56:06 This week on Open Air, KALW’s radio magazine for the Bay Area Performing Arts in Times of Corona, host David Latulippe welcomes a live storyteller to the virtual stage of our Corona Radio Theater, M.J. Kang (pictured). Also, Hershey Felder returns to discuss his upcoming program on composer Giacomo Puccini; and we talk with event producers Corey Ross and Svetlana Dvoretsky about the West Coast premiere of In a new feature for Open Air’s Corona Radio Theater initiative, we are happy to welcome Canadian playwright, actor, director and storyteller M.J. Kang to the show. As a storyteller, she has won three Moth slams, a National Storytellers slam and a Story Collider slam. She will be performing virtually as part of the Women's Storytelling Festival from March 19-21, produced by Better Said Than Done and the National Storytellers Network.