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Contemporary dance is aging well but it's ready for new idea
Contemporary dance is aging well but it's ready for new idea
Contemporary dance is aging well but it's ready for new ideas
Is contemporary dance aging gracefully? Yes. Magnificently so. It is also ready for new ideas and a new dance vocabulary.
Related Keywords
London ,
City Of ,
United Kingdom ,
New York ,
United States ,
Seeta Patel ,
Jules Cunningham ,
Wayne Mcgregor ,
Alesandra Seutin ,
Harriet Jung ,
Alvin Ailey ,
Justin Peck ,
Gustave Le Gray ,
Martha Graham ,
Oona Doherty ,
Michelle Dorrance ,
Merce Cunningham ,
Dan Daw ,
Pina Bausch ,
Botis Seva ,
Pam Tanowitz ,
Caroline Shaw ,
Reid Bartelme ,
Polaroid ,
Breakin Convention ,
Grace Times ,
Dark Crystal ,
New York City Ballet ,
Mixed Bill ,