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COVID-19 pandemic, lockdowns led to spike in calls for exorc
COVID-19 pandemic, lockdowns led to spike in calls for exorc
COVID-19 pandemic, lockdowns led to spike in calls for exorcisms
An Italian Catholic priest who is a trained exorcist said the demand for exorcism has risen as the pandemic and ongoing lockdowns have “made people more vulnerable to the idea that Satan or some evil entity has taken over their lives.”
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Italy ,
United States ,
Rome ,
Lazio ,
Greece ,
Italian ,
Americans ,
Greek ,
Giuseppe Ferrari ,
Archangel Michael ,
Virgin Mary ,
Anugrah Kumar ,
Jesus Christ ,
Andrew Menke ,
Vincent Lampert ,
Catholic News Service ,
Second Vatican Council ,
Young ,
Christian Post Contributor ,
Italian Catholic ,
Gian Matter Roggio ,
Catholic Online ,
United State ,
Catholic Bishops ,
Divine Worship ,
Related Supplications ,
Almighty God ,
Holy Trinity ,
Supplications Which May Be Used ,
Faithful Privately ,
Their Struggle Against ,
Exorcism ,
Catholic Church ,
Covid 19 ,
Lockdown ,
Pandemic ,
Satan ,
God ,