[cheering] [chanting go joe] here i know youre all for the Vice President. Ill wrap it up in 60 seconds. Its a common theme tonight, but i grew up in a bluecollar family. My mom worked multiple jobs to make ends meet, particularly after my dad died. And now i stand before you as New Hampshires youngest state lawmaker. [applause] danny but its not just my story. Its Vice President joe bidens story. Vice President Joe Biden also grew up as a scrappy kid with humble beginnings. He knows the struggle families face because hes lived them. Hes never forgotten where he came from and he spent his career fighting for families like mine. Vice President Joe Biden has the conviction, courage, and moral clarity to take on President Trump, and the vision, empathy, and determination to lead us into tomorrow. S already here but [laughter] danny please join me in welcoming the next resident of the United States president of the United States, former Vice President joe biden. [applause] applause]d you, thank you, thank you. Thank you. Thank you. [applause] mr. Biden it is really great to be here. You know, the fact of the matter is that i got to talk to some of lucas, asinside well as emelia and molly and danny, whos just too young. When i ran, i got elected at age 27. I didnt plan on getting involved in running for politics. My state was in a situation where were a border state. We had the eighth largest africanamerican population in the country. And the problem at the time was we had a very we had a southern democratic governor. And when dr. King was killed my senior year, when i graduated, we were occupied by the National Guard for the better part of nine months, drawing bayonets in every corner. The only city in america occupied by the military since the civil war. And i got engaged with a group of Young Democrats to change the Democratic Party in delaware from a southern Democratic Party to a mainstream Democratic Party. And the next thing i know, i was asked and kept trying to get people to run for office as mainstream and liberal democrats. And it was already due. Finally it was hard to do. Finally, they said why dont you run for the county council . Its a district three times larger than state senator and seven times as large as a statehouse member, because one county of ours, like illinois, has 60 of the population. The end result was iran after hours, assured that i couldnt win because it was a republican district. Becausen and i won there was a lot of young people. I was talking to some of the high school Young Democrats in there and i told them something my sister knew before i did, my younger sister, who is my best friend and managed my campaigns. She was a teacher at one of my schools. People,ized young people in high school not even college, in high school to get engaged in our campaign. We started they started calling them kitty campaigns to make fun of it. Well, we won. Next thing i know, republicans decided they would report should me because the census was 70 in a district that went from six to present republican to 72 60 republican to 72 . They said i had to run again in two year. As they say in politics, up or out. They couldnt get anybody to run for United States senate at the time. I went to my deceased wife, who was my best buddy, and she said either get in or get out. I ran thinking i could help the party. We put together high school democrats, high school students, and we had a volunteer force in a small state, not a joke. Top the course at harvard for many years. We put together 20,000 volunteers, mostly haskell students. And the high school students. And the end result, i learned something early on. Ill repeat it to all of you. The fact of the matter is, you have more influence on how your parents vote then they have on you. Not a joke. You may sit at the dining room table having dinner with your mom and dad and say i met her and i really like her. Or i met him and i really like him. Your parents will pretend it didnt matter much. But they will go up, not a joke, they said my kid like that person that much there must be something there. And i won. I won by 3100 votes in a year the republican president beat the democratic president by 68 to 32 points. And its because of young people and Young Democrats. [applause] mr. Biden so what you guys have done here is happening all over the country. Ive been all over the country campaigning. Last time, in the 2018 election, i went to to for states in 59 candidates. We won back the house of representatives. Thats where i got criticized that we won over 40 of the house. Not we, they. Two things occurred. An awful lot of young people were awakened, just like my generation was, this time awakened by trump. We are awakened by the fact that there was a president that was killing an awful lot of my generation. The Womans Movement was just beginning and no one paid much attention. In Civil Rights Movement was disarray and we had to finish it. Weve been awakened by donald trump. Everyoneald trump said is going to support him after he went after me and senator warren and others, he said, because they are going to regret. Theyare going to realize got a handsome how did he say it . They got a handsome, very stable genius in the white house right now. [laughter] lets talk about that genius for a second. [laughter] [applause] i hope you all had a good fourth of july. Did you see President Trump speak to the Lincoln Memorial . And its aduated real education. I graduated with a degree in history and political science. I think i know my history pretty well. I always consider myself a student of American History. But i guess i missed that whole chapter on the American Revolutionary war. You know the one im talking about. When trump described the American Army manned the air, and took overrts, the airports. Im not making this up. Took over the airports in 1770. Whoa. I missed that. I guess the Wright Brothers got confused, too. I dont know what happened. Wow. [laughter] mr. Biden oh, god. A stable genius. As my brother would say, give me a break. Folks, look. Thats what our president does. He talks about himself. Everything is about donald trump. And the things he says about donald trump dont bear any resemblance sometime to who donald trump is. I think we all know in our gut this election is different. No matter how young or old you are. Not because im running. Not because good people like me are buttigieg is running, a lot of people. The reason is because its the most consequential election, anyone has faced, whether a young democrat in college or over the age of 60. It is the single most consequential election. The fact of the matter is you know why. We will overcome four years of donald trump. It will go down as an aberration in American History. It will take a whole lot of work to put together Foreign Policy that makes sense. It will take a whole lot of work to reestablish who we are as a country. But eight years, literally, not figuratively, eight years of donald trump will change the nation of who we are as a country. Donald trump viciousness, bullying, utter disregard for people and personal lives, is tearing the soul out of this nation. You saw it in charlottesville. You saw what happened. People coming out of the fields with lighted torches, veins shoutingpreaching, and the same antisemitic via bile that occurred in germany in the 1930s. White supremacists and ku klux klan, led by decent, honorable people who said not in my city. Asked,said, when they they were fine people in both groups. No president in American History has ever said anything remotely like that. When het in helsinki couto exactly what was going on wordputin, taking putins about interference in the elections, which is going on today. And then at the g20, when they met again, he made a joke. Of course youre not going to interfere in elections, . Are you . Or something to that effect. Letters with ave murderous thug in kim jongun. We see it every day at the border, children ripped from the arms of their parents, put in cages. Ladies and gentlemen, its not who we are. We shouldnt be separating families. And by the way, let me make it clear. This nation is big enough that we couldve absorbed every single child in this country and not in any way be negatively effected, but positively affected. [applause] [cheering] mr. Biden we are a nation [applause] mr. Biden we have to protect our borders. We have to have a line. But ladies and gentlemen, the idea that he literally took the immigrantsion of out of the monster that is in the definition of what our service is about. He literally took the words out. No longer are they part of the description. This isnt who we are. We all know we give this guy for more years, hes going to forever change the character of this country. Not a joke. We cant let that happen. We have to beat him. And the balance failure isnt an option. Thats why i promise you, whether im the nominee or not, im going to break my neck to make sure they get elected president. We cannot afford [applause] [cheering] [applause] its,den i know ancient history but go check political fact. I introduced the first global warning in the 1980s that had consequence that they labeled as a game changer. Ladies and gentlemen, were in a situation where the existential threat to everything we do is climate change. Thats not hyperbole. Thats not hyperbole. We know the clock is ticking. Epa,er you look at our own which he has emasculated, cut down, and essentially left for dead. Look at the u. N. Right now, they say 11 years. 11 years left to deal with this problem. If you think about it, were going to have less than that if we win back the presidency, fewer years than that. Democrats want to until january, 2021. You make your own judgment. I believe the most comprehensive plan put forward in this campaign, you can check it out on my website. I hope you read it. But in the interest of time, i want to point out two things. What sets my plan apart from others and there are good plans put forward i focus on the fact that its not enough just to get to zero emissions by 2045 or 2050. Ladies and gentlemen, we are responsible for 15 of the pollutants in the air, 15 . The rest of the world is responsible for 85 . Thats why i spent so much time talking about why i would immediately join what barack and i put together, the Paris Climate Accord [applause] [cheering] two, what ismber not known about that accord, written into the accord, we wrote in every couple of years you have to up the any. But heres the deal, guys. Nobody in the world but the United States has the ability to lead the world, to pull it together, to up the ante. Ladies and gentlemen, 85 of the pollution comes from the rest of the world. I was fighting like the devil in the 1980s to stop 300 foot smokestacks going up in the midwest, indiana, and illinois, what were they doing . Dropping on your likes, pollutants lakes, pollutants, killing your fish and wildlife. We stopped at. Imagine stopped it. Imagine what happens. Have glaciers melting, sea levels rising. I respectfully ask you to take a look at it. And i mean it. Theres a number in their. If you dont think its enough, let me know. The other thing i want to point know, the factu is i get criticized for saying we have to bring the world together on this issue and many others. Ladies and gentlemen, im told that is oldfashioned. Nothing oldfashioned about that. Im not talking about going back to what never was. Im talking about where it has to be. Were criticizing trump with good reason for abusing executive power. How many times your candidate on the stage on the 400 of us running how many them saying, if im elected, i will by executive order do the following . What are we talking about . Theres a constitution. It separates power. Its important. Its to limit the abuse of power. So folks, theres two things we have to do. One, we have to work with republicans where we can. And where we cant, go out and defeat them, take it to them. [applause] mr. Biden look, folks, i dont think you have great leaders. But its not an exaggeration to say what energized a lot of you is donald trump and what he is doing. Well guess what, hes energized the rest of the country. Ill give you one example. The last into any 18, like i said, we went in and won. What did we run on . We ran on health care. I went into every state from alabama to the red states, 40 of the vote like montana and north dakota, as well as pennsylvania, which we cannot when a presidency without winning pennsylvania. Theres no mathematical way to get there. All these states, and we took it to the republicans. Because folks finally figured out, finally figured out what president obama had done with the Affordable Care act. Did you have any republicans you know running around saying i want to do away with preexisting conditions being covered . I want to do away with the fact were cutting of health care a certain point . I want to do away with the fact and on and on and on. Ladies and general men, part of test gentlemen, part ladies and gentlemen, part of leading is educating. Everything but locusts dropped on baracks late when he got plate when he got elected. The greatest ability god gave mankind was the ability to forget. If they didnt, women would only have one child. All kidding aside, think about it, guys. We forget just what he faced and what he did. It was the greatest recession short of the depression in the history of the night states of america. And it was all brandnew. There had never been a financial recession like this before, and required entirely new thinking and chances being taken. At the same time, he went out and got Osama Bin Laden and a few other things on his plate. [applause] mr. Biden heres the deal. A couple folks here were part of the administration back then. I used to say mr. President , we got to go out and tell people what the Affordable Care act says. He says i dont have time for a victory lap. Theres too much on the plate. Once the attack happened, the American Public woke up. They didnt know they had these benefits when they started to be taken away. Folks, we have something to work with you. And i am so optimistic i know everybody says im too optimistic. Look, im not too optimistic. I know the history of the journey of this country. The fact of the matter is, if we go and show our character as a people again, as a party, if we move in the direction of restoring the backbone of this country by giving them back their dignity, my dad used to have an expression. He said a job will by a lot more than a paycheck. If you listen to barack, you would think i climbed out of a coal mine with a lunch bucket in my hand. I didnt. My dad was a white educated guy. There was no work, though. We moved to delaware. Every time there was a recession, someone in our family, some neighbor we knew, got laid off or lost their job. My dad used to use this expression. Joey, a job is a lot more than a paycheck. Its about your jig nitty. Dignity. Its about your place in the committee. Its about being able to look your kid in the eye and say hon he, its going to be ok. Its more than that. Its more than a paycheck. And ladies in german ladies and gentlemen, weve denied people are right to that dignity. [applause] mr. Biden so folks. [applause] mr. Biden you cant do that without making sure you look at your child and be able to help them when theyre in trouble. I heard people say how they lost people to cancer. How many of you have lost someone to cancer that they love . Well, you know what it is. Can you imagine if you could have any dignity as a father, a brother, a son, a husband, a wife in my case, my son came home after a year in iraq, a decorated soldier, with a terminal disease, brain cancer, glioblastoma. They gave him only months to live. I cannot fathom what i wouldve done. And many people have been worse than i have because they didnt have the help i have. I couldnt fathom what i wouldve done if, with four months left to go, lying in pain in a hospital, they said times up. You used up your benefits. Rest in peace. Parents, how many people in your state today, mom and dad are sitting at the Kitchen Table tomorrow morning saying whos going to tell him or her we cant send him back to school . We dont have the money. What in gods name are we doing to people . Folks, we can praise this ash change this tax structure overnight to fix this change this tax structure overnight to fix this. [applause] mr. Biden theres more to say but im not going to say it. Let me conclude by saying this. You know, a lot of you i hope are going to run for office, you Young Democrats. I really mean it. But heres the thing. Heres the thing. When i got elected as the second youngest senator in American History to be popularly elected no, its not i had a lot of help. When i got elected, people used to come up to me and say what your secret, senator . There had to be a secret because how could i have won on my own . Heres the deal, guys. I tell every young person and i will say it to you Young Democrats who want to run. Figure out what is worth losing over before you run. If you cant determine what youre willing to lose over as a matter of principle, do not run for office. Do not run for office. [applause] mr. Biden youll be much happier. Youll be much happier doing something else. Because if you understand what itre willing to lose over, can be communicated to people that you mean what you say. You say what you mean. And even if you disagree, they will give you credit and reward you for it. And when you get elected, ill need your help, whether im president or not. I introduce