Screen through. But it is free for employers. When you take the information from your new hire that you have to collect for Social Security and irs. You have to have their information for your payroll. This enables you to check whether the person you hired is actually telling you the truth about who they are. You enter their name, Social Security number, date of birth. Is match. Es its the number real . Is the person claiming to be in eightyearold . That kind of thing. The purpose is to screen out illegal workers and people with fake ids. It can be fooled, but it is harder to fool then the mickey mouse paperbased system that is mandatory, and about half of other employers loose use. Who runs the system . Homeland security. It pings information against the Social Security administration as well. Checking your name and date of birth. How accurate . It was mandated as a Pilot Program in the 1996 Immigration Law. In the george w. Bush administration it got its current branding as everify. It has been growing consistently. It has about three quarters of a million employers using it. About half of all new hires are screened through it. It is extremely effective. Most of the people who are bounced back as what they call a , antative nonconfirmation yellow flag, are actually u. S. Citizens. Women who got married but did not tell Social Security what their married name was. So, they go to Social Security and clean it up. I know an organization that has had two situations like that. Sense, it is a Public Service you want to know that Social Security has your information wrong when youre 25, not when you are 65. Three quarters of one million employers. Some of the latest numbers coming from mitt romneys office. He was talking about legislation on this issue, he pegged it at 864,000. Oft is approximately 14 u. S. Employers. Who are that 14 . Guest mainly bigger employers. It is 14 of employers, but about 50 or more of all new hires. Mcdonalds now uses everify. It used to be the biggest employer of Illegal Immigrants in the country just because it is such an huge employer anyway. One of the ways ordinary people can check is that employers that use it will have a sticker on their door, or some kind of logo. We have it on our website, because we have used it for years. You have to get an ok from everify to do that. That is one of the ways you can check. In a lot of cases, Illegal Immigrants themselves will keep an eye on that. If they see that, they will go and apply somewhere else. Host talking about everify, if yes questions or comments, call in. 202 7488000 if youre a democrat. 202 7488001 if youre republican. 202 7488002 if youre independent. And business owners, a special line for you, if you have questions, 202 7488003. Of thosew in the wake ice enforcement efforts in mississippi if those employers use everify . Guest at least a couple did claim to use everify. In mississippi, it is mandatory to use everify. Even though it is a federal level still voluntary, the Supreme Court has ruled that states and localities can make their own everify requirements as a condition of having a business license. Since a business license since a business license is a local authority, they are allowed to have that string attached. The thing is, they were not enforcing our auditing well. Seven plants rated, not all of them even used it. The ones that used to, it is not clear whether they were using it properly. What i mean is, ice collected a lot of evidence on the employers themselves. On management. They are building criminal cases against them. The kind of thing that often happens is a company will use everify, and management will say we signed up and used everify, and the actual Human Resources people who hire the Illegal Immigrants say, i will enter this number for u. S. Your Social Security number, here is your name now. You are now john jones. This is her date of birth. In other words, they are partners. Coconspirators in the illegal act of hiring. That is the kind of thing that requires enforcement. Host what is the penalty for that . Is that a criminal offense . Guest it can be. Usually, what they do is levee civil fines. Host against the company . Guest against the company. What often happens is that their lawyers catch her ice is long as possible and get the fine down to some small level. The fines need to be higher, but there are potential criminal charges. The problem is the way the law is written. It is hard to make those criminal charges stick. Because you have to be able to prove that they knowingly hired Illegal Immigrants. They knew that person was an alien. That comes harder thing to do. Host what you suspect is going to happen to the seven companies . Guest from what ice has been saying, and the u. S. Attorney, it looks like there is going to be some criminal charges. They have made that clear. The division of ice that does that sort of thing, no reason to get into the bureaucratic my new show, but it is called Homeland Security investigations. Those are mostly former customs people. They dont really care about immigration enforcement. They go after people who make fake gucci handbags. If they do immigration, they try to do it as something that is going to get indictments. They have spent a lot of time with internal informants in these factories. I expect in the next few weeks, couple months, it takes a while to build a case like this, youre going to hear about indictments. Host bias and everify mandatory for every company . Guest because the California Farm Bureau does not want it to be. Commerce,hamber of probably the most important lobbying group in washington, was resistant to everify. They fought it. They did not wanted to be mandatory. Once the Supreme Court ruled that local and state governments could have their own feet everify mandates, the chamber of commerce said we are for national everify as long as we have one rule. More, becausey counties and cities can do it. They are now on the same side as the procontrol immigration groups on this issue. Even the American Farm bureau with, which is the National Farm lobby agree to back up in exchange for increased farmworker legislation. The California Farm Bureau specifically has said, under no circumstances. The now minority leader of the house of representatives is a California Republican and a rule district. That matters. Until that obstacle can be overcome, we are not going to see whether the democrats, who say they are for everify, will actually back it. Generally, their position has been, we are for everify, but only once every illegal immigrant has been legalized. Host lets chat with a few callers. And is up first. Tampa bay, florida. Caller nice to speak to you both. I wanted to say first off, i have been following this issue. More than five years ago, the gang of eight hearing took place in the senate. With watch the whole thing cspan. It was incredibly good. I remember when they discussed everify, i want to also say to your guests, he knows exactly what he is talking about. Feinstein did not want to have it. She wanted some exceptions for her state. I recallschumer, if correctly, wanted a big exemption from the everify going through because he wanted to protect his airline workers. If you look at that film, he says she wants exception for his airline employees. They mean a lot to me. I would like to say that this is something that maybe the government cannot handle. If there is anybody out there an doing and everify everify and Software Program and want to sell the two states, maybe state should look into that. I do not care if it is a National Program because there are pockets of areas in the United States where people are working here for government on different programs. It is going to be a quagmire. Guest i dont remember that specific incidents of schumer wanting that carveout, but that is the kind of thing you hear all the time. Says thatlitician this particular donor group of my need to get a special deal. Thats why everify needs to apply to all new hires. The legislation that has come up a number of times almost passed in the previous congress. It was bundled with a larger bill. It would face it in, it would be the first year the big employees would have to use it, and the next year smaller ones. The biggest employers are the ones who can handle it the most easily. They have big Human Resources departments. Facing it in make sense, but having these carveouts where this industry doesnt have to use it, or what have you, that is not the way to get things done. Host marcel. Hyattsville, maryland. Regret. Democrat. Caller i have i have concerns for everify and tax id. Some people have a , not a tax id, how do you reconcile those two . Guest it is called the number he is talking about looks like a Social Security number, but it is called an individual tax id number. Whoas designed for people are not americans, not residents of the United States, but have to pay taxes. Basically, foreigners who have Bank Accounts here. What happened is, the irs started issuing them to Illegal Immigrants. There are a lot of instances where an illegal immigrant will give the fake or stolen Social Security number to his employer. But, they will then file a tax return with the irs using the real number that the irs gave them. Knows whos actually most Illegal Immigrants are because they have their tax returns which have two different numbers. Instead of 70 who has legitimate somebody who has legitimate information. People working using a tax id number to file taxes are Illegal Immigrants by definition almost in every case. The numbers for people who are not working dont live here, in other words they dont have a Social Security number, but if you have a bank account, you have to pay taxes on the interest. That is what the numbers for. If someone is working and uses that number, they are Illegal Immigrants by definition. Host has there ever been an effort to compare those two forms . Guest sure. The irs knows who they are, and the irs could not care less. They have set our mission is to collect taxes, and to send out refunds, and nothing else. We do not care about immigration status. That is the irs says this is a statutory mandate. We are not even allowed to do anything else. This is Something Congress needs to address. Host stephen has a question from twitter,. What are the disadvantages to everify . Guest not many. It is free, probably the most accurate federal Government Program there is, it takes a few minutes but it is part of the hiring process. Disadvantage is that it is not perfect. In other words, you can still sneak through. The problem is, you have to buy an expensive custommade fake identity. The date of birth has to be similar to yours. You can get a name and Social Security number anywhere. Data birth has to match yours, and increasingly the photo has to look like you. If you present a green card, a work permit, a passport, your picture comes up. In eight or 10 states right now if you present a drivers one, also legitimate pops up. It is ae fooled, but lot harder to fool legitimately. If the hiring person is in cahoots with the illegal worker, it can be fooled. But, that is a crime. The jetta medley, it is hard to fool, but it is even before they called it everify we have always been for this. It is not a magic bullet. If Congress Passed this today, it is not like illegal immigration bingo would disappear. The legislation mainly deals with right now is this only for new hires. The question is, do you everify people already working for you . We passed it today, if we passed it did if we passed it today, illegal immigration does not go away, but it is the most important step. Host provokes a dont know guest very small think tank. There are big ones called Department Store think tanks where you push four to go to health care on the elevator. We are a little think tank. A little mammal running between the legs of the dinosaurs. We have been around since 1985. All we do is look at the different kinds of impacts immigration in general, legal and illegal, has on the United States. Whether it is economic, security, population, whatever it is. We work to make a case for a program immigrant policy proimmigrant policy. Fewer immigrants in the future, but a warmer welcome for those retaken. Host phone lines are open to do so. Lines for democrats, republicans, independents, and business owners. Kurt is a republican out of las vegas. I read an article a while back that trump proposed a 10 cut in everify. I was wondering what the state of things 100,000 people trying to get in every day at the southern border do you think trump will change his mind and propose a 100 increase to everify . Host are you talking funding . From thees, funding federal government. I read this article about three month ago. It was broadcast on tucker carlson. Not familiar with what is talking about. Everify does not cost much. Everyxpanding into employer in the country would not cost a much more because they already have the i. T. Capacity to screen every new hire. Host not much in terms of are we talking millions . Caller its millions, this is washington. I dont know the actual number. We could expanded it to all new hires and it still would not increase the cost very much. The interesting point is that the president has always been kind of skeptical about everify. I think there is a whole series of stories the Washington Post is doing that suggests one of the reasons is, he has his businesses use Illegal Immigrants. I am not saying the president knowingly broke the law. It is just if you run a golf club, and you dont have everify, you are probably hiring Illegal Immigrants. Of thee is that is one reasons for his skepticism. Host have you talked the white house . Guest not specifically about this. Host what have you consulted them on . Guest they have called us for things like welfare use. Overall numbers, if and visa programs, that sort of thing. Host tony is next out of joppa, maryland. Caller good morning. Im a little late in the program. Irsceived a letter from the a couple of months ago indicating that somebody could have used my Social Security number for employment. It forced me to go to the Social Security office and, i was just wondering if sunday could use my Social Security number in california, upper maryland, although i am retired im still eligible to work. I do not know how the system works. Whether or not they could identify somebody that using my number. Caller this kind of thing happens all the time. Guest this is one of the big problems that illegal immigration causes. Supposedly it is a victimless crime. Is, millions of americans are victims of identity fraud. Everify is helpful as she does not solve the problem, but there is something called everify self check. That you google can everify yourself just to make sure that they have your information right. But, you can also lock your Social Security number down so that you could unlock it if you were to go get a new job and it would be checked. If you lock your Social Security number down, this is a free service. On the website. Site. Ere on the everify you can lock your Social Security number down. That insnt mean it other purposes people couldnt steal your id for other purposes , but it does ensure that nobody can steal it to get a job illegally. That causes all kinds of problems when there ids are stolen. Host to houston texas. Charlotte, republican. For a bigwork Construction Company who used everify. Involved that went through this, scammed, for the lack of a better term. They would hire the illegal, they would tell the illegal that they needed to pay them 200 every week out of their paycheck, or they would make sure that they got fired. There are ways around this everify. Guest there is no question there are ways around it, but what you are describing is criminal activity. In other words, any government requirement has criminal activity. If you dont pay your taxes, you can do that it is just that youre committing a crime. In this case, the Human Resources employee of the company as well as the Illegal Immigrants themselves were engaging not just in a civil violation, but that is actual criminal activity. The challenge for law enforcement, and this is the same kind of thing in drug organizations. How do you move up the chain . How do you move up from that Human Resources person who is engaging in criminal activity . To see if you can get to higher management. To goason it is hard after the ceos of these companies is because they have maintained a plausible deniability where there is a wink and a nudge, a