Tears we cannot stop, a sermon to White America. Why did you think White America needed a sermon . Guest i think Everybody Needs a sermon. Reflectod and to critically upon ones life and to try to understand that we are members of this universe together, cosmic citizens. Spiritually connected whether we religion in common or not. I wanted to talk about the issue that so many of us argue about in private spaces but in public spaces dont have the security among White Americans to grab hold of this issue. What i wanted to do was to remind White Americans that they are equal partners in this they must beand reminded that they should take responsibility for not only the historic legacy of race in this country that their participation race thatters of require our conscious commitment to serious conversation in order to relieve some of the suffering. Host you come to this as an ordained minister. You set the book up in the framework of a service with hymns. Taking it for there, what do you hope that white folks will head out of church after hearing and reading your sermon. What is the biggest take away you want people to know . Guest justice is what love sounds like when its heard in public. The public expression of love is justice and it is important for us as american citizens to arrive at and the only way we can do so is to be honest about the historic white legacy and justice. We live in the United States of amnesia. Im trying to get us to revoke the unitedship in states of amnesia. Host you write in part that you dont get whiteness from your genes but it is an inheritance passed on to us. You say guest it is important for white people to see that color is if is a fiction. An identity that is arrived at as we arbitrarily and our system assigned value or to merit to any given race or nationality or Sexual Orientation or the like. What i want to suggest is that whiteness is a product of not genetic inheritance, it isnt what your parents pass on to you , it is what culture assigns to you. It isnt about a g no typical examination of ones own lineage , it is about a sustaining of power and discretion and ethical insight and understanding economics and inequality. All of that stuff is related to whiteness. That is the byproduct of an attempt of a society to oppose and apply constraint and wait on particular people. Particular case, it is indigenous people. Force thated as a needs to be undone and that needs to be examined and white people are victims of this. Look at president donald trump, appealing to the white, workingclass, that kind of whiteness, the indivisible unit amenity that trump has generated, that we are white together and i think it is a scourge to the nation and i want to ask what americans think about that. You have pretty on race in a lot of your books. What was the motivation for writing this book . This sermon . Guest my motivation was that i wrote this book as it grew from an oped. For lender castile two young black men were killed. Killed by the police. And i had had enough. I had enough before then but now i knew i had to write something. I do put something in the against theargue unthinking kind of assignment of devaluing blackness. Dehumanizing blackness that was going on. Blacke ways in which people had to speak up and white people had to own responsibilities for why things are the way they are. Host our guest, his book tears we cannot stop, a sermon to White America. We welcome your calls. , republicans. , democrats. 00 202 7488002, independent colors. Callers. Ndent recent shootings in years. You framed this book and structured it as a Church Sermon and in this prayer you say, dont let it happen, lord. Please do not let it happen. Say you cannot there to see another black person perish the cousin of the hostility of a society that hates black folks in its guts. Us. An happen to any of it can happen to all of us. Have you always felt afraid for your kids . Guest yes. We have always lived in a society in america where the weaponize in of fear among White Brothers and sisters and those who are charged with upholding the law and serving and protecting us the relations between Police People and communities of color have been there for a while. The smartphone has revolutionized our understanding that many times, black people were telling the truth without recognition. You must have done something you must have smart talk to police. You must have challenged challenge the police. You must have done something that made that Police Person feel their life was in danger. But what we often see is that what white people can take for granted there are many instances where white people are victims of unwarranted Police Action but it happens disproportionately in communities of color. Even barack obama said, you know we are not making this up. We know that with one twitch of the hand or one wrong movement or one wrong gesture, a black life can be ended without compunction or culpability on the part of a Police Person who up executing, judge and jury, a black life that doesnt get to justice in the courts of america. And that is the kind of thing that causes a great deal of fear. Host i dont know if you have grandkids, but is that fear of there . Guest it is being learned. The video that we see that dont often results in a conviction or even before that. A Police Person being charged. These and a films of black life before the world. Executions of black people who are unarmed or who are unjustly murdered at the behest of a Police Person. When you see the petition and ritual of the execution of black life and the dehumanization of black bodies, yes. It has a negative effect on young people and on my grandchildren. Host joining us is michael eric dyson. Lets go to your calls and hear from robert in california. Warmed ifianna am a vietnam war veteran. And i came back and did law enforcement. In the watersed district. There, theyople were told, go ahead, live on welfare. Pushing them to stay on welfare. Entitlements. , icu pushingdyson entitlement. I dont know why you have so much hatred. You and hannity are the same. Learn how to love the other side. And once you do that, write a book not about hatred but about getting together, both countries. Trump is doing the best he can but you are doing the worst you can. Host we will get a response. A magicianrt must be or houdini to see inside my mind to produce this as a fiction of his imagination. This is how race operates. God bless you for your service. As an indigenous person i would suggest that he think about the history of extermination and systemic removal of indian and native peoples in this country. I would suggest you read some history. Today orid nothing before about the entitlement of black america. What im talking about is a Police Problem that is existing in america and needs to be addressed and about a system of racial inequality that needs to be solved. What i didnt say is that how america has benefited from the unpaid labor for quite a while and we had to address the issue of race in this country. And again, the caller underscored the ability to hear or see. Nothing that i said. He took me as a metaphor for his own sense of grief about what it means to be black. A resentment as a police officer. All the black people are on welfare . Allppose that is like help haitians have aids or how nigerians wont go live in hu ts. Ism isind of trump i indicative of what needs to be called out. Say that just want to we only learn to judge people by their character and the actions they take. And we all need to work together. Because we all bleed the color red. Time, all of our ancestors were slaves. Point need to get to the where no one claims victimhood. I dont think that is a good premise for any discussion. Ouret advancement in togetherness for the country. We need to quit being victims. And claiming victimhood and realize that at one time, everybodys ancestors were slaves. Everybody. Not just blacks. Whites were slaves of the whites. The whites were slave to the blacks at one time. We need to get over it. I think mr. Dyson is doing a good thing but it isnt as bad as what he thinks. And i myself and many others judge people by character and actions. Guest that is good. That is derived in a way of Martin Luther when he said i have a dream when my children will be judged by the content of their character. That was an ideal. We do strive for that. What it means that we can be our character but what the caller doesnt understand is that our perception of the persons character is colored by their race. So that one instance of behavior way through the lens of a White American is seen differently through the lens of a black american. When we look at the opioid addiction that is bleeding into africanamerican culture that for arguments sake, when black people in the 1980s were carnage andrug addiction, they were criminalized. They were seen as nihilistic examples of americas underbelly. Super predators who needed to be washed away with drug laws. Epidemic haspioid said we will be sensitive to it. It is overwhelmingly our White Brothers and sisters. Mass or other forms of the drug or the opioid addiction, the president of the United States, trump stands up and banks for empathy. So the character of two people is the same but they are both victimized by addiction. We see the other through the lens of our own perception and experiences. I would that we could judge people on character but we are colored by perceptions. And noticed that unit amenity of vision in the independent caller and the white brother who just called. Whiteness fortunes whiteness forges a connection. Victimhood. That black people are making claims. Wealthy middle class was created by the g. I. Bill. It gave returning soldiers, overwhelmingly white, extra points on a test for employment. Extra help to get into school and to buy a house. Affirmative action. The predicate of your selfhelp. The bootstrap mentality. A mythology in america to believe that without governmental assistance through projects and programs that were perpetuated by political bargaining, White Brothers and sisters were able to generate capital, buying a home which is an elevator into the middle class but then told everyone else to do it on their own. Host echoing some of what you write in the book. And white seemck to operate in different universes with worldviews that are opposed to one another. Peddling wares in a marketplace host why not . Was unableck obama to speak as forthrightly about race as he desired. Some of that may have had to do with his disinclination to be emotional about race, which is a good thing but on the other hand, his ability to speak before a catastrophe occurred. He led from behind when it came to race. His intellect was brought to bear with his loathing of the need to get involved with race because he didnt want to be categorized as the black president. A guy who was disinclined to speak about race. Americans who were not talking about it and that didnt allow us to have the greatest intelligence of barack obama brought to bear in a perceptive about theive fashion issue of race and it left a vacuum. To talk aboutwant race . Here is a guy who talks about it all the time. Trump. Mexicans and muslims and the xenophobia. It created a vacuum and avoid. My bible tells me that if we kick a demon out and we dont put something in its place, Something Else will come in. We didnt speak about this in a straightforward fashion and we have seen the replacement of the house of american identity with the next occasion of the demonology of racial bigotry that our president unfortunately continues to engage in. Host we hear from mike in california on the independent line. Caller good morning. Yes. Tonight at 7 00, Pacific Standard time on a. M. 720, they will expose the phony race baiters that our government has, left and right. He is a reverend and is realistic about the problems tearing the country apart. I hate to say it but you sound like an elitist. Host why does he sound like an elitist . Why do you say that . Caller trump has never said anything racist that ive ever heard, in my life. Number one. And i think you are pushing the racism bit too far. Like tearing down the statues. I think you are person who would tear down the statues. And you sound like a black elitist like reverend wright. You are taking a few racist in the country and making it look like the majority of white people hate black people. And thats a big mistake. You have kind of address this already but anything else . Astonishing the magical powers of the callers to observe my intent and to outline the anatomy of my social recommendations without reading me or talking to me. Assuming that im saying things that i havent said. On the other hand, but we talk about racism and youve never trump . Acism for donald a story in the New York Times yesterday that appeared about immigration look at the credible claims that donald trump in the white house was lamenting haitians, all of whom had aids. Was it 2. 1 . Not great but not every haitian has aids. His disparaging comments about nigerians or africans. More broadly. The reality is that we have a president who has been xenophobia and who has had a travel ban that targets muslim countries in unfair manner. Spoke about mexicans as the scourge of american democracy. About a private businessman that had to be scorned by the department of justice and others and was sued for the racial practices. Ad onok out a fullpage the perpetrators of central park and then when discovered they did not commit the crime refused to repent. Here is a man who is trapped in white ideology. Mr. Ban in who used to be there, there perpetuated legacies so im trying to talk about my perspective on donald trump but in terms of being elitist, that is another word for saying there is an uppity black person out of his order and space. You say you want intelligent people but then you get mad when we go to school and i get a phd too smart and elitist . No, we are american citizens trying to export the panoply of gifts given by god and working to make a way to shoot our way into the larger privilege of society and to say, White Privilege is real. Lets share the privilege and not be blind and defensive about calling into question the practices of racism in america. Host that story you are referring to is front page of the New York Times. Trump reshapes immigration. In florida on the republican line. Good morning. Caller good morning. Mr. Dyson, i would wonder if you think that you coming on tv and about ourto us whites whiteness and White Privilege hate to even more than we may hate you . Maybe not . Maybe that is just the way you feel about things . And this is just the way it is . I dont believe there is such a thing as White Privilege. Im sorry. I cant go along with that. You define, for someone like that, what is White Privilege . Let me to find White Privilege. You have more money than me, your kids go to a nice school. The what is one of the greatest privileges of whiteness . Too good on the street and meet a cop and live to tell about it. You have to have the presumption that as a white person you are not out to do me harm. That the pretext of your humanity is not rooted in stereotypes or the belief that you, as a white person are out to do damage to a community and must be treated with a kind of disregard for your humanity. The reason black lives matter rolls up was because the lives of black people were not being recognized. Privilege is participating in a society that and to worry decent human being that rewards you for hard work, as it should but that discourages others from recognizing the rewards of their hard work. And that creates segregated spheres of recognition that, unfortunately give some people more than they give others and without assigning value in terms of money and capital, the presumption that on an everyday basis, this person before me wants the same person that wants the same thing i want and wants the same thing i do and i should treat them with respect and assume that they have integrity. Talkis partly what we about. He started by do you you want think coming on and talking will make us hate to even more . All, if you are ready hate me . I am pushing the boundaries of justice so we can understand. All of the should be able to participate in that. I dont hate you, brother. I dont hate you. I dont presume that white people hate black people. At there is a complicated premise of whiteness out there. When i talk about whiteness, look at the unanimity of vision. Republican line, independent line, democratic line. You all say the same thing. Host to get a chance to preach that often . Guest yes. I have wonderful students, must most of whom come from White America. They are wonderful students who are self reflecting. Studentse serve the drawn to me ourselves selecting but i get a wide range of people. Latinas, native people. Indigenous people all across the board. We have an incredible time. This class semester i taught a class on white writers on blackness and i also taught a class on beyonce. If you think youre getting mad about this stuff i say about whiteness, weight and hold on until the homosexual stuff. How it all interacts and converge, it says a lot about who we are as americans. Host lets go to missouri. Caller the reason im calling im a vietnam veteran. Died in vietnam, trying to and in thes ideology countries all supremacy. For white whatever political philosophy says. It has increased. [indiscernible] years, white200 people have killed more of us than any other race of mankind, combined. Like st. Paul said, [indiscernible] roman empire. Doomed the nation. It is the reality of what i see happening in my country. We have to practice what we preach. That is the reality. [indiscernible] destroyed their own country. There was a lot there. Thank you for weighing in. Guest thank you for your service. Condolences to the families who laughs who lost loved ones defending the democracy that was traced back to the greek p