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Community editorial board: Why have a trial when the accused
Community editorial board: Why have a trial when the accused
Community editorial board: Why have a trial when the accused already admitted to killing someone?
This week’s community editorial board column was written by board member Neha Chugh and Yashar Tahmassebipour, one of the partners in her legal practice.
Related Keywords
Canada ,
Neha Chugh ,
Yashar Tahmassebipour ,
Brandon Smeltzer ,
Ontario Court ,
Ontario Superior Court ,
Criminal Code ,
கனடா ,
நேஹா சக் ,
பிராண்டன் ஸ்மெல்ட்ஸர் ,
ஆஂடேரியொ நீதிமன்றம் ,
ஆஂடேரியொ உயர்ந்தது நீதிமன்றம் ,
குற்றவாளி குறியீடு ,