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Cable provider. The radio and Television Correspondents Organization Hosts an annual blacktie dinner. This year, paul ryan gave the keynote speech. This is 40 minutes. Please stand to honor america as we perform the national anthem. [cheers and applause] ladies and gentlemen, the 2017 radio and Television Correspondents chairman, john parkinson. Thank you for that amazing performance. Lets give it up for alley row alliene more time rogan one more time. Welcome to the 73rd annual radio and television Congressional Correspondents dinner. We have a terrific evening planned tonight. Bobby bones is here. Thank you all for joining me here at the museum. I would like to introduce the head table tonight. Starting with the director of the house radio and Television Correspondents gallery. The chief of staff to nancy pelosi. Abigail robertson, Congressional Correspondent christian broadcasting network. Counselor to House Speaker paul ryan. Of gton bureau chief television, and on my left, our emcee, bobby bones is here. The kerman chairman of the executive committee the vice. Hair , paul corson, ofiam khan, and the director senate radio and Television Correspondents gallery. Thank you for being here tonight. Staffs who we truly owe our deep appreciation. I would like to thank our event planners. Thank you to my wife sally for her patience and support and planning tonights event. [applause] i would like to offer a toast for the 115th congress. The radio and Television Correspondents association has 457 member organizations among 3700 broadcasters credentialed to cover congress. None of them are fake news. Appreciation for the 115th congress, but especially to all our broadcasters who keep our government accountable, cheers. House Speaker Paul Ryan currently serves as the countrys 54th speaker of the house and was a 2012 republican Vice President ial nominee. When i told him i was from wisconsin come he says he knows three things. His former chief of staff is from their. He knows about the International Trade foundation. World museums where i picked a by the life skills like this one. [applause] i thought about juggling some fire tonight, but there is a fire code that does not apply to the candles. We are thrilled to have my fellow wisconsinite and coowner of the green bay packers, the republican ringmaster himself, House Speaker paul ryan. [applause] rep. Ryan good evening. How are you all doing . Good. John, thank you for having me. By the way, i know who bobby bones is. Nice to meet you kind of sort of in person. Thank thell i want to executive board of the radio tv Correspondents Association and i want to on behalf of the people i work with, i want to thank olga and her team out at the house radio and tv gallery. [applause] rep, ryan tonight, i have prepared my remarks that will forever revolutionize the way you hear speeches. It will be organized in a stream of bullet points. Joke. Ell me that was [laughter] buck swore to me that was good to be a good joke. I was not sure. Thank you for proving me right. Some of you may wonder why i mye here so soon after appearance. This may surprise you, but after where ismith dinner spent a third of the time ripping on the president , he gave me a call the next morning pretty early on and actually really like the speech. He ask he told me he watched on tv and thought it was great, which i thought was really weird. The president watches tv . The first in a was 73 years ago. Storiest to hear the about that first night. It was incredible. [laughter] ryan i should not rip like that because chuck and nancy are not here this evening. Apparently it is bingo night at the white house tonight. I understand that adam schiff could not be here as well. That guy has a really big job. Is 57 minute hits on cnbc are going to do themselves . I see really welldressed people. They told me this thing was blacktie, which i have to tell were thought you guys about relaxing the dress code. That was something, wasnt it . Ofhought the practice speakers commenting left when john boehner ended his speakership. When i take a look at this, i think about President Trump and how he told us that we werent going to stop winning and we would get tired of winning. We still have a little bit of progress to make on that front, and less you are john boehner. [laughter] rep. Ryan i have to tell you how we his coming this week and i was going to go with something new and be this new media maven anthony scaramucci, but i was told i have to keep it clean and friendly. That is off the record, by the way. Anyway what i will do this year as i will go with eddie munster. [laughter] rep. Ryan i have to tell you that i did not think half of you would understand this joke. So i am sorry i cannot stay here for dinner. I am moving on. I have a lot to do. Thursday mornings are yoga mornings for me. I have to get going to yoga. That helps me get through the day. Reformra in yoga is, tax , tax reform, tax reform. Nevertheless, i wanted to come by. The reason i wanted to come by is because i have seen your latest Approval Ratings and i want to tell you, keep your head down. All right . [laughter] rep. Ryan as low as they are, they could be a whole lot worse. They could be my Approval Ratings. Im sure you dont want to take advice from a politician, but i. O have one piece luke, wherever you are, maybe just take a little bit more time . [laughter] rep. Ryan on the way over here i was going to the president s tweets, just kidding. I actually dont read those things. Dont like things i talking about, like Aaron Rodgers injury. You know what . The president called me after that as well and was very thoughtful and offered to send me Jared Kushner to start for the packers in his place. The president offers a lot of ideas. We talk all the time. Let me give you one example. He is a big reality tv guy. He keeps telling these jobs are like reality tv. Being speaker the house is just like reality tv. You have shark tank, man versus wild, swamp people, survival, and you have the biggest loser, that is the president s favorite one. I know this year there were some big issues with media access at the capitol and so i want to get serious for a moment. I know you are thinking it was going to be an Adult Day Care Center or Something Like that, but sometimes these things go a little too far, like we believe open access, but there have to be limits. , give me a break. Dude, give me a break. Apparently Phil Mattingly moonlights as a barber. [laughter] rep. Ryan i know things are rough at cnn, but jeez. How did they get in my yoga class . What is this . Even the one thing i do to get , it isom all of this just not that safe. So we all need to be proud in the capital that we set the standard for media access. On a serious note, we are proud that we do set the tone and the tempo for media access in the capital, and we need to strive to keep it that way. As we do, there are a few serious thoughts i would like to leave with you. One of the things you have me talk about is we need to improve our political discourse. Yes, there is room for improvement, but too many in these jobs think we are infallible. I will be the first admit we do not always get a perfect. We do not always get it right. That fact has been well checked and reported. But even in this room, i think we can admit that the media sometimes gets it wrong from time to time. And then there are times that we actually just disagree on what is right and what is fair. A little more humility from all of us, from both of us, a little more listening could help, as well. More than anything, were here to challenge each other. That push and that pull, that makes our system stronger. This makes our system more resilient. This is a feature, not a bug. So challenging one another does not mean we have to give each other license to impugn each others motives. We dont have to be so obsessed with keeping score. And both sides of this equation, this happens all the time. It doesnt have to be so adversarial. Things will never be tranquil. I recognize that. When a former Senate Historian tried to trace back the problems between the politicians and the press, he said he stopped when he got to the first congress. The point is this, this relationship is crucial. This relationship will endure. The institutions will endure. We have a very messy system. But this messy system of government is the best possible system, and this messy system of government completely relies on a free and open press. [applause] rep. Ryan our founders understood this, and this, too, will endure. Our republic does not work without what you do. And beneath all of this scar tissue, beneath all of this assumed cynicism which we have at a high level these days, we all do share a common humanity and we ought to make that just that, more common. We all need to make our vibrant Public Square something where disagreements are emphasized, but not exploited. We need to make sure our ideas are debated in full, free, open debate, but not just in our echo chambers. And we need to make sure that the values we uphold and principles we pass are Strong Enough to get us through any stormy moment. So the invitation i want to give to you on behalf of us i see joni here, a lot of my colleagues. I see joe over there. The invitation is put the pen down and lets just stop spinning and lets stop playing gotcha and lets get to know each other just a little bit more and lets just work at remembering each of us have important jobs to do, Important Roles to play, and each of us are human beings and just that little acknowledgment can help do a lot to help us improve the discourse that we have and Mutual Respect that we institutionally and personally have each and every one of each other. [applause] yes, joe, probably even you. Thats basically what i want to say, is we have a phenomenal country with beautiful principles and we are living examples of people who are carrying out those principles. These principles will endure. We simply have to have the confidence in them. We have to believe in one another. And when we do this, we will make this country a better place and this system that is so crucial to our liberty and our freedom and posterity, will endure. Thank you very much for having me everybody tonight. Really appreciate it. Have a great evening. [applause] thank you, mr. Speaker. Serving as tonights guest master of ceremonies is bobby bones. Bobbys week day radio program, the bobby bones show, is heard on more than 100 stations nationwide, totaling more than five Million Viewers per week and he is also heard on iheartradio. Hes a New York Times best selling author, standup comedian, and the youngest member inducted into the National Radio hall of fame. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome bobby bones. [cheers and applause] bobby my favorite part about the whole introduction there was this entire table turned their backs as soon as they said my name. Yeah, thats ok. I dont know who i am either sometimes. I do want to say wolf blitzer is sitting right there. Wolf, i have been tweeting you for like two years. How many winky emojis do i have to send to get an acknowledgment. Come on, wolf thank you very much. Thank you for turning around. Dana, how are you . This is like everybody i see on tv all in one room. This is amazing. I havent rented a taxi docents my high school prom. Tuxedo since my high school prom. Happy feet, the penguin movie, except all the penguins here arguing about tax reform. Theres a story i want to tell that ive never told in public and i think this is the one time to tell it and its an absolutely true story. About two years ago, it was about 11 00 p. M. And i was watching the news. And it was before President Trump was President Trump. He was just donald trump, a guy that was talking about running for president and he was wearing a make America Great again hat and i have a clothing line and i thought let me see if make America Great again is a registered trademark so i go to the government site and i type it in and it wasnt registered. Make America Great again was unregistered and the president was wearing it on his head. At the time he wasnt the president and i thought the ill take that, and i bought it and then i waited. Because you dont own it right away and i thought theres got to be something to this. Theres no way at the time donald trump is wearing a hat out in front of millions of people and he doesnt own the trademark. So i called my attorney and he said, no ones claimed it. Two months later, it popped up on the website. I owned make America Great again. Now, you clap. I wasnt clapping about an hour later. Because all of a sudden, the attorneys for donald trump at the time were calling me like crazy. Saying, hey, were going to sue you, you know i did nothing wrong. Business move. So i owned make America Great again and i started telling selling tshirts with my face on the statue of liberty and donating all the money to st. Judes Children Research hospital and i said i will tell sell you make America Great again back for 100,000 if you donate that to saint judes. So tmz wants the story, i wont talk about it. President trumps lawyers are blowing me up. It wasnt nice. [laughter] bobby and so i realized i just didnt want to get sued and i ended up having to give it over to that group and they wrote a check for about 2,000 for it and i learned a lesson, a couple of lessons. One, never want to mess with the legal team of President Trump. And two, i didnt want to end up with one of those cute twitter nick names like bobby boner so im glad i got away from it but for a while i was the owner of make America Great again. Ive never shared that story until right now and i got to tell it in front of wolf blitzer. Wow. Lets get to business here because we have a lot to talk about. There are a lot of great people in this room that i have been able to meet and for me its been fantastic. My radio show, its not a political show. What im able to do every morning is talk to millions of people. I have the privilege of talking to your constituents, your readers, your viewers, every single morning. I try to make them laugh. Sometimes i cry with them as was the case a couple of weeks back with the shooting in las vegas. I was there at the festival. The Country Music community was devastated. I was devastated. But what came out of all the tragedy was something that was super inspiring. People from all over the country with all kinds of political views all came together as a community to support and comfort each other, donate money, to send prayers and thoughts to those who were suffering, and it reminded me of the awesome gift and responsibility we all have in the media and public life and that is to keep people safe, keep them informed and especially us in the media, keep them informed. I went on the air at 5 00 a. M. And turned everything off except talking to people who were there and talking to people affected by it and talking with families, and so i hope tonight we take that away. For the tv people in front and the radio people theyve put very much in the back can you guys can you get good seats . I heard someone in radio earlier say theres not a bad person in the house. The only person that says that is a person with a bad seat. You never hear someone in the front say, yeah, ill trade it you. I can see the show a little too vividly. So i just want to say thank you. Lets get down to business. The rtca Lifetime Achievement award was established to honor the career of a washington broadcaster who has a cheap a body of journalistic work demonstrates a deep expertise of congress. The award recognizes rare, exceptional careers and signifies the admiration of many broadcasters who follow behind and benefit from the work of the recipient. Here to present tonights career Achievement Award, the 2016 winner of the Jerry Thompson award, Peter Doherty of abc news. [applause] thank you very much. Tonight, it is my great honor to present the radio and Television Correspondents associations career Achievement Award to abcs congressional editor, tom shine. [cheers and applause] peter i should note that tom received the unanimous support of his leagues on the rtca executive board. Tom has devoted his 40year career to telling stories of congress. He doesnt write, shoot, edit or produce those stories. Rather he performs the most Important Role of the journalist, finding the story. Tom has this ability to truly get at the heart of whats going on in congress and not just what congress does or doesnt do, or what members say or dont say. Toms stories often start well outside of washington because he knows thats the best way to tell a story, with the people who are living every day so that our viewers can truly understand how they are impacted by that story on a personal level. In working side by side with tom over these 40someodd years, ive treasured his warm friendship, his wise counsel, but i have become resigned to one fact. Despite all the money that abc spends for computer support, i will always be the one that tom calls when that damn thing doesnt work. [laughter] peter tom is a truly remarkable person. Not more than 30 minutes ago we were chatting upstairs and tom i should say is well known for his long hours and the boss of bosses said to tom, youre coming in late tomorrow, arent you . Tom said, oh, no, ill be there early, and he will. So, in the spirit of how one of toms stories might turn out, heres our story of tom shine. Tom shine is an institution in washington, d. C. Tom shine walked in the door of the abc Washington Bureau as a desk assistant, may 12, 1973. Scheduled program to bring you the next week, the nation tuned in for gaveltogavel televised hearings from the nations capitol. About to begin public hearings on something clled cold watergate. A little over a year later, president nixon left the white house and the presidency. An overexcited tom shine there was to cover it from the south lawn, chastised later for cueing his reporter out loud and on air. Lets see if Virginia Sherwood can tell us some things. Go. A desk editor, assignment manager for the last 39 years, there behind Sam Donaldson and Frank Reynolds in 1981 as they announced the assassination attempt on ronald reagan. The president was hit. He was hit in the left chest. Tom has covered history for abcs news desk more than four decades, through nine president s, dozens of congressional leadership teams. Now congress is not held in such high regard, but tom, your respect for the institution has always been manifest. And tom always believed in the importance of Good Government and responsible journalism. The thing that always impresses me about tom is how hes mentored the generations of journalists here at abc, including me. Hes simply among the most modern and creative Story Tellers ive ever known. Tom understands the policy making of washington politics, with a unique eye on the heart of the deal. He has his eyes on stories that would affect real people. You have been the person who has kept me in line and guided me through my stories. Tom, nobody knows more about covering Washington News than you do. Theres one thing, i do wish you knew a little bit more about baseball. Outside the newsroom, tom is devoted to family, including his wife of 47 years, mary rae, and his passion is photographer, unforgettable, vibrant and serene stills of the capitol. The young man who wanted to be Walter Cronkite is now an institution in this capitol. You should be seeing the live shots. Tom shine finished the deal, tom shine definitely agrees. [applause] peter so if you will come up, it will be my honor to present this award to you, well deserved and i cant think of a better person. [laughter] [applause] [cheers and applause] peter congratulations, tom. Tom thank you, peter. That, and ih any of am really, really honored. I have been at abc for 45 years. That is really long. That is really long. , which is a good thing, i think these days. Yeah, thank you. I dont know how to tweet either , that is the other thing about it. There, how is that . Good . Facebook, on instagram. I take you that because that is how i got a job on the Abc Television assignment desk. Back then the desk manager was having a difficult time finding a desk and to stay on the desk. Reading the New York Times, the washington post, the wall street journal front pages over the phone each day at 7 00 a. M. To Sam Donaldson was not working. The editors wanted out. They wanted to travel. Producers, to become but i said to the desk manager, i can solve your problem. I have a fear of flying. I will never ask to go on a trip. I was hired right away. [laughter] tom on the overnight, but i was hired. Bobuple of years later, murphy, who many of you know, was working on capitol hill in the house Radio Television gallery. Abc news and decided to restructure the tv desk and he wanted editors not to do logistics, but to do editorial work as well, so he gave us all a beat. I got capitol hill. That is the best. I really love covering capitol hill. One reason is because from time to time i get to cover real people, someone like deborah before who testified senator Claire Mccaskill a few weeks ago. It was a forum on opioids. Tell theto talk and to story about her daughter sarah who ended up in a hospital where she eventually died because a drug representative joined with a doctor, convinced on Online Pharmacy to get her a new very powerful drug. She did not need that drug. She had back pain. She had neck pain, but she did not have the pain of cancer that the drug was designed for. It was. Not know what her mother didnt. Her dad didnt. Several months later, she was dead. , sheher mother testified told senator mccaskill that it was massive fraud by the Pharmaceutical Company that caused her daughters death, and that her daughters death the read,icate should have death due to corporate greed. Tomorrow the president is going. O give an opioid speech the question is what will happen after the speech . Will congress do anything . How will it be covered . , intalking about congress the next couple of months, they plan to pass at least one big wha. That bill . E in i dont have to tell you how to do your jobs because you know it better than i do, but i want to encourage everyone, please keep asking the questions. Keep on top of everything. Make sure the public knows what is in the bill. You have to do that. You just have to do that. I thank you very much, john, for the award. [applause] tom thank you. A, heidio thank the rtc jensen at abc who put together that video. She used a lot of pictures i gave her of when i was young. It was very nice. Thank you. Want to thank robin she was bureau chief of abc for always encouraged me. I thank you very much, robin, and Jonathan Greenberger who is allowing me to cover these types of stories. Thank you. Colleaguesention my at the desk. And perhaps the biggest thanks becauseo to mary gray she is my wife. My other daughter could not be here, but she has always supported me. Always. [applause] tom and, i will stop, thank you, thank you, all of you, very much. Thank you. [cheers and applause] bobby that was a fantastic speech, and, again, it shows how important the jobs are that we do. I think all of us got a little emotional. One more round of applause, because that really was fantastic. [applause] bobby i think our jobs are very important because its a Public Service to others. Were there to inform. Were there to educate. For me, i didnt always have awesome jobs. I did golf course maintenance for a while. I worked at a marina for a while. I finally got a job at hobby lobby, which is a craft store. And i thought it was going to get me a lot of girls until i had to answer the phone, hobby lobby, this is bobby. And then [laughter] bobby and i got no girls. Still dont have any. They told me tonight when i was coming, this is the nerd prom. I thought that was unfair. There is is more like the nerd wedding of your uncle the third time he gets married. [laughter] bobby everybody is so rich. Talking about twitter. Im on twitter all the time. I saw where President Trump tweeted out that hes going to release the j. F. K. Assassination files, which have been classified for decades. Furthermore, he also plans to call Colonel Sanders to ask for the secret recipe of k. F. C. To be released. Very important. [laughter] bobby were going to take a break for you to enjoy your meals at this point. I want you to eat. I want you to well take like 30 minutes. Have your food. For me, im happy to be here with such great people. Before i sit down, ill say this. It is a very divisive time in our country and it feels like everyone is on constant edge and it feels like at times were extremely divided. And i, like you, am very upset that the kardashians keep having babies. [laughter] so enjoy your meal. See you in a second. Thank you. [applause] announcer washington journal is next with your phone calls. Live coverage of the house as members debate and vote on the 2018 budget. Withht our interview senator john mccain about his military career and service in the vietnam war. In half an hour, we would discuss the president s plans for opioid addiction. Later, a look at Recovery Efforts in puert

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