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Council OKs concept plans for Hudson ballpark, brewery : com
Council OKs concept plans for Hudson ballpark, brewery : com
Council OKs concept plans for Hudson ballpark, brewery
The Monday, July 18, the Hudson City Council meeting saw a large crowd. Between swearing in the new fire chief, presenting officers with meritorious awards and hearing concept proposals for
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Minnesota ,
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Stillwater ,
Andrew Traeger ,
Mike Mroz ,
Brent Ellwanger ,
Alderperson Randy Morrissette ,
Geoff Willems ,
Luke Radke ,
Eli Schendel ,
Holden Timm ,
Hudson City Council ,
Public Safety Committee ,
Northwoods Baseball League ,
Public Works Committee ,
Hudson Fire Department ,
Plan Commission ,
Hudson Police Department ,
Lift Bridge Brewery ,
Lift Bridge ,
New Richmond ,
Croix Meadows ,
Richo Connor ,
North Hudson ,
Croix County ,
Meritorious Conduct ,
Parks Director Mike Mroz ,
Randy Morrissette ,
Joy Knudson ,
Hudson Fire ,
Third Street ,
Laurel Avenue ,
News ,
Government ,