CROW Clinic helping animals affected by red tide Published: January 18, 2021 5:24 PM EST Updated: January 18, 2021 7:10 PM EST Recommended latest red tide map Sadly, fish aren’t the only creatures affected by red tide. Dr. Heather Barron is the Medical and Research Director at CROW Clinic. “We always have birds come in every year,” she said. Barron sees the effects red tide has on birds firsthand. “They’ll kind of be staggering around,” said Dr. Barron. Since October 1, 2020, CROW has admitted 124 patients believed to have red tide poisoning. Dr. Barron did say this is a pretty average number. It includes a turtle and 123 birds. “They eat the fish and it does make them very sick, very rapidly with brevetoxicosis,” said Barron.