I give the floor to the representatives of the United States. Thank you, mr. President. Today, we have adopted the Un Security Council resolution in the comprehensive plan of action agreed to six days ago. By now, many are familiar with the basic tenants of the deal, which if implemented, would cut off all pathways to physical material for a Nuclear Weapon for the Islamic Republic of iran. The jcp oa will cut the number of centrifuges by two thirds and prevent iran from preventing weapons grade plutonium. They will go from a quantity that could produce approximately 10 Nuclear Weapons to a fraction of what is needed for a single Nuclear Weapon. The deal will quadruple the breakout time come the time needed to produce enough weapons grade uranium for one Nuclear Weapon. From the cry to estimate of 23 months come it will require iran and all states to comply with legally binding activities. 90 days from today when our respective capitals and legislatures have carefully reviewed the deals provisions some of the commitments should take effect. Sanctions relief for begin only when a run iran completely steps necessary with the deal. It is important to step back from the jcp away to its larger lessons, lessons of enforcing global norms, the essential role of diplomacy, the need for ongoing budget lens, and the necessity of the unity of this council. Lessons that have applications for ensuring implementation of the deal and for tackling other crises that threaten us today. This year, we mark 70 years since the founding of the u. N. The second secretarygeneral famously said it was not created to bring us to heaven but to save us from hell. In the wake of the loss of life in the Second World War and the suffering it caused, or preventatives from nations around the world came together with an aim to save succeeding generations from the scorch of war. The first lesson we can learn from how this deal was secured is that it is not enough to agree to global norms such as that against the pull of ration proliferation of Nuclear Weapons. This council must take steps to enforce global norms. In 2006 in response to irans efforts to develop a Nuclear Program, the when put forth the toughest sanction regime in history. Faced with the ongoing noncompliance, the u. N. Tightened sanctions. This regime played a Critical Role in helping lay the groundwork for the toxic would give rise to the jcp away. Jcpoa. This was echoed last week for president obama. Let us never negotiate out of fear but let us never fear to negotiate. Given the devastating human toll of war, we have a responsibility to test diplomacy. In 2010, when susan rice spoke in this chamber after the council strengthened sanctions on iran, she cited the ways they violated its commitments and obligations under prior Security Council revolutions. She also said the u. N. Reaffirms the u. S. Reaffirms our commitment to engage in creative diplomacy. We will remain ready to continue diplomacy with iran and its leaders. When a credible opening emerge from negotiations, that is what the u. S. And other members did. There were many occasions over the last two years of grueling negotiations when any party could have a walked away. He distances just seemed too great. The history between us steering and the resulting mistrust defining. The u. S. And our partners knew that we had a responsibility to try to overcome these obstacles and resolve the crisis peacefully. One only has to spend a week in the Security Council and hear accounts of the bloodshed and heartbreak in yemen, syria libya, any other conflict ridden part of the world to be reminded of the consequences of war. Sometimes as a u. N. Charter and history make clear, the use of force is required but we all of the responsibility to work aggressively in the diplomatic channels to secure our objectives peaceably. This deal does not change our concern about Human Rights Violations committed by the iranian government or about the instability they feel be on their Nuclear Program from its support for terrorist proxies to its repeated threats against israel to its other destabilizing activities. That is why the u. S. Will continue to invest in the security of our allies and white we will maintain our own sanctions related to their support for terrorism, Ballistic Missiles program, and humans rights violations. This deal will in no way diminish the u. S. Outrage over the unjust attention of u. S. Citizens by the government of iran. Let me use this occasion to call again on iran to immediately release all unjustly detained americans. Amir falsely accused of espionage and a Washington Post correspondent who just a year ago was covering the nuclear negotiations. I call on iran to help locate Robert Levinson who has been missing from iran since 2007. No family should be forced to endure the anguish these families feel and we will not rest until they are home where they belong. Denying iran a Nuclear Weapon is important not in spite of these other destabilizing actions but rather because of them. As president obama pointed out that is precisely why we are taking this step because amn iran with a Nuclear Weapon would be far more destabilizing to our allies in the world. While this deal does not address many of our concerns, if implemented, it would make the world more safer and secure. If well reaching this deal matters, our work is far from finished. In the months and years ahead the International Community must apply the same rigor to ensuring compliance to the jcpoa as we did to drafting and negotiating it. Implementation is everything. That is why so many verification measures have been built into this deal. The kcpoa wil grant the iea access when and where it needs it. Inspectors will have access to the entire supply chain that supports irans programs. We can trigger a process of the Security Council that will reinstate the u. N. Sanctions. The fourth and final lesson we can learn from the process that led us here today is that when our nations truly unite to confront global crises come our impact rose exponentially. The founders of the u. N. Understood this concept intrinsically ended trying enshrined it in the charter which called on each of us to unite our strength to maintain International Peace and security. It is now an axiom our nations can do more to advance peace justice, Human Dignity by working together than any other single country can achieve on its own. Indeed only when we act as United Nations can we address the worlds most intractable problems. Although we dont see this unity enough here at the u. N. The countries of the u. N. Did largely unite behind because of preventing Nuclear Proliferation in iran and it was the persistent multilateral pressure that came out of this unity combined with the critical openness to seeking a diplomatic solution that gave the p5 plus one negotiators leverage the needed to get the deal that would advance our collective security. Let me conclude. Ultimately, the only proper measure of this deal and all of the tireless efforts that went into it will be its implementation. This deal gives iran an opportunity to prove to be rolled it intends to pursue a Nuclear Program solely for peaceful purposes. If they see is that opportunity abides by the commitment it agreed to as it did throughout the time of the negotiations, if it to build upon the Mutual Respect and diligence that is negotiators demonstrated and if it demonstrates a willingness to respect International Standards upon which our collective security rests, it will find International Community and these United States willing to provide a path outside of isolation and toward greater engagement. We hope irans government will choose that path is only because it will make the u. S. And the world more secure but also because it will more fully empower the iranian people whose potential all of us should wish to see him locked. Just think for one moment how much more effective this council would be if we were to bring the same approach to tackling other threats to International Peace and security today. Rigorous enforcement and willingness to be relentless in our pursuit of tough principle diplomacy even when the odds seem stacked against us, a commitment not just a resolution but to their full implementation and a willingness to overcome divisions to strengthen our collective security. Think what we may be able to achieve of the horrific suffering in syria today and the progress the when could make rita bring the same political will to advancing the human right of the worlds most Vulnerable People at we have two cutting off a run ir at least toa a Nuclear Weapon. Nhow it is humbling to imagine how much more we could achieve and it should motivate us to do far more. Thank you. I think the representative of thank the representative of the u. S. For a statement and i give the floor to the representative of china. Mr. President , just now coming Security Council unanimously adopted resolution on the Iranian Nuclear deal endorsing the comprehensive agreement on the Iranian Nuclear issue reached between the p5 plus one. Efforts over the past 10 years over the arabian Nuclear Issue despite ups and downs have finally resulted in the political solution with the conclusion of the comprehensive agreement the International Regime is safeguarded. Iran has made its political commitment to not developing Nuclear Weapons but is given the legitimate right to the peaceful uses of Nuclear Energy. He ran irans relationship with all sides have turned a different page. The resolution of the agreement has given us the revelation of farreaching significance about contemporary international relations. First, setting up a new type of International System censoring on benefits. The Nuclear Issue based on the immediate interest and core interests of all sides without a winning spirit, the Company Heads of agreement could be reached. Secondly, it is essential to stay the course and seeking political solutions. However difficult the process is, political solution is always the only practical and liable pathway. The comprehensive agreement has also created a successful example for coping with other international and regional hotspot issues through political and diplomatic means. Thirdly, as long as one maintains confidence demonstrates political will, and makes efforts to secure a political solution, it will be hospital to achieve success. The adoption by the council of the resolution endorsing the comprehensive agreement is the first important step in the process of implementation of the agreement. It is a good beginning. The process of implementation of the agreement and the next 10 years will be even more important. It is essential to adhere to the following principles. First, implement the resolution of the council and Company Heads of agreement and a balanced, accurate, comprehensive manner. All sides should fulfill the commitments they have made and effectively implement all the provisions of the agreement. Second, in accordance with the principle of Mutual Respect and mutual benefit, it is essential to appropriately resolve the differences that may arise during the process of implementation, demonstrate good will come and stay the course for the implementation of the comprehensive agreement. First, it is necessary to take stock of the experience and good practices during the process of double mentation, maintain a double mentation and of implementation. China has all along worked constructively for the negotiations on the Iranian Nuclear issue and we will continue to make new contributions to the implementation of the Company Heads of agreement in a responsible manner. Thank you, mr. President. I think the representative of china for his statement. I give the floor to the representative of france. Mr. President , france welcomes the adoption of this resolution, which represents a historic moment for International Peace and security as well as for our counsel. After 12 years of nuclear crisis, we finally managed to Reach Agreement with iran on the 14th of july in the end of following several months of negotiations will stop this agreement lays out a roadmap negotiations. It proves the relevance and robustness of our nonproliferation of regime. This will contribute to Regional International stability. Iran with Nuclear Weapons would have fuller further destabilize this region. Thanks to this agreement, we can write together a new chapter in the history of this region. It is above all the authority of our counsel and our collective Security System which is strengthened thanks to this agreement. One of the most serious crises of the last two decades at the commitment contains can be resolved easily through the path of dialogue and negotiation. President , this agreement first and foremost proves the success of a method and as you know, the crisis in 2003 has always favor the path of dialogue. Our conviction was that the result and pressure from International Community are essential. Are american, russian, chinese partners and the entirety of the Security Council ran to this approach and were able to put together these negotiation framework which allowed us to achieve our purpose 12 years later. This agreement throughout the negotiation process, france has not deviated from its position. Yes to Civil Nuclear capacity for a run no two Nuclear Weapons. In this context, france has involved itself in the negotiating solutions. It is this resolve that has allowed us to reach a binding agreement with a specific and credible agreement whose double mentation well satisfied expectation of the International Community and delay the concern of a run irans neighbors. It is the responsibility of the Security Council to endorse the vienna agreement and guarantee its implementation. If the negotiations are now over, we are entering into a time of action and diligence of oversight. The implementation process includes clear and specific limitations on the iranian Nuclear Program derived from a robust system and has a snap that provision which allows for the automatic reinstatement of sanctions. The iaea will play a vital role. France with its partners will monitor compliance with this agreement. We will judge actions around willingness to make this agreement to success. The role and unity of these accounts will also be crucial. The lifting of the sanctions previously imposed by the Security Council is conditional upon around irans provisions. Today, we are together turning the page to a new chapter. The main body of the chapter remains to be written and the next few weeks will be decisive in all of this. Thank you. I think the representative of france thank the representative of france for his statement. I give the floor to the representative of russia. Thank you, mr. President. The resolution adopted in support of the joint comprehensive plan of action ushers in a fundamental shift in the consideration by the Security Council come to situation related to the arena Nuclear Program with a view to resolving this issue. We turn not simply a page but a chapter in the work of the council by creating a new reality. We expect that all countries will quickly adapt to the new conditions and will contribute to successful implementation of the agreement. The Security Council and the International Community it represents has supported a clear choice to resolve the situation by pertaining to the irani and Nuclear Program through political and diplomatic means on the base of international law. A choice has been confirmed in favor of a Mutual Respectability and cooperation. We are happy the base for the decision has been a gradual approach and one based on something our country has consistently supported. Today come the Security Council has confirmed the unalienable right of a run to develop if yo