Transcripts For CSPAN Road To The White House 20240622 : com

Transcripts For CSPAN Road To The White House 20240622

that we together as a people would do a much better job of policing our police. the recruitment, better training, better pay. every policengs department should do to improve the trust necessary. , and those things adequately staffed internal affairs division and independently staffed civilian review board to safeguard the integrity of every police force. our federal government can play a vital role in lifting up these practices. today, every police department seven thaton reports are really registered crimes, and reports them timely and accurately. as president, i will require every police department to report all custodial deaths come all incidents involving use of lethal force and all complaints involving discourtesy and excessive force. nature fact of human that we cannot understand what we do not see. we can -- you cannot improve what we do not measure. but once we measure and once we see and once we understand, we can certainly improve. the reality is that racial enforcement inaw america have been painfully intertwine since the first days of our nation. if we are to have any hope of improving police and community relations in america, for our own sakes and the six of our ,hildren and grandchildren these measures must be open and visible for all to see. advance cameras. technology, we know, will not a steprything, but it is responsiblechieving policing. every police department must pass the tests of whether it saves lives in every policy we adopt must pass the same test. this is really the ongoing work that we share as a nation, to do more of what works and less of what does not. to create an america where there is truly liberty and justice for all. final thoughts. the great barbara jordan once said, the gap between the promise and the reality of america and one day be finally close. we believe that. barbara jordan grew up amidst some of the harshest segregation in our country. denied everything from the use of a water fountain to admission .o her state's university she never stopped believing that we could make the promise of america a reality. she became the first african-american in the texas senate since the days of reconstruction. the first african-american ever sent from texas to congress. from there, she fought for .oting rights, and human rights one of her very first steps in congress was to introduce a funding reform effort to ,trengthen prereview and down &m, whiche view a happens to be the school where sandra bland never made it to work on july 10th. barbara jordan was fond of saying that when it came to justice, people who are right must do battle with people who have the might. away,arbara jordan passed not yet even 60 years old, the houston chronicle headline read, "a voice for justice dies." true,t believe that's because voices for justice never died. -- never die. voices for justice will always resonate. sandra bland told the police officer she couldn't wait to get to court so her voice to be heard. we are hearing her voice now. we can make ourselves a more just nation, a more compassionate nation. we can teach all of our children more generous, compassionate, and caring way forward. there is that unites us than divides us. let's help each other if we are to succeed. justice willand have the final word. thank you all very much. [applause] >> governor martin o'malley. i will ask all three questions and you can respond. we will be sending you a questionnaire and i want you to commit to responding to the questionnaire in a timely basis. ofond, talk about the role young leaders, and emerging as to what role they will play in your campaign and its illustration and the future of the country. an element of income equality and the racial wealth gap is what happens with frozen markets in small business. what have you done to expand opportunity there? yes,'malley: first of all, i will absolutely, with zeal and speed, fill out the questionnaire. i look forward to having a larger discussion in the course of this campaign about investments in workforce and affordable housing, mass transit, as well is making our city's leaders in the green future. our headquarters in baltimore is packed every day with a very cool group of young men and women representing the great strength of our country. they keep me going. as i have traveled around the country, and you talk to young americans, i rarely meet people under 30 who deny that climate change is real or think that we should do something about it. i rarely ever meet people under 30 who want to discriminate against gay couples or want to bash immigrants. that tells me we are moving to a much better place in the country. i'm going to speak to that better america that we are headed to the think you are going to see a tremendous response and a lot of leaders come forward in the course of this campaign. elected, theyas so ik down the wde case had to put it back into place right away. i did with an executive order. we put in place a way to measure our outcomes and as governor, we raised our mbe goal. we actually exceeded in the middle of a recession. we, as a people, need to walk .he walk in understanding we to include our people more fully in the economic and social life of our nation. biggeste has the second percentage of black-owned businesses in the united states of america. we have to take action if we want economic growth. >> governor martin o'malley, thank you for being here. [applause] ♪ sen. sanders: thank you all very much for inviting me. i'm looking at the teleprompter, unfortunately there is nothing there. guy.'t a teleprompter let me congratulate the national urban league and mark and all of you for the enormous role that you're playing in this country, fighting for social justice. not only the ideas that you are bringing forth but the day-to-day work that you are doing in terms of job training, in terms of helping small businesses secure financing and youracts, and the help that have provided families with counseling when they're trying to realize the american dream of homeownership. that is just a few of the areas that you have excelled in. views are little bit different than others. i am the longest-serving independent in the history of the united states congress and i am running for president of the united states today within the democratic primary and caucus process. it is my belief from the bottom of my heart, or i would not be running for president if i thought otherwise, that given the enormous crises that this country faces today, crises that may be more severe than at any time since the great depression of the 1930's, that frankly it is to create or us -- frankly it is too late for establishment policies, it is too late for establishment politics, it is too late for establishment economics. we need some new thinking, some bold thinking. importantly, and this may make some people nervous but that's the way it is. i think that when we have a nation today where a handful of have unbelievable influence over the economic and ,olitical life of this country there is nothing significant that we will accomplish unless we have the courage to take them on, and that is what this campaign is about. the themes that you have outlined for this conference are exactly right. sate our cities, education, jobs, and justice. cities, education, jobs, and justice. -- the first point i want to make -- and i do understand that for some people this is uncomfortable but i believe that it has to be addressed. that is, that the united states of america today is the wealthiest country in the history of the world. but most people don't know that because much of that wealth is concentrated in the hands of a few. today in america, we have more wealth and income inequality than any other major country on and it is worth today than in any time -- and it is worse today than any time since 1928. it is not acceptable that the 1% owned sold as much wealth as the bottom 90%. -- phones almost as much wealth as the bottom 90%. one family, the family that owns walmart, owns more wealth than the bottom 40% of the american people. it is not acceptable that in the last two years, the 14 wealthiest people saw their wealth increased by $157 billion, more wealth than his own by the bottom 130 million tthan is ownedn is by the bottom 130 mill ion americans. wealth inequality is the great moral issue of our time, the great economic issue of our time , the great social and political issue of our time. together, we must address that issue. [applause] let me talk to you on another issue before i get to your theme. some of you may have heard or maybe you didn't. it didn't get a lot of press. a few days ago, former president jimmy carter describe the american political system as , he described the united states as an oligarchy with unlimited political bribery being the essence of getting the nomination for president or to elect the president. the he was talking about disastrous supreme court , aision of citizens united decision which says to the wealthiest people in this country, you already own much of the economy, now we are going to give you to opportunity to buy the united states government. the decision is undermining very foundations of american and women white men have often and given their lives to defend. -- what men and women have fought and given their lives to defend. brothersy, the koch family, will spend more money on this election cycle than either the democratic party or republican party. they will spend almost a billion dollars to make the rich richer and everyone else poorer. that is not democracy, that is oligarchy, and that is why we have to overturn this citizens united decision. that all oftee you the issues that candidates have talked about that you believe in will not take place when a handful of wealthy people are able to control our political system. education, iabout trust that all of you know that we live in a highly competitive global economy. insane -- and is i use that word advisedly -- that we have hundreds of thousands of bright young people, often minorities, who have the desire, who have the ability to get a higher education and go to college, but they can't go to college for the simple reason that their families cannot afford the tuition. that is absurd. we need to have the best educated workforce in the world is not tell hundreds of thousands of bright young people that they cannot make it into the middle class, that they cannot contribute as engineers, doctors, scientists. why i have introduced legislation and will fight for as president to make every public college and university in america tuition free. that means that kids in the sixth grade will know that if they do their school work, even if their parents didn't go to college, they will be able to go to college because the incomes of their families will not be a determining factor. this will revolutionize education, i think. educatione talk about , what we also have to understand is that the world has changed since the 1940's and 50's. mom is in the workplace. dad is in the workplace. childcare,irst-class pre-k system in this country. in my state and all over this country, working-class families struggle to find affordable .hildcare childcare workers are paid minimum wage. that is not how we should treat the most vulnerable children in america. universal pre-k, well-paid teachers. you read every month that unemployment is 5.3%. please know that that statistic is only one of many statistics that the government releases on jobs. that statistic does not include those people who have given up looking for work and those people working part-time when they want to work full-time. real unemployment is not 5.3%, it is 10.5%. it is a crisis. let me tell you what very few people are talking about, which is a very -- which is an even greater crisis. that is youth unemployment, which we don't talk about at all. the economic policy institute came out with a study last month. if you are a white kid between 17 and 20 who graduates high have a 33% unemployment rate. , youu are an hispanic kid have a 36% unemployment rate. if you are an african-american graduate, high school you have a 51% unemployment rate. that is unacceptable. that is turning our backs on an entire generation. we must not allow that to continue. when people talk about the tragedy of the united states having more people in jail than any other country, including china. one of the determining factors is that we have 5.5 million young people in america, in my state, in your state without jobs, without education, hanging around on street corners doing bad things. it is my very strong opinion that it makes a lot more sense for us to be investing in jobs and education rather than jails and incarceration. why, along with a representative from michigan, i introduced legislation that would create one million jobs over the next several years for unemployed kids. that is why i introduced legislation that calls for a inllion dollar investment rebuilding our crumbling infrastructure, creating 13 million decent paying jobs. and when we talk about jobs and income, let me be very clear. the $7.25 in the wage that wage thatminimum exists now is, in my view, a starvation wage. , alongside last week young people in the fast food industry who are standing up and fighting or dignity, i legislation that will move us to $15 an hour minimum wage over the next 15 years -- over the next few years. i strongly supported the affordable care act. it has done a lot of good things. we should understand that the united states today remains the only major country on earth that does not guarantee health care to all people as a right. that is why i will continue fighting and introduce new legislation for a medicare for all single-payer program guaranteeing health care for every man, woman, and child. justice, whenbout we talk about the need for all people in america to treat , welly and with dignity have got to deal with some harsh realities. those realities include the fact that today, if you can believe four black males born today can expect to spend time in prison during their lifetime and less we change that dynamic. this is an unspeakable tragedy and this country can no longer ignore that. blacks are in prison at six times the rate of whites. a report by the department of justice found that blacks were three times more likely to be searched during a traffic stop compared to white motorists. african-americans are twice as likely to be arrested and almost four times as likely to experience the use of force during encounters with police. 13%, and this is an , 13% ofinary figure african-american men have lost the right to vote due to felony conviction. they can't participate in the democratic political process. , we need some major changes in criminal justice in america. as president of the united my justiceromise you department will be vigorous infighting all forms of discrimination in every area of our life, not only in police matters but in housing, in credit, in every area that impacts minority populations. across our nation, as all of you know, as we see almost every day, too many african americans and other minorities find themselves subjected to a system that treats citizens who have not committed crimes as if they were criminals. a growing number of communities throughout this country do not trust the police and police have become disconnected from the communities they are sworn to protect. when i was mayor of burlington, vermont, one of the things that we did is we moved toward immunity policing. community policing means police are part of the community that is the direction we have got to move. sandra bland, michael brown, air guard, walter scott -- eric garner, walter scott, tamir rice . we know their names. each of them died unarmed at the hands of police officers or in police custody. violence ever tally of any kind, particularly at the hands of law enforcement's want to protect and serve the communities, is unacceptable and must not be tolerated. we must reform our criminal justice system. likewise do matter and we must value -- black lives do matter and we must value black lives. we must move away from the militarization of police force. you have all seen on tv, this heavy equipment. it looks like they are invading the city, it is like they're going to war. it is not a single police departments should be sending around this country. police should be part of the community, not an oppressive force. we need a justice department which takes the lead in working with states and localities to train police forces. force should be a last resort, not the first resort. for people who have committed crimes that have landed them in jail, there needs to be a path .ack from prison the recidivism rate in this country is incredibly high. people go to jail, we send them out of jail, they have no jobs, no money, no housing and we are just shocked when end up back in jail. we must and the incarceration of nonviolent young americans who do not pose a serious threat to our society. it is an international we have more that people in jail than any other country. that we of sanity stigmatized so many americans with a criminal record for smoking marijuana but oddly enough, not one major wall street executive has been prosecuted for causing the near collapse of our entire economy. it doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me. we need to add prisons for profit. end prisons for profit. i don't want prisons making money, or more money, based on how many people we lock up. should not be how many people go to jail, but how many people we can keep out of jail. we need to invest in medical and mental health interventions. jailny of our people in are dealing with mental health issues and i can tell you, i get calls. we have searched desperately for affordable mental health care, we can't find still those who seek to terrorize, and they are terrorists. to terrorize the african american community. some of us thought that ended 50 years ago, but it has not. we need to make sure that federal resources are available to crack down on the illegal act remedies of hate groups. there are hundreds of groups in this country whose sole reason for existence is hatred of african-americans, and hatred of jews, hatred of catholics. a end theot to end federal government must be active in ending that. brothers and sisters, thank you very much for allowing me to be with you and to share some of my ideas. let me conclude maybe in the town that i began. [laughter] is, that these are very, very difficult days. no question about it. but i believe that if we stand together as a people, if we do not let people divide us by bisexualgender, orientation, by what country we were born in. if we stand together, if we have the courage to take on those people today whose greed is destroying america, if we do that, there is nothing that we cannot accomplish and i am confident the urban league will be in the forefront of that struggle. thank you so much. [applause] >> senator bernie sanders, thank you very much. a few quick questions and the sendnal urban league will a questionnaire that will seek your position on our agenda. can you commit to respond to that agenda? yes.e sanders: >> thank you. you and people are an important part of the electorate today. any word you would like to say specifically about the role at that they will play in your campaign and your administration or in the future of the nation? the others: just night, we did something that was unprecedented. had 37 hundred organizing meetings and every state in this country, bringing out more than 100,000 people. and you know what? most of them were young people. noti believe very strongly, only in terms of my campaign, but in the future of this country, that we have got to mobilize the idealism and the energy of young people. my campaign will do everything we can to make that happen. for the important part african-american community, the racial wealth gap, the income inequality gap, has to do with the fact that our small entrepreneurs, african-american on businesses facing frozen credit markets and difficulty to grow. talk about that and how it fits into your thinking? mr. sanders: thank you for making that extremely important point. people cannot succeed in small business unless they have accessible credit. on the broader level, one of the points i am making in this campaign is that wall street is an island unto itself. were concerned about their own profits than in making affordable loans to small businesses and potential homeowners. that is why i have called for the breaking up of the major financial institutions in this country. [applause] increasel, in fact, business for small and medium-sized businesses. market: bernie, thank you for being here on behalf of the urban league. [applause] >> thank you all very much. i appreciate your hospitality and your excellent choice of the best date to hold your annual conference. [laughter] [applause] i'm not biased or anything. the urban league runs deep. if you were all hoping to find the most diverse, dynamic, forward-looking site for your convention, you came to the right place. you all are always welcome in florida. [applause] , i especially thank you and the trustees for this really kind invitation. i am honored to be your guest. i am pleased to see other guests here as well. secretarynders, clinton, and a good man bringing a lot of wisdom to the republican side, dr. ben carter. by the way, i am glad he will make it into the top 10 for next week's debate. before that thing is over, we just might need a doctor. [laughter] just saying. part, i am working hard every day for the vote. and politics, the this kind of support begins in friendship and fellowship. my florida friends and partners in the urban league include some of the most formidable people than any of us know. them, a national trustee, education leader, and great woman, julia johnson. you for a round of applause. man who basically built this movement from the ground up in south florida, my dear friend. [applause] cal fan came to the state for a job interview. as he tells the story, i did not know if they intended to hire me, but i intended to be hired. [laughter] and as we5 years ago, have all learned, when he intends for something to happen, itnot be surprised when does. he is an unstoppable leader and i am proud to call him my friend. after i lost my first election in 1994, i went through a time of what some people might call self-reflection. as listening and learning. i converted to my wife's catholic faith. i went to the courthouse, where there were cases of children being abused and neglected. to meet their obligations because of language, skills, or other things that held them back. campaign, i visited 250 schools across florida, many of them in low income communities. i also partnered with the urban league of greater america and telfair, which was something new to me. were noime, there charters in florida. so we said, let's change the law. let's go build a charter school. let's start something new and hope all four people so they don't have to wait for an opportunity. together, we got it done. that first year, 90 children in liberty city began their journey toward success. the date of school opened was one of the happiest, proudest moments of my life. through that listening and learning what i found was children who had the god-given ability to achieve yet for reasons out of their hands, structural, historical, economic, he did not have the same chance for success as their peers. to many around florida for giving me that perspective. it made me a better person, a better candidate in 1998, and a better governor for the eight years that followed. that experience still shapes the way i see the deep-seated challenges facing people in urban communities today. i know there are unjust barriers to opportunity and upward mobility in this country. are unseen see, some but just as real. so many lies can come to nothing or come to grief when we ignore problems or failed to meet our own responsibilities. so many people could do so much better in life if we could come together and get a few things right in government. i acted on that relief as governor of florida. it is a record i will gladly compare with anybody else in the field. starters, leaders know there are plenty of tough calls we have to make, so we should not be wasting time agonizing over the easy ones. so, 14 years ago, when the question was whether to keep the confederate flag on the grounds of the florida state capitol, i said no and put it in a museum where it belongs. [applause] another easy call was reaching out for talent wherever i found it. staff, state, agencies, and the courts. look, you're not going to get good judgment in courts when everybody comes from the same life experience [applause] . -- experience. [no audio] we in -- [applause] we increased the number of black in government.0% you cannot serve all of the people unless you represent all of the people, and we did it. [applause] diverset with the most of appointments the state has ever seen. from my first day in government to the last, respect was the role and opportunity for all was the goal. in most lives, opportunity is a hollow word unless you have the dignity of a job and a paycheck. it becomes real one people are hiring and the economy is growing, none is what we accomplished here in florida. we got the state economy growing at 4.4% a year. average family and comes when up in every income group and we made lord of the number one job-creating state in the whole nation. [applause] we applied conservative principles and applied them fairly without wavering. with fewerat obstacles imposed by government, more people had the opportunity to achieve earned success. we give people the tolls to move up in the world through adult education and workforce training. our community college system and made it more affordable to low income families. and those years, helped thousands more first-generation college students make it all the way to graduation. lose sight of those who had missed their chance at a better life or maybe even lost their way and ended up in jail. did not want to fill prisons with nonviolent offenders. we expanded drug courts. they started here in florida, we expanded them all across the we expanded our prevention programs. i took the view, as i did -- as i would as president, that will justice has to include restorative justice. opened the first faith-based prison in the united states and executive order to promote the hiring of ex-offenders. in this country, we should not be writing people off, denying them a second chance. many only ask for a chance to start again. to get back in the game and do it right will stop as a country, we should say yes whenever we can. [applause] we also went after the real enemy that afflicts our cities. the smugglers, drug cartels, violent criminals that profit from the undoing of so many lives. have sentencing laws for gun crimes and insured dangers people were kept all of of our streets. as a result, we brought violent crime down to a 27-year low and jug abuse way down as well. social progress is always the story of widening the circle of opera unity. -- of opportunity. reason, i gave reform everything i had his governor because if we fail at that responsibility, it is a better loss. i believe in the right to rise in this country, and a child is not rising if he is not reading. [applause] when i took office, florida was near the bottom in achievement. over one fourth of high schoolers were illiterate, one fourth of high schoolers never even graduated. we really overhauled the system. we brought out the best in our great teachers. we insisted upon testing and accountability. first choicethe based schools. we ended the insidious policy of social promotion in third grade, the practice of just passing on prepared kids along as if we did not care. because we did care. and we should care. you do not show that by counting on anyone's child. you give them all a chance, and that is what we did in florida. [applause] a lot changed in those years, graduation rates went up i 50%. of black and hispanic students passing exams increased four times over. also became the leader in early childhood education, and we still are today. among minority children, florida saw the greatest gains anywhere in the united states. what does that show? learn,s every child can no matter their race, in a matter where they live. i know this can be done. the debate is changing. old orthodoxy as falling away. we can never forget that the long-term reform does not have a child right now. learning are years that are lost forever. i think of the kids at washington, d.c. who received opportunity scholarships for them a couple thousand boys and girls, all most all of them black, have been given a chance to leave the worst schools and go to the best. yet every year, the union said the politicians want to shut this program down because they do not like rental choice. i believe every -- parental choice. i believe every parent should have a choice, every choice -- every school should have high standards, and the government should have nothing to do with setting them. washington should provide resources, especially where the need is greatest. building knowledge and shaving character is the job of principals, teachers, and most especially, parents. that is where the power should be. , "forhe president said too long we have been blind to how past injustices have shaped the president," he was speaking the truth. [applause] candid inbe just as discussing the injustices of a more recent origin. in so many cities, we have people who have never known anything but poverty. so many adults with no vision of a life beyond the life they already know. it is a tragedy for them, a loss for our country. every one of them has a god-given purpose to live out, and god-given talents to live out. everyone of them was also promised at least one big break in life in the form of a public school to help them learn who they are and what they can do. for millions, it is a false promise. theechnology advances, first run of the letter is getting higher and higher and higher. if we do not create an educational system that allows some people to reach it, we are out for a lifetime of favor. -- of failure. situation call the what it is, the worst situation of any quality and the source of many other inequalities. i want to work with the urban league movement to end this in justice for once and for all. [applause] for half a century, this nation has pursued a war on poverty in massive government programs funded with trillions out of the u.s. taxpayer dollars. while well-intentioned, this has been a losing effort and the casualties can be counted in the millions who have never had a chance at work. whose families fell victim to drugs and violence and the crushing of the spirit. one of the best anti-poverty programs is a strong family led by two committed parents. as the family breaks down, so does opportunity. poverty among dual-parent families is about 7%. among families with single mothers, it is about 35%. the reason is simple, it is a lot tougher to raise a family alone. too many kids are growing up without their dad. others who are absent in their andd's life need to step up take responsibility, and it is incumbent upon us -- it is assert then us to pressures that can break down the title wave of absent fathers on us now. there is nothing tougher than being a single mom. [applause] florida, i of doubled our efforts to collect child support payments. we have increased payments by 90%, and the children were better off because of that. [applause] quality, with a education and a family support system, ending the cycle of poverty increases access to jobs. i have my economic agenda should i become president, i do not one second except anemic growth. -- accept any make growth. do not for one i second except -- accept anemic growth. 4% growth is a true revival of the economic sector. the staticmal is present for struggling cities. 1% growth is more enterprise in urban areas, more people moving in, a higher tax base and more revenues. words, a better chance to save our cities. we can do this as a country. we can grow at a pace which lifts up everybody. there's no excuse for not trying. that, audacious goals are second nature to the men and women of the urban league. whenspirit is most needed things break down, as we know they do in anger and violence. we have seen that yet again this year, when all of these issues i have discussed make it harder and harder for people to imagine a hopeful future, it is easy to see where there is anger and this is illusion meant. trust is that historic lows and our vital institutions. it is up to us to work to rebuild the trust. that happens one person at a time. one politician at a time. one police officer at a time. one community leader at a time. it begins with respect, dialogue, and the courage to reach out in peace. those are exactly the qualities we saw in two of your affiliate presidents. michael mcmillan of st. louis, and j. howard henderson of baltimore. [applause] these good men were tested, and they showed us the way stop the strength -- and they showed us the way. love, as martin luther king told us, always shows the way. as in charleston was month, it shines as a true light in the darkness. city, community of that we found such grace. such purity of heart. such a relic goodness. such boundless mercy. all gathered up in one story. we like to think that charleston's response to people told the world something good and right about this nation and its people. it surely did. even more, that congregation of believers, that city, gave witness to the character that inspired that movement and inspires us to that day. i will endeavor to live up to the goodness of charleston and work with you to better our communities whether as your neighbor or as your president. andow there are great lasting things we can achieve together. maybe only together, to keep ideals faithful to its of equality and justice for all. your support in that effort is something i will work every day to earn. i welcome your friendship and i ask for your vote. god bless you all and thank you for the invitation. [applause] >> ladies and gentlemen, one more time. governor, we at the national urban league will promulgate. ladies and gentlemen, please keep your seat. questions and then an announcement about the schedule for today. we are going to promulgate a questionnaire. you are in. mr. bush: i heard about a backstage. >> another question, but young people, the new generation, millennial's. the next one is small, african-american businesses. resin credit markets. lack of opportunity. what would you do about that will stop? in their 20'sle severally not gotten a great deal in the last few years. college graduation rates are lower than they were for my generation. it is remarkable. flat-lined the college attainment levels. we haven't measured college degrees in the terms of attainment. student loans have grown x-men exponentially, but graduation rates have not. it is a higher rung on the ladder for young people. our government is obsolete. millennial's are frustrated with that, because they are much more tech savvy. we need a government that lifts and love. bemacare is designed to effective for young people to be mandated to be in the exchanges. for healthy people to take care of people my age you may not be as healthy. you are in great shape. [laughter] but the point is, we have to create a better strategy for people. we cannot create a generation that does not have as much opportunity is the one before. it of the way she do that as relates to african-american home businesses, as with the power of the government. we had a tough fight with a program called "one florida. " it was very controversial. and some saying we have a bunch of people that are going to count certified businesses, i am pretty sure you are a back -- you were a black man. you're pretty sure i'm a white man. we don't have to spend much time going through that. these officersf into marketing arms for businesses. the amount of increase and procurement for black-owned businesses, hispanic businesses, women-and businesses grew 400%. exponentially. providing opportunities for people that otherwise it may not be possible for them to sustain and expand their business. that is a useful place for us to operate as well. the final thing i would say, the access to credit issue has been made worse id most complicated initial regulatory system. i tell you, the two-big-to-failed challenge the two big to fail challenge israel. apply to both urban and rural. the result is, they cannot sustain their business because they have to hire the same accounts that j.p. morgan does, can dost me, jp morgan that easier. if we want to make sure the next generation of entrepreneurs is successful, we must protect our banks from going out of business. >> next, q&a. then, another chance to see presidential candidates hillary clinton, jeb bush, martin o'malley, and others speak at the urban league. then, house hearing on live anthrax spores being shipped to laboratories. >> the republican presidential candidates are in manchester, new hampshire for the first presidential forum on monday. and, c-span's road to the white onse is providing coverage c-span,, and c-span radio. following the live forum, you can provide your comments on facebook or twitter. house 2016 onite c-span, c-span radio, and >> at night on the communicators, democratic representatives on cyber security issues and how to combat recent data breaches. >> the most recent attack on the office of personnel management, but also on target, home depot, so many other private corporations have had customer information stolen. have realized this, we can try very hard to keep ahead of the hackers, but what we need to do is think about how we minimize the need for customers to put their private information on to websites. there are legal prohibitions on the government sharing classified information with the private sector. there are legal prohibitions from the private sector are sharing information back to the agentsent and acting as of the government. that is not allowed. what we want to do is allow those barriers to be removed, so that you could share information on features very narrowly defined. very tech goal type of information, but, for example, of the various hacks that have taken place out there, if we could globally share that information than 11 hack occurs place, hopefully at network speed we can widely share that vulnerability and protect everyone. >> monday night at 8:00 eastern on the communicators on c-span-. ♪ >> this week on "q&a," robert kurson discusses his book, "pirate hunters" and the search for the ship the golden fleece, sunk off the coast of the dominican republic in the 1680's. the captain, joseph bannister, was a respected merchant captain before he stole the golden fleece and became a pirate.

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United States , New Hampshire , Israel , Texas , Burlington , Michigan , Dominican Republic , China , Florida , Houston , Washington , District Of Columbia , Americans , America , Floridians , American , Jimmy Carter , Walter Scott Tamir , Martin Luther King , Julia Johnson , Michael Brown , Michael Mcmillan , Ben Carter , Joseph Bannister , Jeb Bush , Hillary Clinton , J Howard Henderson , Walter Scott Eric , Bernie Sanders ,

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Transcripts For CSPAN Road To The White House 20240622 :

Transcripts For CSPAN Road To The White House 20240622

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that we together as a people would do a much better job of policing our police. the recruitment, better training, better pay. every policengs department should do to improve the trust necessary. , and those things adequately staffed internal affairs division and independently staffed civilian review board to safeguard the integrity of every police force. our federal government can play a vital role in lifting up these practices. today, every police department seven thaton reports are really registered crimes, and reports them timely and accurately. as president, i will require every police department to report all custodial deaths come all incidents involving use of lethal force and all complaints involving discourtesy and excessive force. nature fact of human that we cannot understand what we do not see. we can -- you cannot improve what we do not measure. but once we measure and once we see and once we understand, we can certainly improve. the reality is that racial enforcement inaw america have been painfully intertwine since the first days of our nation. if we are to have any hope of improving police and community relations in america, for our own sakes and the six of our ,hildren and grandchildren these measures must be open and visible for all to see. advance cameras. technology, we know, will not a steprything, but it is responsiblechieving policing. every police department must pass the tests of whether it saves lives in every policy we adopt must pass the same test. this is really the ongoing work that we share as a nation, to do more of what works and less of what does not. to create an america where there is truly liberty and justice for all. final thoughts. the great barbara jordan once said, the gap between the promise and the reality of america and one day be finally close. we believe that. barbara jordan grew up amidst some of the harshest segregation in our country. denied everything from the use of a water fountain to admission .o her state's university she never stopped believing that we could make the promise of america a reality. she became the first african-american in the texas senate since the days of reconstruction. the first african-american ever sent from texas to congress. from there, she fought for .oting rights, and human rights one of her very first steps in congress was to introduce a funding reform effort to ,trengthen prereview and down &m, whiche view a happens to be the school where sandra bland never made it to work on july 10th. barbara jordan was fond of saying that when it came to justice, people who are right must do battle with people who have the might. away,arbara jordan passed not yet even 60 years old, the houston chronicle headline read, "a voice for justice dies." true,t believe that's because voices for justice never died. -- never die. voices for justice will always resonate. sandra bland told the police officer she couldn't wait to get to court so her voice to be heard. we are hearing her voice now. we can make ourselves a more just nation, a more compassionate nation. we can teach all of our children more generous, compassionate, and caring way forward. there is that unites us than divides us. let's help each other if we are to succeed. justice willand have the final word. thank you all very much. [applause] >> governor martin o'malley. i will ask all three questions and you can respond. we will be sending you a questionnaire and i want you to commit to responding to the questionnaire in a timely basis. ofond, talk about the role young leaders, and emerging as to what role they will play in your campaign and its illustration and the future of the country. an element of income equality and the racial wealth gap is what happens with frozen markets in small business. what have you done to expand opportunity there? yes,'malley: first of all, i will absolutely, with zeal and speed, fill out the questionnaire. i look forward to having a larger discussion in the course of this campaign about investments in workforce and affordable housing, mass transit, as well is making our city's leaders in the green future. our headquarters in baltimore is packed every day with a very cool group of young men and women representing the great strength of our country. they keep me going. as i have traveled around the country, and you talk to young americans, i rarely meet people under 30 who deny that climate change is real or think that we should do something about it. i rarely ever meet people under 30 who want to discriminate against gay couples or want to bash immigrants. that tells me we are moving to a much better place in the country. i'm going to speak to that better america that we are headed to the think you are going to see a tremendous response and a lot of leaders come forward in the course of this campaign. elected, theyas so ik down the wde case had to put it back into place right away. i did with an executive order. we put in place a way to measure our outcomes and as governor, we raised our mbe goal. we actually exceeded in the middle of a recession. we, as a people, need to walk .he walk in understanding we to include our people more fully in the economic and social life of our nation. biggeste has the second percentage of black-owned businesses in the united states of america. we have to take action if we want economic growth. >> governor martin o'malley, thank you for being here. [applause] ♪ sen. sanders: thank you all very much for inviting me. i'm looking at the teleprompter, unfortunately there is nothing there. guy.'t a teleprompter let me congratulate the national urban league and mark and all of you for the enormous role that you're playing in this country, fighting for social justice. not only the ideas that you are bringing forth but the day-to-day work that you are doing in terms of job training, in terms of helping small businesses secure financing and youracts, and the help that have provided families with counseling when they're trying to realize the american dream of homeownership. that is just a few of the areas that you have excelled in. views are little bit different than others. i am the longest-serving independent in the history of the united states congress and i am running for president of the united states today within the democratic primary and caucus process. it is my belief from the bottom of my heart, or i would not be running for president if i thought otherwise, that given the enormous crises that this country faces today, crises that may be more severe than at any time since the great depression of the 1930's, that frankly it is to create or us -- frankly it is too late for establishment policies, it is too late for establishment politics, it is too late for establishment economics. we need some new thinking, some bold thinking. importantly, and this may make some people nervous but that's the way it is. i think that when we have a nation today where a handful of have unbelievable influence over the economic and ,olitical life of this country there is nothing significant that we will accomplish unless we have the courage to take them on, and that is what this campaign is about. the themes that you have outlined for this conference are exactly right. sate our cities, education, jobs, and justice. cities, education, jobs, and justice. -- the first point i want to make -- and i do understand that for some people this is uncomfortable but i believe that it has to be addressed. that is, that the united states of america today is the wealthiest country in the history of the world. but most people don't know that because much of that wealth is concentrated in the hands of a few. today in america, we have more wealth and income inequality than any other major country on and it is worth today than in any time -- and it is worse today than any time since 1928. it is not acceptable that the 1% owned sold as much wealth as the bottom 90%. -- phones almost as much wealth as the bottom 90%. one family, the family that owns walmart, owns more wealth than the bottom 40% of the american people. it is not acceptable that in the last two years, the 14 wealthiest people saw their wealth increased by $157 billion, more wealth than his own by the bottom 130 million tthan is ownedn is by the bottom 130 mill ion americans. wealth inequality is the great moral issue of our time, the great economic issue of our time , the great social and political issue of our time. together, we must address that issue. [applause] let me talk to you on another issue before i get to your theme. some of you may have heard or maybe you didn't. it didn't get a lot of press. a few days ago, former president jimmy carter describe the american political system as , he described the united states as an oligarchy with unlimited political bribery being the essence of getting the nomination for president or to elect the president. the he was talking about disastrous supreme court , aision of citizens united decision which says to the wealthiest people in this country, you already own much of the economy, now we are going to give you to opportunity to buy the united states government. the decision is undermining very foundations of american and women white men have often and given their lives to defend. -- what men and women have fought and given their lives to defend. brothersy, the koch family, will spend more money on this election cycle than either the democratic party or republican party. they will spend almost a billion dollars to make the rich richer and everyone else poorer. that is not democracy, that is oligarchy, and that is why we have to overturn this citizens united decision. that all oftee you the issues that candidates have talked about that you believe in will not take place when a handful of wealthy people are able to control our political system. education, iabout trust that all of you know that we live in a highly competitive global economy. insane -- and is i use that word advisedly -- that we have hundreds of thousands of bright young people, often minorities, who have the desire, who have the ability to get a higher education and go to college, but they can't go to college for the simple reason that their families cannot afford the tuition. that is absurd. we need to have the best educated workforce in the world is not tell hundreds of thousands of bright young people that they cannot make it into the middle class, that they cannot contribute as engineers, doctors, scientists. why i have introduced legislation and will fight for as president to make every public college and university in america tuition free. that means that kids in the sixth grade will know that if they do their school work, even if their parents didn't go to college, they will be able to go to college because the incomes of their families will not be a determining factor. this will revolutionize education, i think. educatione talk about , what we also have to understand is that the world has changed since the 1940's and 50's. mom is in the workplace. dad is in the workplace. childcare,irst-class pre-k system in this country. in my state and all over this country, working-class families struggle to find affordable .hildcare childcare workers are paid minimum wage. that is not how we should treat the most vulnerable children in america. universal pre-k, well-paid teachers. you read every month that unemployment is 5.3%. please know that that statistic is only one of many statistics that the government releases on jobs. that statistic does not include those people who have given up looking for work and those people working part-time when they want to work full-time. real unemployment is not 5.3%, it is 10.5%. it is a crisis. let me tell you what very few people are talking about, which is a very -- which is an even greater crisis. that is youth unemployment, which we don't talk about at all. the economic policy institute came out with a study last month. if you are a white kid between 17 and 20 who graduates high have a 33% unemployment rate. , youu are an hispanic kid have a 36% unemployment rate. if you are an african-american graduate, high school you have a 51% unemployment rate. that is unacceptable. that is turning our backs on an entire generation. we must not allow that to continue. when people talk about the tragedy of the united states having more people in jail than any other country, including china. one of the determining factors is that we have 5.5 million young people in america, in my state, in your state without jobs, without education, hanging around on street corners doing bad things. it is my very strong opinion that it makes a lot more sense for us to be investing in jobs and education rather than jails and incarceration. why, along with a representative from michigan, i introduced legislation that would create one million jobs over the next several years for unemployed kids. that is why i introduced legislation that calls for a inllion dollar investment rebuilding our crumbling infrastructure, creating 13 million decent paying jobs. and when we talk about jobs and income, let me be very clear. the $7.25 in the wage that wage thatminimum exists now is, in my view, a starvation wage. , alongside last week young people in the fast food industry who are standing up and fighting or dignity, i legislation that will move us to $15 an hour minimum wage over the next 15 years -- over the next few years. i strongly supported the affordable care act. it has done a lot of good things. we should understand that the united states today remains the only major country on earth that does not guarantee health care to all people as a right. that is why i will continue fighting and introduce new legislation for a medicare for all single-payer program guaranteeing health care for every man, woman, and child. justice, whenbout we talk about the need for all people in america to treat , welly and with dignity have got to deal with some harsh realities. those realities include the fact that today, if you can believe four black males born today can expect to spend time in prison during their lifetime and less we change that dynamic. this is an unspeakable tragedy and this country can no longer ignore that. blacks are in prison at six times the rate of whites. a report by the department of justice found that blacks were three times more likely to be searched during a traffic stop compared to white motorists. african-americans are twice as likely to be arrested and almost four times as likely to experience the use of force during encounters with police. 13%, and this is an , 13% ofinary figure african-american men have lost the right to vote due to felony conviction. they can't participate in the democratic political process. , we need some major changes in criminal justice in america. as president of the united my justiceromise you department will be vigorous infighting all forms of discrimination in every area of our life, not only in police matters but in housing, in credit, in every area that impacts minority populations. across our nation, as all of you know, as we see almost every day, too many african americans and other minorities find themselves subjected to a system that treats citizens who have not committed crimes as if they were criminals. a growing number of communities throughout this country do not trust the police and police have become disconnected from the communities they are sworn to protect. when i was mayor of burlington, vermont, one of the things that we did is we moved toward immunity policing. community policing means police are part of the community that is the direction we have got to move. sandra bland, michael brown, air guard, walter scott -- eric garner, walter scott, tamir rice . we know their names. each of them died unarmed at the hands of police officers or in police custody. violence ever tally of any kind, particularly at the hands of law enforcement's want to protect and serve the communities, is unacceptable and must not be tolerated. we must reform our criminal justice system. likewise do matter and we must value -- black lives do matter and we must value black lives. we must move away from the militarization of police force. you have all seen on tv, this heavy equipment. it looks like they are invading the city, it is like they're going to war. it is not a single police departments should be sending around this country. police should be part of the community, not an oppressive force. we need a justice department which takes the lead in working with states and localities to train police forces. force should be a last resort, not the first resort. for people who have committed crimes that have landed them in jail, there needs to be a path .ack from prison the recidivism rate in this country is incredibly high. people go to jail, we send them out of jail, they have no jobs, no money, no housing and we are just shocked when end up back in jail. we must and the incarceration of nonviolent young americans who do not pose a serious threat to our society. it is an international we have more that people in jail than any other country. that we of sanity stigmatized so many americans with a criminal record for smoking marijuana but oddly enough, not one major wall street executive has been prosecuted for causing the near collapse of our entire economy. it doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me. we need to add prisons for profit. end prisons for profit. i don't want prisons making money, or more money, based on how many people we lock up. should not be how many people go to jail, but how many people we can keep out of jail. we need to invest in medical and mental health interventions. jailny of our people in are dealing with mental health issues and i can tell you, i get calls. we have searched desperately for affordable mental health care, we can't find still those who seek to terrorize, and they are terrorists. to terrorize the african american community. some of us thought that ended 50 years ago, but it has not. we need to make sure that federal resources are available to crack down on the illegal act remedies of hate groups. there are hundreds of groups in this country whose sole reason for existence is hatred of african-americans, and hatred of jews, hatred of catholics. a end theot to end federal government must be active in ending that. brothers and sisters, thank you very much for allowing me to be with you and to share some of my ideas. let me conclude maybe in the town that i began. [laughter] is, that these are very, very difficult days. no question about it. but i believe that if we stand together as a people, if we do not let people divide us by bisexualgender, orientation, by what country we were born in. if we stand together, if we have the courage to take on those people today whose greed is destroying america, if we do that, there is nothing that we cannot accomplish and i am confident the urban league will be in the forefront of that struggle. thank you so much. [applause] >> senator bernie sanders, thank you very much. a few quick questions and the sendnal urban league will a questionnaire that will seek your position on our agenda. can you commit to respond to that agenda? yes.e sanders: >> thank you. you and people are an important part of the electorate today. any word you would like to say specifically about the role at that they will play in your campaign and your administration or in the future of the nation? the others: just night, we did something that was unprecedented. had 37 hundred organizing meetings and every state in this country, bringing out more than 100,000 people. and you know what? most of them were young people. noti believe very strongly, only in terms of my campaign, but in the future of this country, that we have got to mobilize the idealism and the energy of young people. my campaign will do everything we can to make that happen. for the important part african-american community, the racial wealth gap, the income inequality gap, has to do with the fact that our small entrepreneurs, african-american on businesses facing frozen credit markets and difficulty to grow. talk about that and how it fits into your thinking? mr. sanders: thank you for making that extremely important point. people cannot succeed in small business unless they have accessible credit. on the broader level, one of the points i am making in this campaign is that wall street is an island unto itself. were concerned about their own profits than in making affordable loans to small businesses and potential homeowners. that is why i have called for the breaking up of the major financial institutions in this country. [applause] increasel, in fact, business for small and medium-sized businesses. market: bernie, thank you for being here on behalf of the urban league. [applause] >> thank you all very much. i appreciate your hospitality and your excellent choice of the best date to hold your annual conference. [laughter] [applause] i'm not biased or anything. the urban league runs deep. if you were all hoping to find the most diverse, dynamic, forward-looking site for your convention, you came to the right place. you all are always welcome in florida. [applause] , i especially thank you and the trustees for this really kind invitation. i am honored to be your guest. i am pleased to see other guests here as well. secretarynders, clinton, and a good man bringing a lot of wisdom to the republican side, dr. ben carter. by the way, i am glad he will make it into the top 10 for next week's debate. before that thing is over, we just might need a doctor. [laughter] just saying. part, i am working hard every day for the vote. and politics, the this kind of support begins in friendship and fellowship. my florida friends and partners in the urban league include some of the most formidable people than any of us know. them, a national trustee, education leader, and great woman, julia johnson. you for a round of applause. man who basically built this movement from the ground up in south florida, my dear friend. [applause] cal fan came to the state for a job interview. as he tells the story, i did not know if they intended to hire me, but i intended to be hired. [laughter] and as we5 years ago, have all learned, when he intends for something to happen, itnot be surprised when does. he is an unstoppable leader and i am proud to call him my friend. after i lost my first election in 1994, i went through a time of what some people might call self-reflection. as listening and learning. i converted to my wife's catholic faith. i went to the courthouse, where there were cases of children being abused and neglected. to meet their obligations because of language, skills, or other things that held them back. campaign, i visited 250 schools across florida, many of them in low income communities. i also partnered with the urban league of greater america and telfair, which was something new to me. were noime, there charters in florida. so we said, let's change the law. let's go build a charter school. let's start something new and hope all four people so they don't have to wait for an opportunity. together, we got it done. that first year, 90 children in liberty city began their journey toward success. the date of school opened was one of the happiest, proudest moments of my life. through that listening and learning what i found was children who had the god-given ability to achieve yet for reasons out of their hands, structural, historical, economic, he did not have the same chance for success as their peers. to many around florida for giving me that perspective. it made me a better person, a better candidate in 1998, and a better governor for the eight years that followed. that experience still shapes the way i see the deep-seated challenges facing people in urban communities today. i know there are unjust barriers to opportunity and upward mobility in this country. are unseen see, some but just as real. so many lies can come to nothing or come to grief when we ignore problems or failed to meet our own responsibilities. so many people could do so much better in life if we could come together and get a few things right in government. i acted on that relief as governor of florida. it is a record i will gladly compare with anybody else in the field. starters, leaders know there are plenty of tough calls we have to make, so we should not be wasting time agonizing over the easy ones. so, 14 years ago, when the question was whether to keep the confederate flag on the grounds of the florida state capitol, i said no and put it in a museum where it belongs. [applause] another easy call was reaching out for talent wherever i found it. staff, state, agencies, and the courts. look, you're not going to get good judgment in courts when everybody comes from the same life experience [applause] . -- experience. [no audio] we in -- [applause] we increased the number of black in government.0% you cannot serve all of the people unless you represent all of the people, and we did it. [applause] diverset with the most of appointments the state has ever seen. from my first day in government to the last, respect was the role and opportunity for all was the goal. in most lives, opportunity is a hollow word unless you have the dignity of a job and a paycheck. it becomes real one people are hiring and the economy is growing, none is what we accomplished here in florida. we got the state economy growing at 4.4% a year. average family and comes when up in every income group and we made lord of the number one job-creating state in the whole nation. [applause] we applied conservative principles and applied them fairly without wavering. with fewerat obstacles imposed by government, more people had the opportunity to achieve earned success. we give people the tolls to move up in the world through adult education and workforce training. our community college system and made it more affordable to low income families. and those years, helped thousands more first-generation college students make it all the way to graduation. lose sight of those who had missed their chance at a better life or maybe even lost their way and ended up in jail. did not want to fill prisons with nonviolent offenders. we expanded drug courts. they started here in florida, we expanded them all across the we expanded our prevention programs. i took the view, as i did -- as i would as president, that will justice has to include restorative justice. opened the first faith-based prison in the united states and executive order to promote the hiring of ex-offenders. in this country, we should not be writing people off, denying them a second chance. many only ask for a chance to start again. to get back in the game and do it right will stop as a country, we should say yes whenever we can. [applause] we also went after the real enemy that afflicts our cities. the smugglers, drug cartels, violent criminals that profit from the undoing of so many lives. have sentencing laws for gun crimes and insured dangers people were kept all of of our streets. as a result, we brought violent crime down to a 27-year low and jug abuse way down as well. social progress is always the story of widening the circle of opera unity. -- of opportunity. reason, i gave reform everything i had his governor because if we fail at that responsibility, it is a better loss. i believe in the right to rise in this country, and a child is not rising if he is not reading. [applause] when i took office, florida was near the bottom in achievement. over one fourth of high schoolers were illiterate, one fourth of high schoolers never even graduated. we really overhauled the system. we brought out the best in our great teachers. we insisted upon testing and accountability. first choicethe based schools. we ended the insidious policy of social promotion in third grade, the practice of just passing on prepared kids along as if we did not care. because we did care. and we should care. you do not show that by counting on anyone's child. you give them all a chance, and that is what we did in florida. [applause] a lot changed in those years, graduation rates went up i 50%. of black and hispanic students passing exams increased four times over. also became the leader in early childhood education, and we still are today. among minority children, florida saw the greatest gains anywhere in the united states. what does that show? learn,s every child can no matter their race, in a matter where they live. i know this can be done. the debate is changing. old orthodoxy as falling away. we can never forget that the long-term reform does not have a child right now. learning are years that are lost forever. i think of the kids at washington, d.c. who received opportunity scholarships for them a couple thousand boys and girls, all most all of them black, have been given a chance to leave the worst schools and go to the best. yet every year, the union said the politicians want to shut this program down because they do not like rental choice. i believe every -- parental choice. i believe every parent should have a choice, every choice -- every school should have high standards, and the government should have nothing to do with setting them. washington should provide resources, especially where the need is greatest. building knowledge and shaving character is the job of principals, teachers, and most especially, parents. that is where the power should be. , "forhe president said too long we have been blind to how past injustices have shaped the president," he was speaking the truth. [applause] candid inbe just as discussing the injustices of a more recent origin. in so many cities, we have people who have never known anything but poverty. so many adults with no vision of a life beyond the life they already know. it is a tragedy for them, a loss for our country. every one of them has a god-given purpose to live out, and god-given talents to live out. everyone of them was also promised at least one big break in life in the form of a public school to help them learn who they are and what they can do. for millions, it is a false promise. theechnology advances, first run of the letter is getting higher and higher and higher. if we do not create an educational system that allows some people to reach it, we are out for a lifetime of favor. -- of failure. situation call the what it is, the worst situation of any quality and the source of many other inequalities. i want to work with the urban league movement to end this in justice for once and for all. [applause] for half a century, this nation has pursued a war on poverty in massive government programs funded with trillions out of the u.s. taxpayer dollars. while well-intentioned, this has been a losing effort and the casualties can be counted in the millions who have never had a chance at work. whose families fell victim to drugs and violence and the crushing of the spirit. one of the best anti-poverty programs is a strong family led by two committed parents. as the family breaks down, so does opportunity. poverty among dual-parent families is about 7%. among families with single mothers, it is about 35%. the reason is simple, it is a lot tougher to raise a family alone. too many kids are growing up without their dad. others who are absent in their andd's life need to step up take responsibility, and it is incumbent upon us -- it is assert then us to pressures that can break down the title wave of absent fathers on us now. there is nothing tougher than being a single mom. [applause] florida, i of doubled our efforts to collect child support payments. we have increased payments by 90%, and the children were better off because of that. [applause] quality, with a education and a family support system, ending the cycle of poverty increases access to jobs. i have my economic agenda should i become president, i do not one second except anemic growth. -- accept any make growth. do not for one i second except -- accept anemic growth. 4% growth is a true revival of the economic sector. the staticmal is present for struggling cities. 1% growth is more enterprise in urban areas, more people moving in, a higher tax base and more revenues. words, a better chance to save our cities. we can do this as a country. we can grow at a pace which lifts up everybody. there's no excuse for not trying. that, audacious goals are second nature to the men and women of the urban league. whenspirit is most needed things break down, as we know they do in anger and violence. we have seen that yet again this year, when all of these issues i have discussed make it harder and harder for people to imagine a hopeful future, it is easy to see where there is anger and this is illusion meant. trust is that historic lows and our vital institutions. it is up to us to work to rebuild the trust. that happens one person at a time. one politician at a time. one police officer at a time. one community leader at a time. it begins with respect, dialogue, and the courage to reach out in peace. those are exactly the qualities we saw in two of your affiliate presidents. michael mcmillan of st. louis, and j. howard henderson of baltimore. [applause] these good men were tested, and they showed us the way stop the strength -- and they showed us the way. love, as martin luther king told us, always shows the way. as in charleston was month, it shines as a true light in the darkness. city, community of that we found such grace. such purity of heart. such a relic goodness. such boundless mercy. all gathered up in one story. we like to think that charleston's response to people told the world something good and right about this nation and its people. it surely did. even more, that congregation of believers, that city, gave witness to the character that inspired that movement and inspires us to that day. i will endeavor to live up to the goodness of charleston and work with you to better our communities whether as your neighbor or as your president. andow there are great lasting things we can achieve together. maybe only together, to keep ideals faithful to its of equality and justice for all. your support in that effort is something i will work every day to earn. i welcome your friendship and i ask for your vote. god bless you all and thank you for the invitation. [applause] >> ladies and gentlemen, one more time. governor, we at the national urban league will promulgate. ladies and gentlemen, please keep your seat. questions and then an announcement about the schedule for today. we are going to promulgate a questionnaire. you are in. mr. bush: i heard about a backstage. >> another question, but young people, the new generation, millennial's. the next one is small, african-american businesses. resin credit markets. lack of opportunity. what would you do about that will stop? in their 20'sle severally not gotten a great deal in the last few years. college graduation rates are lower than they were for my generation. it is remarkable. flat-lined the college attainment levels. we haven't measured college degrees in the terms of attainment. student loans have grown x-men exponentially, but graduation rates have not. it is a higher rung on the ladder for young people. our government is obsolete. millennial's are frustrated with that, because they are much more tech savvy. we need a government that lifts and love. bemacare is designed to effective for young people to be mandated to be in the exchanges. for healthy people to take care of people my age you may not be as healthy. you are in great shape. [laughter] but the point is, we have to create a better strategy for people. we cannot create a generation that does not have as much opportunity is the one before. it of the way she do that as relates to african-american home businesses, as with the power of the government. we had a tough fight with a program called "one florida. " it was very controversial. and some saying we have a bunch of people that are going to count certified businesses, i am pretty sure you are a back -- you were a black man. you're pretty sure i'm a white man. we don't have to spend much time going through that. these officersf into marketing arms for businesses. the amount of increase and procurement for black-owned businesses, hispanic businesses, women-and businesses grew 400%. exponentially. providing opportunities for people that otherwise it may not be possible for them to sustain and expand their business. that is a useful place for us to operate as well. the final thing i would say, the access to credit issue has been made worse id most complicated initial regulatory system. i tell you, the two-big-to-failed challenge the two big to fail challenge israel. apply to both urban and rural. the result is, they cannot sustain their business because they have to hire the same accounts that j.p. morgan does, can dost me, jp morgan that easier. if we want to make sure the next generation of entrepreneurs is successful, we must protect our banks from going out of business. >> next, q&a. then, another chance to see presidential candidates hillary clinton, jeb bush, martin o'malley, and others speak at the urban league. then, house hearing on live anthrax spores being shipped to laboratories. >> the republican presidential candidates are in manchester, new hampshire for the first presidential forum on monday. and, c-span's road to the white onse is providing coverage c-span,, and c-span radio. following the live forum, you can provide your comments on facebook or twitter. house 2016 onite c-span, c-span radio, and >> at night on the communicators, democratic representatives on cyber security issues and how to combat recent data breaches. >> the most recent attack on the office of personnel management, but also on target, home depot, so many other private corporations have had customer information stolen. have realized this, we can try very hard to keep ahead of the hackers, but what we need to do is think about how we minimize the need for customers to put their private information on to websites. there are legal prohibitions on the government sharing classified information with the private sector. there are legal prohibitions from the private sector are sharing information back to the agentsent and acting as of the government. that is not allowed. what we want to do is allow those barriers to be removed, so that you could share information on features very narrowly defined. very tech goal type of information, but, for example, of the various hacks that have taken place out there, if we could globally share that information than 11 hack occurs place, hopefully at network speed we can widely share that vulnerability and protect everyone. >> monday night at 8:00 eastern on the communicators on c-span-. ♪ >> this week on "q&a," robert kurson discusses his book, "pirate hunters" and the search for the ship the golden fleece, sunk off the coast of the dominican republic in the 1680's. the captain, joseph bannister, was a respected merchant captain before he stole the golden fleece and became a pirate.

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