To embed, copy and paste the code into your website or blog: On December 20, 2020, the French government published a circular detailing the practical rules employers need to follow in order to test employees for COVID-19 now that tests for the virus are more available. These rules focus on three principles: (i) prioritizing employees that show symptoms or instances of contact; (ii) maintaining the voluntary nature of testing; and (iii) protecting doctor-patient confidentiality. The Rules for Testing Employees for COVID-19 On November 16, 2020, the French government published a ministerial ruling that authorized employers to test employees for COVID-19. The ruling described general protocols that employers need to follow in order to test employees. In particular, employers are required to inform the French health authorities before conducting testing, a trained professional must execute the testing, and all results must be handled by a doctor, pharmacist or nurse and kept confidential. A key point in the rules is that testing must be punctual and can only take place when an employer suspects that the virus might be present, meaning that employers cannot simply test all employees on a daily basis.