Transcripts For COM The Daily Show 20240713 :

Transcripts For COM The Daily Show 20240713

And we are coming to you live, thats right, we are live, people, an i will prove it the New York Knicks lost tonight. How could i possibly know that if we werent live. Now on a normal night the debates would be the only news anyone would be talking about. But since trump became president there has been no normal night. So today were going to be covering the debate and were going to be covering the blockbuster impeachment hearings that rocked washington d. C. So first up lets get into it. Tonight was the fifth democratic debate and it took place down in atlanta, george go as Tyler Perry Studios where they film neum rouges movies and tv shows. I will be honest, im just glad joe biden made it to the right sound stage because for awhile he was wandering around in the background of other movies t was really awkward, media was like give me one of those famous massages while you are here, im tired as hell, joe biden. Now at the last debate in october they had 12 disem krats crammed on stage. It was so tight, people could birly move and Spirit Airlines was like hey, that sour thing so this time they scaled it to an even ten and the candidates were joined by four moderators who for the first time this Campaign Season were all women. Which personally i didnt even notice cheers and applause it is amazing but i didnt even notice because i dont see color. Now the major change from the last debate is the rise of Pete Buttigieg, right . Mayor of south bend, indiana and the only adult Michael Jackson would be into. Over the past few weeks, he has surged from the middle of the pack to take the lead in iowa and new hampshire. So now between buttigieg, biden, warren and bernie, it has become a fourway race and if you include cory booker it is still a four way race, with buttigieg rising in the polls, tonight the moderators asked him something a lot of people are wondering why should a teenage mayor from south bend, indiana, become president of the united states. Mayor buttigieg, lets talk about your record as a candidate, why should democrats take the risk of betting on you. In order to defeat this president we need somebody who can go toe to toe, who actually comes from the kinds of communities that he has been appealing to. I dont talk a big game about helping the working class while helicoptering between golf courses with my name on them. I done even golf. As a matter of fact, i never thought i would be on a Forbes Magazine list but they did one of all the candidates by wealth. And im literally the least wealthy person on this stage. Trevor yeah, pete beug giet buttigieg may be the poorest on that stage but bernie was like i look the poorest, and that should count for something. You know, its actually funny how running for president is the only time people brag about how much money they dont have. Its like theyre all bizarro rappers, you know, started from the bottom, never left. Started from the bottom and my whole team is in the exact same place because there has been no upward mobility for the last 30, 40 years in this i c. And im not going to lie. A lot of tonights debate sounded exactly like what we heard in the previous four. You know, medicare for all, versus a public option. Practicing mattism versus revolution. Joe biden versus his own mouth. But one new thing we did see tonight was some brand new beef like Elizabeth Warren ver suses considerree booker on the wealth tax. I have proposed a 2 cent wealth tax. That is a tax for everybody who has more than 50 billion in assets, your first 50 billion is free and clear but your 50 billion first dor you have to pitch in two cents. I dont agree with the wealth tax the way Elizabeth Warren puts it. The top one tenthofwithin cent i say want to pay two cents more, they will pay 3. 2 percent. The tax the way we are putting it forward trk is cum bersome, it has been tried by the nation. Two cent wealth tax and we can invest in an entire generation. We democrats also have to talk about how to grow wealth as well. When i stood in church recently and asked folks in a black church how many people here want to be entrepreneurs, half the church raised their hand. Trevor yeah, and one guy in the back was like, what is an pennsylvania. Entrepreneur strks french for businessman. I dont want to be a french businessman, i want to be an american businessman, that has a whole lot more mo gentlemen they say quoi. So that was warren and booker arranging about wealth tax. And then a beef Kamala Harris versus gab bard. We have someone on the stage attempting to the democratic nominee who urg do the day Obama Administration be spent four years full time on fox news criticizing obama, buddied up to steve banan to get a meeting with President Trump. Continuing to traffic in lies and smeers and innuendos because she cannot challenge the substance of the argument that i am making. Trevor people, please, stop fighting. It is not worth it, neither of you are going to be president. laughter what are you doing . That was the most intense argument i have seen in atlanta that didnt involve mayonnaise, that was really intense. I also love how they are doing it with spliels on their faces. With smiles on their face. Im going to break your face. But please, please, dont get me wrong. Tonight wasnt all about beefs, in fact there was one moment between the candidates that was actually kind of sweet. I want to stick up for tom, we have a broken Campaign Finance system but tom is fighting his own money fighting Climate Change you cant knock someone spending their own money. Thanks. No problem. Yang 2020, everyone gets a thousand i love it. Andrew yang is so nice i bet we have the best confession speech over. I may not have won the presidency but something more pont, a friend, thank you. Now just like in previous debates one of the most awkward moments of the night, came courtesy of the original gas machine when he was talking about the domestic violence. Joe biden. No man has a right to raise a hand to a woman in anger other than in selfdefense and that is rarely ever occurs. And so we have to just change the culture, period. And keep punching at it and punching at it and punching at it, it will be a big it will make strks a gigantic issue. laughter . Trevor what are you doing . What are you doing, joe . The only way he can recover from that is if he just stops making bad word choices starts making bad word choices his thing, we need to get right to the heart of the drug epidemic im thinking deep in the vein of drug problem. And when we do it it going to feel so good. laughter so the candidates once again spent two hours tonight trying to show voters what separated them from the other people on the stage. But when it came to trump, they were all trying to show that they were the same. We have a president who is not only a pathological liar, he is likely the most corrupt president in the modern history of america. Read the mueller report, all 442 pages of it, that showed how the president tried to obstruct justice. Suck up to Vladimir Putin every minute of the day. The president had to confess in writing, in court, to illegally diverting charitable contributions that were supposed to go to veterans. First of all, we have a criminal living in the white house. Trevor a criminal in the white house. Someone needs to tell doned trump. laughter i bet he was watching this at home terrified like oh no, a criminal . I hope he doesnt steal all this stuff i already stole. laughter but look, it was no surprise that at a democratic debate they were talking impeachment tonight. Because you see, the biggest political story today was a blockbuster hearing in congress where we heard testimony from goredon sondland. Trump ambassador to the eu and Homer Simpson body double. Hes the first witness to testify who spoke directly to President Trump about what he wanted from ukraine. And today he admitted, he admitted admitted that yes, trump demanded a quid pro quo. Specifically if ukraines president got dirt on joe biden, trump would have a meeting with zelensky in the white house. Which shows you how bad trump wanted dirt on joe biden because usually trump will do anything to get out of a meeting. Yeah, one time he even called in a bomb threat, he was like hello, white house, this is mr. Alqaeda, im calling in a bomb threat between 3 and 4 p. M. In the conference room, but keep the donuts there, i will eat them later. And heres the thing, heres the thing, not only does he testify trump ordered the quid pro quo, he testified that basically everyone in the administration knew about t every one, seriously, he threw everybody under the bus, mike pompeo, mike pence, mic mulvaney, john bolton, jn bolons mustache, even john boltons mustaches mustache. But there is one man in particular that sondland put at the center of the whole scandal. Rudy giuliani. Secretary perry, ambassador volker an i worked with mr. Rudy giuliani on ukraine matters at the express direction of the president of the united states. We did not want to work with mr. Giuliani. We worked with mr. Giuliani because the president directed us to do so. President trump directed us to quote talk with rudy. Let me say again, we werent happy with the president s directive to talk with rudy. We did not want to involve mr. Gullianee. Trevor oh, goddam, nobody wanted to work with Rudy Giuliani . You know, sondland was talking about rudy like he was like that weird kid that your mom made you play with, remember that i had can, yeah, and that kid would always get you in trouble. And you are like mom, i didnt want to play with rudy in the first place. You said i have to, and he wanted to microwave a dead pigeon, thats not my fault. laughter like i would have loved to be a fly on the wall with Rudy Giuliani watched that testimony, although if there was a fly on rudys wall im pretty sure he would eat it, so maybe not exactly but you know what i mean. Todays hearing was very bad for President Trump. So much so that he came out of the white house before the hearing was even over to de fend himself. And i got to say. He seemed a little shocked. Shook. Just a quick comment on what is going on in terms of testimony with ambassador sorndland. And i just noticed one thing and i would say, that means its all over. What do you want from ukraine. He asked me, screaming what do you want from ukraine, what do you want from ukraine. I keep hearing all these different ideas and theories. What do you want, what do you want. And now heres my response. That he gave, just gave. Ready . Do you have the cameras rolling. Thats what i want from ukraine. That is what i said. I want nothing. laughter . Trevor what is trump doing . That was one of the least president ial things ive ever seen. He looks like that crazy dude in the neighborhood yelling at everybody on the front line. If i find out who has been taking my newspaper, i swear to god. Like trump is the only president to bring down the Property Value around the white house. Right . You can see even the white people next door came out to see what the comotion was all about. You can see their faces like oh my god, donald is out there again. I dont know, i miss that lovely black family who used to live here. This, this guy is a problem. applause hes a problem. And you realize the worst part is that trump was reading all of that from notes. laughter like that wasnt trump free styling, that was trump prepared. Now look, im no trained lawyer, im no trained lawyer. But i feel like innocent people dont need notes to remind themselves that they are innocent. Like you never see defendants in a court room like, can i just say, your honor, i did not murder my wife. So look, this didnt make trump look good. Or innocent. In fact, he said the same lines so many times in so many different ways it almost felt like he wasnt being president ial it felt like trump was auditioning to play the character president who is innocent. Innocent. cheers and applause why do yo stick with a bank that treats you like this . Ask the internet ask your friends. Ask your coworkers. Were pretty sure theyll send you over to us. Because were not just a bank, were an ally. [phone ringing] ally, this is pamela how can i help you . This is an ad for a chip we dont need a logo. Its the threesided crunch. You know, that cheesy, spicy, crispycrunchy, flavor packed bodega snack that rhymes with. I need those. An ad with no logo . Its another level. When i think of what my imagination looks like. [laughs] i mean, wow. The surface is a tool that helps me realize beautiful ideas. You shouldnt have to pretend youre fine. You shouldnt have to be the ambulance. You shouldnt have to be thinking about the cost. You should just be focused on her. Covered california can help you find a health plan that fits your needs and budget. Because we believe you shouldnt have to choose between the life youve built and the care you need. Look, its just like when i tell people abbe confident. Th geico. Stand up straight. And speak with purpose. Yeah . Go on, give it a practice run. Kelsey. Kelsey. Marriage . Oh. Okay. Look maybe you should just show her this beautiful Helzberg Diamond ring . Thats a better idea. Yeah, maybe not in the bathroom. Oooh oh my word geico. Its easy to switch and save. applause . Trevor as we said earlier tonights debate was held at Tyler Perry Studios in atlanta. A choice some believe is about sending a message to a very specific group of voters. So we sent roy wood, jr. Dune to atlanta to investigate. Atlanta, the capitol of georgia and blacksk democrats are leer to appeal to black voters but what do black voters want . Im here to find out. The first wafer el house. As the democrats prepare for the debate at tyler perrys gated community, i assembled a panel of voters all with one thing in common. All right, who voted for obama in 2012 . I was too young. So which candidate do you think best understands the needs of the black voter. I think Elizabeth Warren. Bernie. I want to go bernie. Chris, without do you think best understands the needs of black voter. Donald trump. Huh . Explain. Some of the stuff i have heard, hes already doing it like prison reform, he has been hanging around black people as long as i can remember they love him until he ran for president as a republican. Trump was the man. Raise your land if i remember when done all trump was the man. The man as in the man but not the man. He wouldnt let black people into his apartment. Roy know what i am talking about. I dont know what he is talking about. But maybe some Word Association will show us what they think is the other candidate. Joe biden. Pass. Touching women. So then positive, next candidate. Thinks well on the feet. Warren is discussed giving black people reparation s that a Campaign Promise you believe she can fulfill. No. No. No. Instead of calling it reparation, what if they called it back pay. No, that sounds even worse. Thats worse. Okay, next candidate. That is the man right there. Bernie. He was with Martin Luther king but he just had a heart attack. So no. Why do you love bernie. Cuz he going to walk it like he talk it, he going to be out there with us. If he can. If he can walk. I put him in a wheelchair, i will be right there behind him. What do we feel about Pete Buttigieg e oh a im sorry, that is not Pete Buttigieg, that is look, you can see the similarities. He got the hairline is like the bridge. You know, he is polling terribly with black people right now. Is that right. We dont know him. He went to harlem, sat down with al sharpton had some soul food, is that panned aring or outreach. Pandering. What did he order. Some of the cornbread on top of the greens. So Kamala Harris. She the police. There is a lot of people who look like me locked up under her watch. So kamalas campaign released a video of her dancing to cardi b. Pandering. So what is kamala supposed to do. When are you outnd you black and a band plays do you not do i a little dance while you are walking along with the second line. I think we are harder on the black candidate, to be honest. I think it is difficult for black people like her, even corey to be themselves when the spotlight is on them. Corey booker told joe biden is he different than the koolaid and doesnt know the flavor, how does that make you feel as a black person. Corny. He loud, he just said it in a corny wade. Is their behavioral expectation on black candidates not put on white candidates when appealing to black voters. Why do you think that is. Because we see ourselves in them and if they are asking a certain way then we are like no. White people are watchingness dont ak like this. Exactly. You expect them to represent all the different types of blacks. So we have talked about a lot of stuff, havent said all of that about all of the democratic candidates, how many of you think trump will win in 2020. Do you honestly think that any of these democrats can beat trump. If they all rallied for one, there are so many people running. So we all need to agree on who that one candidate is, and then all the other candidates support him. Tell me who is that candidate. Bernie. Elizabeth warren. Trump 2020, baby. Hold on, hold on a second. There is a lesson for democrats. You cant win the black vote by pandering because black people are as complex as any other voter base, if you want our trust, make promises with you can keep, walk it like you talk it and above all, father god, we call on you right now to pray for crist crist, close your eyes we are praying for you, we ask you father god to help christopher, lord, we respect chris as a voter but we hope his will come in on election day, make sure that his truck does not start. We ask in your name, jesus name. Hey lay lieuia. Amen. Good talk, good talking to yall. cheers and applause t roy wood swrr, everybody, well be right back. This is an ad for a chip so iconic. We dont need a logo. Its the threesided crunch. You know, that cheesy, spicy, crispycrunchy, flavor packed bodega snack that rhymes with. I need those. An ad with no logo . Its another level. Of millions of americans during the recession. So, my wife

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