Minutes to record their resence. [captioning made possible by the national captioning institute, inc. , in cooperation with the United States house of representatives. Any use of the closedcaptioned coverage of the house proceedings for political or commercial purposes is expressly prohibited by the u. S. House of representatives. ] the speaker on this roll call, 375 members have recorded their presence. A quorum is present. The chair the chair has examined the journal of the last days proceedings and announces to the house his approval thereof. Pursuant to clause 1 of rule 1 the journal stands approved. The pledge of allegiance will be led by the gentleman from llinois, mr. Rodney davis. Mr. Davis please join us in the gallery. I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of america and to the republic for which it ands, one nation, under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. The speaker the house will be in order. For what purpose does the gentleman from california seek recognition . Mr. Mccarthy mr. Speaker, i send to the desk a privileged resolution and ask for its immediate consideration. Spoiling the speaker the clerk will report the resolution. The clerk House Resolution 677, resolved that a committee of two members be appointed by the speaker to notify the president of the United States that a quorum of the house has assembled and that thes who is ready to receive any communication that he may be pleased to make. The speaker without objection, the resolution is agreed to and the motion to reconsider is laid upon the table. Pursuant to House Resolution 677, the chair appoints the following members to the committee to notify the president of the United States. That a quorum of the house has been assembled and that the house is ready to receive any communication that he may be pleased to make. The clerk mr. Mccarthy and the gentlewoman from california, ms. Elosi. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from california seek recognition . Mr. Mccarthy mr. Speaker, i send to the desk the privileged resolution and ask for its immediate consideration. The speaker pro tempore the clerk will report the resolution. The clerk House Resolution 678, resolved that the clerk of the house inform the senate that a quorum of the house is present and that the house is ready to proceed with business. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the resolution is agreed to and the motion to reconsider is laid on the table. For what purpose does the gentleman from california seek recognition . Mr. Mccarthy mr. Speaker, i send to the desk a privileged resolution and ask for its immediate consideration. The speaker pro tempore the clerk will report the resolution. The clerk House Resolution 679, resolvinged that unless otherwise order, the hour of daily meeting of the house shall be 2 00 p. M. On mondays, noon on tuesdays or 2 00 p. M. If no legislative business was conducted on the preceding monday, noon on wednesdays and thursdays, and 9 00 a. M. On all other days of the week. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the resolution is agreed to and the motion to reconsider is laid on the table. The chair lays before the house the following communication. The clerk the speakers rooms, washington, d. C. , january 8, 2018. I hereby appoint the honorable alexander x. Moony, the honorable michael k. Simpson, the honorable paul mitchell, the honorable larry bucshon, the honorable jodi c. Arrington, and the honorable patrick t. Mchen troy act as speak pro temprary to sign enrolled bills and joint resolutions through the remainder of the 115th congress. Signed, paul d. Ryan, speaker of the house. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the appointments are approved. For what purpose does the gentleman from california seek recognition . Mr. Mccarthy mr. Speaker, i ask unanimous consent that the order of the house of january 3, 2017, providing for morning hour debate, be extended for the remainder of the 115th congress. Except that House Resolution 679 shall supplant House Resolution 9. The speaker pro tempore without objection, so ordered. He house will come to order. For what purpose does the gentlelady from arizona seek recognition . The gentlelady is recognized for one minute. Ms. Mcsally mr. Speaker, i rise with my colleagues from arizona to commemorate the seventh anniversary of the shooting that took place on january 8, 2011 in houston, arizona. Congresswoman Gabby Giffords was meeting with her constituents when a gunman opened fire. He killed six people and injured 13 more, including the congresswoman. Last year when i led this moment of silence, many people in this chamber could only imagine being the target of a gunman. This year, even more members of congress have lived that reality. And majority whip Steve Scalise narrowly escaped with his life, thanks to the brave action of capitol police. Hated violence against officials is an attack on a party, it is an attack on our representative government, and the ideals that underpin our democracy. But i believe our nation can chart a new course. Where theres been division, there can be unity. Where theres been hatred, there can be understanding. Where theres been vitriol , there can be civil discourse. In the aftermath of the 2011 shooting, tucson united to support the grieving, honor the victims and commend our First Responders. Just this morning my hometown dedicated the january 8 memorial in downtown tucson. And tonight we remember those we lost. Christina taylor green. Dorothy morris. Judge john roll. Phyllis schneck. Dorwin stoddard and congressional staffer gabriel zimmerman. Mr. Speaker, i now ask the house rise and observe a moment of silence in remembrance of the victims. The speaker pro tempore house will rise for a moment of silence. The speaker pro tempore the chair is prepared to entertain requests for onespeeches. For what purpose does gentlelady from florida seek recognition . Ms. Roslehtinen revise to extend my remarks and address the house for one minute. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady is almost recognized for one minute. The gentlelady is recognized. Ms. Roslehtinen thank you, so much, mr. Speaker. And i rise to express my disappointment with thE Administrations decision to terminate temporary protective status for hundreds of thousands of salvor dans. This decision comes after it erminated t. P. S. For haiti and nicaragua. El salvador was struck by an earthquake that left destruction and tragedy in its wake resulting in 250,000 coming to the u. S. Since then, they have been key parts of our community and important contributors for our economy. It is cruel and inhumane that they will not longer be afforded protective status and have to go back to unsafe and uncertainty conditions. I urge thE Administration to reconsider its decision and i ask my colleagues to join me in a letter to thE Administration asking it to right this wrong and also to extend this status for honduras. Thank you, mr. Speaker. The speaker pro tempore the house will come to order. For what purpose does the gentleman from illinois seek recognition . Permission to address the house for one minute. The speaker pro tempore without objection. The gentleman is recognized for one minute. Mr. Speaker, each january, we honor the life of dr. Martin luther king junior to help us live out the true meaning of our creed. Dr. King dedicated his life to justice and equality and he died for it. But even with his ideals, dr. King would never have had the impact if it werent for his willingness to dedicate his life to service. That path of service is open to us all. As dr. King said, you dont have to have a College Degree to serve. You dont have to make your subject and your verb agree to serve. You dont have to know about pla to to serve. Service isnt about your education or your background. Its about much more than that. He taught us all that you need to serve which is a heart full of grace and a soul generated by love. That path is not an easy one, but one we can all take, and we should. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from minnesota seek recognition . Address the house for one minute and revise and extend my remarks. The speaker pro tempore without objection. Tomorrow, january 9, is National Law Enforcement appreciation day. Mr. Paulsen a time to celebrate that our Law Enforcement do for our communities and most important to honor their courageousness. Every single day, Police Officers go to work not knowing what dangers may lie ahead of them while on the job. They put their lives on the job to both serve and protect. These Law Enforcement personnel are our friends, neighbors and family members. Last year, 128 Police Officers lost their lives. One of them was bill matthews. He was certainly well known and a part of the fabric of our community and missed by a loving family and by those he worked with and the residents he served while on patrol. Those who serve in Law Enforcement will often say its a calling and we honor that calling of service on National Law Enforcement appreciation day. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from washington seek recognition . Permission to address the house for one minute. The speaker pro tempore without objection. The gentleman is recognized for one minute. Mr. Heck last night after many of us went to bed, one of my quints called 911. It was everyones worst nightmare, an intruder in the house. But then a superhero appeared in the dark and the cold in the form of daniel mccartney, husband and father of three and son. His bravery last night was one of thousands of times he protected us having served 10 years in uniform as a Police Officer and seven years in the navy. His bravery last night cost him his life as he was gunned down by the intruder. We are all shocked and saddened by his loss. We share his grief with his and y and friends brothers sisters in blue. They will patrol in the dark and the cold and will come running when we need them. These are special people with special skills and special abilities. May the life of Deputy Sheriff mccartney remain special to all of us. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from texas seek recognition . Permission to address the house for one minute and revise and extend. The speaker pro tempore without objection. The gentleman is recognized for ne minute. Mr. Olson mr. Speaker, sometimes lives matter by the inch. Last month, for the manville manufacture risks, their dream came down to 12 inches, one foot. Thats how close they came to winning every Football Game they played in 2017, including the texas 5a Division One State championship. Was manville disappointed with their loss . Heck, yes. Did we shed some tears . Heck, yes. I was more proud than ever of our guys, hell, yes. That pride comes from how they played, win or lose. Exemplar pride is next to me. Thats our team listening to our senior quarterback, chasen martin, his final words as a member of the manufacture risks, cases words rang through then and rang through for all eternity. He said im forever manville. I dont care what the score board says, we are the champions. Hoca hay i yield back. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentlewoman from texas seek recognition . Ms. Jackson lee permission to address the house for one minute. The speaker pro tempore without objection. The gentlewoman from is recognized for one minute. Ms. Jackson lee mr. Speaker, freedom is not partisan. Yesterday, on the corner of post stood with heimer i iranianamericans linking arms with them as they petitioned for a free and democratic iran. I told them that the cries of hunger and economic needs, the cries of young people who wanted freedom in iran were my cries. And that we believed in democracy, freedom and peace and we would not leave them alone. So again, i say to them, that we stand not as democrats and republicans, but as americans, wanting for a free government that allows the peoples voices to be heard and that december potic governments have no place in a society that relishes and thirsts after freedom. I want to thank the Law Enforcement officers who stood by in the cold, yes, the cold in houston, and allow for a peaceful protest. In this time of honoring them and a National Law Enforcement commemoration, i thank them again. Because they go to places where they are needed and allow democracy to reign. Democracy will reign in iran and iranamericans are not alone for their quest of democracy, freedom and peace. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman om north dakota seek recognition . Mr. Cramer address the house for one minute. The speaker pro tempore without objection. Mr. Cramer mr. Speaker, i rise to pay tribute to the north dakota businessons who wont their Division One Football championship in the last seven years. When chris was named head coach, he inherited the tradition of excellence and made it a dynasty. Miriam webster defines it as a powerful group or family that maintains its position for crrble time. Winning Six National Championships in seven years meets the second half. And anyone who knows they are a family. Quarterback stick was named the games most outstanding player but the bison defense, Holding JamesMadison University offense to a season low 241 yards and 13 points. Perhaps it was linebacker nick deluca when asked how the defense was able to respond. He said just remain focused and calm. Good advice nick in football and politics. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from washington seek recognition . Permission to address the house the one minute. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from washington is recognized. Ms. Jayapal i rise in strong opposition to the president s protect the n to 193,000 salvador and citizen children. Many of these people lived along side us as friends and neighbors for decades and unfathomable would E Administration deport people. We cannot be silent. Defending temporary status to protect those fleeing war, disasters, this crosses party lines and thats why last month i joined my colleagues to introduce the aspire g. P. S. Act that would help immigrants that are would he haven into the fabric of our society. It is apparent that congressional action is needed more than ever. I urge my colleagues to help us advance Bipartisan Legislation to protect the hundreds of thousands of people who rely on these protections. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore members re refrained to refrain in engaging in personalities towards the president. Mr. Thompson permission to address the house for one minute. Mr. Speaker, last Month Congress passed a historic tax cuts and jobs act. Tax relief is upon us for american workers, families and job creators. In february, there will be more money in your paychecks. Workers have seen the benefits. Businesses are making new developments that get our economy back on. Pennsylvanias accueweather gave bonn uses due to the Global Economy now that tax reform passed. And thanks to the tax reform, wells fargo boosted minimum wage to 15. At t paid more than 200,000 u. S. Employees a 1,000 each. Sinclair broadcast group paid bonuses. These are just some of the many businesses that are rewarding their businesses thanks to tax reform, fair and simple. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from texas seek recognition . Permission to address the house and revise and extend. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized for one minute. Mr. Poe mr. Speaker, the deviants of the slave trade operate all around us. It operates in our country, states and in our city. In january, it seems to bring light to the scurge against humanity. We must not only remain vigilant and go after the buyers and sellers in the sex trafficking trade. This is one of them. I introduced along with Carolyn Maloney the shame act to expose the traffickers and buyers. It allows judges to publish the names of convicted buyers such as on billboards. Mr. Speaker, as a judge in texas, i successfully used shame punishment. It does work. Poetic justice by the media criminals dont want their faces exposed to the public. They its time to send a message loud and clear about human trafficking. Not in our city, not in our state, not in our nation, not anymore. And thats just the way it is. Yield back. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman rom illinois seek recognition . Without objection, the gentleman s recognized for one minute. Mr. Speaker, i rise today to honor lin rainey who passed away on september 28. He was a talented artist, admired teacher. He found great joy in serving others. I got to know him during his time working in Public Service for the state of illinois. There was never a day that lynn did not have a smile on his face. Even in the midst of difficult Family Health tragedies. As a matter of fact, lynn rainey helped set up a press conference where he found out he was being laid off by the state of illinois by the new governor. I have no doubt hell be remembered for his talent as an artist. Not only did he teach art to high school students, he was known for the care and cree atyity he put into his annual christmas cards. Just before christmas i received one of his christmas cards and will cherish it even more now that he is gone. He was a good man a de