Transcripts For CSPAN Key Capitol Hill Hearings 20240622

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Pretty much everybody in the country, and during the early years of the citys development, really the only treatment that was offered to people with newly diagnosed tuberculosis was to go out west and to seek a cure. People would come to Colorado Springs essentially on the recommendation of a doctor, who would tell them to go chase a or to get out of your urban environment, leave your job in a factory in to go seek health care, and what made Colorado Springs particularly attractive lungers, as they were called, was the air and the sunshine, and we actually promoted Colorado Springs as a destination for people with tuberculosis. It was one of our first and only industries, was health care. Colorado springs was founded in a place without major industry, and health care became that major industry. Really, in the 1880s through in the earlyo years, they would come, and you can see in this gallery, they , and they the waters would spend time in garden of the gods. He would spend time in the Great Outdoors and using those methods was the form of treatment. Shortly after the founding of Colorado Springs in 1871, a new method for treating tuberculosis was developed in europe, called the sanatorium movement. Were a less active way of treating the disease. It was managed health care in which you were under the close supervision of doctors and nurses who provided a daily air, andf rest, fresh excellent diet, and monitoring by health care professionals. Those things combined helped to lead to a cure, reportedly, up to 60 of the time. Because of how closely connected Colorado Springs is to this health care movement, we have a very rich collection related to tuberculosis treatment and the health care industry, and one of them was this bottle. On the western side of Colorado Springs, and it contains the bulk of our Mineral Springs in the area, and you can still go there and drink from the Mineral Springs, but we packaged a lot of water, and the water keyially was one of the reasons that people came here, waters, to do what they called promenade in prom enading from spring to spring and also taking the waters, and each spring has a different taste to it. Some of the key commercial activities was a result of tb ands who came to stayed. Is a man,e of that rigle, andle, van b he came here because of tuberculosis and was supposed to stop working in clay but could not get away from it. This is a piece of his called the childs cup, and it is one of the most recognizable pieces. It Won International acclaim, and then we have one of the childs cup from pottery that is in our collection. This is from 1920. Brfigle pottery has been an important part since he came. It is highly prized and collectible all or crossed the world, and people come from all over the world to visit the museum today to do research and to appreciate power extensive , and this is one of the pamphlets put together by the chamber of commerce from the early 20th century. The title is called winning health. Withestination for People Health care issues, especially tuberculosis, to come and seek the cure. It was a location that was a asceptic. I do not know if it could hold that claim today. And the centauri in. There would have been thousands in alle or similar huts of the sanatoriums around the community. They are patterned off of American Indian tvs tee es,s, especially ute teepe and they were designed for natural airflow, so it goes from the bottom to the top, so it is designed to maximize the amount of fresh air a patient can get. There would be one patient assigned to each of these huts, and there may be colonies of hundreds of these at each of the sanatoriums. They are designed to isolate patients to help them understand the communicable nature of the disease and to teach them about sanitary conditions and Good Health Care practices that when they go back to their homes, to their jobs, to their families, they can help to spread that information instead of the disease. The sanatorium air in Colorado Springs lasted for roughly the late 1880s until after world war ii. During world war ii, streptomycin was discovered, and antibiotic that help to fight off tuberculosis, and to your tuberculosis chemically as ofosed to the ageold method fresh air, sunshine, and food, so by the end of world war ii, this part of our history was coming to an end, and what had been our major industry in the community was going away. What we did to recover from that is we attracted the military, so today, Colorado Springs is very closely affiliated with the military, with five military installations here, including the United States air force academy, so that part of the history is the idea of colorado isings as a military town simply an evolution for Colorado Springs as a health resort. Announcer Spencer Penrose built many of the prominent landmarks in Colorado Springs and established a foundation which gives money to people who need food, clothing, and shelter. On the cspan cities tour, we learn more about this man who helped to build Colorado Springs

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