Collection: The Fantastic in the Arts :

Collection: The Fantastic in the Arts

A collection of books curated for attendees and those interested in the International Association for the Fantastic in the Arts 2022 meeting.

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Norway , Lekeberg , Oslo , Iceland , Japan , United States , Comean , Provence Alpes Côd Azur , France , Norwegian , French , Japanese , American , Carolyn Fornoff , Theorya Readersarah Juliet Lauro , Michael Gill , Galaxydan Golding , Studiesbonnie Ruberg , Inquiryperry Zurn , Eraa Novelyoshio Aramaki , Moepeter Christen Asbj , Novelantoine Volodine , Lindsay Thomas , Eames Erajustus Nieland , Humanitythomas Rj Tyler , Adrienne Shaw , Atlanticroopika Risam , Patrick Lemieux , Encounterspetra Kuppers , Lowell Duckert , Scientifictionhugo Gernsback , Environmentethan Miller , Posthumouserine Edwards , Fictionsthe Doppelg , Anthropocene Feminismrichard Grusin , Ideasjonathanp Eburne , Earthvalerie Olson , Pandemicgregg Lambert , Glasswerner Herzog , Revolutionron Broglio , Tiqqunheather Warren , Barbara Gurr , Existencefrenchy Lunning , Lynn Margulis , Artkate Mondloch , Dictionarykaren Pinkus , Werner Herzog , Arjun Shankar , Counterapocalypsejoanna Zylinska , Aestheticfeminist Materialisms , Sirilizw Faber , Extinctiondavid Farrier , Patricia Eunji Kim , Feminismkatherine Behar , Heather Anne Swanson , Nils Bubandt , Videogamesstephanie Boluk , Humanstuart Mclean , Temporalitiesbethany Wiggin , Studiesdylan Robinson , Fata Morgana , Writingpeter Schwenger , Thinkingjeffrey Jerome Cohen , Laborjennifer Rhee , Knowledgeperry Zurn , Animationandrewr Johnston , Valuea Postcapitalist Manifestobrian Massumi , Timesalexis Shotwell , Measurepatricia Ticineto Clough , Norwaytheodor Kittelsen , James Leo Cahill , Materialismjeffreyt Nealon , Svitlana Matviyenko , Jim Crowbrookse Hefner , Ecotopian Lexiconmatthew Schneider Mayerson , Catastropherebekah Sheldon , Postsocialist Chinaxiao Liu , Fitzcarraldowerner Herzog , Anthropologymatthewj Wolf Meyer , Resistancesarah Juliet Lauro , Mediathomas Lamarre , Theoryvinciane Despret , Inquiryjoshua Dicaglio , Computingdavid Parisi , Gaian Systemslynn Margulis , Kelly Baker Josephs , Animechristopher Bolton , Timesphillipe Wegner , Lifejamie Lorimer , Childjacob Breslow , Yeasta Multispecies Impressionjulian Yates , Ray Eames , Brent Ryan Bellamy , Jean Painlev , Deadshinobu Orikuchi , Agenicole Seymour , Andrea Jonsson , Conversationscary Wolfe , Filmtrace Reddell , Distressranae Lenor Hanson , Beth Stephens , Anthropocenejustind Edwards , Fictionwilliamo Gardner , Extinctionrichard Grusin , Readerjeffrey Andrew Weinstock , Jeff Vandermeerbenjaminj Robertson , Anthropoceneanna Lowenhaupt Tsing , Utopiaandrew Pilsch , Designchristina Cogdell , Posthumanist Ethicsnaomi Morgenstern , Anna Mae Duane , Environmentryan Hediger , Nonekathryn Yusoff , Capitalismnick Dyer Witheford , Verdewerner Herzog , Harry Potter , Alexisl Boylan , Anthropocenebruce Clarke , Jeff Vandermeer , Policetravis Linnemann , Behindvinciane Despret , Brian Croxall , Centurymaria Sachiko Cecire , Gamesalenday Chang , Nuclear Complexjessica Hurley , Ibm , Training For Catastrophefictions Of National Security , Young , Horror Of Police , A Genealogy Of Television , Anime Ecologya Genealogy Of Television , Fictions Of National Security , Dark Scenes , Damaged Earth , Damaged Earththe Gothic Anthropocenejustin , Rune Graulund , Magichidden Folk , Video Games , Twenty Two Scenarios , Speculative Performance , Speculative Performance Encounterspetra Kuppers , Fictional Mode , Genre Fiction , Pulpgenre Fiction , Jim Crowbrooks , African American , Artistic Responses , Plasticartistic Responses , Petromodernitycaren Irr , World Is Gone , World Is Gonephilosophy , Theorizing Tiqqunheather Warren Crow , Grateful Dead , Those Left , Grateful Deadstories , Those Left Behindvinciane Despret , Three Sustainabilities , Three Sustainabilitiesenergy , Timeallan Stoekl , Ecosexual Position , Ecosexual Positionthe Earth , Loverannie Sprinkle , Speculative Futures , Psychic Life , Childhoodsspeculative Futures , Arabian Babbler , Arabian Babblerbirth , Ethological Theoryvinciane Despret , Linguistic Turn , New Materialismjeffrey , Powerthe Politics , National Security , Digital Black Atlanticroopika Risam , Ecological Temporalitiesbethany Wiggin , From Star Trek , Voicefrom Star Trek , Probiotic Planet , Using Life , Probiotic Planetusing Life , Manage Lifejamie Lorimer , American Literature , Apocalypseamerican Literature , Asian American , Systemslynn Margulis , Dark Timesphillip , Slave Resistancesarah Juliet Lauro , Resonant Theory , Indigenous Sound , Listeningresonant Theory , Indigenous Sound Studiesdylan Robinson , Dawnthe Wisdom , Literaturejonathan Cott , Metabolist Imagination , Postwar Japanese Architecture , Metabolist Imaginationvisions , Science Fictionwilliam , New Ecology , Studiesa New Ecology , Monster Theory Readerjeffrey Andrew Weinstock , Alternate Routes , Mad Max ,

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