Show you how hollywood helps the police and then im going to be interviewing a young man who has caught my eye over the pation few years. And i dont know, guys, think if i leave the show he might be able to take my spot. His name is jon stewart. So before we get into that, lets catch up on todays headlines. Welcome to the daily social distancing show. From trevors couch in new york city to your couch somewhere in the world, this is the daily social distancing show with trevor noah. Lets begin with the covid19 pandemic. The virus that show has been to more parts of america than guy fieri. Back in march when we first realized how serious it was, a lot of people were like damn, this might not be over until like the summer. Well, summer is here and it turns out corona might just be getting started. Across the country states are shattering coronavirus records with nearly 35,000 cases yesterday in the u. S. , the highest oneday total in two months. Today in florida a record 5500 new cases, while california has seen a 29 jump in hospitalizations in just two weeks. And in texas the governor sounding the alarm. Houston, Texas Medical Center reports 97 of the areas current icu beds are filled. Nearly three out of ten with covid patients. Texas Childrens Hospital is admitting adults to free up beds for covid patients. Trevor oh lord, its happening again. Just as new yorks numbers started going down, the rest of the country is seeing an explosion in cases and hospitalizations. In fact, in places like houston, texas, it is getting so bad that they are even sending adults to the Childrens Hospital. Which is awful these feel are seriously sick. They should in the be at a hospital where all the doctors are children. What . Thats not what a childrens oh, and im not much of america has treated the coronavirus the same way we treat our bodies in the winter, yeah. Were always like country, i know its not looking good right now but when the summer comes i promise you everything is tbing to be in the shape. And then the summer came and things were still not looking good. And people were like screw t im still going to the beach. So coronavirus records are being broken every day across america. In fact right now basically the only place where cases are actually declining is in the original epicenter of the outbreak in the northeast which is why new york, new jersey and connecticut Just Announced that anyone who is entering the state will have to quarantine for two weeks. Now thats going to be almost impossible to actually enforce. But the good news is it already takeses two weeks expwrus to get through the lincoln tunnel into new york. So it kind of takes care of itself. In fact, things are looking so bad for the u. S. That europe is considering a banff all u. S. Citizens until they can figure out, what the hell is going on. And i see where europe is coming from. Because we cant deny that the United States is doing a particularly bad job compared to other countries. I mean look at this chart, right. Cases in all those other places are going down. While america went down for a little bit and then shot back up. So i guess congratulations on flattening the curve. Of course, why is the u. S. Doing so badly. Well, while Many Americans are Wearing Masks, socially distancing and following advice from Health Experts, one thing you can not overlook is there are also many other americans who are just really, really, um, well, you know, you judge for yourself. At a commissioners meeting infloridas palm beach countee anger erupted after a unanimous vote to make masks mandatory. This turned down right ugly. Here was the scene. Maam, as a doctor i really have many question marks about your degrees and what you really know. And im sorry, maam, but i dont think that you are worthy of your credentials and i would ask suggestively that you go back to school and get educated. Maam. And they want to throw gods wonderful breathing system out the door. Youre all turning your backs on it. You literally cannot pan date somebody to wear a mask knowing that that mask is culling people. It literally is il canning people. And every single one of you that are obeying the devils laws, are going to be arrested. And you, doctor, are going to be arrested for crimes against humanity. 6 feet, like i said before, is military protocol am you are trying to get the people to train them so when the camera the 5g comes out what, theyre going to scan everybody. We got to get scand, we got to get temperatured . Trevor yes, it appears america isnt just dealing with a deadly strain of coronavirus, st also dealing with a deadly strain of stupidity. If Wearing Masks killed people, there would be no doctors, no den tuses, and no hockey goalies. Every hockey game would end with a score of 1,000 to 980. Why are we even arguing with these idiots this just shows you how destructive social media has been. You have random people berating qualified Health Professionals because of some Conspiracy Theory that they probably came across on their facebook feed. You cant trust facebook for medical advice. It isnt run by a doctor. It isnt even run by a human. And this is why everyone should stick to instagram. The worst thing you will end up doing is getting a butt lift and guying lots of plants. Sure your body will be out of proportion and your home will look like a forest but at least you will be do these people listen to themselves . Just think for a moment, you think every government and every Health Expert around the world is involved in some giant conspiracy to oppress everyone on earth . But they dont have the power to block that one video on youtube that exposes the real truth with this fake health crisis. We will enslave all of humanity. Mwah wawa wa. But what about the Youtube Video . Does anyone know how to code . Now look, i mean people believe crazy conspiracy theories and ignore facts, that is not the news. What is news is that now one of those people lives in the white house. Did anybody see my speech the other night on saturday night . cheers and applause well, what i said the other night, theres never been anything where they have so many names am i could give you 19 or 20 name force that, right. Its got all different names, wuhan, wuhan was catching on. Coronavirus, right, kung flu, yes. applause kung flu. Covid19, covid, i said what is the 19, covid19, some people cant explain what the 19, give me covid19, i said that is an odd name. Trevor yes, how will we ever know why the disease discovered in 2019 has 19 in its name. Probably the same idiot who came up with the name for madden 20, i mean there is way more than 20 Football Players it makes no sense. So on the one hand we have scientists searching for a vaccine, sequencing genomes and generally busting their ass on an unprecedented effort to understand and defeat this pandemic. On the other hand we are six months into this thing and the guy in charge of the response is still trying to figure out the name of the virus. Give me two more months, guys. I think i can crack it i think the one and the fine goes together, it makes ten, times two, 2020, thats right, happening now. I guess what i am trying to say is you might want to upgrade to zoom premium because were going to be talking in those little boxes for awhile. When we come back well talk about how americas problem with Police Brutality might be your dvrs fault. Stay tuned. Motorcycle riders love the open road. 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In the wake of the George Floyd Killing most americans have now come to realize that the police need sweeping changes. But the question is, why has it taken so long. Why do so many people, particularly white people think until now that police are just fine the way they are. Well, one reason is that most americans dont actually have much Actual Experience with police. In fact, in a typical year, only 21 percent of u. S. Adults have any type of contact with police at all. So i mean most americans see the cops less than trump sees eric. So if people dont see cops in real life, how are they forming their opinions about the police . Well, a lot of it comes from the same way i form all of my opinions about klingons, television, baby. Police dramas are iconic, hugely popular and now under intense fire from activists who say these shows far too readily portray cops as good and trust worthy. I never put a hand on him. While undermining real life claims of racism and abuse. Police not only consul on these but are aware that i portrayals impact Public Perception and have a vested interest in making sure it is positive. A 2015 study found viewers of crime dramas are more likely to believe the plition are successful at lowering crime, use force only when necessary and that misconduct does not typically lead to false confessions. Trevor yes, believe it or not, watching cop shows makes a lot of people see the police as infallible. And honestly, i dont blame any of these people. I mean i will admit a lot of my perceptions about reality have been shaped by tv as well. I believe sponges wear pants. I believe white people have no black friends. And most importantly, i believe that every kiss begins with k. Now part of the reason its easy for tv shows to convince people that cops are always right and always good at their jobs is because thats what we want to believe. Right . I think we can all agree that we want people who are going to enforce laws fairly and effectively so that we dont have to do it ourselves. I know i dont want to do it. I dont want to have to find the person who stole my car. Ive a got other things to do i want to go look for a new car. I dont want the stress of having to find the thief, because what happens when i find them. Do i arrest them, do i throw them in prison in my apartment, then have i to give them a job in my library and they educate them severes and get a degree and turn their life around and im stuck with an inoperational story on my hands am i dont need that spres. And when you watch these shows you understand how they can shape Public Perception because according to cop shows whenever cops are breaking the law, it essential o because they have to. We cant yus broke protocol because it is right at the time and expect to get away with itness with normally i would agree with you but in this case i would rather ask for forgiveness than permission. As you know we need a warn to search the house. These are e i gent circumstances. You let me wore he about the legal ramifications. If i have to bend the rules a little bit to get a bad guy off the street, im going to do it and would you too. Forget warrants, forget the rules. Its on us to catch him. Trevor that was cool, although what that guy was actually saying is the constitution is for pussies, its amazing how cops on tv shows are always saying the only way to catch the criminal is by breaking the law them is ofs. Technically that cop is now a criminal too. Which means another cop should kick his ass. But therch that new cop is also a criminal braws he is breaking a law because mines the other cop should beat up cop number, third. Basically every cop show should end with the entire precinct in a brawl while the suspect sneaks out the door. That is what cop shows are good at dotting. They make us believe that the only way the police can truly be effective is if they break the rules that society created to protect us from police. And by the way, when tv cops break the rules, it is not usually by filling form 276 instead of 27b. No, they often do it by beating the shit out of a suspect. I told you everything. No, you havent, but you will, i will beat the balls off you. Please dont let him hit me. The only thing on this earth that will stop him from hitting su if you tell him the truth. You are going to tell us what happened or i going to do something i wont regret, not for one second. We can do this the fast way, the slow way, and then there is my favorite way. You cant, did you see that . Good shot, bones. Son of a bitch. Get the. You sure you didnt give him brain damage when you slammed his head against the steering wheel. Captain, i think brain damages with a preexisting condition, dont you think, george . I need to see a doctor. Oh, all at once. Trevor yeah, that guy doesnt deserve to see a doctor, he maybe committed a crime and even if he didnt commit the crime well then this will be a lesson to stop him from committing one in the future. Same reason i plan to prebeat all my children. You might not have done anything yet but i know you will. It is actually crazy how every cop show has police just regularly using violence to help them do their job. Tv doesnt do that with any other profession. There arent medical dramas where they are like doctor, this doesnt mawk any sense, the patients lab work is normal but his heart is failing. Well maybe we need to smack him around a little bit and see what he knows. What . I used to be on a cop show. Every cop show makes it seem like the reason cops have to beat suspects is just because without the bet down they wont tell the truth, and so those beatings protect the rest of society from these lying criminals but in real life, beating a suspect is a great way to get them to confess to something they didnt do. Which means you have locked up an innocent person and you let the real criminal walk free. Oh and by the way even if the person did do the crime, their lawyers can get them off because their confession wasnt legitimate because they were beaten. So beating a suspect to solve your case is like washing your computer with water. The virus is gone but so is your laptop. So whether we like it or not, vt is tv is a powerful tool that shapes how the public sees the police. Shapes how the public sees the polices role in society and how can thible they should be. Because in real life when rogue cops throw away the rule book and take matters into their own hands, it doesnt look cool like in one of the tv shows, it looks a lot more like this. The Valdosta Police department facing a lawsuit for unnecessary and illegal force after arresting the wrong suspect and reportedly breaking his arm in the process. Put your hands. What are you doing. Owrks, oh god, oh police, i wasnt doing anything, oh my god. That painful bodycam video showing the officers handcuffing and slamming that man to the ground. That was back in february. Antonio smith stopped for suspicious activity and accused of panhandling but officials had the wrong man. Smith was released at the scene. Now hes filing a 700,000 lawsuit. Trevor you see. Unfortunately every day in america, there are people who have encounters just like that with the police. And so to all those show creators, direct ares and writers in hollywood who make these cop shows, and have been tweeting that something needs to be done about the police, well, one way you can help make a difference is if you do something about the police on screen. When we come back, roy wood, jr. Checks in on a looting victim in his hometown. And then well talk to jon stewart. Dont go away. Jump. Lift. Skip. Step jump. Lift. Skip. Step slam. Pan. Battle. Roll bulls. Eye. Spin. Shred. Sprint. Peddle. Clean. Climb. Kick. Fly. Round. House. Drum. Joust. Scuba. Swim. Surf. Surf. Surf. Surf. Boost. Bike. Balance. Board. Dance. Roll. Rock. Kick. Flip. Dog. Dive [sigh of relief] and a touch of leantioxidant elation. , clean caffeine, sweet like me, give your mouth a standing ovation wherever you may go, lexus will welcome you back with exceptional offers on exceptional vehicles. Get zero percent financing and make no payments for up to 90 days on all 2020 lexus models. 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Awww. vo you include the best in entertainment and you offer it all starting at 35. Because everyone deserves the best. This is unlimited built right. Only on verizon. Daily social distancing show. Right now america is seeing some of the most widespread protests in its history. And although the vast majority of them have been peaceful, there has been some looting. Now our very own roy wood, jr. Went to his hometown in alabama to bring us this story of a Small Business owner and her surprising reaction to people who looted her store. I spent the last few weeks quarantining here at my moms house in birmingham. Mom, i told you im at work. Birmingham has a deep history with civil rights. So its not surprising that people protested here after the killing of george floyd. Like in many cities, some of the protests lead to riots and looting of Small Businesses, like this office run by dr. Adams. We have been here for years, and its unnecessary. Im