Connecticut Fishing Report – December 31, 2020 Holdover striped bass action is holding steady and freshwater fishing continues to produce on open water without skim ice. Andrew, at Fishin Factory III in Middletown, told me that school striped bass can still be found around the mouth of the river, but most of the local linesider anglers are heading to the Housatonic or the Thames for some solid holdover bass action. Reports of school bass are plentiful once again after a small delay due to the rainstorm last week. Most boats have stayed tied to the docks this week, but those that have gotten out are still finding some nice sea bass and cod at Coxes and around the Block. Freshwater anglers continue to report good trout fishing in the Salmon River Farmington TMAs. The Connecticut River was fishing very well for pike and panfish prior to the storm and should continue to do so as it cleans up in the coming weeks. With the exception of some smaller places in higher elevations, all the safe ice was killed after the rainstorm, so ice anglers are once again in a waiting period hoping for another freeze.