Gorakhpur: The Gorakhpur police, on Friday, busted a gang involved in siphoning off money from bank accounts of people by cloning their fingerprints. The polioce arrested 11 members of the gang from near Hariom Nagar Tiraha near district Panchayat and recovered Rs 9,10,000 cash, a car and a bike, finger print clone, finger print scanner, machine used in making cloning finger prints, 53 SIM cards, cheque book, dongle, ATM card, laptop, pen drive and a register containing Aadhar card data etc, said the police.
Taking a serious note of the rising cases of cyber fraud in the district, SSP Gorakhpur deployed crime branch, cyber cell, SWAT team and SOG team. Acting on a tip-off, the police reached at Hariom Tiraha and stopped some people coming in a car and a motorcycle. While checking them the police recovered Rs 9,10,000 cash, ATM card, mobile phone, SIM, finger print clone, bank passbook, cheque book etc from their possession, police said.

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