The Lions Club hosts its 46th annual barbecue chicken meal fundraiser on Saturday, May 15 at Fort Payne City Park from 11 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Donations are $8.00 per ticket. Plates include one chicken half with slaw, beans, bread and a dessert. Lions Club Secretary Douglas Walker said tickets can be purchased at the First Fidelity Bank or DeKalb Sportsman in Fort Payne or from any Lions Club member, but walk-ups or presold plates are the same price at $8 a plate. Prepaid plates can be picked up at Fort Payne City Park between 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. The club sells anywhere from 1,000-1,500 chicken halves every year at this event, and the money collected goes directly toward funding large club projects.