Conway City Council approves adding jet ski ramps to Waccamaw River to allow tours (Source: Patrick Lloyd WMBF) By Kristin Nelson | January 19, 2021 at 9:38 PM EST - Updated January 19 at 9:39 PM CONWAY, S.C. (WMBF) – Jet ski tours will soon be added to the list of things that people can do along the Waccamaw River. On Tuesday night, the Conway City Council approved adding jet ski ramps to the marina to allow the tours. Adam Buckler, the owner of PWC Explorers, said he has been bringing groups down to the Waccamaw River to explore the area. He brought the idea to city leaders to allow jet ski ramps in order to bring guided tours so that people could enjoy not only the Waccamaw River but also experience historic downtown Conway.