“THAT Rossland City Council make the following formal appeals: “1. THAT the City of Rossland request Local Tourism Operators to follow and recognize the current PHO orders and adopt a “locals only” policy. “2. THAT a “locals only” message is displayed as a landing page for all online resources, including Tourism Rossland, and that the City of Rossland alter their messaging on community message boards to reflect the same. “3. THAT items 1 and 2 be in effect until the PHO order to limit non-essential travel is rescinded. “4. THAT the City of Rossland send a letter to our local MLA outlining our concerns (cc’d to Dr. Henry, Hon. Min. Adrian Dix, Hon. Min. Melanie Mark, and Hon. Min. Josie Osbourne) regarding lax enforcement on inter-provincial and inter-community travel.”