Inman Connect After some debate, a committee of the National Association of Realtors has approved a controversial proposal to require listings to include a property address upon submission to a multiple listing service. The committee, meeting at NAR’s midyear Realtors Legislative Meetings, also approved a policy requiring sold listings (without a sales price) to be included in data feeds in non-disclosure states and guidance on MLS best practices. The proposed policies will now move to the NAR board of directors, which will meet on Friday, May 14. The 1.4-million-member trade group’s Multiple Listing Issues and Policies Committee previously shelved the address proposal at NAR’s annual conference in November following a spirited debate for and against the mandate. After re-consideration by the committee’s MLS Technology and Emerging Issues Advisory Board, the proposal was once again brought forward with added language about including a parcel number or a legal description if an address is not available.