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Next, republican president ial candidate, Ohio Governor john kasich, holds a town hall meeting in salem, New Hampshire. Then, the iowa state fair. We begin with representative wasserman schultz, followed by remarks by republican residents of candidates, new Jersey Governor Chris Christie and bobby jindal of louisiana. Republican president ial candidate, Ohio Governor john kasich, held a town hall meeting in salem, New Hampshire on wednesday. He discussed combating isis, Climate Change, and the iran nuclear agreement. This is just over one hour. [applause] john kasich should i tell them the story or not . Ok. Town grew up in a little outside of pittsburgh. It is a bluecollar town. My father carried mail on his back, his father was a coal miner. My father was a democrat his nevere lifetime switched parties. My mother, she was a very intelligent woman, very opinionated, but undereducated. She could have really been something. She would have so many views on things, and she was never afraid. O challenge the status quo her mother lived with us, she could barely speak english. My mother became a republican later in life. The town was lou collier conservative, overwhelmingly democratic. Way,e wind blew the wrong people found themselves out of work. , do peopler understand the anxieties that people have . I do, i grew up like that. We never got tickets to the world series. We never got any of the special stuff. It is just not where we were. It is not who we were back in the town. Godfearing common sense. People like to say, john kasich is direct. If you think i am direct, willie that is just the way we are. I left that town to go to a Small University in the midwest, i dont know if you have heard of it, it is called ohio state university. [laughter] i lived in a dormitory that was floors highgh 23. There is a duplicate tower filled with 18yearold freshman boys and girls. And downtown columbus, they used to refer to these towers as sodom and gomorrah. The arrestee is 48,000 students. A lot of stuff pops up. Bring ad i needed to couple of changes to ohio state. My uncle had always told me, if changes,to bring about start at the top. I called the president s office. They wouldnt let me in initially. I kept bugging them. Finally, they said i could have a meeting. I wanted to have a meeting with the president of ohio state. He was a very impressive guy. Ary tall, very articulate, deep baritone voice. I walked in, and he said, what is on your mind . I told him. I said, sir, i have been in school about a month, you have this beautiful ride and desk rug and desk, maybe this is the job for me, i am undecided at ohio state, what exactly do you do . He said, i have academic responsibilities. I dont know if you know this, but presence of university have to spend a lot of time raising money. He said, tomorrow i will fly to washington and have a meeting with president nixon. I said, sir, there are number of things i would like to talk to him about also, can i go with you . [laughter] now, how old are you, young lady . , 20. 20. John kasich perfect. You know what the lesson was . Get. U dont ask, you dont the story is about you two. I go back to my dorm room and write a letter to the president of the United States, basically inviting myself to the white house. Ps, if you would like to discuss this further, i will come see you, i have time. A couple of weeks later, i go to a glass mailbox, i could look through, and there was a letter from the white house, the office of the president. I look at it, and i go upstairs, and call home to pittsburgh. My mother answers the phone, and i say, mom, i will need an airline ticket, the president of the United States would like to have a meeting with me in the oval office. [laughter] shouting, just like you would with these two young pick up the honey, phone, theres something wrong kid. Our car i go home to pittsburgh for the winter break, and my parents buy me a ticket. I go down to washington, go through the White House Security and gates, and im sitting right outside the oval office. Says,walks up to me and young man, you are going to get five minutes alone with the president of the United States. What do you think . Five minutes alone with the president. Let me tell you what i am shirt,g i got a new new jacket, new tie, new pants, im not coming out in five minutes. They open the door, i greeted , and he greets me in the oval office. Down at news is i sat his desk for 20 minutes as an 18yearold firstquarter freshman. 18 yearsews is i spent in congress, sylvia out of all the time i spent in the oval 18. Ce, i peeked out at you know what it means, anything is possible in life, especially from where i came from. The message to people here, dream big, think big, you can be something, you have a purpose in life. I just ran into a guy at dunki donuts. And i said,and, what you doing . Am retired. Ic he says he is now working for his wife. We should never retire. Never. We here for a purpose we are here for a purpose. Justice and healing. I was introduced by a friend, a remarkable man. He has a great spine and heart. Were also joined here today by another great i think u. S. Senator in the back. Maybe some of you dont remember him. Senator Gordon Humphrey is here today. [applause] he does not have a neck sir machine with him an xray but he treatshem, me like he does. He wants to know everything about me, which is fine. Let me give you some of my background. I got a job on happenstance working in the legislator. In 1976, i went to the convention, and works not with, ronaldt reagan. I had no business being there. I walked into the command center, and someone didnt show up, so they asked me if i could run five states for governor reagan. I had no idea what it meant, but i said, of course i could. I got to travel around with him, and he inspired me. I went back, quit my job in the legislator, ran for the state senate. I got elected at the age of 26. Beat anhen i incumbent. We ran a Grassroots Campaign with you, you, and you running my campaign. You could do it. I will tell you what is important about it. You dont have anything that you want. You just want to believe in something, right . Helpedthese folks who get me elected, i dont know anything to anybody, except these folks. My job is to fix things. My job is to improve things wherever i am. Years in the legislator. My last two years, i became chairman on the health committee. I am the youngest chairman ever. Two choices at that point. I could be a republican and fight all day long with the democrats, or i could figure out how to get along with other people because i was there to. Elp ohio, and not help me it was a great experience. At the age of 30, iran for ran for congress. Iran on the reagan philosophy and formula of cutting taxes and the budget, destroying the soviet union, bringing the wall down. In 1982, i was the only republican challenger in america incumbent. Emocrat at the age of 30, i was off to washington. My mother was saying, johnny, what are you doing . I went down there and got on the defense committee. I was therefore a very short period ofa very short time. I went down to washington and there werebox, and some other congressmen that had found the same thing. I became a defense reformer strong defense, but no ways. If there is waste and welfare, we cleaned it up. If there is waste in the pentagon, we clean it up. No one should be immune to having things right. You can clap to that, thats ok. [applause] that8 years, i served on defense committee. Guess who was on that defense committee. Barry goldwater. John tower. Gary hart. One of the smartest people i worked with. People who had been basically given their limbs and world war ii. It was a great experience. Six years and, i was able to get on the budget committee, which is what i always wanted to be on because i learned i have not told the story. When iran for the state senate, i said, there are two things we shouldnt do. , andouldnt raise our pay i said, i wont vote for any tax increases. The republicans win the majority and they decide to raise taxes. Turned the paydown, which i learned later, most people thought i was nuts. The other thing, they wanted to raise taxes. I said, im not voting for it. Guess what i did . I wrote my own budget. Thatrned in that process knowing the budget means you know every operation in the government. It is like unlocking the secret to what happens. I offered my budget, i got , no one voted for it, but a number of the ideas carried forward. By the way, people were sneaking into my office, telling me secrets about how things work. I got on the budget committee, and offered my first budget short ake the is the vote on the john kasich it , and 30 yes. How did i do . Broad, there were 29 other people who thought we were on to something. Wouldn and year out, i offer a new budget, and the numbers would grow. Growth is another story here. If you believe in something, you keep leaving in something, and it is amazing how it can happen. After 10 long years of fighting it . Hy did i want to do one, we should not mortgage our childrens future, and the value of running debt is not good for people, families, state governments, or the federal government. [applause] in 1997, along with senator demint g, i became the chief architect of the balanced budget. We got it done. We paid down the largest amount of publicly held debt in modern history. The budget hadnt been balanced since we walked on the moon, and it has not been balanced sense. You know and happen to these town hall meetings, when we tell people that we balanced the budget, they dont believe it. We had it balanced for four straight years. When i left washington at the end of all that, we were running a 5 trillion surplus. The idea that we can deal with our problems today we can. You cant play politics, but you can get it done. I left government, i accomplished what i wanted to with the budget, with defense, and i announced, im leaving. I went out in the private sector. I was a banker. I was at fox news. You all remember when i was at fox. I was huge. That is why oreilly still namet pronounce my right, because i did such a good job hosting a show. That was a lot of fun. I want to go back to something. I want to cover too quick two quick things. Here is the thing. We are made for a purpose. This is what i believe. I think we are made for a purpose. I think each of us are given gifts to do certain things in this world. The key to satisfaction in life is find out what those gifts and purpose is and do it. Im out of having a great time. They were paying me. It was unbelievable. I got a nagging feeling that i needed to go back. I told my wife, i think i need to go back into politics. She said, i thought we were done. Ith that i said, sweetie, i think i have to do it. She got behind me. I was the first person to defeat an incumbent in ohio and 36 years. A state that was in many ways as bad as the federal government. People were hopeless. , 4. 5after four years years, we have cut taxes by the largest amount of any sitting basicallywe killed all income taxes for small businesses, because we believe in small businesses, our credit is rock solid, were up to 350,000 private sector jobs created, and no one has been. Eft out if you are drug addicted, we help you. If youre mentally ill, we help you. If youre developmentally disabled, we want to mainstream you. If you artistic you are autistic, the family can get assistance. I ran for reelection in ohio. That is the state where we find out Election Results two days later. Ohios 88 counties, including the county where obama won by 40 points. It was the second largest electro when in the history of ohio. Why did it happen . First of all, i have a great team. Im the orchestra leader. Two things. Factor raised the hopes in ohio. The second thing, i try every day to communicate a message that you are not left out, you have a chance to get your life back. You have a chance at opportunity. What could be greater than that . To help people get on their feet , reward people who work hard, and not punish them when they create jobs. That is what it is all about. Then i decided, after a long time, i would run for president. I would do it for a couple of reasons. One, i have a record. When i talk, it is not about what i will do, but what i have already done. We need to balance the budget, rebuild our military, and citizens with the idea that their life matters. Here is what in theory will to do i have been able it. Secondly, i understand these frustrations that americans have about losing their job at 51 or the kids not being able to get a job with college debt. There are solutions to this. The final thing i want to say to you this sounds a little bit like a sermon over the weekend, i was reading about these two young people who were tried to fly to syria to join isis. They live in mississippi. Starkville, mississippi, a beautiful little town. Did you read the story . It was after i read the story about isis taking 12, 13, and 14yearold girls and putting them in the sex slave business, and passing them on to fighters, and having it acceptable to read these little girls it is an attack on all the values that we believe. Yet, i am reading about these two people who want to go join them. How is it possible . What they offer, these murdering, lying savages offer is the promise of family, friends, and purpose of how you will get to paradise by coming and joining us. What about us . How could two people from mississippi, and doctors who live in london, successful professors, and these people i tell you i think. I think over time, we in the west, we pursue to things too two things too much of the time. I want to be happy and free to do whatever it is i want to do. Leave me alone. When that is all you do, your life lacks meaning. You cant find meaning only by searching for happiness. You have happiness by having meaning. We are meant to be bigger than ourselves. We are meant to have a purpose. We are meant to have justice and healing, in whatever way we can. If it is working with the kate kid to get them to not do drugs, or mentoring a kid in school, or helping a senior citizen, when we do things to help other people, we feel good, and i think we get a reward for it in the long run. That is the trip we want to take to paradise. It is a political campaign, right . I find it more important to be a movement. We all have to rise up again as americans, and realize that what we do makes a difference. Figure out what you will do. You will find satisfaction and happiness. Enough of all that. What do you want to know . [applause] [indiscernible] i want to know, what will you do to prove to me that you are taking this threat seriously. Our current president and his a administration has neglected to do so for the last 23 years. They are using money that we have sent over to the middle east, and africa, to fund their soldiers over there. What will you do to take care of this . John kasich i said that we should get together all of western civilization is under attack. We should all be part of a coalition. We can include the saudis, and the jordanians, we need to put those on the ground and destroy boots on the ground and destroy isis. That is what we need to do. [applause] we need to do that look, i voted on war. I voted on the first gulf war. I voted to not be in lebanon, because i do not think we should be involved in civil wars. We need to have a very strong military, but we need to reform the pentagon so that when we spend money on defense, we get our moneys worth. I was asked a question by oreilly here and what if the people dont support it . First of all, i think the president has to make the case. Secondly, we have to do this. Sometimes you have to lead. That doesnt mean that you get so far ahead of the crowd look, i have been ahead of the crowd, and they have doubted me down. It will not keep me from leading. Sometimes i have to do things as the governor of ohio look, after my first term in office, i had 20 approval. You have to work hard to be that unpopular. It was not my job to win a popularity. It was my job to fix ohio, to walk and lonely road, and take the heat. Thats ok. Guess what, i won that unbelievable reelection. Their legislators there are legislators who are afraid of their own shadow. Across the country. You are in politics to die a thousand deaths. You can die over and over again, and come back. That is why i love sununu. Sununu doesnt say around. Is not going to sit around. Or, Gordon Humphrey. Maybe we ought to send him back someday . I can think of someone he can defeat. Gordon is saying no. Come on. Anyway, take care of business, come home. It is still a Fertile Ground over there for radicalism. If we are not able to convince people in the west that we are the past to real meeting in life real meaning in life. Yes. Thank you, so much. John kasich since you are joining my team, make this easy. Im very close to retirement age as if you couldnt tell. I would like to know when you are going to do to ensure the stability of Social Security for future generations so that very pretty 22yearolds over that will have something to look forward to when they are my age. John kasich we are not putting you out to pasture, by the way. Here is the thing. And 1999, whatever, i wrote a Social Security plan. It would have taken some of the surplus and used it so that young people could get a couple percent private account, whereas when the economy grows, they would grow. Baby boomers would start at a slightly lower levels, and seniors would be protected. I was offered 16 years ago, and what has stabilize the system for 100 years. They never voted on it. They didnt care about it. Those principles are still pretty much intact, but we dont have the 5 million to pay for the accounts. Cap have to work through all this. Here is where i will tell you. I have reformed a lot of entitlements in my life. We have taken medicaid and we are managing the program. We pay bills exactly, and not bound them off round them off. We let people stay in their homes if they want to be in their homes and not a nursing home. All of these things have come together to work when we did the balance budget, we did some changes to medicare. We made the wealthier pay for some of the premiums. I dont want to turn Social Security into welfare programs. The reason this has all worked is because people thought the problem and came together. Any Social Security plan, medicare plan, we will do in this country, has to have some bipartisan support. If you dont, you get a demagogue that doesnt pass, and you are farther in the hole. The same is true for immigration. He will not fix the immigration problem without having both parties agree to fix it. The principles i have laid out for you is what i would follow, but we have to make sure to work some democrats in so that we can pass something. The same is true on immigration. We can pound our fists and say, we will do this and this. Did you ever notice that people when they become president , they dont keep their promises . I will take a different approach. I will tell you what is practical in what we can get done. I am a conservative with conservative principles, but we cant do it alone. Can we fix this problem . Yes. When we reduce the growth of medicaid in my state, no one complained. It worked out better. We live in a culture today where innovation and reform sometimes means we can get a better product at a lower price. We have to stop thinking that just because it is government, it operates like the flintstones. Government can work more efficiently and more effectively if we think outside the box. I was talking to somebody here in New Hampshire. I dont know this will work, but a member of the legislators said, we want to put this fancy new system in so we can pay our bills and manage the system better, but we dont have money to invest in the system. I said, why dont you try and earn out . He said, whats an earn out . You put the system in, and tell them they will get paid on the basis of what gets saved. Did you ever think about that . Why not . That is thinking differently. I have been told we have a lady here, in Bernie Sanders supporter, who wants to ask me a question of your will go right to her right now. What do you want to know . I want your views on expanding Social Security and scrapping the cap so that these people out there pay more on what they are supposed to pay their fair share, as we all have done, so that our children and grandchildren can all benefit. John kasich got you. He is cutting me off very quickly. I want seniors to understand that too. We have everybody thinks we are broke, we will have Social Security, but you know what, our government borrowed trillions of dollars for that find to pay for tax loops during bushs time. Im not going to pay for that anymore. I want to see what is your plan, i admire you, i like you. John kasich how about a handshake and a high . Hug . She steamed up. I dont blame her. When we were running the surpluses, we were borrowing from the Social Security fund. We had surpluses and many of the accounts, which is hard to believe. Here is the problem. The amount of money you pay into Social Security determines the amount of benefit you will get. People pay more money, and they get higher benefits. If we scrap the cap, the people at the top will get more benefits, unless you delink the benefit, and that turns into a welfare program. If you are on Social Security or close to it, we will not take from you. The reason we wont take from you is because people are vulnerable. There are many people in this country that depend on that Social Security check every month. You cant take it away from them. We are looking at all of this. I dont want to say, we will do this, or do that. One thing maybe we can do is early retirement. We are looking at everything that can get us stable, but we cant do it by just republicans jamming their stuff through. Then it becomes like obamacare where everyone runs away from it. There are principles. The principle is if you are on it or close to it, we dont take anything away from you. And determining our initial benefit it is the chairman by something called wages and prices. You pick one, either wages or prices, and that is where it begins. That means i would start at a lower level, which means i would get less over my lifetime. For young people, i want them to have private accounts not total, but some private accounts like federal employees have. Raising the cap will not fix it. Fixing it is what are the most Creative Things we will do, and what do we do for those who are not close to being on it, where should they start . I am working right now with people who work in washington. I working with him tenure, he used to be a democrat, now he is an independent. Let me explain why more time. There are people who have no other source of income, and we cant turn our backs on poor people. You know, i dont do that in my state. We will not tell her seniors, tough luck, you are out of luck. Were not going to do that. I dont know what other people are going to do, i tell you where im going to do. I dont make promises that i will not keep. That is why you have to have a transition, so that people can plan. In terms of loopholes i created this thing called the task force on corporate welfare. I dont think it is right for Big Companies to get benefits. It is corporate welfare. I dont support it. I have this task force. You wouldnt believe how many liberals would run away so that they would not be part of the task force. We made some progress. Pharmaceutical companies in puerto rico. I will tell you a funny story. I was on, i think, meet the press, and bill bradley is ranting and raving about the corporate loopholes. I said, i have a suggestion, why dont we take the tax preferences away from the pharmaceutical companies in new jersey who put their operations in puerto rico. I was like rejecting he never got heard from again in the show. We have to look at all of these things. We have to look at all of these things that are out there. When we say loopholes, you have to be careful that what is described as a loophole isnt something that literally help someone keep a job. I will tell you one other thing im not happy about. I am for free trade, but im not for trade where people come in here, dump their stuff in our country, and destroy our jobs. It takes like two years to figure out the u. S. Makes a billiondollar agreement, and then the koreans put our people out of work. Baloney. We should have a system that immediately takes into account that is happening. [applause] the American Worker matters. I grew up my father carried mail, my uncles worked in steel mills. They were not whitecollar. We have to have fairness for everyone, and give everyone the middle class and lower income folks the ability to have the tools. My mother never went to college. My grandma lived with us, could barely speaking this, my fathers father was a cold minor, and i might become the president of the United States. Why . That is america. [applause] ok. Yes . It is not an entitlement. John kasich i hear you. Young lady . Is this about college cost . No. John kasich what do you want to be . And environmentalist. You have made a moral case for medicaid, education. The pope has said that morley we are failing the planet because we are not acting on the climate. How is it moral to kick the can down the road for Climate Change . John kasich good. Let me talk a little bit about this. I think the pope is onto something here. I dont like what the pope says about economics because Free Enterprise and the free market has freed more people from poverty than any system, but maybe what he is saying is that we shouldnt worship at the altar of materialism. You know what that means . Michael novak, the great catholic theologian, said that a Company Without values is bankrupt. When he talks about the environment, he is in agreement with francis of assisis. Any catholics in here . Francis of assisis. He called the birds have little friends. Francis schaeffer, who was an adviser to ronald reagan, one of the great theologians in modern time, he talks about the environment and ecology. God created us, human beings. Part of our responsibility is to be good managers and stewards of the rest of his creation, which includes the environment. He does not want us to worship the environment. That is called pantheism. He wants us to respect the environment. Our goal is to make sure we now its between Economic Growth and the ability to have a clean environment. I think it is achievable. I do. In my state, the legislator mandated 25 of our energy to come from renewables. Heres the problem. We cant meet the number. This was a bunch of politicians who plots the number out of the air and said, this is what we will do. We cant meet the number in ohio. We have to buy energy somewhere else at a premium, a high price. You want to bring manufacturing back to america. There are three things we could have going. Slower transportation costs, wages that are competitive, and cheap energy. We werent going to be in a position where we were going to go out of state and drive up the cost of manufacturing in ohio, and put people out of work. What i told the legislator is i believe in solar, wind, i also happen to believe in nuclear, by the way. [applause] we need to come up with a number that will fit our economy that will work. Some of the legislator want to basically forget the renewable program. I said, that is not acceptable. Now we have a group that is working on resetting the number so we can develop renewables, and yet, make sure we have Economic Growth. There are some things that are really exciting. The cost of solar energy the costs have come down. Wind energy is by and large subsidies. Nuclear, there is a Company Building at now, we will see how that goes. We believe in geothermal, and all those things. They have to fit in. Battery development is exciting. A friend has a tesla. It is the craziest car. You try to figure where the motor is, and you cant find one. Yet lady, what i want to tell you is i want to compliment you on carrying about this and coming here today. You know why . You have to stand for something. When you are fighting for a cleaner environment, you have more meaning in your life. And, you are onto something. I tell you, im committed to this. I have 15 year old girls. Lake erie, we have to fight with everybody to make sure we didnt put manure in it to create algae blooms. Cap to do it with reason, carefully, and consistent with people doing work. This is like the price is right. You were so excited. Come on down. I am from New Hampshire. John kasich i was just there. My question is if you are prolife, and you become president of the United States, what will you do to stop the holocaust that is happening in the United States right now in the killing the unborn and dismantling of the baby five . Baby pot . John kasich people are aghast at this. God bless you. John kasich i have always been prolife. I do believe in exceptions of rape, in says, and the life of the mother. What you have seen here with planned parenthood is unbelievable. No one is supporting it. Now there are efforts to work through how you support Family Planning without supporting the organization. We are working on it in the state of ohio. Would you give money to planned parenthood . John kasich i wouldnt be. We shouldnt give government money to support abortion. I would like to ask if you can respect the row versus wade decision. I ask because im a lifelong libertarian and i looking for a candidate that is both a fiscal conservative, but not a threat to a womans right to decide over her body. John kasich obviously does the law of the land. We live with the law of the land. How would you approach the gun law in getting assault weapons off our street . John kasich in 19i4, i supported the assault weapons in 1994, i supported the assault weapons ban. I am a supporter of the Second Amendment. I think we should have tough laws, but people should have the right to protect their families, hunt, and one thing i worry about are the checks we have against those with mental illness. We dont want them buying guns. We know there are holes in our system when it comes to sending a warning to people when they come in to buy a gun. We have seen it over and over again. That is why it is so vital that we treat people who are mentally ill, and have a place for them in an emergency situation to be hospitalized. Fundamentally, the Second Amendment ought to be upheld. I was wondering, have you had a chance to look to the recently negotiated iran deal . What is your opinion . John kasich i will really shock you, im not for it. [applause] here is my i have so many concerns about it. Im not knee jerking against it just because you have to if you are republican. I want to praise senator schumer for his courage. People talk about taking away his position because of his criticism of this. God bless them. First of all, we are going to let up the economy of iran. Im not convinced that we would have regime change. I want those young people to be very unsettled in iran, to stop listening to those ayatollahs. If we were to let their economy rise and then they will have more money to fund groups like hamas and hezbollah, it is very bad. In addition to that, we just read about isis using chemical weapons against the kurds. Can you imagine what it would be like if they have their hands on this nuclear material, what they might do with it . What they might do with it in a harbor in one of our cities . It is just unbelievable. I hope the senate will turn it down. Here is what has happened. I think the president and the administration felt they needed a deal. I dont know if you have ever gone out to buy something, but when you fall in love with what you have to buy, you end up paying more than you should. Now, the iranians can buy Ballistic Missiles after five years. The whole thing is really bad. Lets see how this whole thing turns out. With regards to the ban on our front weapons assault weapons. That seems to be where the majority of the killings have been. It is really just the assault weapons. John kasich i have been there already. It doesnt work that way. You pass laws look, at the end of the day, people want to be able to protect themselves and their families. Im for that. Im not for unloading the Second Amendment. Right here. I understand art current president has never signed a budget, we just do continuing resolutions. Would you have a budget process in the grand bargain we have . John kasich if it is what i have been watching washington, i dont want a grand bargain. You are a financial planner, and you know whether it is overregulation, obamacare, debt hanging over our heads, dodd frank which has strangled community and midsized banks all of this has led to economic slowdown and the lowest job creation since world war ii. We need to repeal many of these things that are killing us in terms of job creation. We need to get on the road to a balanced budget. We need to provide some Corporate Tax relief. We need to make sure we aggressively engage in workforce training. All of these things added together. Bring the profits of these companies from europe to the United States. All of this will help us be in a position where we can have effective job creation. That is our moral purpose. You have mentioned the Medicaid Program at least twice. As a medicaid consumer and someone who serves on a medicaid policy advisory board, i have figured something out. It simply doesnt work. The answer is to allow states to opt out and create some sort of voter system that would go across state lines so that i would be able to purchase my own plan, with the help of a case manager. The state of New Hampshire could opt out if it chooses to, but we would still be on the hook for paying that tax and the millions of dollars would stay in washington. What do you suppose john kasich what i would do, in a nutshell is i would take the Medicaid Program and empower the states to design a program for the people that live in their state so that people who are poor and is a bandaged can have a model that fits them so that people who are poor and disadvantaged can have a model that fits them. [indiscernible] john kasich i would say this. Medicaid money shouldnt be used to pave roads. It should be used to treat poor people. That would be the one requirement i have from washington. We wouldnt take that money and use it for a purpose other than what is intended here. You had an interesting point on corporate welfare. Can you elaborate on what you might do about ethanol . John kasich the Ethanol Program and all those subsidies will run out in about seven years. It is all part of this business of renewables. What you dont want to do is continue to subsidize programs like that. In the meantime, where we are on the is fine. You can have a big fight over it. You wont win it, in my opinion. At the end of the day, the way they havent set up and the timeline makes the most amount of sense. Right here. Then i will, p are to the lightning i will come up here to the lightning. He has been at every town hall. I love it when you come. What is your name . Chase. John kasich i love you. My concern with our budget is mandatory spending interests are eclipsing the budget as a whole. What policy changes would you make to reverse that . John kasich like what we did with medicaid in ohio to slow the growth rate, we moved most people into managed care where they have a shepherd to take them through the system. We got the people who provide the services. We shrunk the numbers so they competed for a larger part of the territory, which also brought about greater efficiency. We paid the bills exactly. We turned on technology and computers that allowed us to be more efficient. We allowed mom and dad to stay home, if they wanted to, instead of being forced into a nursing home. In the middle of all that, we were able to more aligned our nursing home reimbursement with what is happening across the country. Now, we have a program that i think as a replacement for obamacare, and that is to and our primary care physicians to work with the providers and the Insurance Companies to drive a positive outcome in terms of quality medicine at a lower price. I will give you one example. In our community, the childrens hospitals made an agreement with the Insurance Company around child asthma. Asthma is one of the big reasons why children are hospitalized. They have developed protocols so that children would be healthy and dont have to be hospitalized. Guess what . They are sharing the benefits, so the Insurance Company doesnt get as much profit and the hospital gets part of what they have lost. The kids are healthy, and they dont have to be hospitalized. We need to move to quality medicine rather than quantity medicine. He gets the last one. Do you think the Supreme Court should have televised their hearings . John kasich no. I am all for openness, but let me tell you. The answer to that is no. I think the Supreme Court ought to do it the way they do it. I was going to make a comment about congress, but i wont. What you dont want is people playing for the cameras. Some of these decisions are very important. Everything doesnt have to be televised. There are jury decisions where they ban cameras where appropriate. I would say no. You could maybe make a case and change my mind, but for now i say no. Thank you very much. God bless you. [applause] did you take a good picture . Whered you want me to sign . That would be great. Thank you. Gov. Kasich i dont look that good. This is the tattoo i got at the iowa fair. You go to the iowa state fair and you are a hot guy. That is what you do. E. You are a hawkey that is what you do. Do support a flat tax . Gov. Kasich it is very complicated. You have to figure out how you are going to get there. Just to say yes would not be fair. I dont worry about that. Please just let me be myself. Their following you in illinois. Gov. Kasich i hope so, bruce is a good man. Dont mind doing it, because youre going to sell it, but can i use my own pen . Thank you, governor. Gov. Kasich what you think about a rod getting another grand slam . Sox. R you with the red oh my goodness. How are you . Gov. Kasich we will. We well. Good, larry. Thank you. Larry, we will call. Larry, we will call. We are going to do a little gathering, that i have to go to another meeting. Ok. You. I feel like there are 2 parallel campaigns going on. Gov. Kasich i dont feel that. We are having a ball. Were having we are rising in New Hampshire. You play golf . No, i havent. Gov. Kasich when you play golf, you do not watch the other person. You just play your best game. When you do, usually win. I dont change my talk. I do not have talking points. It is whatever comes into my head. [inaudible] gov. Kasich there are restrictions. We have done a lot of things in that law changes, that is the law. It is like the court makes a ruling and they make a ruling. Absolutely, i think there are legitimate and constitutional restrictions that can be put on it. After previously opposing gov. Kasich put my name on a piece of legislation. I put my name on a lot of things. I think birthright citizenship is part of the constitution. Lets throw in a wrench to what we want to do to solve this problem. Build the wall. And then the people that come across, there is no debate. Youre going back. The Guest Worker Program will have people being able to come in and out, and when you look at the 11 million or 12 million, if they have not violated the law, there can be a path to legalization for them. Makes sense. F that that is a act of congress. I think people would be supported. You dont think it incident buys his illegal immigration . Leave this recording to take you live to the iowa state fair where democratic representatives Debbie Wasserman schultz, the chair of the Democratic National committee, is on the Des Moines Register soapbox. Mrs. Wasserman schultz it is a pleasure to be up your on the stage at the Des Moines Register soapbox. This is such an important opportunity to really talk about the choices that we have in front of us over the next 15 or 16 months. What i do every year is that this fair is one of the best fares in america. Owans believe it is the best fare. Every time i come i bring one of my kids. I have my third child. Year. Her turn this we spent yesterday at the fair. It was an incredible time. I cannot begin to describe the amount of fried food that we ate on a stick, which is something that we look forward to every year. I can tell you that my son, in advising my daughter, and that she should definitely come with me this year said, rebecca, you not goingbecause, im to lie, it was my best food day ever. In his 15 years at the time, that was saying a lot. Again, im so glad to be here. Theres a little bit going on in the political world today. You have had an opportunity to hear from a number of candidates. I have the privilege of talking to you about the very clear contrast and the 2 choices that we have to be able to make in america over the next year or so during the course of this president ial campaign. We are at a crossroads in america. Republicans, who you have heard from, who have time and time again said, you know, the best thing to do is not to go forward, but to go backward. Lets go back to the failed trickledown economic policies of the past. Those policies that say we should focus on cutting taxes for the wealthiest most fortunate americans. Believeof democrats who that we should focus on helping people reach the middle class. With three as a mom young kids and a member of congress, the lens through which i look is what our policy choices will mean for their adult lives. America are they going to grow up in . I want them to grow up in an america that gives them a fair shot to get ahead. Makes sure everyone has an opportunity to succeed, not just the people who are already successful. That is what republicans have the benefit guest on. Consistently, whether it is jeb bush, marco rubio, john kasich there are so many of thems it is hard to remember them all donald trump they think it is a really good idea to protect people at the top. If you take a deeper dive into the policy positions that they really, notthey are only, not supportive of helping Middle America forward, but they really want to take us backwards. They almost seem like they are focused on making sure that people have a harder time getting ahead. I will give you several examples. Lets talk equal pay. In equal payieve for equal work. It is unacceptable in america earn that women still only . 78 for every dollar that a man earns. Does anyone think that that is ok, that we should leave that status in place . Should women earn equal pay for equal work . I have 2 daughters, and i want to make sure when they are adults they get paid the same for doing the same work that a man does in the same job. It is an acceptable in America Today that africanamerican women and latina women earn even less. Africanamerican women earn . 54 for every dollar that a man does doing the same job. . 56 in the earn same situation. That is an a couple policy. How do republicans are that is an unacceptable policy. How republicans respond . Like scott walker did. As governor of wisconsin he signed registration to repeal equal pay enforcement in wisconsin. Equal pay vetoed legislation, as this chris christie. Marco rubio suggested

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