may know that. As harold said, i am from Jefferson City nearby here, Jefferson City, tennessee. I started my academic career at nelson mary, a black school before integration. My grandfather was the principal. So i like to point that out. In the third grade they integrated the School System so i went to the integrated school. I was the last class to graduate from our small high school. Thats a picture of my early years. I went to the university of tennessee. Got my undergraduate degree. I cooped at alcoa aluminum. And then ibm hired me into development. I worked there 10 years on what became of the ibm pc and related technology for the first 10 years of its life. So i have just over 40 patents and most of those are tied to the work we did on the idea pc. It was called the isa system bus. The thing that defined pc compatibility for 15 years. I will talk more about that. We were actually surprised at how long that existed. We do not expect that we would set the standards to that level. As harold said, i got my phd from stanford. I spent 34 years at ibm. And i have spent my last six years as a faculty member at university of tennessee and as the interrim dean for the Tickle College of engineering. I have been blessed. Many people ask. This is the question i get more than anything else, when you were developing the ibm pc, did you know what you were doing . [laughter] first you step back and say, what did they mean . I think they meant, did we realize the level of impact, good and bad, that the personal computer and related technologies would have on society, productivity, entertainment, information sharing, business models, communications and all that aspects of our lives . So when i recover, i answer the question as no. We really did not realize what we were doing. We did realize that we were building something that would improve productivity for people for people that wanted to create and manage information. So this includes word processing, ledgers, anybody that brought the original pc, this is what you would do. You would design. You would have personal data storage. It was one of the systems that started to allow you to store data locally, versus out in the, was into the cloud of the time it was usually an ibm mainframe. Now is called the cloud. History repeats itself. So we did realizewe did not realize how much it would affect everyone and enable so much innovation. Just like all previous innovations, the creators could not have fully understood how they would change the world. Now the pcs, laptops, tablets and your smart phones are all integral parts of our lives. Helping us create and share information, be entertained, and to get things done. So again, i was in the right place and the right time, not knowing any better and things worked out. So i have been fortunate. Ive been part of a lot of teams that includes the ibm pc, that includes the first gigahertz microprocessor. First accomplishments ibms supercomputer called blue jean in new york. We developed a discipline called services science. If we had a few hours i would tell you what it is. It was interesting. Then more recent work that was done with one of my colleagues here in the audience, computing paradigms based on the human brain called noomorphic computing. Everybody asked me what does it feel like to invent . What is it like to have 40 patents . The real truth is most of my inventions are the result of what i would call my superpower. Youre dreaming, right . A vivid imagination. And confidence to believe you can build anything. Everybody has a superpower. But most do not realize what it is or have the opportunity to develop it and focus on their superpower. I have had that opportunity. There have been two primary organizations that allowed me to develop and exploit my superpower. One is the university of tennessee. Without the education i got there, i would not have had the chance to go on and be a part of ibm. And course ibm. There are individuals and without them i would not of had the chance to do things i would have was able to do. The first is von schenklin in my early career at alcoa. Ted davis in my early career at ibm. Rod atkins, wayne davis who is now interim chancellor here. And the reason i came back. My wife, denise. She has been with me and made a lot of things possible. My parents, james and barbara dean. And my grandparents, eugene and althea. A shout out to them. Because without them, none of this would have been possible. So, we have actually been able to change the world. That would be the way i would have to put it. Not thinking that was the intent. But that is how it turned out. I believe anything we can imagine could be realized, there is a simple matter of three four key elements. Time, money, risk, and determination. I used the word determination. Most people would call that not knowing any better. Determination sounds better. Also most Great Innovations have that have had the biggest impact on society, have occurred in the gaps between disciplines. Putting ideas together from multiple sources and disciplines to solve a problem or to address an opportunity. Thats where most of the Great Innovations have occurred. And i would have to say the pc falls right into that category. Innovation being the application of invention to solve a problem is something i am far more proud of than my inventions themselves. I have all these patents. But the real value is what we did with them. Not the patents and the inventions themselves. Invention is worthless unless it has an impact. Unless it changes peoples lives or helps people live better, have more success, be happy, that is the true measure of a particular innnovation. So i gain joy in innovation. I get joy watching summit using someone using what we have built. To watch someone using a computer ive designedto watch someone use a computer i have designed or take advantage of what we built that is where the joy comes from. Theres a lot of innovations that we often take for granted. And has ignited significant changes in the world. I just want to mention a few. Just to set up the talk after that. Harvesting energy from earning organic material we would say diesel engines, gasoline engines, steam engines, these things have allowed us to find breakthroughs in transportation, manufacturing, infrastructure, mining, lots of areas. Thats a big deal. Trains, planes and automobiles have allowed society to spread out. Electricity, wired communication, telegraph, telephone, broadband. And wireless communicationtelevision, cell phone, radio, satellite. Penicillin and vaccines are big. I was telling some an earlier, i think the next great breakthroughs will be in biology. Im very high on penicillin vaccines and other breakthroughs that are coming in biology. Aspirin and ibuprofen, atomic energy. A lot of it was developed here. Plastics. The transistor. Computers, obviously. The internet. And gps. These are things, innovations, and many others, that society could not live without. Today. Right . They have also enabled new discoveries and new innovations. Theyre not just innovations in themselves, but they have been able enabled us to go further. Engineers and scientists often build things as a challenge to their abilities. I have to admit, that is kind of why i built most of the things that i have built. Or that it has never been done before. We are driven by being first. Or because it is fun to watch somebody use something you design. These are the things that tend to drive juniors and scientists. Engineers and scientists. Engineers and scientists seldom consider the impact on society of a particular invention or innovation may have. This would be a secondary consideration and probably would not occur after the first prototype or demonstration model was done. So im going to questionthis is going to be a question that all Great Innovation that has had a Significant Impact on society, also may have had some negative impacts on society. I want to explore what responsibility engineers and scientists have to help society understand both ends. The positive sides are easy. But can we explain and address and make sure society is aware of the potential negatives. That would go along with this. So im going to cover a few technologies and then move on to talk about that in general. So computers. Lets take computers for example, cell phones, tablets, entertainment systems, cable boxes, all of these are computers, basically. It is obvious the Significant Impact they had on productivity, information and information sharing, new forms of entertainment, complex systems modeling like weather forecasting, Business Opportunities for new applications and services, it is an endless list. It is part of our lives. Now, let me pose this. And i have yet to find someone that we have a discussion but is an interesting thought. Think about this. Computers are the only product where we buy them expecting them to fail. It is the only onewe expect to have to reboot a computer or download a new version of software to fix it. I challenge people, is there anything else that we buy that we expect that of the product . Refrigerators, cars. Light bulbs . But they at least last 10 years. If my computer lasted a year without me having to reboot it. But i do not get a week out of it. [laughter] ive never heard that recalled before. Im not sure you can upgrade that. Ok. Those moments only happen one moment in time. That is a positive experience when you look back on it. Usually. When you look back on your computer blue screen, that is usually not a positive experience. So, society now accepts flaws in Computing Products and the computing industry takes advantage of what we have trained society to expect. We will ship the computer industry will ship something before it really is a fully tested. Right . You help them out because you test it for them, you tell them about the problems and they give you an upgrade. We are used to that. We accept that. It feels funny, i was a part of this. And i feel funny about it. I admit we have created this. Maybe it is ok. Im not going to say it is not ok. But it is strange. Like i said, i feel funny about it. Another negative i would have to say is that computing is insufficient at data privacy and data security. I have to admit that. We have exposed society to loss of sensitive or personal data. Especially to bad actors. And i will talk more about that later. But i have to say that we have built computing and we have gone so far and we do not take into consideration the effects on access to our private information. Maybe that should have taken or more thought. So we cannot live without computers, right . If we did, things will slow down significantly. Some of you might say, that might be a good deal, right . Maybe slowing down a little would be ok . But no, the world is not going to slow down. So the question is should society expect some of our great computing capabilities to be used to improve computing reliability . Should we expect that instead of more megahertz, more memory, more storage, more blah, blah, blah that some of that should be used to make computers last more years, like a light bulb . I do not know. Could we use the capability to provide better protection to our data . Maybe. Right . Maybe it could provide more independence for people that has no relevance to their social status or financial status. Right . Maybe it would open up new opportunities for everyone. Not just the few that can have access to it. The question is, can Consumer Expectation demand have a major effect on vendors and what they offer . Yes, it can but we have to decide that that is what we want. That we want something, something better. And expect that, and drive the industry, maybe. Like i said, the upside of computing, the productivity and efficiencies are significant. We see that and we accept some of the downsides because of the significant upside. There are other technologies. Plastic. A huge example. I do not think we could live without plastic. Packaging of food, distribution of food, reduction in waste, it has been a big deal for us. But the challenge with plastics is as you all know, waste. And the potential contamination of our environment. Again, im not going to blame the innovators of plastic or the technology, because it is something we can address. But obviously these are types of things we have to thing about. The internet is another one. Again, without the internet we would not have the great sharing of information, social media, all the great things we have come to enjoy having internet, even netflix and the things that provides, amazon would not be here without the internet. But i have to admit, the internet has exposed our information, or personal information, our finances, are confidential records to exposure on a scale not before possible. Before the internet, you had to break into an Office Building and get something. Then it is local. Now i can sit in my living room. And i can get access to a lot of stuff. So, something to think about. Just something to think about. Again, im not trying to denigrate or downgrade these great breakthroughs. We just need to have these conversations. That is all im trying to expose. So, like a said, i do not wish to suggest that we should not have developed or deployed these technologies. The question is, should we as engineers and scientists, and im talking about myself, have identified and minimized the negatives of these technologies before they were deployed, or early in their deployment . And if we had, would anybody have listened . If we had said, wait a minute, heres some of the downside. Would people have paid attention . Or would they run off and say thats great, but im going to do this and this is can be good. Good. Gonna be could way as innovators have known ahead of time the downside of distribution and use of these technologies . Could we have protected it . When we were doing the ibm pc, we did not predict a lot of stuff. We do not know any better. It kind of took off. But we could have given it a lot more thought. Is that our responsibility as engineers and scientists to notify and protect society from the potential downsides and dangers of a Given Technology . The real question is who is liable for any damages or losses incurred from the use of a Given Technology . Who is responsible . I will leave you with that thought. Lets talk about the newest commodity to be leveraged by us individuals and businesses. Anybody want to guess . Ai. Dr. Dean no, it is a commodity. Here is what i think. It is data. Just data. Just data. It gets big because theres a lot of it. The potential revenues and Profit Margins for the creation, collection, integration, analysis, distribution and sale of data and information is greater than any other commodity. Right . So Data Information is quickly becoming the new world currency. Far exceeding import and export of any other commodity. Just moving data around. Is a bigger import and export commodity than anything else. And theres going to be more money made on that movement of data than any other commodity. Than any commodity you can think of. This will far exceed the revenues associated with it. Just moving bits around. Just bits. That is all it is. Theres a lot of money in that business. So, Companies Like amazon and ebay, google, facebook, ups, microsoft, ibm, b of a, accenture, and many others are making large amounts of money collecting, analyzing, analyzing, leveraging and distributing data. That is all theyre doing distributing data. No manufacturing required. People sitting in an Office Building, airconditioned, moving bits around. All these companies are delivering products and services that contribute to our prosperity. Because they are doing it, we are enjoying that. That prosperity they are providing. Another question, what responsibly do they have in protectdo these companies have in protecting this information we have gathered, that they are gathering and creating. Should these companies treat our data like banks treat our money . Or maybe banks used to treat our money . What penalty should be levied on the loss of this data . What value should w