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Think of donald trump, with hispanics at the end it will be more about actions and words. He may say whatever he wants, that at the end if he is able to deliver a deal that includes relief for dreamers, hispanics will respond favorably to that. I suspect democrats know that, so there are some who are very cynical on the democratic side. Wantt to i think they to make sure that does not happen, to keep immigration as a wedge issue for political gain. It is a tough issue. We do not know exactly what will happen this week. I hope they can reach a deal and cooler minds can prevail on both sides. Lets be real and frank. Why we are here, ironically, is because of donald trump. He ended the program and called daca, soss to legalize we have an opportunity. Host as far as the six senators who presented a concept deal, what did you think and is that something you could have gone along with . Guest in general, yes. The problem is that it is how you go about doing this. While i respect senator graham and senator flake, they have been negotiating with senator durbin. Senator durbin cannot negotiate with his republicans of choice. The white house has been talking to senator cornyn, the majority whip, and now with kevin mccarthy. They are part of what they call the number two group on immigration. If you want to get something done, you want to make sure that as part of a negotiation you include those individuals. The problem is durbin talking to graham and flake, excluding cornyn and kevin mccarthy, they go to the white house. Who set the meeting . Kevin mccarthy. Senator cornyn, they did not include him in the conversation. We saw the reaction from the president. I do not justify. It was terrible language to people across the globe, but i think it is important to them. I appreciate their efforts, but they do have to work with other senators who can make this viable and an sure they can get republican votes in the senate. Jeff flake cares about immigration, but i do not think there is any point he cannot sway any republican in the senate. Host give us a call to talk to alfonso aguilar, 202 7488000 for democrats. 202 7488001 for republicans. Independents, 202 7488002. What personally would you like to see for a daca deal and what that include a path to citizenship . Guest i would like to see a full dream act with a path to citizenship. The mass majority of them contribute greatly to the economy. I realize that politics are the art of the possible, so we have to include the other elements, but i would limited to those three additional elements the president talked about ending chain migration, and what he means is doing away with visa categories that benefit children adults andts who are are married, and also sisters and brothers. Doing away with the visa lottery program, and including funding for strategic fencing, i think those things are important. Ironically, i see democrats politicizing this, saying they are against the wall, but not so far ago democrats were supporting strategic fencing. A voted in the senate by a margin of 8020 and the secure fence act passed, calling for a 700 mile extension of double layer fencing. Washington journal live every day at 7 00 a. M. Eastern. This segment and others at cspan. Org. Well take you live to the press briefing with sarah sanders. Sarah trying new things. Trying new things. The good doctors got me on time today. I will open with a statement from Brigadier General dr. Richard tubb, white house physician emeritus, retired military officer and one of the longest serving white house physicians in history serving from 1995 to 2009. As a physician to the president he earned the trust and confidence of president s from differing parties. He trained under a physician who did the same and then trained dr. Ronnie jackson, the current physician to the president who has earned the trust and confidence of president s from both parties. Dr. Tubb wrote, i hired and ai

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