An hundred 70 primary schools have experienced a shooting on 1999. Since columbine in our question is, should there be compromise on it Gun Legislation. Owner, 202 gun 7488000. Ll others, 202 7488001 send us a tweet or join us on facebook. Good sunday morning. Thank you for being with us. In a moment we will hear from Vice President pence weighing in on the debate over Gun Legislation. We want to begin with a piece from usa today florida students want to be a Tipping Point in the gun debate. Reads as host Vice President pence yesterday said this. We will get to the bottom of what happened here. , the justiceak department is working with agencies across the government to study the intersection of Mental Health and criminality. When trump meets with the nations governors in a few weeks, he will make the safety will makeety he the safety of our schools the top priority. [applause] mike pence as the president said, no child or teacher should be in danger in an american school. No. Should ever have to fear for their sons and daughters when they kissed him goodbye in the morning. Not surprisingly, voices in washington and in the media are running to the predictable debates. You thepromise president and our administration will remain focused and we will remain focused on bringing renewed energy and keeping schools safe and taking a renewed look at looking at Law Enforcement and local authorities the tools they need to deal with individual struggling with dangerous Mental Illness. Host that was the Vice President yesterday in texas. And from the express we are children, you guys are the adults. You need to take action. A message for trump and congress. Do something to stop the killing. For compromise . Larry is first up, a gun owner from tennessee. Caller i am so proud of the young people in florida. I am an army veteran. These military style weapons that are being sold to the public are ridiculous. Who saythe republicans they should have them and the mentally ill they overturned the bill of obama to say that i could get the weapons. The nra needs to be held accountable. Have a nice day. From lets go to bob wisconsin. Good morning. Caller my prayers go out to all of them in florida. Sir, i have owned a gun since i was a kid. I dont have one at the moment. I am military. This to turn into a political gun game. Did obama did or bush guns have always been there and they will keep coming, no matter how many laws we passed. It is ridiculous to say it is the guns fault. If a bank i is there and he has a weapon, please dont make this political garbage. Obama was the worst president in the world and he didnt do nothing. From mark stone the local police knew about this kid and the school knew enough to pick it out and the fbi received to us but nobody did anything. Shameful. Thats from our friend, i support sensible gun owners. Manning, there is no chance Gun Legislation will pass. The New York Times writes this mr. President , it is time to do something about guns. Saying this host that its from the New York Post. Is a gun owner joining us from maryland. Is there compromise on legislation . Caller i think a lot of it is the court system. Them,hen they do catch they take a plea deal and they do nothing. Said mentallyhat ill people couldnt buy this and trump wants to do away with everything that obama did. So naturally, he has done away with that. He may have path loss of his sons could go over there and kill animals and bring back the head. He isnt going to do nothing. Richard. S is from we know that nuts should not ave guns. Rick joining us from georgia. What kind of weapon do you own . Regulari just own a rifle. Host what do you know about the ar15 . Know much about them. I have a friends who own a couple. But other than that, i dont know much. An earlier caller said something about trump overturning an obama directive. That is misleading. They redefined what Mental Illness meant. In the old direct of, the bureaucracy of government could deem somebody who had been on Social Security disability or unemployed for a long time or in heavy debt as being mentally ill and that is not a reason for amebody to not be able to buy gun. I wanted to clarify that. There is misunderstanding about what trump did. Host paul has this tweet. Declare schools as gun threes as gun free zones. It should be the other way around. Demanded guncrowd restrictions. This is what it looks like and sounded like yesterday afternoon. [crowd chanting] enough is enough, enough is enough, enough is enough. Hasur legislature considered gun expansion bill after gun expansion bill. [indiscernible] i am 17. Despite being tipped off, the fbi allowed him to purchase and ar15. Killed 17 of my people. People that i know and love have died. Host that is what it looked like yesterday. Again, the headline was emotional crowd at Fort Lauderdale rally demanded gun restrictions. Threeare an estimated into 57 million weapons in the u. S. , 3 if the percentage of people who own over half of the nations guns. For hundred thousand is the number of arms stolen each year. Over 3 million is the number of times the federal, state or background checks have prevented someone from buying a gun. Again, the full story is Available Online at cbs news. Com. Just to begin or joining us on serious xm, we are asking about Gun Legislation and wondering if there is room for compromise. Following the shooting that killed 17. Kenneth, good morning. What kind of gun do you own . Caller a 45, a handgun. Military. Ed i have fired an m16 a1, a2, similar to the ar15. Andwould like to know no, i dont think a compromise will go on in congress. But the bottom line is, when you guys do your show, i know that the people in congress dont during say anything but my tenure in the military, i had a moment when one of my commanders had some little kids and they were given this drug called ritalin to settle the kid down. Kids0 years later, those all of these kids that i see that are making those decisions to go into schools to shoot them up and all of a sudden, everyone willMental Illness, someone do it on your show or bring someone in to do in effect on theseerlin has had kids, 1015 years later since it hit the market . Everyone says mental elements but i truly believe it has something to do with all the parents giving kids those chemicals when they were little to calm the kids down. And now it is Mental Illness. I guarantee you that is an effect of the Mental Illness they are using but over the will say nothing about that because it is a big pharmaceutical company. Nobody wants to be sued for accusations towards these companies. But i guarantee all this Mental Illness has something to do with ritalin. I appreciate you giving a chance to talk. No official statement or tweet that we were able to discern from the nra website. This is what has looks like. In 2014, they wrote the following about rick scott. Signeda gov. Rick scott five progun bills into law. A strong supporter of the Second Amendment. He has now signed more progun term than any other governor in florida history. Up next is terry. Good morning. What kind of gun do you own . Caller there are a couple of different clones to this thing. The ar15. It could sit there on a table for thousands of years and never kill a person. The same had compassion for the children that died at the hands of illegal aliens in this country. Guns, the guy in florida headed pretty well close. N the ritalin and we have a social media here where every kid deems himself better than others. Envy is a sin. Family int have a these communities. Thatody said the other day our high schools and schools are just places people send their kids to babysit. They dont send in the kids lives. When i was young we carried guns to school in the back of our pickup truck. I know it is a shame and a the gunsg to do but are not what is killing people. This kid was probably bullied to death. And i feel sorry. But one thing that we did find out is that the laws that are in place today failed us. Host we know that the childs mother did pass away in november of last year. He is left with friends for the last three months and was kicked out of school. He has pled guilty. The question now is whether or not prosecutors will seek the death penalty. Iollowup from mylan saying dropped my membership to nra after sandy hook. I was a 30 year member. That gunt saying worship is a religion in this country and another tweet saying emotional teens screaming and screeching about having more gun laws dont even know what gun laws are already. Stop giving them a soap rocks. And liberals always run on emotion and not logic. Lets watch. Even in countries that have restrictive firearm laws notably, the united kingdom, we carry there to. Why did we do that . Thankfully, we really need about. We really we rarely needed it. It is a tall. This is where the chasm develops. I dont think the other side is making an attempt to understand that this is a tool. Fight this targeted violence in incidents like yesterday. Is frustrating. Im a parent. I have kids in school. You see the pictures of the parents. Have you seen that . The parents . Look at their faces . It is over for them. Their lives will never be the same. Do you think that we are not touched by that, that we dont want to fix this . It is infuriating because you have good people with type goal experience who have solid points on how to fix this kind of stuff or help prevent it and nobody is listening. It is a rush on twitter and facebook to knock down the other side. Host we are talking about compromise on Gun Legislation. Hearing from gun owners and all others. The Washington Post editorial writing the following saying the issue is not Mental Health. The issue is guns. Host read the full essay on the Washington Post. Com. Saying the issue is not Mental Health. The issue is guns. Jimmy, good morning. Caller how are you doing . The last caller watches a lot of fox news. And i had a 12ge gauge but i got rid of that. I only have one gun. But no one, unless you are Law Enforcement or in the military do you need an ak or nar. You dont need those weapons. And the first thing do you remember the first legislation that trump and paul ryan signed in . To make it ok for people who are mentally disabled so they could still buy a weapon . You know. The guy is crazy. Bought a make america and i knocked it off his head. Im done with these people. Host steve has this point. Unstablehis 18yearold expelled 18yearold able to pass a gun check in the first place . The number of People Killed in are being put forward today in the Washington Post saying that the People Killed in the countrys largest Mass Shootings came from every race, religion, socio socioeconomic background. You can look at that chart. Shooting, onehe parent who lost her daughter had this to say. They came into our childrens school. What security is there . There are no metal detectors. The gunmen just walked into the the windowcks down of my childs door and started shooting her. And killed her. Trump, you say, what can you do . You can stop the guns from getting into these childrens hands. Put metal detectors at every entrance. What can you do . You can do a lot. It isnt fair to our family and our children to school and how to get killed . I just spent the last two hours putting the beryl arrangements for my daughters funeral and she is 14. President trump, please do something. Something action. We need this now. These kids need safety now. Host her daughter died in the shooting on wednesday. You can watch that interview on cnn. Com. This is from the New York Times that says daunting looms. And an opinion piece from the miami herald with the headline this time, lets turn our grief and action into action. He writes the following host that is from the miami herald website and is Available Online. Back to your calls. Stan is joining us, a gun owner. Good morning. Caller i am a gun owner and a work in a School District. Host what do you do in a School District . Caller i am support staff. Every day ago to work. And basically, i walk in and i am a sitting duck like everybody else. There is nobody there to defend me and i cant defend myself because schools are gun free zones and i dont have the qualifications or skills to do that. Do know that even if tomorrow they change the laws and they start to put people in the schools who were armed that i wouldnt be a good candidate because of my age. I am relatively healthy and i have decent eyesight but im too old for that. We need younger people to be there. Whether it is teachers or support staff. If they were there as a deterrent, you wouldnt have things like this. Our governor can justify money for the state fair and all the he says School Security is locking your doors and hiding under your desk. Im sorry to say it but this is a fact. Young people and old people have access to firearms. Whether it is a single shot shotgun or a semiautomatic shotgun and rifle, you still can do a lot of damage and you can see today that we live in a world where even if somebody cant get a hold of a gun, they rent a pickup truck and they run through the crowd with it. Want to hurt somebody, you are going to end there is no deterrent to stop that. Schools are gun free zones and there is next to nothing for security. Then this will continue to happen. Im a parent. To last thing i would want ever have to face is what these people in florida are facing. That if this is continues, take away all of the guns. Will be knives and something else. If somebody wants to do something bad, they are going to do it. We have money for Everything Else but not Something Like this . I know there are other states where they do have people in schools who are trained and i think that is a great idea. I would like to know that there is someone who can respond. I really think common sense has to apply. You can take the guns away but you cant take the people away. Host this tweet says the says he hasyer offered a plea deal in exchange for not getting the death penalty. No justice. Online, ae headline prominent political donor demanded that they pass legislation to restrict guns and groupsto not support any that did not support the ban of military style firearms. Lead republican fundraiser and says he would seek to marshal support among other republican donors for a renewed assault weapons ban. He said for how many years have we been doing that . And massterrorism killings . How many years that nothing has been done . It is the end of the road for me. That is from this mornings New York Times. Good morning. Caller good morning. How are you . What i want to say is this. The technology to put somebody on the moon or send a spaceship to mars and that sort of thing. Why dont we have the technology gun discharged to your own home or farm or locale . We can do that and we could create a tremendous amount of jobs for gun manufacturers to make this. Pull in all of the guns that crazy people can go and kill people at random down a public highway or in theaters or places like that. Gun inazy wants to own a his own home then he could only kill his neighbor. He couldnt kill other people if you make it so the gun can discharge only on his own property. Of course, once you found somebody was crazy you might take those guns away. I believe we can stop violence and infor people that the neighborhoods, people know who is crazy. If you had a crazy person and extort you had a gun, you would avoid him. I believe we could solve this problem if congress would have the desire to do so. Thank you. Host the voice of america website, how gun laws compare around the world. Check that out online. National review has this. Gun policies will stop mass gun shootings but people can. Gun control is not the answer. Control wouldun have stopped the killings . The shooter was able to purchase firearms legally with a background check in process. Given the fact that the fbi and police both failed to look seriously into him after receiving credible warnings, it is difficult to imagine that a clerk of a Sporting Goods store is going to be much more effective in staging an intervention at the pointofsale. From greensboro, north carolina. Good morning. That wei wanted to say have the ability to send a man to send a rocket to mars and yet we dont seem to have the technology to prevent a crazy person from taking a gun and killing schoolchildren and people in theaters and that sort of thing. Require people who who are sort of guns able to discharge more than one , they bullets at a time should be restricted to only their home or by gps two areas be legally authorized to operate them. Nobody should be able to walk down the street with a semi automatic weapon and kill people at random. We could prevent that if we would allow people military and police to have guns that could be discharged anywhere. I dont have a reason to go down five miles from my property and discharge a weapon. But i do have a reason to discharge a weapon on my property if i am being invaded or someone with the loan he is intent. So i believe we could dedicate our efforts to that kind of weapon. We that kind of control and wouldnt have to worry than about crazy people going out to kill those people. Because their weapons wouldnt discharge. It would discharge only on their own property. You. Thank and another viewer saying compromise is not the goal of the political game. Is to propose perpetual divisions and to distract people from the real issues of the day. The