11, discussing the book president s. And it a conversation about childhood host good morning. It is the day before thanksgiving. President trump left the white house to celebrate the upcoming holiday with his family at his country club in florida. He took questions from reporters mostly focused on the latest revelations about Sexual Assault. The president defending roy moore, the Senate Candidate from alabama and saying he is happy women in the u. S. Are coming forward with accusations against lawmakers and others. That is where we begin on the washington journal. How do we stop Sexual Misconduct . We want to know your solutions. Men dial in at 2027488000, women at 2027488001. Join us on twitter cspanwj. We will get your calls in a minute. We learned yesterday the dean of the house, john conyers paid a settlement two years ago to an alleged accuser. Charlie rose fired by cbs and pbs after the Washington Post broke that story. Eight women accusing him of unwanted advances. We want to know this morning from you. How do you combat Sexual Harassment . Does the government have a role . Is it a cultural issue . What is workplace sexualharassment . Heres a definition from the Government Agency that monitors it. Requests for sexual favors and conductysical or verbal of a sexual nature constitute Sexual Harassment when it is conduct that in unreasonable interviews with a work performance or creates an intimidating, hostile or just work environment. Victim and harassment may be a woman or a man. It does not have to be the opposite sex. It can be the supervisor, agent of the employer, supervisor in another area, coworker or nonemployee. The victim does not have to be the person harassed, but could be anyone affected by the conduct. Unlawful Sexual Harassment may come without unloved Economic Injury to the victim. Of aes not have to be sexual nature, it could include suggestive remarks about the persons sex. We will go to tommy joining us in washington, d. C. What do you think . Caller good morning. I believe we have to start in the schools and start teaching our young boys not to be so aggressive and disrespectful with regards to girls. I think if we do it in the schools, i think we will be better off. Host you think that the education department, federal agency here in washington should make that a rule, a guideline and required to be taught in schools . Caller it would help. I believe they should let leave a tweet School System in to have because the federal government involved scares me a little that because what if women take over congress . They might may want to do away with that guideline . If we leave it to the School Systems. They can do it in a way that is fair and balanced. Host gilbert in birmingham, alabama. What are your solutions . Good morning and im thankful to cspan for bringing up this topic. My take on this is that oldtime values come older women todd young women how to carry themselves. Women have never walked in a mans body, it is a natural phenomenon for men to have desire for women. We can all agree with that. And vice versa. When women, with all the cleavage out, the dresses beyond their knees and they expect me not to respond, come on. Host doesnt that imply then that the woman is asking for it so she is to blame . And b that a man cant control himself . A bit of both. Tot im saying is if we want , we havesociety better allowed lewdness to come to a point where you cant tell the saints from the prostitutes. You are a woman, you know it, you see it. Would you be woman enough to tell another woman it is going too far . If i see a man, i wouldnt to that. Individually to call each other out. These women have gone too far. They get on tv, come on. Im tired of looking at everybody. Host pat in dallas, good morning to you. What do you make of this so far . Caller good morning, greta. Good morning, cspan. Once because a job of sexualharassment and it was really bad. Ive seen it happen. It has happened to me and when you are providing for yourself. I got divorced and i was providing for myself. It is hard to quit a job and get another one. I dont have an answer for it. Since theabout it things of come up about roy moore and charlie rose and the different ones. I been thinking about it and i have no answer. I dont know what to do about it. When you are put in a predicament like in congress, those people from what i understand from the media, they have nowhere to complain. Not everyone can just quit a job. Where do we go . Our dilemma is what do we do. I have no answers. Could this be a cultural shift that we are experiencing right now . Look at the usa today front page, the headline, fears fade in war on harassment. More women are feeling less afraid and they are speaking out and that could be the change. Caller i hope so. I hope that this does not stop. Up. Pe that women will stand i think about our election last how and it is beyond me President Trump got elected with what came out on access hollywood. And host about that host are you happy to see and do you agree with the decision by cbs and pbs that they should fire charlie rose . Do you think senator al franken should have to step down . Do you think john conyers should have to resign and do you think roy moore, because of these allegations, that he should not be running for the senate seat . Caller i dont think you should be running for that senate seat. Host what about the others . I guess charlie rose. I dont know. Accusationshis is and you wonder what motivates wonder evenhen you with roy moore, is this a democratic deal to take him down . I dont think so, but to but do we know . Charlie rose admitted that he had done things and he apologized. Al franken, he admitted and apologized. I dont know what should happen to these people. Ive always watch charlie rose here in the central time zone where i live, he comes on at midnight and im up and im retired and ive always enjoyed his program. Ive enjoyed him on cbs this morning. I was very disappointed to hear and, but he did admit it said he was sorry and evidently he thought it was reciprocal. Women the these women these Washington Post said it wasnt reciprocal. , he hashe admits it apologized, do you think that is enough . I think he needed to go. I think he needed to go. It you have to take it on a casebycase basis and if women will, im retired and things were different when things happened to me, i had no recourse. But if women will take that , weurse today and stand up will be a lot better off. Host lets read from usa today. Mckinnon published the book butterfly politics. This is what usa today writes. Trump won the presidency despite accusations by a dozen women of sexualharassment. But the Electoral College doesnt always reflect the zeitgeist. Millions of women were mad about the candidate possibly conduct. When he won, they got matter. Mckinnon said the election at some the to do with many women coming to the end of our tether about how the sexual abuse of women is trivialized. The director of equal rights advocate for womens rights calls it the straw that broke the camels back. We want to know your thoughts on sexualharassment. How do you stop it . The president yesterday before he departed washington for florida had this to say when reporters asked him about the latest news about Sexual Assault. President trump i can tell you one thing for sure, we dont need a liberal person in their, a democrat. Ive looked at his record, it is terrible on crime. It is terrible on the border and military. I can tell you for a fact, we do not need somebody that will be bad on crime, bad on borders, bad for the second amendment. He denies it. He denies it. If you look at what is really going on, if you look at all the things that have happened over the last 48 hours, he totally denies it. He said he didnt happen and you have to listen to him also. You are talking about he said 40 years ago this did not happen. I will be letting you know next week. I can tell you you dont need somebody who is soft on crime like jones. [indiscernible] trump roy moore denies it. That is all i can say. He denies it. He totally denies it. [indiscernible] trump women are very special. I think it is a very special time because a lot of things are good for ours society and i think it is very good for women and a very happy a lot of these things are coming out and im happy it is being exposed. I dont want to speak for al franken. Happened, i what just heard about conyers two minutes ago. As far as franken is concerned, he will have to speak for himself. Host the president yesterday in a headline but the president s remarks from the New York Times, trump depends depends more and more and then you had defends roy moore. You have this from the New York Times. Transport canada for the Alabama Senate seat. This from the Washington Post this morning. Trump comments may signal outside views on more. The Republican National committees decision to pull resources from the state including paid staffers and using party dated target voters. That the rncsign would reverse that course. The senior ministers and officials said the comments were part of a larger effort to close ranks around more. Jonestest ad by doug placed that criticism of moore senator Richard Shelby gave the aftermath of allegations that he made on advances on teenage girls. Here is that add by doug jones . Moores disturbing actions. Ivanka trump says there is a special place in hell for people who prey on children ive no reason to doubt the victims accounts. Jeff sessions says ive no reason to doubt these women. Richard shelby says he will absolutely not vote for roy moore. Conservative voices putting children and women over party. Doing what is right. The Washington Post says about that add it is targeting republicans and rebuttal leaning voters make up a majority of the state or the goal is to give them permission to vote for a democrat in the special election. Back to our calls. Joe in florida, good morning. What do you think . What are some solutions. Caller one of the biggest problems is from the previous caller is is too partisan of an issue and also quite frankly it when the media a lot. To be upset with donald trump thinks about roy moore and then say is a hypocrite because he talked about al franken is ridiculous. You have an accusation against roy moore versus an actual photo of the groping a woman unconscious. That is illegal, that is a crime. How can we have an honor solution for it when the media is not being honest about it . These are two different issues and i live the duke lacrosse. I live through so many cases where people were falsely accused of sexual crimes. The now to sit here and try to play this accusation is the same thing as an actual assault, the media where youe situation. Ave over 30, 40 some odd years women should come forward before, but the sexism was been sold in the Entertainment Industry and sex does sell. People have used it to get up the chain of success. It sounds like there are situations where people did not get what they expected from the person now they are accusing and yet absolutely al franken and john conyers should resign because they actually settles and did something. Lets not confusion accusation with someone saying that the committed an act. Host what about not just that it is accusations, but the totality of the accusations coming from more than one woman and that the Washington Post corroborated their stories and then you have forces as well named sources saying Police Officers in the area saying yes we were told to keep an eye on him when he was at the mall or baseball games. You dont believe any of that . Caller no, it could very well be true. I believe in our justice system. I think everyone has a responsibility to do the same thing. The bottom line is there is no photo of roy moore. The bottom line is there is no settlement of roy moore and the mall situation comedy former manager the former manager even said he was not banned as the media attempt to report. The media has responsibility to unite us and be honest. My solution is until we can be honest about the situation and nonpartisan about the situation and not hypocritical about the situation, then we will never have a solution on this matter. Quinnipiac just released a poll where they asked those they surveyed about Sexual Assault. One question they asked is what do you consider that would you consider voting for a candidate accused of Sexual Assault . Republicans said they would consider, 12 of democrats said they would consider voting for and 20 of independent said that. Definitely would not for some accused of sexual restaurant, 41 of republicans said they would not. A 1 of democrats and 61 of independents. 61 of democrats 81 percent of democrats and 61 of independents. Thatr i would like to say when it comes down to it, the justice everybody talks about, there really is none. That is blindy and your scales are tipped which means there is no equality here. I can step into a courtroom and a judge does not have the same i dont have the same equal rights as a prosecutor or defense attorney or clerk. There is no equal justice here. When it comes down to is far sexual abuse, it goes far beyond that. It is not just about the abuse. That howu even define you even define prostitution . If it is consensual and i agreed to it, if you give me something or dont give me anything, how is that prostitution . President trump. Said in front of the whole world and said i could grab this woman and she will like it. People laughed at that and they agreed with that. Honestly i believe President Trump bought his presidency. I believe that President Trump just please investigate Hillary Clinton, please investigate the russians. That is not even being brought up. How do you combat this Sexual Misconduct . Is it a Government Role or not . Is this a cultural issue . Doug in maine, caller you are on. Caller caller good morning. Host what are your thoughts . Caller i think what everybody hereally missing year is that what these men are doing is nothing abnormal, it is instinctually being a man. When there is and guidance from the holy spirit, this is the way men will behave. Morality . Ll men lack caller i think by nature we all do. Women and men. Women are more chasing of power and money while men have the weakness of sex. Everybody knows that. Dna codename mans code in a mans dna to procreate. Host who is responsible and for stopping unwanted sexual advances . Caller i think it starts in the schools by teaching people, by allowing god and the bible to be taught to children when they are most impressionable, when they can learn. They are not the captain of the that if you dont have the holy spirit as guidance, you will make mistakes everywhere in life, not just Sexual Misconduct. Every single issue that the bible touches on, when you rely such asown intelligence many in hollywood and in the media believe they are super intelligent, they have super degrees from great colleges. And they rely on their own common sense and smarts, but they really are not. They are just as vulnerable is the guy who barely made it through fourth grade. Host dougs thoughts there. Front page of the New York Times about the democrat from michigan area 80 years old. The headline of the front page Top Democrats urging nancy pelosi senior democrats offered little support to john conyers. The Ethics Committee had opened an investigation. Any credible allegations of Sexual Harassment must be investigated by the committee ms. Pelosi said. Adding there should be zero tolerance in the house. You have this from usa today that mr. Conyers will cooperate with the next fix with the ethics inquiry. Washington times, their headline paid out oners said sexual allegations does not equal guilt. That is from his statement that he released yesterday where he said in this case i expressly and vehemently deny the allegations made against me. And continue to do so. My office resolve the allegations with the express denial of liability in order to save all involved from the rigors of protracted litigation. That should not be lost in this narrative. Mr. Conyers went on to say the resolution was not for millions of dollars, but for an amount that equated to a reasonable severance payment. The Detroit Free Press this morning editorial is out and they say mr. Conyers should step down immediately. They wrote this. He has been undisputed hero of the civil rights movement, a legislator of uncommon influence and power and an aging icon with death his felon his wife and sometimes confounding have confounded his place in history. The relevant revelations of his alleged Sexual Misconduct and a violation of congressional ethics rules has left him ambiguous. It is type of behavior that can never be tolerated by like by in a b tolerated in a public official. Legacy must his and. His tenure as a congressman must end. Disturbed dust disrupted the excepted process to deal with claims against them is a congress and leverage taxpayer funds without the oversight of the ethics apparatus. That is not acceptable. It is a betrayal that breaches the most fundamental trust that exists between a Public Servant and the people the person represents. Even if he could prove he did not make inappropriate advances towards his former staffer, theres no defense for having used dollars from his Congressional Office to settle the claim. That sort of thing happens in the private sector yes