Later, the president of college and Young Democrats of iowa on the candidates and issues in campaign 2020. As always, we take your calls and you can join the conversation on facebook and twitter. Washington journal twitter. Washington journal is next. Host it is the washington journal for august 12. We want to hear from you. Some type ofaccept compromise when it comes to potential new Gun Legislation passing the house and senate and being signed by the president. Some type ofsals have compromise when it comes to flagged we want to hear on what been compromises could you support, if any when it comes to Gun Legislation and why . You can let us know on the following phone lines. 2027488001 for republicans. For democrats, 2027488000. And independents, 2027488002. If you are a gun owner, give us a call at 2027488003. You can post on twitter at cspanwj and almost 400 people posting on our Facebook Page on this posting and question. You can add your thoughts to the mix at facebook. Com cspan. When it comes to potential for Gun Legislation passing the senate and house and being signed by the president , joining us on the phone to talk about what has to go into play to make that happen is scott long with the hill. He is there senior staff writer. Guest good morning, pedro. This a story you posted morning on the 5 factors that will determine the gun control debate, of that list, what is the strongest factor . Strongest factor is President Trump himself, as well as Mitch Mcconnell. Men withoutwo support from those men, no gun control measure will move through the congress and get to the president s desk and be signed into law. A lot of this has to depend on how serious President Trump is when he says he supports and endorses background checks. We have heard in the past after the parkland shooting in florida, the president say that he supports background checks. Of course, as we know, that was anybacked up that by sort of action on capitol hill. It was uttered, but never followed up on. Instead, after strong lobbying on behalf of the nra, President Trump and his administration shifting shifted toward what they called was a hardening of schools really boosting and ramping up security of the Public School system. That became the focus rather than any background checks. It remains to be seen whether the president will put some teeth behind his words. Host what is the most appropriate comfortable approach senator mcconnell is taking . Visit background checks or are there other avenues the senator could be comfortable with pushing in the senate . Guest few reporters and i were surprised that Mitch Mcconnell, who has been a staunch nra ally is up for reelection in 2020 and needs the support of his conservative base to turn out to push him over the top for another 6 years in office. We were surprised friday when which mcconnell said he was open to the idea of background checks, among other measures including red flags legislation. That was encouraging to some although as i mentioned before, until we really start to see this process kick into motion and see activity on capitol hill, there is a lot of skepticism, especially on the part of democrats who feel like they have seen this movie before and seen a lot of inaction in the past. Host we heard the president talking about these issues with senator pat toomey, senator joe mansion. What are they endorsing when it comes to legislation . Guest toomey mansion are known forthe past in the past background checks legislation. Legislation to close gun show loopholes, loopholes regarding internet firearm sales. Right now, you can purchase guns at those two venues and without going through background checks whereas if you go to a regular gun store, you need to go through a federal background check process. These two bipartisan senators in the wake of the sandy hook wasting in i believe it 2012, these senators came awful close to pushing something through the United States senate. They fell 6 votes shy when it was all said and done and we have not Seen Real Movement on any sort of major gun reform legislation in the remaining years, even as we have seen a number of highprofile shootings ranging from parkland to orlando to las vegas where the most lives were lost. This is seen, i think, as a critical moment because it seems a number of americans are simply frustrated at the volume of lives that have been lost and are really looking to our leaders for help to sort of stop the bloodshed. Guest at that host at the top of that list in your story on the hill, you put public sentiment as a major driver on whether something gets done or not. Guest exactly. The Washington Post over the weekend had quite a jarring image of the faces of the victims. Massthan 1100 victims of shootings in the course of our nations history over 50 years. When you have that many people lost to Mass Shootings, it is seems after a while that everybody has some kind of connection. Every american has some kind of connection. Those are all communities, families broken apart. Even thinking about my own family, thinking back to an uncle who survived a mass shooting in the 1980s and seeing some of the victims of that mass shooting, everyone has a connection now to something that has happened regarding these Mass Shootings and i think that is really driving a lot of this frustration and anger. Whereas, in the past, a lot of americans turned to grief and sadness in the wake of these events, people have grown so frustrated and really are looking to the United States congress and this president to do something and that was a chant we heard at the mic to wine, the Ohio Governor event last week. Heard that message and quickly, the very next day, he heard that message from his constituents and endorsed more gun reform he had never endorsed in the past. It seems like that frustration is boiling over and having an effect on some politicians. The story our guest referenced from the Washington Post, pictures from those lives lost. Politicians started their summer break. By the time it concludes, what is the likelihood this issue will be front and center then . Guest that is exactly right. With this president and this trump era, where it seems like we go through 10 different news cycles in the course of one week, we have four weeks remaining of this congressional recess and that is a long time before Congress Reconvenes in washington and starts to begin to have a real, genuine debate about gun reforms. Everyone is sort of scattered in their respective districts. 40 lawmakers were on a weeklong trip to israel led by steny hoyer and kevin mccarthy. Members are on vacation. Everyone is dispersed around the world during this recess. The real test will be what happens, whether there is any sort of momentum that is able to be preserved after this long four week recess and my earlier it seems like the media and the American Public has often been distracted in afterrump by controversy controversy. It will be a real test to see if the American Public and the people can stay focused on the issue of gun reform by the Time Congress reconvenes on september 7. Host scott wongs story appears this morning at thehill. Copm. Thanks for your time this morning. Guest thanks so much. Host you heard him talk about the potential areas where compromises are being discussed. Is another area you would be comfortable finding compromise on when it comes to gun laws legislation. You can let us know. 2027488001 for republicans. 2027488000 free democrats. And independents, 2027488002. If you are a gun owner, give us a call at 2027488003. At our twitter feed, it is cspanwj if you want to post and several people posting on our Facebook Page as well. This is david stoical saying i would be happy to talk about nationwide concealed carry and gun free zones, and force the laws we currently have. James says the houses universal background checks bill would close a loophole. The buyer is not legally prohibited to purchase that weapon. He goes on. Melanie johnson saying we have over 20,000 state and federal gun laws. Gun owners have compromised enough and not one single criminal follows the law. Its not about the guns, it is about people people doing evil evils evil people doing things. Lets stop selling guns to everyone. Lets compromise on background checks, just like drug testing before you get a job. Just some postings from our Facebook Page. From tennessee, our line for democrats. George, good morning. If there are areas of compromise you can see, what would those be . Caller one thing would be the gun shows. I support anything. Understand, australia, japan, these other places. How in the world no more guns you have, the more availability. I heard somebody say on tv if we they costy thousands of dollars. Host you started with gun shows, why is that . Caller because you can go to a gun show and by anything you. Ant to that is why, no checks. Host lets hear from janice. Brooklyn, new york. Caller good morning. I think there should be some type of compromise. We need to start, instead of taking a couple of days to get a wait 6 to weight 6 10 months. Ammunition. If you really want to shoot a deer, you will make sure it is worth your money. Third, i dont think Mitch Mcconnell will let this come to a vote. He has not done anything in 12 years. I dont think he will let it come to a vote, he has to get reelected. Host as far as taxing ammunition, wont that affect all gun owners . Caller they will know it will be done safely. If you tax them high, they will treat it like an asset, not just throw it around and let anybody get it. Host stuart in seattle, washington. You are next, good morning. It is we wonder why dont allow people to drive a car without getting a license and making sure somebody knows they can use that weapon. I think if somebody wants a handgun, they should get license. If they want an ar15 or highpowered rifle, they should be in the national guard. Host most states already require license it for gun ownership. Ownership. For gun why should they go farther than that . Caller i want to make sure someone makes eye contact with someone to make sure they are not depressed or homicidal. Host would you trust someone on the front end to make that judgment . Caller when you get your that drivers test is going to look at you and say you are confident you can handle it safely and know what you are doing . If you cannot pass the test safely, you should not be allowed to have a license. Right now, you just have to fill out a form. A linee have set aside for gun owners. It is 2027488003. We will hear from a gun owner. This is george from connecticut, hello. You are on, go ahead. Has probablycticut some of the most restrictive. Aws on firearms ownership i dont understand how these people get their arms on firearms their hands on firearms around this country. Sandy hook drew a lot of attention. There were flaws that allow that to happen. This cant continue. They have to do something to prevent people from getting thesems and committing crimes. Host what is reasonable in your mind . Caller you need to have a background check. Obviously, now, with all of this that happened, you cannot just let someone have a firearm. It has changed. Since ieen a gun owner was 21 years old. I am a hunter. Something changed with the country and the population and the reference to firearms. I dont know what happened, but this kind of stuff cannot continue. Host as far as connecticut laws, walk us through what it takes to get a gun. Caller you cannot own any firearm unless you have a handgun permit for if you dont have a handgun permit, you need to have a long gun certificate as well as an ammunition certificate. Host that is george in connecticut talking about his experience. It was on the sunday shows yesterday, one of the democratic president ial candidates, bernie sanders, talking about legislative efforts on gun laws. He talked about what Gun Legislation could come to the floor. [video clip] this is what the American People want. The American People are sick and tired of powerful corporate interest determining what goes on in washington. Overwhelmingly, the American People want to expand background checks, they want to do away with the gun show loophole and more and more people agree with something i have been saying for 30 years. Assault weapons are weapons of war. They are designed to kill people as rapidly as possible. They should not be sold and distributed in this country. Host politico conducted a poll with Morning Consult about the topic of guns and weapons bans. Foundn shepard saying it nearly 70 of all voters would back a ban on assault weapons. Democrats. Votersl found 55 of gop were comfortable banning assault weapons and 54 said they would support stricter gun laws more generally. Only 23 of all voters opposed on assault weapons ban. You can find that at politico. When it comes to potential new legislation, what would you become turbo with, if anything, when it comes to areas of compromise . Red flag laws, or another approach. No laws areou say necessary. Republican line from scottsdale, arizona, this is true. Drew. Good morning. Caller i think this is just an emotional issue. We have a Second Amendment right and i want to point out we had a caller basically calling for attacks saying a tax saying we should make ammunition so expensive that only rich people can shoot guns . We have to think this through. Politicians took an oath to protect and defend the constitution, including the Second Amendment. The United States ranks 66th among other world nations when it comes to Mass Shootings. You can get that at wjla news. Host what goes through your mind when you hear the president speak in these terms . Caller i am going to have to wait and see what he comes out with. I dont like to see people that are criminals or mentally ill being able to have guns and do these things, but one thing i noticed is these shootings almost always take place in a gun free zone and another thing is we need to stop people that are mentally ill. I think background checks are okay. I am not an unreasonable person, i just dont like the emotion, i like for people to research the down and cool off. Host you think at the end of the day congress will do anything . Caller probably not. Aboutre too concerned russian hoaxes and we are too close to an election time. I dont have a lot of faith in congress. Host that is drew calling on the line for republicans. Another republican, this is larry in florida, a gun owner himself. Hello. Caller hi. There is a lot of misinformation from your callers. It is remarkable to me. I wanted to call because i have been a gun owner since i was 18 years old and i am 64. The last 20 years, i conceal carry in two states. I have never hurt anybody, never had to draw my weapon. We have a Second Amendment right in this country. Driving is a privilege in 50 states, yet there are thousands of People Killed by drunk drivers and drug addicts that kill families and yet we do not cry to take their cars away. Rifles that are not Assault Rifles. There are 1700 people that have been killed by knives and tens of thousands of People Killed by cars. It is remarkable to me how we always go after the gun and not the reason of a decline society and go after the shooter that is actually responsible for this. You to that end, what do think about these floated ideas of expanding background checks or red flag laws . Caller every time i buy a gun, i have to fill out a form. They have an fbi check on me and i am a conceal carry. Throughlready gone training and already had the background checks already. They update it to make sure i have not committed a crime since, but i have already gone through those background checks. People think you can buy a gun at a gun show. Most of those people are dealers and they are licensed dealers. Where you can buy a gun is usually it is a long gun only and that is where you dont have to fill out paperwork and then if it is somebody selling like a shotgun or Something Like that. There is a lot of misinformation because it is all emotional and the things i worry about as far as congress doing, it is going to be based on the masses crying out on an emotional basis, not based on fact. Said, on the forms, it talks about being adjudicated or having any kind of mental defect or whatever on that form when you buy a gun. Michigan, a gun owner, independent line, hi. Caller i am not sure this is any more than just a political hot topic to discuss and agree to disagree on. If congress is ever serious about this, they need to find Common Ground and that can be caused completed through process and decisionmaking, decide on a desired condition and set parameters and evaluate such as the efficacy of the proposal, would it actually have prevented recent shootings . Another one would be is it constitutional . To deprive somebody of a civil right and knowing it will not get passed or a court would overturn it. That can be true whether it is a red flag thing or something that. Ill violate rights to privacy unless they want a political argument type of point, Congress Needs to come together and set criteria and come up with a viable compromise, if one exists. Host we will hear from richard on the line for republicans talking about if there are areas of compromise when it comes to Gun Legislation. Caller hello . Host you are on, go ahead. Calle