COMMENT | Education Ministry must intervene in Ain's possible expulsion Modified12:35 am - COMMENT | We are outraged by SMK Puncak Alam’s warning notice of expulsion to Ain Husniza Saiful Nizam, especially in light of the lack of transparent penalties against the teacher who made the rape comments amongst his students in a class session on sexual harassment, where Ain was present. There seems to be a string of unchecked and increasingly brazen displays of power by figures of authority within educational institutions in an attempt to punish Ain for speaking out about her teacher’s rape jokes. First, there were the online lewd comments about Ain’s body shape and breast size allegedly from teachers in response to her TikTok video. A week later, the secretary-general of the National Union of the Teaching Profession (NUTP) openly contested the widespread sexual harassment and rape culture in schools, when hundreds of current and former students have already come forward online with their violations experienced.