Correspondent here to talk about the differences between medicare for all and the public option. Then at then at 9 00 a. M. , rachel quester discusses her podcast and news of the day. Host Senate Majority leader Mitch Mcconnell has asked the chairs of several committees to engage in bipartisan talks with the hopes of coming up with, quote, potential solutions to help protect our communities without infringing on americans constitutional rights. This action stemming from the shootings in dayton and el paso. And a tweet on the recent events, it was former president obama calling on americans to, quote, soundly reject language coming out of the mouths of any of our leaders that feed as climate of fear and hatred. This is the washington journal for august 6. We want to hear from you parents of children about how you are talking to them about the recent shootings and gun violence overall. What are you saying to them and how are they responding . Heres how you can let us know. If you live in the eastern and entral time zones its 2027488000. If you live in the mountain and pacific time dont, 2027488001 is the number to call. You can also tweet your thoughts cspanwj. Nd you can go to facebook. Com cspan. U. S. A. Today provides an article taking a look at parents talking to their children about the recent shootings and the ways they can do that. They offer these this advice. Four s as its known as. One of those s from parents talking to children, that of solace saying that they should provide comfort and consolation for any emotions and fears that help kids feel secure, with tips including let the child lead the discussion, asking children what they have heard about the incident and how they feel about it, and clarifying any misconceptions, saying that its particularly important for Young Children to have that done. The other s is security. U. S. A. Today saying that parents should take steps and help children feel safe and protected as soon as possible. Get them to a safe location. If they feel protected by people, if something were to take place, including tips tips including reassuring your children that he or she is safe and then maintaining a regular routine after such incidents. Service is another s that they provide saying that provide essential services to make to Young Children saying that parents should watch younger children and their news diet. Emotion alma turet varyies among children with many experts recommend shielding younger children from graphic individuals. T quotes the university of minnesota professor saying if your children learns from watching tv or friends, but with a strong support system at home, he or she will likely be fine and unaffected in the long run. Then the final s is that of support. If children are victims, give them a postincident safety period to rest and heal. Saying that many children will respond in the short term with anxiety, fear, but if there is prolonged abnormal behavior after a tragedy, children should be seen by a pediatrician or a therapist. Thats just some of the advice from u. S. A. Today when talking to children about incidents that took place such as they did in el paso and dayton. For the next hour, were interested in hearing from parents of what youre saying to your kids about the recent incidents and gun violence overall and how theyre responding to that. Again, 2027488000 for the eastern and central time zones and 2027488001 for the mountain and pacific time zones. Cspanwj. Tweet us parents offering comments about their children and what theyre saying to them on our Facebook Page too. This is one viewer saying, how about we teach our kids off of facebook that killing another human being is wrong. Host making comments yesterday about the recent shootings, one of the things that the president brought up was his concern of that, of violent video games. Heres what he had to say. President trump we must stop the glorification of violence in our society. This includes the gruesome and grizzly video games that are now commonplace. It is too easy today for troubled youth to surround themselves with a culture that celebrates violence. We must stop or substantially reduce this and it has to be to begin immediately. Cultural change is hard. But each of us can choose to build a culture that celebrates the inherent worth and dignity of every human life, thats what we have to do. Host that prompted a response from the Entertainment Software association in a statement yesterday. That association rates video game content, bills itself as the voice and advocate for the video game industry, saying more than 165 million americans enjoy video games and billions of people play video games worldwide. A spokesman said, yet other societies where video games are played as avidly do not contend with the tragic levels of violence that occur in the u. S. It was in a report put out by the Trump Administration taking a look at School Safety overall, one of the topics of that report and that committee that looked at it was that on video games and violent content, it came to these conclusions. It is estimated that depictions of violence are presented in 90 of movies, 68 of video games, 68 of television shoo shows and 15 of music videos. While no single factor causes someone to engage in an act of violence, some scholars argue that children who regularly consume violent images are more prone to social isolation and aggressive behavior. The report saying that dr. Christopher ferguson, a professor of psychology, reported to the commission that studies that purport to link video games and violence are often not recommend cabble because return on the negative effects of violent entertainment has produced mixed results, debate about possible role of violent entertainment is a distraction from other factors. Theres a link to that report by the way, it was put out last december. Youll remember that it was the commission that was headed by betsy devos, the education secretary. Taking a look at the overall issue of School Safety. This idea what have youre saying to your children about gun violence, particularly in light of recent days, jimmy in california starts us off. Good morning. Go ahead. Caller good morning. Thank you for taking my call. My question is, how come cspan and the other media never have the gun manufacturers on to discuss or fess up as to why guns are manufactured and anything related to that, so that we can tell our children. Host what are you saying to your children about gun violence . Caller its very bad. Host is that what youre telling them . Caller certainly. [inaudible] host how are they responding to that or what do they say in return . Caller theyre very upset. Host do they offer at least do you offer ways to kind of help deal with these kind of issues particularly . Caller why dont the programs have the gun manufacturers on so they can have a handle on why they manufacture these guns . Host ok. Thats jimmy. By the way, jimmy, if you go to our website at cspan. Com over the years, weve had interviews with gun manufacturers, with gun industry folks, with those who support the Second Amendment, with those who oppose the Second Amendment. If you go to our website at website at cspan. Org, you can find out more information to that. If you want to take it out, look for what other people have said about this issue as well. Again, for those of you in the eastern and central time zones, 2027488000 and those of you in the moup dane and pacific time zone mountain and pacific time zones, 2027488001. There were a couple of statements coming out of the recent shootings that were coming from capitol hill actually. As many have called on capitol hill to, including some calling those back to the senate, to come back into session and to take a look at these issues. Mitch mcconnell was one of those people. Talking about that. Sending out a tweet, asking and taking a look at this issue. Heres part of his response. Saying it was serious bipartisan work that had last years successful passage of the act and the stop School Violence act. Only serious bipartisan, bicameral efforts will enable us to continue this important work and produce further legislation that we can pass on to the senate and pass the house and earn president s signature. Partisan theatrics and campaign trail rhetoric will only take us further away from the progress all americans deserve. Thats the response from the Senate Majority leader. In michigan, this is greg. Greg, good morning. How do you talk to your children about this issue . Caller good morning. Thanks for taking my call. Ive talked to my children are grown but i have little grandchildren and i talk to them all the time. I had three girls and a boy and they all took gun safety lessons and i was a hunter. I dont hunt anymore. But i was a hunter. I think that the parents have to be able to show their children that legal ownership of guns is more important than anything else. And they have to show them the safety and the my guns were always locked up. They were never out in the open where one of my children could pick it up and see what it was like without supervision there. Fortunately none of my children ever got in trouble with it. My grandchildren are the same way. Theyre young and their parents are talking to them about it. I think a lot of it goes back to the home. But i find it very disparaging in a situation where you would have guns in the house and the parents wouldnt talk to the children about the dangers of having a gun or handling a gun for that matter. Host what age did you start your children in training on gun issues or gun safety . Caller my kids, all took gun safety courses when they were 12 years old. Not at the same time, of course, because they werent all 12 at the same time. But 12 years old. But i had children with guns at the house and i had them locked up in the cabinet. It just seemed to me at the time that when you have any kind of a dangerous weapon in the house, its kind of like driving a car. A car is a 3,000pound weapon. If you dont teach a child how to operate that weapon, then youre going to have serious problems. Host thats greg in michigan. Him discussing these issues with his grown children now, but also his grandchildren on these issues. Tony in missouri. Go ahead. Oure next up. Caller we got to be real about whats going on here. It has nothing to do with the discussion as far as teaching the kids. Whats being inflated in this country right now is whats being inflated on tv. These kids are being encouraged to do stuff like this. Any sensible parent is going to teach their son, you know, to be careful, you know, as far as hunter. Make sure you dont be pointed toward nobody. My grandfather taught me the same thing. But this is something totally different. This is a movement thats being encouraged by politicians, by the media, and it has to stop. I mean, we have to call it for what it is. Quit talking about something that its not. This has nothing to do with a parent not teaching their kid to be safe with guns. This has something to do with people using hate as a Political Tool to get reelected. Host wait a minute. Is that part of the discussion then as far as discussions with children on these issues . Caller we have to start somewhere. Because right now these people are reaching our kids on tv. I mean, you cant be around 24 hours a day. 24 hours a day, you know, just talk to my kid. I monitor them. I watch them. But at the end of the day, like the site that 8chan or whatever they went to, you have to really monitor everything now. Thats the type of world we live in now. If i may ask, how old are your children . Caller i have a 3yearold that stays with me. I have a 15yearold son. And if i may ask, theres a big between of two of them. But obviously i have to be a lot more vigilant than what i had with my oldest son. Because this is just crazy and not calling it for what it is is doing just as much damage as what the people are doing thats introducing it to these kids. Host ok. Thats tony in missouri. If you go to the business section of the New York Times this morning, their headline, why hate speech on the internet is a neverending problem. It quotes a section of code in the communication decency act. No provider or user of an Interactive Computer Service shall be treated treated as the publisher or speaker of any information by another information content provider. The followup story that you can find saying that the federal law section 230 of the Communications Decency act has helped facebook, youtube, twitter and countless other Internet Companies flourish. Section 230 Legal Protection also has extended to fringe sites hosting hate speech. Antisemitic contact and racist tropes like 8chan where the suspect in the el paso shooting shooter host you can find more of that at the New York Times website. Rom liberty, missouri, this is no, robert in new mexico. Robert in new mexico. Good morning. Youre on. Caller were about 150 miles north of el paso. It tears me up seeing this stuff. This is just wrong. Im acquainted to the lack of parental guidance. I had two girls when i was young. I raised them with guns in their lives. Were in new mexico. We have arms, firearms. Its almost mandatory to carry one. The problem is, people arent teaching their kids how to be responsible with firearms. Theyre not even teaching their kids anything. Theyre letting their kids watch video games, watch these crazy movies that everybodys killing everybody and the kids get excited about it. If thats the problem, its the lack of parenting. These people that do these kind of things did not get raised right. I believe that there should be more emphasis on the structure of the brain of these people. We need to find out whats making what triggers people to do this stuff. And get them away from society. We dont have asylums anymore. We have crazy people walking in the streets all the time now because we dont have nowhere to put them. Host when it comes to the way you spoke to your children about gun issues and things like that, what age does that start for you . Caller it started for me with my kids at 5 years old. I take them out i live right next to the rio granled. I take them out with my guns and show them what guns do and how dangerous they can be. And how fun they can be if you use them right. Ive had guns my whole life. Im 56 years old. Hiveb guns since i was 8 years old. I never shot at anything i didnt want to hit. I never shot at anyone in my life. I think its a shame that people i mean blame the guns. Its the guns fault. Its not a guns fault. Its a tool like a hammer. Its just a piece of steel that has a purpose. If you want to kill something to eat, you use the gun to do it. But you dont shoot at people. Unless youre at war. The Second Amendment crap host have your children asked you specifically about the el paso and dayton shootings . Caller my granddaughter has. I told her what i told my kids 100 years ago when bill clinton put the ban on assault rifles. I said, its not the rifles fault. Its the person thats holding the guns fault. The Second Amendment, the reason it was made, is to be able to protect yourself from your own government. Thats bull crap now. There is no government coming after you now. If you have the government coming after you, theres a reason. Youre doing something wrong. Host well hear from jay. Jay is in tennessee, woodlawn, tennessee. Good morning, youre next. Caller good morning. Thank you for taking my call. I think on this particular subject, gun safety is is important much important. If you have guns in your house as an adult, its your teach your y to kids about safety of guns and all that. But ill take this discussion a step further. The guy that called a little bit ago from california, wanted to bring race up into this discussion. And thats important. But the idea of teaching your kids to respect life, to respect teaching le, and by them the respect of the people, you raise them up in a culture that respect life. Host what you have spoken to your kids specifically about these recent shootings . Caller weve talked some about these recent shootings. Ut ive also discussed other shootings that have happened. It all comes down it all comes down to people respecting other people. Regardless of what their beliefs are. Ou know, how they view life. What im trying to say is, you know, we all have different views of life and the way we look at life. America used to be a country where people respected other people, even though we may not agree with them. Host ok. Thats jay. Well hear from angel next in maryland. Hello. Caller hey, good morning. So to start off with, im active duty military. I work with guns every so often. I guess when i first joined the military, i was afraid of guns and i didnt really know how to handle a gun. A gun would only do what you tell it to do. Thats the first point. The second point, i do have a 12yearold, a 2yearold and another baby on the way. And i guess im kind of fearful. I have two boys and i can see my 12yearold the way he reacts to certain things and the way he thinks i think is a problem with society. You have a common denominater with all the shooters. Theyre all males. White males, fine. But theyre all males. Im seeing that theres this big push toward the future is female. Hes like, hey, dad, do you think the xy chrome zome is going to disappear . Im like, what are you talking about . Hes like, well, you know, guys have been a problem for a long time. Im like, no, were not the problem. So i think a lot of it has to do with society leaving men behind. Its something that should be looked at. Seriously, im not trying to say thats the entire problem. But i think government also has to step in and maybe put some theres f periods access to guns at certain ages, the way society is nowadays, i dont think people are maturing the way that we did when we were younger. I think people are being a little more sheltered about the world and you see people with high rates of depression. The military has super high rates of suicide. And i see with the younger populations, you see you hear it all the time. From the older, oh, you guys have it made. Back in my day. And i hate to be that guy, but i think resiliency is an issue that americans in general are having and maybe its something we need to look at as a society. Stop leaving behind behind and leaving people behind. Im not sure. Maybe you should have a psychologist on the show to talk about whats going on with american society. Host gotcha. One of the stories appeari