Transcripts For CSPAN Gov. Jeff Colyer R-KS On Education Gun

Transcripts For CSPAN Gov. Jeff Colyer R-KS On Education Gun Violence And School Safety 20180224

hickenlooper. we appreciate it. have a great national governors association. appreciate the conversation and the advice. > now, it's our pleasure to look at the governor of kansas, governor jeff collier. [applause] gov. coyler: thank you. host: this is your first time to do the national governors association circuit, right? gov. coyler: that's right. it's been a great event. we have a lot of lieutenant governors who moved up to governor this year. host: you were maybe the only person here who was surprised to become governor. tell them real quick how you became governor in a way that you did. gov. coyler: on the day that i did, well governor brownback designed -- resigned and became ambassador for religious liberty. on the day that i became governor, we had been waiting a little while. people were in line for the stars. on that day in kansas, where i mood, a we had a super a blueon, -- super moon, moon, and the first red moon in 700 years. first day as governor -- host: on your first day as governor, you visited a public school. what did you learn from that, and what was a symbol you are trying to percent, or the message you are trying to send by having that be one of your first day activities? gov. coyler: i went to hays, kansas were, where i am from. i'm a fifth generation. communities have different solutions. one of the big challenges we have his children in schools that have a mental health issue. it may disrupt school, or they can't help the kids properly. school serves kid from kindergarten of the web through high school. they can don't have counseling to get help. that's important. education is critical for our peace -- our state and every state. it's growing. kansas is a happening place, focusing on that hard challenge. we are seeing success. host: governor, in your first keep address, you said "i a servant's schedule, not a politicians." what do mean about that -- by that? gov. coyler: the staff will tell you about that one. i think you need to be very engaged. you will see me out a lot. work week normally as a surgeon is an 80 hour or 90 hour , you're going to be out visiting with people, getting things done. look at the timing we are very active, and we have been across 20 different communities in the state. host: governor, the financing of education in kansas, complicated. you have a lot of rocks in your backpack. when you gave your four points about k-12 education in your address, you said "we must insist on accountability and improved outcomes. " talk about accountability. gov. coyler: it's the results. data.ed transparency, i'm a surgeon. that's how i live. to get these outcomes -- we have great kids. we need to make sure we have a graduation rate that's over 85% statewide. 5%,ou change the number that dramatically changes our entire trajectory for the next few years. that's very important. it's also very achievable. we are putting down benchmarks so people can say, this really is working for us. we have sustainable funding were going to have results. it also ultimately means our kids see their future. host: governor, you are a white house fellow. you will now be going to the white house as governor. what cycling to be like? gov. coyler: it was a lot of fun -- host:? gov. coyler: it was a lot of fun when i stayed on for president bush after working for president reagan. i had an office at the state department. host: i suspect they have a window air conditioner? gov. coyler: oh yeah. i can can remember a time -- i can remember times square elledge, you could walk through the front eight, people would let you through. you show your id and that is it. it's harder now. it's important for kansas. we've been involved in a lot of areas for months now. we are gratified they are willing to have us. host: what are you hearing from teachers and kansas about the problems, teachers getting a bonus if they are trained to be armed? gov. coyler: you know, kansas is looking at kansas'solutions. much of those decisions are made on the local level. we are turning to hear different communities looking at different opportunities, how they want to approach that. there's a wide diversity of views. and this, you want to be very practical. host, what do you see is the potential advantages of the solution? gov. coyler: for starters, it's where the people are. host: excuse me, advantages of the president's idea of armed teachers. gov. coyler: right. that's where the students are, and that's what a security issue is immediately. that, though, is a local decision on how we see it. different schools have a different setup. the difference community standards, we are exploring this -- the different community standards, we are wearing this. you will hear moore's the discussion expands. list: if you see this is potentially promising? gov. coyler: yes. that's just one solution. there are a whole bunch -- a hope bunch of issues. mental health, gun control. it's not just the building itself. this is a melting -- multipoint situation. tenacity ofthe continuing to deal with this over years. that's where these problems take -- that's what these problems take, a multiyear approach. there's no magic arrow for this. governor, you instead of going on vacation, you go to -- you have been to afghanistan, iraq, the baltics. tell us what takes you to war zones when the rest of us are on the beach. gov. coyler: growing up in kansas, i believe in service, making a difference in people's lives. i first -- volunteered when the soviets were occupying afghanistan. we were training medics, taking. we havepeople in afghan been at about 22 -- difference conflict zones. difference.ake a you can, on a humanitarian basis. to me, that service animates me. that's what i think is so special about kansas. post: what are you looking for two during your next couple of days? gov. coyler: water of course. i've got a number of meetings here area or working in a whole bunch of different areas, anything from transportation, trade, medicaid, dealing with those issues. it's going to be a good week. host: think you very much and congratulations. thank you for joining us. [applause] [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2016] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit] at bytes thank all of our governors, the 74, the walton family foundation for making this fantastic conversation possible. i think c-span for being here. we appreciate your coverage, we thank all of you for coming out so early this morning. . i will see you on -- -- ♪ >> governors from across the country are meeting in washington, d.c. this weekend to discuss jobs for their winter meeting, and also discussed the opioid crisis and the future of the agriculture industry. we will have live coverage starting at 10:00 a.m. eastern starting here on c-span. ♪ i can only see it from her perspective. i've had a lot of people pray for me similarly. believeistian, i christianity has a long tradition of healing. i certainly think it's possible for god to heal people. >> sunday night on q and a, duke school professor kate bowler discusses her memoir "everything happens for a reason and other lies i've loved" in which she reflects on being diagnosed on stage for -- with stage four: cancer at the age of 35. >> it's gone, right? there is no pain in your stomach, right? ok. then that's real. >> you can see how quickly you moved from praying for her. he had lost his confidence. the idea that because she didn't have pain, she definitely healed. it's a dramatic approach, one i often found to be somewhat manipulative. >> sunday night at 8:00 p.m. eastern on c-span's q and a. our

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Afghanistan , United States , Whitehouse , District Of Columbia , Kansas , Iraq , American , Sam Adams , Jeff Collier ,

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Transcripts For CSPAN Gov. Jeff Colyer R-KS On Education Gun Violence And School Safety 20180224 :

Transcripts For CSPAN Gov. Jeff Colyer R-KS On Education Gun Violence And School Safety 20180224

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hickenlooper. we appreciate it. have a great national governors association. appreciate the conversation and the advice. > now, it's our pleasure to look at the governor of kansas, governor jeff collier. [applause] gov. coyler: thank you. host: this is your first time to do the national governors association circuit, right? gov. coyler: that's right. it's been a great event. we have a lot of lieutenant governors who moved up to governor this year. host: you were maybe the only person here who was surprised to become governor. tell them real quick how you became governor in a way that you did. gov. coyler: on the day that i did, well governor brownback designed -- resigned and became ambassador for religious liberty. on the day that i became governor, we had been waiting a little while. people were in line for the stars. on that day in kansas, where i mood, a we had a super a blueon, -- super moon, moon, and the first red moon in 700 years. first day as governor -- host: on your first day as governor, you visited a public school. what did you learn from that, and what was a symbol you are trying to percent, or the message you are trying to send by having that be one of your first day activities? gov. coyler: i went to hays, kansas were, where i am from. i'm a fifth generation. communities have different solutions. one of the big challenges we have his children in schools that have a mental health issue. it may disrupt school, or they can't help the kids properly. school serves kid from kindergarten of the web through high school. they can don't have counseling to get help. that's important. education is critical for our peace -- our state and every state. it's growing. kansas is a happening place, focusing on that hard challenge. we are seeing success. host: governor, in your first keep address, you said "i a servant's schedule, not a politicians." what do mean about that -- by that? gov. coyler: the staff will tell you about that one. i think you need to be very engaged. you will see me out a lot. work week normally as a surgeon is an 80 hour or 90 hour , you're going to be out visiting with people, getting things done. look at the timing we are very active, and we have been across 20 different communities in the state. host: governor, the financing of education in kansas, complicated. you have a lot of rocks in your backpack. when you gave your four points about k-12 education in your address, you said "we must insist on accountability and improved outcomes. " talk about accountability. gov. coyler: it's the results. data.ed transparency, i'm a surgeon. that's how i live. to get these outcomes -- we have great kids. we need to make sure we have a graduation rate that's over 85% statewide. 5%,ou change the number that dramatically changes our entire trajectory for the next few years. that's very important. it's also very achievable. we are putting down benchmarks so people can say, this really is working for us. we have sustainable funding were going to have results. it also ultimately means our kids see their future. host: governor, you are a white house fellow. you will now be going to the white house as governor. what cycling to be like? gov. coyler: it was a lot of fun -- host:? gov. coyler: it was a lot of fun when i stayed on for president bush after working for president reagan. i had an office at the state department. host: i suspect they have a window air conditioner? gov. coyler: oh yeah. i can can remember a time -- i can remember times square elledge, you could walk through the front eight, people would let you through. you show your id and that is it. it's harder now. it's important for kansas. we've been involved in a lot of areas for months now. we are gratified they are willing to have us. host: what are you hearing from teachers and kansas about the problems, teachers getting a bonus if they are trained to be armed? gov. coyler: you know, kansas is looking at kansas'solutions. much of those decisions are made on the local level. we are turning to hear different communities looking at different opportunities, how they want to approach that. there's a wide diversity of views. and this, you want to be very practical. host, what do you see is the potential advantages of the solution? gov. coyler: for starters, it's where the people are. host: excuse me, advantages of the president's idea of armed teachers. gov. coyler: right. that's where the students are, and that's what a security issue is immediately. that, though, is a local decision on how we see it. different schools have a different setup. the difference community standards, we are exploring this -- the different community standards, we are wearing this. you will hear moore's the discussion expands. list: if you see this is potentially promising? gov. coyler: yes. that's just one solution. there are a whole bunch -- a hope bunch of issues. mental health, gun control. it's not just the building itself. this is a melting -- multipoint situation. tenacity ofthe continuing to deal with this over years. that's where these problems take -- that's what these problems take, a multiyear approach. there's no magic arrow for this. governor, you instead of going on vacation, you go to -- you have been to afghanistan, iraq, the baltics. tell us what takes you to war zones when the rest of us are on the beach. gov. coyler: growing up in kansas, i believe in service, making a difference in people's lives. i first -- volunteered when the soviets were occupying afghanistan. we were training medics, taking. we havepeople in afghan been at about 22 -- difference conflict zones. difference.ake a you can, on a humanitarian basis. to me, that service animates me. that's what i think is so special about kansas. post: what are you looking for two during your next couple of days? gov. coyler: water of course. i've got a number of meetings here area or working in a whole bunch of different areas, anything from transportation, trade, medicaid, dealing with those issues. it's going to be a good week. host: think you very much and congratulations. thank you for joining us. [applause] [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2016] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit] at bytes thank all of our governors, the 74, the walton family foundation for making this fantastic conversation possible. i think c-span for being here. we appreciate your coverage, we thank all of you for coming out so early this morning. . i will see you on -- -- ♪ >> governors from across the country are meeting in washington, d.c. this weekend to discuss jobs for their winter meeting, and also discussed the opioid crisis and the future of the agriculture industry. we will have live coverage starting at 10:00 a.m. eastern starting here on c-span. ♪ i can only see it from her perspective. i've had a lot of people pray for me similarly. believeistian, i christianity has a long tradition of healing. i certainly think it's possible for god to heal people. >> sunday night on q and a, duke school professor kate bowler discusses her memoir "everything happens for a reason and other lies i've loved" in which she reflects on being diagnosed on stage for -- with stage four: cancer at the age of 35. >> it's gone, right? there is no pain in your stomach, right? ok. then that's real. >> you can see how quickly you moved from praying for her. he had lost his confidence. the idea that because she didn't have pain, she definitely healed. it's a dramatic approach, one i often found to be somewhat manipulative. >> sunday night at 8:00 p.m. eastern on c-span's q and a. our

Related Keywords

Afghanistan , United States , Whitehouse , District Of Columbia , Kansas , Iraq , American , Sam Adams , Jeff Collier ,

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