Transcripts For CSPAN Washington Journal 08212019 20240714 :

CSPAN Washington Journal August 19, 0822

For republicans. 2027488001 for democrats and independents, 2027488002. If you want to post on social media, you can do so at it or cspanwj and on our you can orso at twitter at cspanwj our facebook page, facebook. Com cspan. Some of the topics being discussed at those meetings. If you go to the website wglt. Com, a forum held by rodney davis. Infrastructure was one of the top issues. The representative from illinoiss 13th district is pushing for passage of the federal highway bill. About 80 of the construction project on the interstates that may back you up in traffic for a federal taxd for by dollars. We will reauthorize the highway bill, adding that he does not believe in a federal gas tax paying for infrastructure. The story says he was not not specific in proposing ways for. To pay for improvements going to new jersey, frank pallone, the democrat from that state addressing folks on an august 15 town hall meeting. Several discussions taking place during that forum adding it was in the first 200 days he said he Lower Health Care and Prescription Drug costs and robo calls. He introduced a bill to transform the nations infrastructure. To pass any bill in a divided government, one must have support from both parties. 40 of what the house of representatives does. Those are forms that took place maybe you can give us a call and tell us what you think those. Ssues should be you can call us and let us know. Republicans, 2027488001. Democrats, 2027488000. Independents, 2027488002. You can post on social media. It is twitter at cspanwj. Facebook is facebook. Com cspan. It was on the program yesterday we had david wasserman. He talked about some of the town halls taking praise across place across the United States. [video clip] there is a lot of conversation about the issues being discussed at the president ial level. Democrats have to be careful headed into 2022 remembering why they won the majority. I interviewed dozens of democrats who ran in the most competitive districts in the country and they werent talking about trump very much. They werent talking about russia or impeachment, they were talking about republican votes in 2017 to repeal and replace aca, including provisions on preexisting conditions. They were talking about the republican tax bill, particularly the changes made to deduction. To the extent democrats get caught up in some of the issues that have moved the party to the left in the president ial race, you have heard president ial candidates talk about decriminalizing border crossings, that could really put a lot of these freshman democrats in a bind in a close reelection race. What about the issue of gun control . Democrats are going to be talking a lot about background checks, particularly in suburban districts and that is one issue where i think republicans have a problem because expanding background checks is still not a winning message in a republican primary and yet, it is something that enjoys strong public support in marginal and competitive districts. Of thosecould be one topics, maybe you will add your own to the mix as you tell us your top issue for your member of congress. 2027488001 for republicans. Democrats, 2027488000. And independents, 2027488002. Samantha starts us off in washington, d. C. If there is a top issue, what would it be . Caller my top issue as a republican is the sanity of the president and what has happened to our party because it does not seem that we are embracing what america is about and what we are supposed to be. Asm concerned it is almost though we have turned the white with i say this tongueincheek, into a loose cannon that does anything and everything that violates our constitution and we blame the constitution every time you turn around. We, as a party, have thrown it out the window and i am concerned about that because when people wake up, we are no longer a party. We are like a cult of people being lost in time to destroy this country. Host if that is the case, how would you like your member to address it . How would you like those on capitol hill to address these concerns . Caller i would like them to address everything from gun control to what is happening with socalled tax cuts and what is happening with this vicious immigration policy they have junior to take over in the white house, that stephen miller. He is insane. Host we will go to matt in new york. Caller good morning, pedro. Kind of puzzled by that last socalled republican. Sounded like a typical hello . Host you are on. What is your top issue for congress . Caller i would like my congressman to really publicly bring out the hypocrisy of the Democrat Party that they have had lately because of the issue withree speech israel where the squad feels like their right to speech has been impugned. The parkers he the hypocrisy of it is unimaginable because member from a visiting the usa because of alleged rightwing ties. Are sof the democrats big on free speech, then i would like to see them condemn every college that bars a conservative speaker on their campus. That will never happen because that would interfere with leftwing indoctrination happening to the kids these days. Host why do you think it is up thosegress to address issues and tell me, specifically, who your representative is and if you address these issues with that person . Aller my representative is part of the Bipartisan Committee fromy to address issues new york and he is a good congressman, but fighting an uphill battle. Congress could actually address denying federal Research Funds to universities that do that type of thing and deny pell grants. Student loans, anything to anybody that would go to a university that denies conservatives the right to speak on a campus. It is ridiculous what has been happening. Host that is matt in new york telling us his top issue for his representative from our independent line in brooklyn, robert, you are next up. Caller my main issue is impeachment. Specifically, i think the person who is most guilty of obstruction of got justice nowadays is nancy pelosi because justice demanded months and months ago that a vote of impeachment be taken against trump. She is an accessory after the fact to every act of obstruction of justice of trump and every act of conspiracy with the russians. Host have you had a chance to talk with your representative about this topic of impeachment . Caller no, i havent. Host what would you like to see . Would you like to see an Impeachment Vote or taking up the articles of impeachment take place once the house comes back in september . Anler they ought to have Impeachment Vote. Impeachment is not a process, it is a single event, specifically a vote in congress. It is equivalent to an indictment in a criminal case. Host why this issue over a of other issues perhaps that could be talked with by members of congress . Caller you mean why it is the most important issue . Host right. Robert, go ahead. Caller excuse me . Host why is it the most important issue to you . Caller because all the other issues are subordinate to it. As long as trump is the head of the republican party, we are not going to get anything done good done. Host during the course of the morning, we will show you some of the town halls that took place across the United States with members of congress. One of those topics was impeachment and came up with representative Stephen Lynch. Democrat from massachusetts serves the eighth district. Here is what he had to say. [video clip] if we proceed right now, right this minute on impeachment lose in the we will senate. We will impeach him in the house, it will go to a trial in the senate. Of 100y is made up politicians, 100 senators. We know we will lose because the jury has said we will lose. Let me finish. They have told us, we will vote against impeachment. We will vote to acquit the president. You want impeachment in the house, send it to the senate where they will acquit him and say he did nothing wrong and he will go into the election against the democratic challenger and you will have given him 4 more years as president of the United States. Ou will put him in office think about what the Supreme Court will look like with 4 more years of donald trump. That will be nothing when the Senate Acquits him. You are helping him. He begs you to try to impeach him. He has the votes. It is not like we are going objective jury, unless we have something smoking on him. The republican senators who are his jury have said we will vote to acquit him. I am not making it up, they have said it. I will do anything to make sure he does not get 4 more years, that is my position. I will do Everything Possible in my power to make sure he does not get 4 more years and what you are asking for is to help the president get reelected and i am not into that. Host we will hear more perspectives from these town halls. Decatur, georgia, independent line. Good morning. Caller my top issue is gun control. Always sell usts fear. Most People Killed by guns is either a friend or Family Member. Of arms,itution speaks it does not say guns, nuclear arms, tanks, airplanes, it says arms. A knife is arms. Host have you had a chance to talk with your representative about this and specifically, what would you tell them . What would you like to see done when it comes to guns . Caller just like you have to get your drivers license, you should have to get your gun license. You should have to take a test, you should have to get insurance on your gun. Everything you have to go through with a drivers license. A permit. What is wrong with that . Host kim is next in charlotte, North Carolina. Line for democrats. Of concernmain topic is climate. Every other topic has no value until we take care of this. We are at end time. It is wild to watch the change in the temperatures and everything going on. If these guys dont put a price on carbon and try to mitigate what is going on, i am not sure what is going to happen. Host how does your rep is in a divorce senator what is their approach to Climate Change, representative or senator what is their approach to Climate Change . Nine. i am in district senator tillis does come out and publicly acknowledge there is climate issues and that something needs to be done. Burr has not addressed it. I know there is a bipartisan bill in the house of 763resentatives currently, hr addressing it and there has been like four other bills in the last month coming out. These guys have got to get together. If it is not bipartisan, it wont stick. It needs to stay and it needs to be a real solution and if you go on the world bank website, there is Carbon Pricing going on globally and with border controls, if we dont jump on board, we will be paying for it anyways. In Charlotte Kim talking about Climate Change for her representatives. She mentioned an election taking place, early voting open for that. Dan mccready faces dan bishop and jeff scott and alan smith. 2013ady ran in the election. For both parties, the special election is considered a harbinger of 2020. That is why outside groups have spent millions on the race. From mark, democrats line. You are next up on your top issue for congress and your member of congress. Caller good morning and thank you for cspan. I want to reiterate what kim from North Carolina said. Issue isimportant Climate Change across the board. If we destroy the planet, what else matters . All the petty infighting republicans and democrats do will be so meaningless in the future when we are having a hard time breathing. I believe we should have very firm regulations, we should have electric cars, solar and wind energy only, there is so many things we can do, the science is there and members of Congress Keep fighting and it is pathetic. Host do your members that represent you hold the same views you do when it comes to climate . Aller i know i have democrat representation, which i am glad about, but i believe they can be stronger. I have written to my congressman and i have heard back from him supports doingly things for Climate Change. Oillieve when you have an guy, head of the epa, it is really a joke. We have a climate denier running the country. I am appalled. Host when you said you heard from josh gottheimer, was it a letter from his office . How did that work . Caller i wrote him a letter and received a letter in return. Congressman gottheimer is doing a good job and i understand he has an uphill battle. Host mark talking about Climate Change as his issue. We will hear from maryland, independent line. William is next. Iller as a father of 3, think the number one issue is the division we have. If you talk to those congressmen and congresswomen, i think they are rolling over in their graves. They have us completely divided on what i call the 7 issues. It is the 6gs and 1 c. Guns, justment, give out,estation and climate. The middle class is disappearing, the School System siteing eviscerated and we and go back and forth. All of these main issues fit under the umbrella of the division we have created. We can continue to talk about all these issues and they are all great issues. They need to be on the table. Unfortunately, as we get further and further apart and fingers get pointed, the Division Keeps getting bigger and bigger. How do you think is the best way for members to address this division . Caller i am not sure i have that answer. I have had conversations with my friends. At some point there needs to be meeting back in the center to understand if you look at our history, they came to the center. Our media is now quite different. I think our media has to be looked at as well. People turn on the news i have heard people on the side say there is no side say there is no way we have ever been swayed by any russians. If you climb up 10,000 feet and look down, we know there are 6000 trolls in several countries, including russia, that played a part in our media. You have the media completely divided and it is the same on the left. One side will say the right is a little worse than the other, but i think we have to look at the media and the way it is being bought up and used to divide us and that is something i think will have to be a part of our conversation, that we cannot have the false information. It is on both sides. I hear republicans quite a bit say it is only on the democrat side, it is not. While i may believe the sway is slightly larger on one side, i try to find myself in the middle realizing we dont need to have a two party system. The fact we have a two party system and bernie has to run democratic to find his foothold is a sign to everybody that if the other gets in and does things it makes it harder for years side, that is an issue in our democracy and we should be shaking hands in the middle. Host that is william talking about this division. John mccain, the wife of mccain, the senator from arizona writing a profile of her husband in the pages of the Washington Post talking about division and civility. Americans can learn from him. John was a passionate partisan, but a statesman, too. Sometimes all government can manage is modest progress on the toughest problems, muddling through rather than embracing sweeping change. Muddling through seems quite an achievement in these difficult times. When Congress Returns from its august recess, i hope veteran members, many of who my husband was proud to call friends and the ones that can test the ideas of the day, i hope they will fight for their beliefs and enjoy the contest. I hope they leave their minds open to the possibility of compromise and hearts open to the possibility and joys of unexpected friendships. Top issues. Your member of congress specifically. On our facebook page, about 400 people responding. Here is some of their responses. This is sean saying no red flags, secure our border, get rid of sanctuary cities. Congress needs to stop trying to become the be all, end all for all issues. Steve rogers says secure our southern border, reform immigration laws, and resolve our illegal occupation issue and dave says his topics are three, education, health care, and our earth. Lets go to michael in florida, democrats line. Caller good morning. Important thing i think we all have been dealing with. First of all, mr. Trump promised this is going to be the greatest job producing president in u. S. History. Trade practices that are basically something we cannot contend with and one is he has put taxes on foreign imports. There has been a 25 tariff placed on goods from china and ico and the nest thing in the long run, we have got to eat, too. In retaliation, what has china done . They slapped tariffs on us. Mexico said the same thing. These are important things to the farmers. They are handicapped to a certain extent and you have to china has done that is affecting this. Host the message to congress then . What is that message, specifically . Caller help the american farmers, get them back to where they can earn their living and maintain their property and their livelihood and not having to sell out to the bigger. Armers right now, the farmers are hurting, but some farmers are basically getting wiped out. Host jp morgan in analyzing how much these trade and tariffs could cost the american consumer, 100,000 a year 70 of the u. S. Economy has been shielded from tariffs, but that is about to change with 10 levies on 300 billion on chinese imports. Raisedming tariffs are as the president has warned, consumer cost could go up to as many as 1500 a year. Maybe trade is the top issue for your member of congress, maybe it is other issues we have heard about. Threel calls for all hours. Michiganr from tina in. Tina, republican line. Good morning. Caller maryland. Host maryland. I apologize. Caller my top issue is not on the agendas of democrats or republicans. My top issue is i have a question for congress. I would like to know if there on the americans, which protects the elderly. My question is how can a county commissioner get away with not abiding by that law when it was a Supreme Court decision . Host

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