Transcripts For CSPAN Key Capitol Hill Hearings 20240622 : c

CSPAN Key Capitol Hill Hearings June 22, 2024

Later. Every month, every year, that is why we need you so badly. To demand elected officials confront the truth. More jobs will be created that eliminating the damages of Climate Change and mitigating them. Then will be kept by not doing anything about it. Same with immigration. I recently had the opportunity to meet with lee kwan you before he died. He was the president of singapore, a brilliant guy who wrote extensively on the future of india china, the United States and russia. He recently passed away. I was coming from mumbai india to meet with abahbed, and i got a call from singapore, what i sit down and meet with kee lee kwan yu. We were talking about how rapidly she has consolidated power in china. We were talking about how quickly she consolidated power in a said about five minutes into it, i said mr. President what are the chinese doing now . Meaning what are they contemplating next . And he said they are in the United States. They are looking for the buried black box. I looked at him like youre looking at me but i cant see because of the lights. [laughter] i smiled and i said this was when the aircraft went down in the ocean and they could not find the black box, i said, mr. President i am confused. He said they are looking for that box buried in the United States and contains the secret that allows america to be the only country in history to be able to constantly remake itself. And i said, well mr. President im old enough to presume to give you the answer. They will find two things in that black box. One is, stamped in the dna of every naturalized and nativeborn american is an absolute skepticism for orthodoxy. As bad as the Elementary School education is, there never criticized for traveling orthodoxy in america. Unlike every country in the world including britain, france or anywhere else. That is how we make new things. We challenge orthodoxy. The second thing they will find is before the declaration, and unrelenting stream of immigration. Not in trickles, but in great waves throughout the history of our country. And why that is important, mr. President , is we are able to cherry pick the best talent from every culture. I really mean this. A lot of people think hurt people sit around and a lot of poor folks in will of her on the table in their kitchen and say that sell everything we have, go to a country that doesnt want us and we dont speak the language wont that be fun . The people believed to come here are the people with the best imaginations and the greatest amount of courage and the best initiative. [cheers and applause] that is a fact. That is who we are. What we are doing is robbing ourselves of the lifeblood of ingenuity, progress, locking Immigration Reform ignores 70 of the people who already agree with us. So why isnt it being done . Here for the resistance there is more than one reason. It is not just Interest Groups. There is a deepseated antipathy, some bordering on hate and racism that creates stereotypes about immigrants. All you have to do is listen to the republicans right now. Think about it. At the end of the day what is thwarting our ability to legislate, is the increased power and influence of special Interest Groups particularly focused on state legislative bodies. If we democrats have made any mistakes, we focus on only the makeup of the congress, the makeup of the senate. If the Koch Brothers can go into illinois and spent 250,000 per seat which is more than anyone usually raises. And change the dynamic in the state. We have to get smarter. All of the action isnt only here in the congress. I could go on, but i wont. If you could do only one single thing, only one, to increase fairness equity, opportunity and pass rational gun control deal with immigration, what would it be . I can tell you what one thing i would do . It would be get private money out of political process. [cheers and applause] the first bill ever introduced at the time was a bill i introduced in 1973, calling for a limitation on how much could be spent in a congressional election, and a senate election, guaranteeing challengers would have as much money as the incumbent, and capping it. I ran in 1972 as a middleclass kid who just paid off his college and law school loans with a law firm just getting on to its feet. I was able to run a campaign because i could organize people. My one in the year when nixon was running when my opponent was twice as wellfunded, and was a 40year incumbent with an 81 favorite rating. Today i ask myself, if i were in the same exact position, 29 years all in the state of delaware 29 years old in the state of delaware, and i wanted to run with same ideas and ability to organize, could i possibly do it . I would have to raise multiples of 300,000. Per capita, delaware is one of the most expensive campaigns in the nation, weather is no television and you have to pay for 10 Million People, 9 million of whom if the voted for you would be indicted. What are we doing . Were cutting off access for so many of you for so many bright young minds, the only way they can get engaged is they have to go where the money is. Where the money is there is almost always, implicitly some string attached. No one buys anyone directly. If that happens it is rare. It is also hard to take a lot of money from a group that you know has a particular position, and even if you think they are wrong, to vote no. Ladies and gentlemen, i predict that one day the American People will wake up, and they will demand change. Today it will require a constitutional amendment. I introduced the first constitutional amendment on this limiting dollars. When i raise it these days they say, no we cannot do that. So what do we have to do . Whether running for senate, congress or president i cannot disarm, i have to do the same thing. We can say that our Interest Groups are better than theirs. We can argue that we are less selfserving. That may be true. Why do you think the middle class thinks things are not on the level . What chance do you think we have to get the kind of income tax system i have been waiting for my whole life . What you think the chances of getting that are . People are not going to supply money against their own interests. We are not bad people. I have been pushing to change my entire career. It is outrageous. People with a whole lot of money are the ones on unearned income. Why are they going to give you the money. Folks we have to start in our own party. Better be demanding of all of us. That we adhere to a policy that doesnt rest on millionaires and billionaires. We are good people. It is a hell of a way to run a democracy. The first place you have to start is in the democratic party. The matter how much you love me or somebody else, you have to demand of us that we demonstrate that we understand. We can do something about the corrosive impact of massive amounts of money. We can demand that the people who we support dont yield to bit millionaires. Take their money in limited amounts. What are we doing . I know a lot of people will read into me saying something i am not intending. I am talking about any individual. But if with cannot start with our own party to even say do not disarm in the general election and do it there. With our own party. We can get support. Even if we are outspent significantly. We have you. The young and passionate advocate. If i get a chance to go on television with millions of dollars or i am able to put 2000 volunteers on the street, i take 2000 volunteers for real. Dont underestimate your ability to influence all of us. To be tempted to yield to attempt tatian yield to the temptation. The way i have to do it, even if it doesnt compromise will convince average middleclass people that i dont care about them and they will not trust me. We have to speak up. I know that a lot of what i just said sounds polly annish to you, but i have been around longer than the other guys. Im telling you it can be done. It always is done with generations like yours. And in 1972, as a 29yearold did, the war in vietnam was raging. With the Womens Movement you are criticized if you raised the issue. Politics was as dirty and corrupt and corruptive, so the temptation of that generation to drop out was no less than the contagion of your generation to say be damned with it, it is not worth it, it cannot happen. A whole bunch of us disagree with you. And we changed things. We ended a war. We completed the Civil Rights Movement as it was pictured at the time. We generated a genuine getting of the Womens Movement. Not me, my generation. If you look at what the odds were they were slim to none. The only message i want to leave you with you have the talent, the intellect and the passion to get us there. I dont want you to get discouraged. I dont want you to get discouraged. I promise you. If you keep doing what youre doing, if you generate and increase your numbers if you never apologize for your passion, if you only gird yourself against the temptation to rationalize, if you are willing to listen to the other side to generate consensus this can all get done. That is the only way we can make progress in this country. In the history of the world. You have already made a great deal of difference in the lives of American People. People in this room already have. There is even more reason now to be idealistic and optimistic and tenacious then at any time. Think of it this way and then i will get out of your hair. If youre ever going to be involved in public affairs, in whatever forum, this is the time to do it. Things are changing. They are changing and they are going to change. No matter what you do. The question is how they change. There are few periods in American History we call them inflection points. I remember my civics and history professor defining what inflection points where. Driving 60 miles an hour down the road and you abruptly turn to the right are the left. You can never get back onto the path that you were on. That is what happened. Not because of barack obama and joe biden or anyone else but because these armaments of great change. William buckley wrote a poem called easter sunday. It talks about the first rising in ireland in the 20th century. He said all has changed changed utterly, but terrible beauty has been born. That description is more apt to today than it was then. All has changed in the last 15 years. If we have our hands on the wheel, if we have unlikely periods of status quo, we have a chance to bend history just a little bit. It is only going to be done by you. I mean this sincerely. It is only going to be done by young, decent, passionate people of principle. That is how all change has taken place. Let the conclude by saying that i came to thank you and to tell you that we badly badly badly need you. Dont get despondent. Dont disengage. Disrupt the status quo. Make noise. [cheers and applause] take everybody on and dont ever settle for it cant be done. God bless you all. Thanks. On friday, investigative journalists from europe and the u. S. Discuss their findings on the downing of Malaysian Airlines flight 117. The crash killed 298 people. The event is life at 9 00 a. M. Et on cspan two. Later the Senate Advisory committee hosting a discussion on the Digital Music streaming industry. Live it 12 00 p. M. Et. This sunday on q a, Molly Crabapple on her use of drawings to tell investigative stories around the world. And affiliation might be reading a book by a black panther or drawing patterns are having a tattoo. The pelican bay isnt alone in this. Around and country you can land in jail for your art, your beliefs, your reading, your gender or your friends. It is not always to show finished drawings, it is to build rp with people raport with people. When you have a camera it creates a distance. This insect thing in your face they are taking images and you cannot see, even though you see beautiful things later. Whereas, when you draw it is vulnerable. They can see exactly what youre doing. Most people have not been drawn and most are delighted to be drawn. A lot of times i draw people because i like to and i like talking to them when i do it. On cspans q a, sunday night. On thursday, the Senate Finance Committee Held a hearing on healthcare. Gov, the federal website americans used to Purchase Health insurance from the federal exchange. The hearing focused on potential fraud. It is one hour. This meeting will come to order. Good morning everybody. In todays hearings we will address controls of the healthcare. Gov website. The committee will hear from the director of auto Audit Services from the accountability office. Santo am i getting that right . It is close. The Directors Team has led in undercover investigation to test internet controls of the healthcare. Gov and to review the center for medicare and Medicaid Services handling of this program. This investigation was designed to determine the degree to which the administrations federal help and Service Exchange can protect against fraudulent applications. What happens when they provide false information and toppled documentation and whether controls are successful in dealing with irregularities once they are found. Perhaps i should say a spoiler alert before this next part. Today the doctor will explain how the federal exchange failed spectacularly on virtually all relevant accounts tested. For this investigation gao created fictitious identities to apply for subsidies through the exchange. We learned last year that 11 out of 12 fake applications were approved, without attempting to verify authenticity and and rolled fake applicants while handing out thousands of dollars in premium tax subsidies. One year later gao has reported that nothing has changed and if anything, there are more problems. The administration has known about these problems for over a year and has apparently taken the necessary steps. While they say they are balancing consumer access to the system, it is clear what is going on here. Since the federal exchange was first implemented success hasnt measured by a number of applicants that signed up for insurance. Last year, when the administration reached its initial enrollment goal, critics were no longer told that we had been wrong all along and that the law was working just fine. With these findings it seems obvious, at least to me, that the administration has been preoccupied with signing up as many applicants as possible, ignoring attentional fraud and integrity issues along the way. Now supporters of obama care insist that it is the law of the land and congress should work to improve rather than repeal. On the first part they are unfortunately correct. For the foreseeable future the Affordable Care act is the law of the land. On the second part among Congress Continues to work toward the repeal of the misguided law and replace it with patientcentered reform. That puts patients and set up eurocrats in charge of their decisions. Needless to say that they will not common to other is a president who shares our goal. In the meantime theres an obligation to exercise rigorous oversight and to work to protect both beneficiaries and taxpayers from negative consequences. That is what todays hearing is about. We are here to get an account on how things are working on the federal exchange and what we have heard thus far is not reassuring. He does not speak well for their management of healthcare. Gov, the protection of taxpayer dollars, or the experience of an release. Of enrollees. It does not just expose gaps but also how these americans were trying to solve were correct applications. Time after time, the team set information for verification, only to have it ignored or have the exchange respond as if something entirely different had been sent in. The fact they encountered mindboggling efficiency at every turn, it does not bode well for the experience. I look forward to todays hearing and what i hope of be a good discussion. Before i conclude i want to note that even though this was requested by the committee cms was less than cooperative. Through the entire endeavor, they appeared to be dragging their feet and going past deadlines. When Congress Asked gia to conduct an inquiry no federal agency should stand in the way of that work. By delaying the gio cms has delayed his committees work and hurt our efforts. This is unacceptable. Despite promises of increased transparency and cooperation this type of stonewalling is far too common. Acting cms administrator was personally involved in this process. As the Committee Considers his nomination i look forward to asking him about this investigation and white cms has been and why cms has been interfering. Today, we have our hands full as we hear testimony about this important investigation. I will turn it over to senator wyden. Sen. Wyden on this side of the aisle we do not take a backseat to anybody in fighting fraud protecting taxpayer dollars. One dollar ripped off is one too many. Lets be very clear. The report up for discussion today is not about any realworld fraud. The study looks at one dozen fictitious cases and not one of them was a real person who filed taxes or got medical services. No fast buck fraudster got a government check sent their bank account. The government auditors acknowledged today, and i want to quote here, their work cannot be generalized to the full population of applicants or any enrollees. None of the fictitious characters stepped foot in a hospital or doctors office. When you actually show up for medical services, it is a lot harder to fake your way into receiving taxpayer subsidized care. Grexit if you have stolen and identity, there is probably a medical history belonging to someone else that ought to set off alarm bells. If you are a real person signing up in the marketplace, you have to attest under penalty of perjury that the information is correct. If you falsify the application you face the prospect of a fine of up to 250,000. Another major fraud check went unchecked in the study. That is s

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