Transcripts For CSPAN House Minority Leader Pelosi On The Re

CSPAN House Minority Leader Pelosi On The Republican Tax Plan December 20, 2017

Before the vote in the house, Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi held a news briefing to discuss democrats opposition to the tax bill. She is joined by richard neal. This is a half hour. Rep. Pelosi good morning everyone. On behalf of my colleagues, i am honored to join in welcoming some special guests today. They will tell their stories and why what is happening on the floor of the house is an immorality. It is a betrayal of the role we have to meet the needs of the American People, it will in debt future generations, and lets hear their stories. Campaign director for the center of popular democracy diagnosed with als, thank you for being with us. And carl here . They have been around the capital advocating for a better and healthier america. Lauren hatcher, here with his dog. She is the mother of an 11yearold son who has been diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy and other issues that laura will discuss. A unique genetic disorder. Simon benefits of from medicaid. And, you all know Sister Simone campbell, the lobbying for catholic social justice. You will be hearing from them and our distinguished Ranking Member of the ways and means committee. Everyone, today we stand at a decisive moment for the future of america. Today, the house will decide whether we have a government for the people or a government only for the privileged, powerful, and rich. Today we face a gop tax scam that raises taxes on 86 million middleclass families. 86 million middleclass families. 83 of the tax cut to the wealthiest 1 . 83 of the tax cut to the wealthiest 1 . It buries our children in debt by increasing the debt. Future generations will pay. It takes the first step to obliterate medicare, medicaid, and Social Security. They are talking this morning about raising the age for access to Social Security. And their thoughts on medicare and medicaid is wellknown. I wanted you to see, do we have the quote . Every day we learn more about the disgraceful special giveaways and loopholes that republicans have added to the gop tax scam to enrich their donors and themselves. And the president s family. The gop is exploding the deficit to fill the pockets of the wealthiest and corporate america. When it comes to children and working families, republicans have the gall to say this, and i quote, the chairman of the finance committee, senator orrin hatch. Senator hatch says, i have a rough time wanting to spend billions of dollars to help people who will not help themselves, will not lift a finger, and expect the federal government to do everything. Is that shocking . Shame. Shame. How dare they . How dare republicans say that about hardworking americans . In contrast, the National Conference of catholic bishops have said this proposal appears to be the First Federal income tax modification in American History that will raise income taxes for the working poor while simultaneously providing a large tax cut to the wealthy. They go on to say, this is simply unconscionable. Unconscionable. This republican bill is not tax reform. This is the worst bill to ever come to the floor of the house. Stiff competition for some of the things they have tried to do. The worst bill in history. The number of people it affects, the amount of money, it sucks up to the higher income, and impacts our future deficit. It is a disgusting smash and grab. It is an all out looting of america, the wholesale robbery of the middle class. Gop tax plan will go down as one of the most scandalous acts of plutocracy in our history. The American People see this tax scam for exactly what it is. Overwhelmingly the polls show the American People reject this, they know it will not help them overwhelmingly. And yet, the republicans do not care. Today, we are bringing the voices of the American People, the voices of childrens, family, and faith leaders to the doorstep we may need some faith healers. [laughter] rep. Pelosi to the doorstep of the house chambers. Republicans ignored these voices at their peril. In closing, let me say this, in welcoming our guests and banking in them but outside mobilization which has been so important to have an impact on Public Opinion as far as this tax bill is concerned, and the help they gave us in defeating the repeal of the health care act. The republicans may win the battle on the floor today, but what they have created in our country is a coalition, a collaboration of people who care, who care about one another. Who care about the future of our country. This is formidable. It is not about politics. It is not about democrats or republicans. It is about the people, the American People. So, i thank them for their advocacy, for their effectiveness, and further help overcoming what the republicans are trying to do here as we prepare for the future. With that, i am pleased to yield to audie barkin. I want you to hear directly from him. Thank you leader pelosi and all the members of congress who are here, and the lobbyists, and all of you in the press. My name is audie barkin, i am 33 years old. I live in santa barbara, california. I was a healthy man up until 2016. I ran along the beautiful coast. Mountains. I had a beautiful newborn son in may 2016, in we had the most idyllic few months, thanks to good paternity leave and Maternity Leave which we are going to get for all americans in a couple years when we return some justice to this building. [applause] audie and we had a joyous three or four months together. Then, out of the blue i was disease leading my whole body to become paralyzed. Every week, every month i have less strength and a more disabled. Now i use a wheelchair. I cannot cut whod at the table. Melodious,o longer as it used to be. Pick the all, i cannot baby up and put them on my lap or carry them around even when he says, up, up. Here in Congress Speaking to senator flake and congress and pleading with Meghan Mccain and senator mccain, begging them, with all of the house Members Around the country, begging them to vote against this bill. Why . This bill would do three terrible things to me and to our country. First of all, it would destroy the American Health insurance system. It would lead to 400 billion in automatic medicare cuts, which mick be allocated by mulvaney of the omb, who has opposed medicare disability. Removesit is waived, it 13 Million People off of Health Insurance, getting a crucial leg out of the three leg install of stool reeleg and 3legged stool. When people do not have Health Insurance, they die. One out of every 1000 people it does not have Health Insurance backupe next year for care. Sevcon that is the first reason why i oppose this bill. Because it would do so much damage. Not waived, it would deprive me of the medicare i need to stay alive a little learnnger to see my baby how to read, play chess, and go to school. The other reason this textile is so atrocious says it would take money out of the pockets of middleclass families and working class families and poor americans and send it up to donald trump, jr. And the Real Estate Developers in the Hedge Fund Managers and the people who craft this economy and made things so difficult for all of us to begin with. Please raise your hand if you think that the problem in america is that the richest people did not have enough money. For a sure hand, america raise your hand, america. Who thinks said is what we should be doing . Number three, perhaps the greatest part of this bill is what it does to american democracy. Not a Single Member of congress with access to information. No hearings where they can hear our voices. No hearings were they can hear from tax experts or medical experts. It is an embarrassment to the institution of congress. See why these republicans, some of whom love can call this a violation of basic democratic transparency and accountability. So, i have come to capitol hill along with hundreds and thousands of others and we are calling on members of congress and banking with them dont ruin american democracy. It is too precious. Too many generations of people have fought and died for this democracy. Do not violate it. Do not destroy it. Do not destroy it in order to enrich your donors. Stop this bill. We only need 12 members of the house or three members of the senate to decide, actually next year we can pass real tax reform in a bipartisan way that does not need to revel a medical care for me can families like me. It does not need to raise taxes million, democrats i am sure will be happy to come to the table and negotiate a reasonable tax reform that elevates Human Dignity instead. F promoting human misery that embraces the greatest parts of america instead of delegating us to an afterthought. So, my last point and i know i am taking way too much time maybe these members of congress are not listening to me. I spoke to jeff flake directly. I spoke to bob corker. I dont know. Actually, have to to the story in the basement of rayburn i ran into senator Lindsey Graham. Was there speaking to about his beloved friend at john mccain, who like me is dying of a brain disease, struggling to live. He was talking about john as a his friend. And i rolled up to him, along with Megan Anderson who is almost paralyzed and we said, senator graham could we speak with you for a moment . And he ran away. There is video of this. Nbc was there, all of you were there. Go find that video. He ran into the area that we could not go to. That moment, for me, that was emblematic of the entire disaster of this bill. And senator listening to American People, they are running away from us. Lindsey graham, the great senator from the state of south carolina, was afraid of two civilians in wheelchairs who wanted to talk to them about his. Ion in front of what was i going to do . Beat him up . What was he afraid of . What was our representative so afraid of . Afraid of seeing us as human beings afraid of recognizing our humanity. Because of they see us as humans, if they acknowledge that we are people with hopes and dreams and love and family, just like them, then their legislative agenda becomes untenable. It is unacceptable for them to promote this bill if we are in fact human beings. So Lindsey Graham could not tolerate seeing my face and carry my voice. He had to run away. And that is what the entire Republican Party is doing. Running away from the American People because it has removed humanity from its vision of american government. To thell close with this American People. This is our government. This is our democracy. [applause] ady there is only one way to combat the money that is driving this train toward an im just unjustnd toward an and blind piece of legislation. Dylan way to defeat this is if the American People rise up. To say this is our voice, our government, our congress, our democracy and we reject the politics of human over russian. Humanect of oppression. Reject the politics of ignoring the American People. With system on our government representing us. Hopefully, over the coming days, of the coming weeks, over the coming months, and in november of 2018, rice with me, rice with us, reclaim this congress. Reclaim this democracy. Build atogether we can better country. Thank you. Thank you. Now it is my honor to beenduce someone who is fighting for these issues since long before i was born. Thats the truth. Thank you for your witness. For your testimony and for your powerful voice. It is obvious that clarity is born in your struggle. Thank you for your leadership. It is a gift. It is a gift. Thank you. And, thank you for this opportunity to stand here today. Im the executive director of network, a lobby for catholic and social justice. I have here because this morning during my prayer, i found myself weeping. Weeping for whom our nation is becoming with this tax bill. That ouror the fact representatives are not listening. Weeping for the fact that those who want to pass this tax bill most privileged. And, they do not know the story in manyis happening places in our nation. Louisk of dean and saint and being in the middle part of someone and seeing tearing for the other elderly people. People relying on small government funding through the Community Grant to keep elderly people in their homes. I think of being up and rhode island and sing at the homeless shelter up there the reliance on a little bit of government funding to anchor fabulous work for the homeless and providence. I think of the folks ive met all over the country who have health care for the first time in their lives and i think of the many, many workers that i have met. Most recently up in the south bronx, who worked three jobs but still lives in poverty because wages are so low. And what will this tax bill do . This tax bill will make it worse. This is why we as people of faith are saying this is not who we are called to be. Regardless of your faith,egardless of what you believe all faiths call us to the common good. Being in this together. Not being an individual but to be community. We care for each other and the fear referred to drives us apart. Democracy only succeeds if we are in it together. So i call on our republican colleagues. Please vote no on this bill. Vote no. Vote no so that we the people might come together and care for each other. That is the hope of the christmas season. That is the story of hanukkah. That is the truth about who we are as a nation. A community. Together. Representative from the great state of massachusetts. Thank you very much. A special word of thanks to the nuns. Where i live, not only do they teach my children but long before it was popular, they were running hospitals. They were running schools. Their contribution to American Life in terms of justice and fairness come i in many ways is unmatched. So come with a simple argument this morning is the following. These children are going to be asked to foot the bill for a 2. 3 trillion tax cut. All based on borrowed money. So when you hear the other side, say essay well that this is not about the rich. They drop the top rate from 37 . To that is the reality. The corporate rate get cut from 21 . O this is a mix of Science Fiction there proposing today. Always falling back to their favorite position, that tax cuts pay for themselves. This is the most regressive bees of legislation and the 20 years 25 years ive been on that may. When you have a chance to view this and its ramifications today, you will see what happened to what couldve been a really important and good moment for all of us. If you keep subtracting money through debt payments on the you willudget, eventually have to subtract the money from Social Security, medicaid, and medicare. Our witness here today, as the system noted, largely the benefit is derived from medicaid and a mixture of medicare and in some cases, Social Security disability benefits as well. So do not be full by what you are witnessing today. A great attention. Trillion dollars borrowed to pay for tax cut for people at the top. The best title orrin hatch or. S ever had is mobbed definitely the best title i think it anybody can have. Pelosi foreader inviting the little lobbyists here today on behalf of children with complex medical needs. We are all happy to be here for the social justice boyars. My muppets have been on television at home nonstop. I think another reason simon loves the movie so much is because he identifies with the character of tiny tim. It is easy to see the resemblance. Like him, some of this week and kind. He loves christmas. Even since fight a fireplace and things sometimes. Identify timmys sickness but i think he might have at Cerebral Palsy. Simon. Had him as often as i can come as tight as i can because like the cratchits, we do not know how long we will have simon with is due to a rare disease we do not understand. I find is strikingly easy to draw another big analogy between a christmas carol, the muppet version included, and what is happening in our lives right now. In the story, the miserly ebenezer scrooge is warned that his decisions have far reaching consequences that impact many, many lives. The same can be said of the decisions that are being made by congress today. The choices theyre making, like whether or not to passes tax bill have far reaching consequences that will impact all of us. It is for this reason my family has been coming to capitol hill sincehe little lobbyists july. Our government seems to turn away from protecting people at disabilities and complex medical needs like my little boy. They begin trying to take away the Legal Protections of programs that my sons life and my familys future depended on. Lately, it seems like everything is under threat. Accessibility, education, health care. 10 years agohan that the passage of the Affordable Care act made sure that people at preexisting conditions like my simon would always have a right to have her. It promised the families like mine cannot be cut off by insurers or the forced into bankruptcy because our childs hair health care became just too expensive. Expanded medicaid waiver programs as well as of the porch is like simon can of axes to therapy, health care, and in lucian programs they need to survive and thrive inside their communities. I remember the exact moment passed. I was in a Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi<\/a> held a news briefing to discuss democrats opposition to the tax bill. She is joined by richard neal. This is a half hour. Rep. Pelosi good morning everyone. On behalf of my colleagues, i am honored to join in welcoming some special guests today. They will tell their stories and why what is happening on the floor of the house is an immorality. It is a betrayal of the role we have to meet the needs of the American People<\/a>, it will in debt future generations, and lets hear their stories. Campaign director for the center of popular democracy diagnosed with als, thank you for being with us. And carl here . They have been around the capital advocating for a better and healthier america. Lauren hatcher, here with his dog. She is the mother of an 11yearold son who has been diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy<\/a> and other issues that laura will discuss. A unique genetic disorder. Simon benefits of from medicaid. And, you all know Sister Simone<\/a> campbell, the lobbying for catholic social justice. You will be hearing from them and our distinguished Ranking Member<\/a> of the ways and means committee. Everyone, today we stand at a decisive moment for the future of america. Today, the house will decide whether we have a government for the people or a government only for the privileged, powerful, and rich. Today we face a gop tax scam that raises taxes on 86 million middleclass families. 86 million middleclass families. 83 of the tax cut to the wealthiest 1 . 83 of the tax cut to the wealthiest 1 . It buries our children in debt by increasing the debt. Future generations will pay. It takes the first step to obliterate medicare, medicaid, and Social Security<\/a>. They are talking this morning about raising the age for access to Social Security<\/a>. And their thoughts on medicare and medicaid is wellknown. I wanted you to see, do we have the quote . Every day we learn more about the disgraceful special giveaways and loopholes that republicans have added to the gop tax scam to enrich their donors and themselves. And the president s family. The gop is exploding the deficit to fill the pockets of the wealthiest and corporate america. When it comes to children and working families, republicans have the gall to say this, and i quote, the chairman of the finance committee, senator orrin hatch. Senator hatch says, i have a rough time wanting to spend billions of dollars to help people who will not help themselves, will not lift a finger, and expect the federal government to do everything. Is that shocking . Shame. Shame. How dare they . How dare republicans say that about hardworking americans . In contrast, the National Conference<\/a> of catholic bishops have said this proposal appears to be the First Federal<\/a> income tax modification in American History<\/a> that will raise income taxes for the working poor while simultaneously providing a large tax cut to the wealthy. They go on to say, this is simply unconscionable. Unconscionable. This republican bill is not tax reform. This is the worst bill to ever come to the floor of the house. Stiff competition for some of the things they have tried to do. The worst bill in history. The number of people it affects, the amount of money, it sucks up to the higher income, and impacts our future deficit. It is a disgusting smash and grab. It is an all out looting of america, the wholesale robbery of the middle class. Gop tax plan will go down as one of the most scandalous acts of plutocracy in our history. The American People<\/a> see this tax scam for exactly what it is. Overwhelmingly the polls show the American People<\/a> reject this, they know it will not help them overwhelmingly. And yet, the republicans do not care. Today, we are bringing the voices of the American People<\/a>, the voices of childrens, family, and faith leaders to the doorstep we may need some faith healers. [laughter] rep. Pelosi to the doorstep of the house chambers. Republicans ignored these voices at their peril. In closing, let me say this, in welcoming our guests and banking in them but outside mobilization which has been so important to have an impact on Public Opinion<\/a> as far as this tax bill is concerned, and the help they gave us in defeating the repeal of the health care act. The republicans may win the battle on the floor today, but what they have created in our country is a coalition, a collaboration of people who care, who care about one another. Who care about the future of our country. This is formidable. It is not about politics. It is not about democrats or republicans. It is about the people, the American People<\/a>. So, i thank them for their advocacy, for their effectiveness, and further help overcoming what the republicans are trying to do here as we prepare for the future. With that, i am pleased to yield to audie barkin. I want you to hear directly from him. Thank you leader pelosi and all the members of congress who are here, and the lobbyists, and all of you in the press. My name is audie barkin, i am 33 years old. I live in santa barbara, california. I was a healthy man up until 2016. I ran along the beautiful coast. Mountains. I had a beautiful newborn son in may 2016, in we had the most idyllic few months, thanks to good paternity leave and Maternity Leave<\/a> which we are going to get for all americans in a couple years when we return some justice to this building. [applause] audie and we had a joyous three or four months together. Then, out of the blue i was disease leading my whole body to become paralyzed. Every week, every month i have less strength and a more disabled. Now i use a wheelchair. I cannot cut whod at the table. Melodious,o longer as it used to be. Pick the all, i cannot baby up and put them on my lap or carry them around even when he says, up, up. Here in Congress Speaking<\/a> to senator flake and congress and pleading with Meghan Mccain<\/a> and senator mccain, begging them, with all of the house Members Around<\/a> the country, begging them to vote against this bill. Why . This bill would do three terrible things to me and to our country. First of all, it would destroy the American Health<\/a> insurance system. It would lead to 400 billion in automatic medicare cuts, which mick be allocated by mulvaney of the omb, who has opposed medicare disability. Removesit is waived, it 13 Million People<\/a> off of Health Insurance<\/a>, getting a crucial leg out of the three leg install of stool reeleg and 3legged stool. When people do not have Health Insurance<\/a>, they die. One out of every 1000 people it does not have Health Insurance<\/a> backupe next year for care. Sevcon that is the first reason why i oppose this bill. Because it would do so much damage. Not waived, it would deprive me of the medicare i need to stay alive a little learnnger to see my baby how to read, play chess, and go to school. The other reason this textile is so atrocious says it would take money out of the pockets of middleclass families and working class families and poor americans and send it up to donald trump, jr. And the Real Estate Developers<\/a> in the Hedge Fund Managers<\/a> and the people who craft this economy and made things so difficult for all of us to begin with. Please raise your hand if you think that the problem in america is that the richest people did not have enough money. For a sure hand, america raise your hand, america. Who thinks said is what we should be doing . Number three, perhaps the greatest part of this bill is what it does to american democracy. Not a Single Member<\/a> of congress with access to information. No hearings where they can hear our voices. No hearings were they can hear from tax experts or medical experts. It is an embarrassment to the institution of congress. See why these republicans, some of whom love can call this a violation of basic democratic transparency and accountability. So, i have come to capitol hill along with hundreds and thousands of others and we are calling on members of congress and banking with them dont ruin american democracy. It is too precious. Too many generations of people have fought and died for this democracy. Do not violate it. Do not destroy it. Do not destroy it in order to enrich your donors. Stop this bill. We only need 12 members of the house or three members of the senate to decide, actually next year we can pass real tax reform in a bipartisan way that does not need to revel a medical care for me can families like me. It does not need to raise taxes million, democrats i am sure will be happy to come to the table and negotiate a reasonable tax reform that elevates Human Dignity<\/a> instead. F promoting human misery that embraces the greatest parts of america instead of delegating us to an afterthought. So, my last point and i know i am taking way too much time maybe these members of congress are not listening to me. I spoke to jeff flake directly. I spoke to bob corker. I dont know. Actually, have to to the story in the basement of rayburn i ran into senator Lindsey Graham<\/a>. Was there speaking to about his beloved friend at john mccain, who like me is dying of a brain disease, struggling to live. He was talking about john as a his friend. And i rolled up to him, along with Megan Anderson<\/a> who is almost paralyzed and we said, senator graham could we speak with you for a moment . And he ran away. There is video of this. Nbc was there, all of you were there. Go find that video. He ran into the area that we could not go to. That moment, for me, that was emblematic of the entire disaster of this bill. And senator listening to American People<\/a>, they are running away from us. Lindsey graham, the great senator from the state of south carolina, was afraid of two civilians in wheelchairs who wanted to talk to them about his. Ion in front of what was i going to do . Beat him up . What was he afraid of . What was our representative so afraid of . Afraid of seeing us as human beings afraid of recognizing our humanity. Because of they see us as humans, if they acknowledge that we are people with hopes and dreams and love and family, just like them, then their legislative agenda becomes untenable. It is unacceptable for them to promote this bill if we are in fact human beings. So Lindsey Graham<\/a> could not tolerate seeing my face and carry my voice. He had to run away. And that is what the entire Republican Party<\/a> is doing. Running away from the American People<\/a> because it has removed humanity from its vision of american government. To thell close with this American People<\/a>. This is our government. This is our democracy. [applause] ady there is only one way to combat the money that is driving this train toward an im just unjustnd toward an and blind piece of legislation. Dylan way to defeat this is if the American People<\/a> rise up. To say this is our voice, our government, our congress, our democracy and we reject the politics of human over russian. Humanect of oppression. Reject the politics of ignoring the American People<\/a>. With system on our government representing us. Hopefully, over the coming days, of the coming weeks, over the coming months, and in november of 2018, rice with me, rice with us, reclaim this congress. Reclaim this democracy. Build atogether we can better country. Thank you. Thank you. Now it is my honor to beenduce someone who is fighting for these issues since long before i was born. Thats the truth. Thank you for your witness. For your testimony and for your powerful voice. It is obvious that clarity is born in your struggle. Thank you for your leadership. It is a gift. It is a gift. Thank you. And, thank you for this opportunity to stand here today. Im the executive director of network, a lobby for catholic and social justice. I have here because this morning during my prayer, i found myself weeping. Weeping for whom our nation is becoming with this tax bill. That ouror the fact representatives are not listening. Weeping for the fact that those who want to pass this tax bill most privileged. And, they do not know the story in manyis happening places in our nation. Louisk of dean and saint and being in the middle part of someone and seeing tearing for the other elderly people. People relying on small government funding through the Community Grant<\/a> to keep elderly people in their homes. I think of being up and rhode island and sing at the homeless shelter up there the reliance on a little bit of government funding to anchor fabulous work for the homeless and providence. I think of the folks ive met all over the country who have health care for the first time in their lives and i think of the many, many workers that i have met. Most recently up in the south bronx, who worked three jobs but still lives in poverty because wages are so low. And what will this tax bill do . This tax bill will make it worse. This is why we as people of faith are saying this is not who we are called to be. Regardless of your faith,egardless of what you believe all faiths call us to the common good. Being in this together. Not being an individual but to be community. We care for each other and the fear referred to drives us apart. Democracy only succeeds if we are in it together. So i call on our republican colleagues. Please vote no on this bill. Vote no. Vote no so that we the people might come together and care for each other. That is the hope of the christmas season. That is the story of hanukkah. That is the truth about who we are as a nation. A community. Together. Representative from the great state of massachusetts. Thank you very much. A special word of thanks to the nuns. Where i live, not only do they teach my children but long before it was popular, they were running hospitals. They were running schools. Their contribution to American Life<\/a> in terms of justice and fairness come i in many ways is unmatched. So come with a simple argument this morning is the following. These children are going to be asked to foot the bill for a 2. 3 trillion tax cut. All based on borrowed money. So when you hear the other side, say essay well that this is not about the rich. They drop the top rate from 37 . To that is the reality. The corporate rate get cut from 21 . O this is a mix of Science Fiction<\/a> there proposing today. Always falling back to their favorite position, that tax cuts pay for themselves. This is the most regressive bees of legislation and the 20 years 25 years ive been on that may. When you have a chance to view this and its ramifications today, you will see what happened to what couldve been a really important and good moment for all of us. If you keep subtracting money through debt payments on the you willudget, eventually have to subtract the money from Social Security<\/a>, medicaid, and medicare. Our witness here today, as the system noted, largely the benefit is derived from medicaid and a mixture of medicare and in some cases, Social Security<\/a> disability benefits as well. So do not be full by what you are witnessing today. A great attention. Trillion dollars borrowed to pay for tax cut for people at the top. The best title orrin hatch or. S ever had is mobbed definitely the best title i think it anybody can have. Pelosi foreader inviting the little lobbyists here today on behalf of children with complex medical needs. We are all happy to be here for the social justice boyars. My muppets have been on television at home nonstop. I think another reason simon loves the movie so much is because he identifies with the character of tiny tim. It is easy to see the resemblance. Like him, some of this week and kind. He loves christmas. Even since fight a fireplace and things sometimes. Identify timmys sickness but i think he might have at Cerebral Palsy<\/a>. Simon. Had him as often as i can come as tight as i can because like the cratchits, we do not know how long we will have simon with is due to a rare disease we do not understand. I find is strikingly easy to draw another big analogy between a christmas carol, the muppet version included, and what is happening in our lives right now. In the story, the miserly ebenezer scrooge is warned that his decisions have far reaching consequences that impact many, many lives. The same can be said of the decisions that are being made by congress today. The choices theyre making, like whether or not to passes tax bill have far reaching consequences that will impact all of us. It is for this reason my family has been coming to capitol hill sincehe little lobbyists july. Our government seems to turn away from protecting people at disabilities and complex medical needs like my little boy. They begin trying to take away the Legal Protections<\/a> of programs that my sons life and my familys future depended on. Lately, it seems like everything is under threat. Accessibility, education, health care. 10 years agohan that the passage of the Affordable Care<\/a> act made sure that people at preexisting conditions like my simon would always have a right to have her. It promised the families like mine cannot be cut off by insurers or the forced into bankruptcy because our childs hair health care became just too expensive. Expanded medicaid waiver programs as well as of the porch is like simon can of axes to therapy, health care, and in lucian programs they need to survive and thrive inside their communities. I remember the exact moment passed. I was in a Grocery Store<\/a> and i burst into tears when my has an texted me the news. After years of worrying everything all day about how we were going to be able to care for hours sweet little boy in the future, it finally seemed like things were going to be ok. That living with that knowledge had been such a huge gift. Routinely deal with lifeanddeath situations must families cannot imagine, knowingly have access to health care is huge. But, since the summer there have been multiple attempts to repeal the aca. Part of a tax bill. Nonpartisan experts have told us that 13 my people will lose access to Health Insurance<\/a> if it passes. Acas weekend, protections for people of preexisting conditions will simply become too costly to afford. Very soon, i can once again be facing a future where i do not know how i am one to take care of my little boy. That is a thought i really cannot bear to hold. And, all of this is happening against the advice of experts. Ofhout him fight from those us it will impact. And makes us wonder who our government is listening to of not as. However, according to lobbying disclosure forms, the tax bill real,e input of over 6000 not little, lobbyists. Some of them and publicly their donors told them to edit done or else. Or else. We parents of kids with complex medical needs understand consequences. We know what will happen if this textile passes. If our country does not turn away from the destructive and immoral path it is on. And so here we are. We are the ghosts of christmas present. We are here to show legislators what access to Affordable Quality Health<\/a> care and programs like medicare and medicaid mean to our families. These programs, they congress thends to cut are literally difference between our children having of future in their homes and communities are being forced back into institutions that are like a dickens novel. This is wrong. We are also here to show everyone the kids with complex medical needs and disabilities are just gets. They love to play. They love to learn. They love the muppets. Americans they deserve to have a government that protects them. Today, as a mother and as one more voice of conscience im asking everyone to hear me and that can see these children, help us make sure that christmas is to come are even more joyful than those past. God blesses, every one. Us, every one. I am please to turn it back over to leader pelosi. We rest our case. I want to add knowledge some voices of the future who are here. You hear them here with their parents come with their siblings. I wanted knowledge the little lobbyists, charlie, a girl, she has been lobbying all year on the Affordable Care<\/a> act and now on this textile. She made this painting for me which i have in my office as an inspiration and a constant imperative that we have to continue the fight. Not that we need a reminder, we have antiof them. But i think charlie for that. Have heard the others speak. You know how urgent this is. , i say do nots stand in the way of a mother of a child with a preexisting condition. You will never win that fight. You will never win that fight. If you want and dance, too. And fathers, too. Too. Rs, persistent, relentless, they are therefore their children. We should be here for their children. And, to see the care that siblings take of their child with severe existing condition is such a beautiful, beautiful thing to see. So we think the little lobbyists who are here. We think the families. Adi barkin. Just phenomenal. Laura, thank you for being a relentless, persistent, dissatisfied mom. And making it so clear what the consequences are of all of this. We will be having our chance to talk on the forum. We had two votes during this a few some members coming and going it is because we two votes on the floor. That im so glad our members can hear the testimony here this morning and with all of that, we just say to our colleagues on the republican side, please, we pray, do the right thing. Thank you all very much. To i. You. Ank announcer cspan, where history unfolds daily. In 1979, cspan was created as a Public Service<\/a> by americas public today on cspan, washington journal is next with your phone calls, followed by live coverage of todays house session with a revote on the tax bill and likely a government funding bill. Washington journal, you will reaction to the republican tax reform bill viewer reaction to the republican tax reform bill. We will be taking your comments, called, and comments on twitter and facebook. [video clip] are 41, the nays are 48. The nays are 51, 48. The tax cuts and jobs bill passes. Host republicans are now forced to take another vote on it today. We will explain as we spend the next two hours taking your calls on the republican effort on tax of warm and what you think about it tax reform and what you think about it. Republicans, 202 7488001","publisher":{"@type":"Organization","name":"","logo":{"@type":"ImageObject","width":"800","height":"600","url":"\/\/\/33\/items\/CSPAN_20171220_112500_House_Minority_Leader_Pelosi_on_the_Republican_Tax_Plan\/CSPAN_20171220_112500_House_Minority_Leader_Pelosi_on_the_Republican_Tax_Plan.thumbs\/CSPAN_20171220_112500_House_Minority_Leader_Pelosi_on_the_Republican_Tax_Plan_000001.jpg"}},"autauthor":{"@type":"Organization"},"author":{"sameAs":"","name":""}}],"coverageEndTime":"20240630T12:35:10+00:00"}

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