College Receives €30m Philanthropic Donation for Trinity East The gift, from Eric and Barbara Kinsella, is the largest philanthropic donation in the history of the state. Jody DruceSenior Staff Writer " ); jQuery( ".stuck" ).fadeIn( 300 ); } }, { offset: '0%', }); if ($(window).width() -1 || ref1.indexOf(twitter) > -1 || ref1.indexOf(tco) > -1 ) { jQuery('.utpost-content').readmore({ speed: 75, moreLink: ' Read full article', lessLink: '', collapsedHeight: 375, embedCSS: false, heightMargin: 100, }); } else { } } }); }); jQuery(window).resize(function() { console.log(jQuery(window).width()); if (jQuery(window).width() > 1) { jQuery('.utpost-content').readmore('destroy'); } else { } }); jQuery(window).trigger('resize'); Trinity has received a donation of €30 million to go towards the E3 Research Institute in Trinity East – the largest philanthropic gift in the history of the state.