Posted April 20, 2021 12:39 pm | Filed under Featured, Local News, News The Rock Hill Piedmont Community Vaccination Clinic will move operations to the City of Rock Hill Operations Center, beginning Tuesday May 18th. Deputy City Manager Jimmy Bagley said last week that he expected the Clinic to begin phasing out in May, due to a higher supply of the vaccine statewide, generating less demand at the clinic. Mayor John Gettys thanked the volunteers who helped make the Clinic a success over the past 3 months. The new clinic at the Operations Center will operate Tuesday through Friday from 8:30 am to 2:30 pm. Volunteers will no longer be needed to sustain operations after May 14. First dose appointments at the Operations Center site will be available by logging into the Vaccine Administration Management System (VAMS) during the week of May 3 for the following week. The last day shots will be administered at the Galleria Mall location is Friday, May 14. As of Friday, April 16, more than 40,000 shots were administered at the clinic.